FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Naah I'm too outspoken for my own good, which is why I got myself fired as a data editor this week :(

But in this instance I was just commenting on your observation in general really, not that I saw it aimed at me :)

Thats very sad to hear.. ure definatly one of the good ones in there...

I cleary see what happened though, the "licking ball" factor in there is increasing on a day to day basis, the data has become secundary in some cases... sad.
Rutter's response to Konami when John Murpy said thar Pes gameplay will smash Fifa this year:

The actual interview is here:

(I love how so many sites now just copy stories endlessly)

Interesting response, it's basically a sidestep but arguably that's just being respectful rather than aggressive. It irritates the hell out of me that Rutter can just sit behind the E3 awards crap. God I hate the gaming media. Conmerchants and yes men.

It is truly ... ridiculous to look at the disparity between, on the one hand, coverage of FIFA and PES by the media, and on the other, coverage of FIFA and PES by the community. Astounding disparity. Ridiculous disparity. It's literally night and day.
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I'd love to see PES get fully licensed leagues. Not only for playing PES but hopefully to shake up that smug Rutter so he can fix FIFA's gameplay balance. All they're doing is re-inventing current features with different names and not listening to what SHOULD be fixed.
It is truly ... ridiculous to look at the disparity between, on the one hand, coverage of FIFA and PES by the media, and on the other, coverage of FIFA and PES by the community. Astounding disparity. Ridiculous disparity. It's literally night and day.

How do you mean? I think FIFA is seen as a 9/10 game and PES a 6.5/10 game by the majority, in both the media and the community. I'd say Evo-Web is one of the very few sites where the consensus prefer PES. If you went on a general gaming site FIFA is clearly well more received, and in the real world as well.
How do you mean? I think FIFA is seen as a 9/10 game and PES a 6.5/10 game by the majority, in both the media and the community. I'd say Evo-Web is one of the very few sites where the consensus prefer PES. If you went on a general gaming site FIFA is clearly well more received, and in the real world as well.

i wouldn't say fifa is a 9 and pes is a 6.5, more around fifa 8/10 and pes 7/10.
How do you mean? I think FIFA is seen as a 9/10 game and PES a 6.5/10 game by the majority, in both the media and the community. I'd say Evo-Web is one of the very few sites where the consensus prefer PES. If you went on a general gaming site FIFA is clearly well more received, and in the real world as well.

Unfortunately, being better recieved by the public doesn't mean anything these days. It's the same reason why Transformers 3 did better at the box office than The King's Speech, for example. What the public like in majority is mostly of poorer quality to something else that's overlooked.

As for the gaming press, well, it's clearly heavily influenced. FIFA is labelled the greatest football simulation of all time every year, with no mentions of some of the massive bugs in the game, probably because reviewers play these games for a couple of days at most before reviewing. PES is less immediately accessible, which is why people criticised PES and praised FIFA. Magazines don't play these games for long enough to get a balanced view, otherwise they'd have seen that FIFA has no depth whatsoever. When I bought both games, I'd have said FIFA11 was a 9 out of 10, PES a 6. All this time later, I'd give FIFA probably 5 or 6 out of 10, and PES an 8.
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How do you mean? I think FIFA is seen as a 9/10 game and PES a 6.5/10 game by the majority, in both the media and the community. I'd say Evo-Web is one of the very few sites where the consensus prefer PES. If you went on a general gaming site FIFA is clearly well more received, and in the real world as well.

Except that 'the majority' doesn't actually play both games extensively, does it? A reviewer shouldn't follow what a FIFA fanboy thinks when he plays FIFA for half a year and plays one game of PES's demo, but that isn't far off how the reviews seem to be written.

If people actually extensively play both FIFA and PES, giving exclusve time to both, then the number who prefer one or the other is surprisingly even from my perspective: depends on what modes they want to play, and what they weight more importance on, but the reviewers don't get this at all.

A fair comparison of PES 2011 and FIFA 11 is to imply that one is the much better game against the CPU, has far more tactical depth, and is generally much more realistic, even if it has some really bad areas in gameplay. The other is much broader online, has all the licenses, is much more polished (though not without big bugs), superb animations. Plays much better against humans than CPU.

But the reviews don't manage this well at all. One of the biggest problems being that both are huge games and they both do certain things really well and certain things really badly. If certain things are really important to you, and other things aren't, then one game can be perfect for you and the other horrid.

FIFA and PES are games which split opinions in a really unpredictable way, but currently the reviewers are cheating the games out of a fair fight. For me it's that simple. At university, with reasonably casual football gamers, none of whom have either of the most recent titles, some who have old FIFAs, some who have old PESs - all of them prefer PES 2011 to FIFA 11.
Except that 'the majority' doesn't actually play both games extensively, does it? A reviewer shouldn't follow what a FIFA fanboy thinks when he plays FIFA for half a year and plays one game of PES's demo, but that isn't far off how the reviews seem to be written.

If people actually extensively play both FIFA and PES, giving exclusve time to both, then the number who prefer one or the other is surprisingly even from my perspective: depends on what modes they want to play, and what they weight more importance on, but the reviewers don't get this at all.

A fair comparison of PES 2011 and FIFA 11 is to imply that one is the much better game against the CPU, has far more tactical depth, and is generally much more realistic, even if it has some really bad areas in gameplay. The other is much broader online, has all the licenses, is much more polished (though not without big bugs), superb animations. Plays much better against humans than CPU.

But the reviews don't manage this well at all. One of the biggest problems being that both are huge games and they both do certain things really well and certain things really badly. If certain things are really important to you, and other things aren't, then one game can be perfect for you and the other horrid.

FIFA and PES are games which split opinions in a really unpredictable way, but currently the reviewers are cheating the games out of a fair fight. For me it's that simple. At university, with reasonably casual football gamers, none of whom have either of the most recent titles, some who have old FIFAs, some who have old PESs - all of them prefer PES 2011 to FIFA 11.

I totally disagree here.

Fifa is fine against the CPU, once you tweak custom tactics and if you play on manual. It is not perfect but it definitely plays a decent enough game and theres enough varation in the animations, goals and incidents for it not to become repetitive.

I didnt mind customising tactics (although EA should sort out A.I more) because i used to spend ages on PES anyway editing, so it was worth it.

Trouble with Pes is you get one good game out of five and on average 3, sometimes 4 out of FIfa.

Those areas that let Pes down are unfortunately quite soul destroying. When you watch someone like Babel or Torres powering away down the field and some slow ass defender catches them up you just lose the will to live. Equally when you pepper the oppositions goal with shots only for you not to score and then your keeper spills one at teh end and you lose a cheap one nil your ready to throw the controller through the tv.

Pes had some strong points, but its mostly dominated by problems mainly the poor animations, the stiff movement and the scripted gameplay (yes we know fifa has some of this but at least they try to hide some of it). I think the more you play it the more it dawns on you that Pes is really, quite weak.

Most of Fifas problems come from career and online play, neither of which i play. If i want career or management depth ill play football manager. I'll never play online - too many cheats and not enough manual players.
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Couldn't disagree with Dryzer more, for reasons we've gone over for months now. Animations and polish just aren't as important to me as character and depth. Career Mode is not about replacing FM, and online shouldn't be about having to find one of very few people who play something recognisable to football fans.
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i wouldn't say fifa is a 9 and pes is a 6.5, more around fifa 8/10 and pes 7/10.

It's not my personal opinion, I'm just venting that most of the opinions I hear are waxing lyrically about FIFA and saying how shite PES has become. I'd give FIFA 11 a 6 and PES 2011 a 7.5 personally.

Except that 'the majority' doesn't actually play both games extensively, does it? A reviewer shouldn't follow what a FIFA fanboy thinks when he plays FIFA for half a year and plays one game of PES's demo, but that isn't far off how the reviews seem to be written.

If people actually extensively play both FIFA and PES, giving exclusve time to both, then the number who prefer one or the other is surprisingly even from my perspective: depends on what modes they want to play, and what they weight more importance on, but the reviewers don't get this at all.

A fair comparison of PES 2011 and FIFA 11 is to imply that one is the much better game against the CPU, has far more tactical depth, and is generally much more realistic, even if it has some really bad areas in gameplay. The other is much broader online, has all the licenses, is much more polished (though not without big bugs), superb animations. Plays much better against humans than CPU.

But the reviews don't manage this well at all. One of the biggest problems being that both are huge games and they both do certain things really well and certain things really badly. If certain things are really important to you, and other things aren't, then one game can be perfect for you and the other horrid.

FIFA and PES are games which split opinions in a really unpredictable way, but currently the reviewers are cheating the games out of a fair fight. For me it's that simple. At university, with reasonably casual football gamers, none of whom have either of the most recent titles, some who have old FIFAs, some who have old PESs - all of them prefer PES 2011 to FIFA 11.

Well all I can say is thats different from my experience. I don't know anyone that plays PES 2011 at Uni, although I had some occasional bouts of PES 5 in my first year. Whereas almost every 'lad' I know has a copy of FIFA 10 or 11 if they have a console, even if they only very casually watch football.

I'd like to see the raw sales data, because from what I can tell FIFA has been absolutely colossal success the past couple of years. And even though I personally cannot stand it, I can understand how it's gotten rave reviews in the press.

Ultimately I feel the media is lead by the consensus anyway. PES 2008 was undeniably an absolute failure, yet still carried respectable scores but reviewers knew the public considered it the better series. Comparatively FIFA 2008 scored poorly, despite being a huge step in the direction, and in my opinion the better game at the time. It was only after the shift away from PES that reviewers started praising FIFA higher.
Couldn't disagree with Dryzer more, for reasons we've gone over for months now. Animations an polish just aren't as important to me as character and depth.

Wheres the character and depth in Pes? Straight on the surface character lacks. Torres is a fine example of this. He has no outstanding traits, and what he does have is nullified by cheating A.I to balance the game and make it 'harder'.

But your minds made up, so up to you.
Isn't it!

Just not interested in having discussions about whether PES has individuality, or more than FIFA. I know water is wet - why debate that on an internet forum if someone claims otherwise? There just aren't enough hours in the day.
I think my problem with PES is that online is awful for me, I just don't enjoy it, I also think the Virtual pro technology buries PES when I want to create myself. I tried making myself on PES and due to having facial hair the cut and stick photo technology doesn't work at all.

The offline for PES would be amazing if it wasn't for the animations feeling so stiff, the reactions weren't quite as poor and the excitement was there.

When I play PES offline I enjoy it because of the depth and the challenge but the gameplay still feels like when you've cut two pieces of wood to go together and you know they should slide together but it still requires a few hits from the hammer. The AI is far better than FIFA and it captures the passion and presentation a lot better but I never find myself really excited until I'm in the final third pushing for the goal. With FIFA 12 one thing they have perfected (yes I dare say perfected) is the excitement as I felt constantly involved as even when I was defending it was challenging.

PES has FIFA beat in depth and AI hands down but FIFA is more fun to play and it's online kills PES for me.
All to do with PES mainly so I'll put it on spoiler not to detract away from the subject.

I totally disagree here.

Fifa is fine against the CPU, once you tweak custom tactics and if you play on manual.

It is not perfect but it definitely plays a decent enough game and theres enough varation in the animations, goals and incidents for it not to become repetitive.

Hypocrite? No? Your having a go at me for saying play PES properly but you you come out and say FIFA is fine if you use manual. "Oh if you play this ONE way in FIFA it's amazing. But hammer PES for the ONE method you use to play? Right?

Sorry i don't understand why you say I'm on Konami's payroll and i talk rubbish about playing PES properly. Yet you play FIFA in a more alternate manner that i do PES. All i do basically in PES is play on top player and play 15 minute games and over. I modify the tactics also but i don't need to do that, the essential part is just 15 minutes or longer.

Playing on manual and altering the custom tactics to a specific slider setting so they don't pressure is a far more alternate way of play a game than just making the game longer is it? But, no, I'm wrong to advise people to play on longer halves.

Those areas that let Pes down are unfortunately quite soul destroying. When you watch someone like Babel or Torres powering away down the field and some slow ass defender catches them up you just lose the will to live.

Now, this goes for everyone complaining about the catchup bug. There is catchup system in the game when a defender touches you and just sticks to you and reels you in. But why is it i get the feeling that people who excessively moan about this are those who just spam through balls to fast players or those who just expect fast players to easily breeze past anyone with no effort?

It's annoying, well it can be, just depends how you play. If you just past it to your fast players and hold R1 and not even tap R1 or Hold R1+R2 it can be very annoying. if you try being a little more creative it won't annoy you at all.

The thing is. the catchup bug is unrealistic but how is just holding down R1 or R2 in FIFA and watching any fast player no matter his dribbling skills or technique just wheel away with ease with no effort with every touch on the ball being perfect any more realistic??

Most of Fifas problems come from career and online play, neither of which i play.

FIFA'S issues online are caused by the core gameplay flaws and horrible game balance which are very easily exploited. PES has these issues too. The issue is that online ranked matches are set to regular where the AI is pretty much retarded. People exploit issues which do not happen on professional or top Player. For me FIFA is heavily flawed no matter how you play it online or offline!
I agree with the other comment. PES is a lot better against the CPU than FIFA is. Against another human player FIFA is great and PES can be also, provided they know how to play the game well.

Having to change tactics for CPU teams in FIFA is not the solution. I've done it before. There's a limit on slots and you can only do it for league's I think?

Whilst FIFA gives the relevant players some noticeable stand out traits (e.g. speed, heading, strength etc) PES players also utilise the other stats more noticeably but still in a subtle way so that each player feels different. Game styles are different. Teams actually shoot outside the box without having to change their tactics in the menu.

I have played full manual FIFA also but it still doesn't solve the CPU AI unfortunately. If you try and play real football, you can get enough variety in goals but against the CPU I just find that the defensive bias overpowers the game so much that I am forced to score the same types of goals against the CPU over and over, whereas against humans I can score with a lot more variety.

In terms of build up play variety, PES wins it for me. FIFA has it's strengths but that's not one of them until EA fixes the AI balance.
It's not my personal opinion, I'm just venting that most of the opinions I hear are waxing lyrically about FIFA and saying how shite PES has become. I'd give FIFA 11 a 6 and PES 2011 a 7.5 personally.

Well all I can say is thats different from my experience. I don't know anyone that plays PES 2011 at Uni, although I had some occasional bouts of PES 5 in my first year. Whereas almost every 'lad' I know has a copy of FIFA 10 or 11 if they have a console, even if they only very casually watch football.

I'd like to see the raw sales data, because from what I can tell FIFA has been absolutely colossal success the past couple of years. And even though I personally cannot stand it, I can understand how it's gotten rave reviews in the press.

Ultimately I feel the media is lead by the consensus anyway. PES 2008 was undeniably an absolute failure, yet still carried respectable scores but reviewers knew the public considered it the better series. Comparatively FIFA 2008 scored poorly, despite being a huge step in the direction, and in my opinion the better game at the time. It was only after the shift away from PES that reviewers started praising FIFA higher.

Oh no doubt, most people have FIFA, and if you ask most people which they prefer, they'll say FIFA. Actually give them decent amounts of time to play both and it changes a lot.

It's circular. FIFA gets good reviews > people buy it > people have prequel > people buy new game > friends have next game > people buy that game. PES doesn't get a look in, and it hasn't for years. FIFA comes out first, it has the licenses, it's so easy for people to not care about PES and the media causes a huge amount of that.

PES will get back on track, but it will take a long time because they desperately need to be given a bit of a chance by the previews and reviews. FIFA has done some good stuff, but (as I found out when I went through a lot of reviews for a piece I wrote) the reviews which are so praising of FIFA do so with an incredibly amount of bias and misinformation.

Do not allow yourself to think that the media are doing a good job, they simply aren't. The two recent CVG previews for FIFA and PES show this spectacularly well: they are flat out lying to people and you can only imagine the things which go on to make that happen. if you still aren't convinced that the media are taking the public for a ride. It's not just we're hardcore and the media are writing reviews for the casuals (which would still be dumb if it was the case). It's that the media is completely incapable of covering games fairly, and it snowballs.

The media just need to give PES a chance and the tables will start to turn.
The media just need to give PES a chance and the tables will start to turn.

Good point. Also if the media give it a chance, consumers will too. For years I heard PES was better than FIFA but I never played it because I hired an Xbox and PES 2006 a few years ago for a weekend and the names were wrong, I couldn't work out how to shoot etc etc.

Anyway I played the PES 11 demo and thought, hrmm this is good. Played it some more and the guilt kicked in. Damn, I shouldn't be liking this - I'm a FIFA boy! haha. Soon after I bought FIFA 11 and as much as I wanted to enjoy it, I couldn't. Online had too many idiots and against the CPU it was just not enjoyable. I wish they had made FIFA World Cup but with Club teams!

Anyway I got PES 2011 and really enjoy it and am looking forward to PES 2012. Am hanging onto the hope that FIFA 12 will be better than 11 but all the announcements are focusing on "improving" things which already exist in the game, and not on improving the AI or offensive/defensive balance.

Trying to convert 2 of my good mates who are FIFA players. 1 would not even touch the controller when I asked him to play PES with me and the other tried it and really likes it.
Hrmmm just came across an interesting site where FIFA players were discussing optimal settings for match length and control settings to produce realistic stats and difficulties. A theme I saw was that on certain difficulties, offence is realistic but defence is too easy, then on the next difficulty up it's not that easy to score but very easy to concede.

I wonder if the proposed sliders that are coming in for FIFA 12 will allow a mixture of difficulty settings? For example, offensive difficulty could be Professional while defensive difficulty could be World Class or variations of the like.
Klash - to be fair, players carrying the ball do not have a significantly reduced top speed - didn't Nike do some speed tests like this a while back? Their average speed may well be reduced, as is the likelihood of them getting to top speed, but you can't argue that the catchup bug is as realistic as players in FIFA being able to get clear of defenders.

The happiest compromise would be for you to need to use a specific button command to really open your stride up and hit top speed. If tapping R1 or using R1+R2 was enough to remove the catchup bug in PES then it wouldn't be a problem. But it barely even reduces the rate of catchup.
To be fair on EA, they really did up their game.

Like most of you i never touched Fifa, thought it was a pile shallow crap produced for those under ten. When i played Fifa 07 on xbox i started to take notice. The game was deeply flawed, but you could see that they started to get the base in place. By 08 i was hooked, the gameplay in that at the time was astounding. The physics, shooting, the a.i, it was a solid, enjoyable title. I thought less of 09 and 10 i thought was the weakest. 11 was a return to form for me.

The trouble for FIfa now is, it is such a worldwide title, they have such a massive audience to cater to and serve, and that is extremely diffcult. Not impossible but difficult. So you get the hardcore gamers who want realism duking it out with those that want quick pick up and play appeal, and thats where the problems start.

Fifa has not been able to get the balance right on that front. For me, all i do is play exhibition games between whatever teams i feel like im in the mood to play with, whether german, lower league, scottish, prem whatever. So for me i'm not looking at any great depth as such, just a solid game of football.

I realise that theres those that are what i'd say hardcore, who play games upwards of 10-15 mins a half, 20 -30 minute games and so fifa will not satisfy that demographic, while Pes might.

Trouble with pes is that cosmetically it is broken, and for me no amount of tactical greatness than disguise the fact your man has just done the same animated shot or just passed a perfect ball without his body being in the right position due to lack of animation. It has pockets of greatness, and stuff that makes you think this could be a wonderful game if they just go that extra. But thats been going on for years and i've lost confidence in Konami.

I know that when i pick up Fifa 12 i'll get a solid title with lots of licensed leagues, i may need to tweak custom tactics to get it to play better but im prepared for that.

Im hoping that both games take massive strides next gen, but especially Pes who i think have had a free ride this gen. They were unprepared and as a result tried to do a botch job year on year with a tired engine which has resulted in an inferior game.
I felt that FIFA 11 was the lowest ebb for a long time. It's better in some areas but the passing 'error' is a joke and there's a complete lack of dynamism and intrigue to how play unfolds. For all that people can complain about the catchup in PES, you can still break clear of a defence using a slow player who has made a clever run. Nene and Erdinç have scored a shedload like this for me against faster defences.

I made a very big point about that to Aaron McHardy an Santi Jaramillo, and I really hope they do address the issues that killed the variety of tempo and the ability for runs from deep to have any sort of impact. It just seems like such a big thing to have to tune into the game in the space of 6-8 weeks. If they can though, then I will at least play FIFA 12 quite a bit more than 11. It'll still be very much my pick up and play option until first touch error is added in properly and passing error isn't just a slower moving ball/you have to play manual to create a faux-realistic experience, but it will at least get playing time in Career Mode, possibly Clubs if it works properly.
I felt that FIFA 11 was the lowest ebb for a long time. It's better in some areas but the passing 'error' is a joke and there's a complete lack of dynamism and intrigue to how play unfolds. For all that people can complain about the catchup in PES, you can still break clear of a defence using a slow player who has made a clever run. Nene and Erdinç have scored a shedload like this for me against faster defences.

I made a very big point about that to Aaron McHardy an Santi Jaramillo, and I really hope they do address the issues that killed the variety of tempo and the ability for runs from deep to have any sort of impact. It just seems like such a big thing to have to tune into the game in the space of 6-8 weeks. If they can though, then I will at least play FIFA 12 quite a bit more than 11. It'll still be very much my pick up and play option until first touch error is added in properly and passing error isn't just a slower moving ball/you have to play manual to create a faux-realistic experience, but it will at least get playing time in Career Mode, possibly Clubs if it works properly.

Is that passing error something to do with anything other than manual passing? Ive never tried it because im on all manual apart from semi crossing.
It's to do with everything including manual passing, and including the experience of playing against the CPU. Footballing pass error, rather than gaming pass error.
The AI also took a dive between 10 and 11. The AI went from unintelligent but functional, to actually broken in attack and defence. The CPU AI was bad in 10, but I'm sure the attacking/defensive team AI wasn't too bad.

CM is a big improvement this year but the AI will likely prevent me from wanting to play it. I suspect, just given when PES comes out, that I'll get a fair bit of exhibition in with friends, and, hopefully, Clubs will be OK... but who knows. We know nothing about Clubs and they've made so many design mistakes the last few years that I can't really believe they won't again.

If the gap between generated players and VP's is too high again I'll be furious.

romagnoli said:
Klash - to be fair, players carrying the ball do not have a significantly reduced top speed - didn't Nike do some speed tests like this a while back? Their average speed may well be reduced, as is the likelihood of them getting to top speed, but you can't argue that the catchup bug is as realistic as players in FIFA being able to get clear of defenders.

The happiest compromise would be for you to need to use a specific button command to really open your stride up and hit top speed. If tapping R1 or using R1+R2 was enough to remove the catchup bug in PES then it wouldn't be a problem. But it barely even reduces the rate of catchup.

The right stick knock on would be fine for that if it actually did what it said on the tin. I haven't done similar tests on PES, but I have done the tests on FIFA and there are potentially three issues. First is that players aren't actually as fast as real life full stop, second that the differentials between the fastest and average players is too small, and third that there is this penalty when you get the ball.

For me, I would be mostly fine if the right analogue stick did its job and there was more inertia so that you couldn't beat a man and immediately be locked into.

In PES though I have a major, major problem with it because it's sickeningly over the top. I wouldn't have a problem with having a 'total-sprint' where the control was reduced massively, but when you have a situation like currently, where however fast you sprint you will get caught by any player when you're Walcott... that's appalling and I just don't accept that it's necessary. Certainly something needs to be done to stop sprint whoring and it would radically alter the way PES 2011 worked if it were removed, but this isn't it.
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Klash - to be fair, players carrying the ball do not have a significantly reduced top speed - didn't Nike do some speed tests like this a while back? Their average speed may well be reduced, as is the likelihood of them getting to top speed, but you can't argue that the catchup bug is as realistic as players in FIFA being able to get clear of defenders.

On FIFA 10, unless the defender had sucked you in for a auto tackle you could easy break free and accelerate away.

On FIFA 11, you could break away but there really wasn't much difference between players and their speed. The Right stick push is overpowered so you again break away without too many problems.

My argument is that there hasn't been a football game with properly well balanced realistic method to show sprinting with the ball. In theory a fast player being able to sprint away from a slower player is absolutely correct. Issue is it's just too easy to sprint with the ball with no errors. Like i said with FIFA 09, people just didn't bother to play football. Instead they just filled their team with fast players and WHOOOSHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

PES 6 online was the same, but even more on Rails with Adriano etc..

I do not think it's right that when a fast player gets infront of a slow player it's just so dam easy for him to sprint with the ball, he dosen't even have to watch and time how he runs with the ball.

The happiest compromise would be for you to need to use a specific button command to really open your stride up and hit top speed. If tapping R1 or using R1+R2 was enough to remove the catchup bug in PES then it wouldn't be a problem. But it barely even reduces the rate of catchup.

The best system we came up with is to tap R1 in sequence to the player making contact with the ball. So basically, timing pressing R1. So you have to tap the ball half a second before he makes contact with it too keep good control. Do it too early or late and he's make a poor touch.

This goes for both games PES and FIFA!

Also i've going to upload my PS3 goals i've scored on PES this year. There's two in particular you'll be interested in regarding he catchup issue.

Two goals where i sprinted from the halfway line with defender just holding on to me right up until i got to the touchline. I then manged to break from him just to put in a cross which was scored.

I managed to do it today almost with a Center Back in Pareja (he's good technically but not exactly fast) While testing out this new video card.

Also a goal i scored with Krasic where the defender just does not catchup! :CONFUSE:
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