FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

The problem with dribbling error being exclusively stat-based and mapped to holding R1 as currently is that it does risk becoming genuinely random, and if running at absolute full pelt is not on a separate button then people don't have the option to run at slightly less than full speed, therefore reducing the risk of error.

I like the idea of R1 in PES being used to push the ball on, as if each button press was almost like passing the ball on from yourself. Not enough to 100% recommend it as I can see there'd be some conflicts in there (the R1 dummy might be accidentally triggered for example) and I worry about people letting go of R1 for too long and not actually sprinting. But I do like how tactile and sensible it'd feel. As I've said before I want FIFA to do something with R2 where you could use a firm press of R2 to knock the ball on, like a shorter distance version of the right stick knock-on. EA could also do something with how R2 is analog there. Again it'd also make dribbling with the ball less vague and hopeful for touches at the right time, and more about actually timing when to touch the ball on - something that makes the right stick knock-on a lot more useful for dribbling even if you ignore the kick-and-run that results in.
On PES2011, there is already a modifier for 'long knock on' or something which is R1+R2 if I remember rightly, but it only works on angled touches, and it doesn't make you any faster. I don't really see why that couldn't be replaced with R2 being a modifier to R1, which, when held in conjunction (R2 pressed first), would make the sprinter go flat out, damn the consequences.

As for FIFA, I'm still inclined towards the analogue triggers being part of it, but perhaps you would need a modifier ultimately because some people might find it a struggle if they were using 60-70% trigger when they wanted to sprint fast, and only breaking into final part of the trigger when you wanted to really stretch it.

I'd also like to see the removal of the arbitrary angle constraint on turns: I dislike how as soon as I start sprinting I suddenly, in both games, can't turn at a remote angle, regardless of whether I'm going just faster than a jog or using Messi (speed merchant card on PES kind of deals with that).

I'd like a system where I could take the risks with my speed and the angle of my turns and reap the rewards (or pay the consequences). If I want to try a 25 degree turn, flat out.. let me.
@Romagnoli: I always thought that sprint should be totally analog and have the pace graded in the ammount of pression. And the system should be intelligent enough to detect sudden changes of speed to let us do sudden accelerations and stops. The same for deffending.

Tie to this the ball control stats and you have a much much better scheme that the current scheme in both games.
What does analog sprint do then on FIFA 11? I never really noticed that much of a difference in-game but wasn't that meant to allow you degrees of R2(RT) depression to get differing levels of sprint speed?
That was the idea. Sprinting shouldn't be the default, walking/slow jog should be the default, maximum control (with some sort of error), and sprinting should be an OPTION.
Is it just me or anyone else is not even a little impressed about Fifa 12, so far?

Seriously, apart the sliders, i´ve seen nothing special and new until now. Nothing that shows that the AI will be better or that the CM will be playable this year. For me it seems it will keep being a game only for online users only... And even more in the further years...
I'm a bit impressed by the new collision system, although they say it doesn't work perfectly yet. I think that's the only thing that will make me try the game out, because I haven't heard anything about fixing the things I currently have issues with in the game. I only played the demo of FIFA 11 and it might be the same this year unless they've finally listened to some sim heads like Rom and Rod (sounds like a duo that should have a podcast).
Is it just me or anyone else is not even a little impressed about Fifa 12, so far?

Seriously, apart the sliders, i´ve seen nothing special and new until now. Nothing that shows that the AI will be better or that the CM will be playable this year. For me it seems it will keep being a game only for online users only... And even more in the further years...

The positives:

- It should improve on FIFA 11

- Collision system looks fun

- Sliders

- Manager mode will be playable

errm, i can't think of anything else but i think there's a good chance it can be as good as the world cup game ;)

The AI is pretty much a lost case for now on FIFA!
The positives:

- It should improve on FIFA 11

- Collision system looks fun

- Sliders

- Manager mode will be playable

errm, i can't think of anything else but i think there's a good chance it can be as good as the world cup game ;)

The AI is pretty much a lost case for now on FIFA!

- It should improve on FIFA 11 (well, that´s not very difficult for all the problems Fifa 11 have)

- Collision system looks fun (Might be, but might be useless also, they announced it as being something "revolutionary" but all that i see is more accurated animations and should not have the publicity they put on it, clearly not a game changer for me)

- Sliders (yes, this is one thing i am waiting for years)

- Manager mode will be playable (haven´t seen any clue on that so far. they make this promise every year and every year the CM is totally shit. actually, while the AI is not fixed the CM will always be shit)

For me being good as the world cup game is not good enough, but i am not really expecting nothing more from fifa... As you said, AI seems to be really a loss cause in fifa series :LOL:
PES 2012 = Simulation of football

Fifa 12 = Unrealistic

Stueyy00 18 minutes ago
@Stueyy00 lol enjoy that robotic game which no one cares about anymore then

BLACKSTAR2K10 9 minutes ago
@BLACKSTAR2K10 sigh... just shows how little you know about football.

Stueyy00 8 minutes ago
@Stueyy00 hmmm who knows more about the football world. the japanese or FIFA

BLACKSTAR2K10 13 seconds ago

:LOL: Thinking Fifa is made by Fifa is laughable.
Is it just me or anyone else is not even a little impressed about Fifa 12, so far?

i'm not impressed but i'm expecting an upgrade to fifa 11 since i don't belive in konami 'till i try pes 2012.

and great thing about it is that all versions of fifa are now equal (finally).
It's sad really, both companies have got into a routine of showing us all this guff before they launch each year with the final product always falling way short. It's almost desensitized us from the nagging reality that what we were playing in 2005/2006 was probably a better overall experience. Not quite though.

Career mode seems to be slowly turtle-walking it's way towards the right direction with FIFA while the AI remains an afterthought/tweak.

I won't bring up PES here (for fear of death by a thousand keystrokes) but it's major issue is at least being addressed. Slowly, but at least it's being addressed.
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i knew i saw jacky too often in the screenshots:
Played some FIFA World Cup last night on Manual/Legendary/Slow and 7 minute halves. Then tried it with 4 minute halves. Seriously, the pressure is ramped up 10 fold in the shorter match. Also noticed that shooting with full manual seems to give the ball an incredibly organic feel to it. I don't mean direction. Just the trajectory and the power seem to really be reined in via the assisted setting. And since the ball travels on a different "rail" to what the assisted shots do, the keepers can really get caught out - parrying shots they would normally catch. That kind of thing. Still wish they could make assisted more stat based, than actually assisted, and include the feel that manual shooting gives you.
Career mode seems to be slowly turtle-walking it's way towards the right direction with FIFA while the AI remains an afterthought/tweak.

I can't say I agree with the idea the Career Mode is moving in the right direction. It's acually a continuing story of farcical proportions. Career/Manager mode was supposed to be a mode that was being put into a 3-4 year cycle of improvement, which I think Marcel and Rutter claimed at the time. However, the modes have developed like this;

- Manager Mode in FIFA09 was functional. You could do coaching on players, upgrade stadiums etc. No really massive bugs or flaws that I saw.

- Manager Mode in FIFA10 was heralded before release as being a huge upgrade from 09, and what we got was a game absolutely full of MASSIVE, class A bugs that could all but end the game mode entirely, forcing you to have to start again. In total there were over 70 important bugs. And in terms of the mode itself, there was still very little to do in comparison with the previous year.

- Despite claiming FIFA10's MM was awesome before release, they then stated afterwards it was a mess and code needed to be rewritten to allow patches/updates on the fly, thus Career Mode in FIFA11 was born.

- What we got with FIFA11, as we all know, was a stripped out game mode with less things to do than even FIFA09, and more bugs than FIFA09. Players didn't develop, all sorts of problems occured with it. Despite this new 'code' being written, I didn't notice any real updates that fixed the major problems. Yet again they were largely ignored.

So in short, every year EA claim that the main game mode will be amazing, a massive improvement, while the reality is that the mode we currently have features a fraction of the things to do than even in FIFA09, with a whole lot more massive bugs than FIFA09 too.

Yet Rutter was on xbox live the other day talking about how their team was 'very happy' with the development cycle of the game mode over the last few years. WTF? Is this me or do I smell bullshit in the air? I love how EA can promote, then release a substandard product that doesn't even work properly, then pretend it never happened and claim when the next game comes along that they're happy with what they've done so far. It seems to be an endless cycle.
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Yeah thank god, I was watching it and didn't see anything different to FIFA 11 rofl, nearly got me!

The anger was building...
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