FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Yeah I'd want to get a better idea of what exclusive premium content it would include, I'm the same I only play Fifa from that list (Fight Night is excluded for some reason?).
Probably because they don't crank out Fight Night on a regular annual release?

As tempting as having a head start on a downloadable version of the game sounds, having no choice but to actually go out and buy a retail copy is a bit silly. Amongst those who only play Fifa, I can imagine this offer being more appealing to portion of hardcore players who spend tons on Ultimate Team card packs.
I'd honestly have no problem paying for extra stuff that was worth while (or lasted more than 3 days) as for the amount of hours i spend on Fifa in a year £35 for the game is a bargain.

They just haven't put anything in this that i can justify the price.

I guess we'll get the full details at gamescom about the creation center stuff, but it needs to be earth shattering to be worth £16.
I wouldn't mind all this if ea took some of that money they'll reap off consumers this fall and use it to fix their shoddy AI and shitty team management menus.
So we still have to pay the full retail price when the game comes out?

Also, I don't expect every publisher to move exclusively to digital downloads but I was just thinking about how cool it would be to have the OPTION of pre-ordering a game via XBL and having it unlock when the game releases. For certain games I would certainly do it and the advantage for publishers would be the inability to trade the game in. It doesn't have to be the ONLY method by which you purchase the game, but the option would be nice.

Oh look, EA allow you, for a fee, to download a FULL VERSION OF THE GAME three days before and instead of, on the day that it's set to release, allowing you to just unlock the game for the full price (again could guarantee that that $60 -- minus whatever cut MS gets, if any -- goes straight to them and not anywhere else)...they lock it up (a full version of the game on your console in digital format; no worry about losing or scratching a disc; no way to transfer to another person's Gamertag; super convienent, runs off of the HDD; makes too much sense) and make you buy the disc-based version.

I don't understand it.

That aside, there isn't a whole lot that interests me about that program. I don't play any of the other games and if the $25/yr fee doesn't knock a little bit off the price of the game when you buy it, then no thanks.
I guarantee everyone moaning about the price will be buying this season ticket.

To have the full version of the game in digital form on your console for a full three days before launch? Not a chance.

That statement works quite often in gaming but when it comes to paying $25/yr to rent the game and get crappy DLC for 20% off, or a silly card game, you can rest assured that most of us moaning will absolutely NOT be forking down the cash for this.

Imagine paying $25/yr just to get a little badge next to your name. This is only slightly less worthless than that.
I 100% won't be joining in on this. Although I hope they use all this money they're making (15million FIFA11 copies sold) to fix their game this year or for 2013.
$24.99 one time payment no brainer looks like I might play TW for 3 days :LOL: although I thought psn was going to give us $50.00 credit to psn member :COAT:
Where the fuck are gameplay videos?

Or any new info!

The only thing we got was stupid impact engine. is that the only new feature in fifa? the only good thing about fifa12 are the inclusion of sliders, but i bet will be impossible to test them properly in their typical EA´s 2 minutes demo.
Fifa 12 information it's been very disappointing so far. I don't know if it's because they're too confident in having the winner horse or because here is really nothing else to show. In both cases, it's not very encouraging. I may pass this one if there isn't any real revolutionary change to the FIFA gameplay formula. On the other hand, PES is evoluting in a better direction for me, and even if technically it will stink compared to Fifa, at least they're trying to simulate football, not rugby.

Last year I bought both and I enjoy some thnigs of both and get angry at others. But as I said, what PES is trying to do is more in the line of improving the football simmulation aspect, whilst Fifa seems stuck into the gmaing part of it. So 4 years after I jumped from PES to FIFA I will probably be solely a PES player next season.

In any case, I will play NBA 2k12, which will be my favorite sports game again, so the footy title is something like a second dish to kill some time. That's the difference between the real king (NBA 2K12) and both footy games. It's awesome seeing how 2K with less budget than FIFA or PES is delivering every year a much superior sports game. There's the improtance of talent and a specific vision of the sport by the managerial and business departments.
After Rod's write-up I'm really leaning towards PES. Was a bit on the fence beforehand. I am completely underwhelmed by what EA have shown, but still find PES11 to be ridiculously clunky overal and have continued to play and reasonbly enjoy CM till recently. However the latest PES videos seem to show a good level of transition animations, and better responsiveness aswell. EA will really need to do something spectacular to even get a look-in now tbh.
Fifa 12 information it's been very disappointing so far. I don't know if it's because they're too confident in having the winner horse or because here is really nothing else to show. In both cases, it's not very encouraging. I may pass this one if there isn't any real revolutionary change to the FIFA gameplay formula. On the other hand, PES is evoluting in a better direction for me, and even if technically it will stink compared to Fifa, at least they're trying to simulate football, not rugby.

Last year I bought both and I enjoy some thnigs of both and get angry at others. But as I said, what PES is trying to do is more in the line of improving the football simmulation aspect, whilst Fifa seems stuck into the gmaing part of it. So 4 years after I jumped from PES to FIFA I will probably be solely a PES player next season.

In any case, I will play NBA 2k12, which will be my favorite sports game again, so the footy title is something like a second dish to kill some time. That's the difference between the real king (NBA 2K12) and both footy games. It's awesome seeing how 2K with less budget than FIFA or PES is delivering every year a much superior sports game. There's the improtance of talent and a specific vision of the sport by the managerial and business departments.

Welcome to the light side of the Force drekk.
As for the budget I seriously doubt that NBA2k has a lower budget than PES.
That's true, this year Rutter promised a revolution. So far the play testers make it sound a lot like FIFA 11 to be a revolution... maybe they have something huge for Gamescom that will BLOW YOUR MIND!!!!!

Also I knew FIFA was going downhill when Gary Paterson, the fucking traitor, said gameplay was so good it was hard to improve. I know people have covered up for him saying the "technical" side of gameplay, but I don't buy it. AI is part of gameplay and it still sucks.
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I'm waiting for the demos, at the moment. I like what I'm reading about PES, which sounds like it has at least attempted to address the main obstacles I encountered, but I'm also cautious that a lot of those words are being written by people who liked 2011 a lot more than I did. Have to wait and see.
Guys it's ridiculous what you are saying. Did you see FIFA 12 game play to say like this? Did you play FIFA 12 yet? C'mon

We're complaining about lack of info and lack of improvement annoucment, not about the game itself. As we know, EA's market, for every significant improvement made in a game, comes with a big campain, videos, interviews etc...

I remember last year with gameplay "improvements" like pro passing, personality + and other stupid shit names they gave to simply changes. Even with none of those things working properly at least they said they would be in the game and gave people hope of a better gameplay.

This year all we have of significant announcment is the impact engine, excuse me, REVOLUTIONARY inpact engine, and football club, that's it. Not even the sliders were properly explained. Or they are waiting to gamescom or they really have nothing new for fifa12 and will try to sell the game based on previous versions success.
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