FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Looks identical to FIFA 11.
They have failed to resolve any meaningfull problem that game has.
If anything it looks even worse because by now they are clearly insulting our intelligence.
Last meaningful change I've seen in FIFA was the 360 movement in FIFA 10, Impact engine is just turd polishing as the rest of the game behaves in 100% same way as the previous one.
I'm pleased to see progress tbh. Actually working on the mechanics of football is a good start. Passing, tackling and dribbling is 99% of what football is. That they are now trying to translate this finally is a good positive.

Execution will be the key as always but they are looking at the 'right' parts of football. Not everything but more than just button pressing and counter attacking.

Damn if it hadn't been for work commitments I would of been having a first look today and tomorrow :(
EA really need to work on their short passing game. I came back from 5-a-side tonight and i'm pretty sure my short passes are snappier that FIFA's Fabregas :lol:

Should be a good hearing from the guys who play the game tomorrow.
new hands-on: ... s-fifa-12/
Hands On Impressions: FIFA 12
There must be some element of innate entry level pressure that underscores the beginning of development of every annual update in the acclaimed FIFA franchise. It goes without saying that in the last couple of years FIFA has almost certainly pulled away from Pro Evolution as the definitive football gaming experience on a console. But staying ahead of the competition year in year out is invariably easier said than done.

How can you make a match winning formula even better? Do you innovate or to you retain what you have and reinforce it with 12 months of bare trimmings and extras? Do you evolve or to you revolutionize? Sure, you can spruce up the visuals, tweak the gameplay and add a couple of game modes but is that enough to justify picking up a new copy of FIFA every October? Apparently it isn’t. FIFA 12 is a revolutionary experience, not least because it takes everything you’ve come to know about the way you play FIFA and changes it radically.FIFA the twelfth is a distinctly different experience to that of its 2011 predecessor. EA haven’t exactly wiped the slate clean of 2011’s core strengths but they have initiated a number of key enhancements that change the way you interact with the ball, your team mates and your opposition. These enhancements are three fold and the first and most immediate of these is the new Player Impact Engine. Simply put, the impact engine is the core game changer. It’s represents a distinct paradigm shift from what we have come to know from FIFA. Playing FIFA 12 with the engine makes you wonder just how you played the game for so long without it. This custom built physics engine delivers comprehensive real world physicality to every interaction you have on the field of play. It is complementary to every facet of the sport as well as the slick visuals, presentation and aesthetic fidelity now synonymous with brand FIFA. It wipes the slate clean of awkward animations and unnatural movements. The engine adds a smooth holistic natural diplomacy to every movement and every player interaction. Remember the first time you picked up the Gravity Gun in Half Life 2 and wondered at how free and natural the experience was? The impact engine is FIFA 12’s Gravity Gun, with players experiencing new levels of physicality, movement and momentum. Players feel believable, be it when they tussle shoulder to shoulder with a defender or get taken down from behind by a rather ambitious but ultimately poorly timed tackle. Every movement is wondrously lifelike and is unlike anything you’ve ever seen in a football game before. As a result, everything feels free and feels real. Running with the ball, passing, shooting and defending has never felt this infinitely authentic. It’s the slickest, smoothest and most accessible to FIFA to date.Bulking out the revolutionary innovations is precision dribbling; a feature that once again offers a new level of control and exactitude in movement. This is best exemplified in tighter spaces and allows you to alter the pace and precision of your touch. You can take more touches, be they small or more forceful and you can turn defences or take down the wing with more control and more time on the ball.

The developers at EA Sports have taken defending back to the drawing board and in tactical defending they have created a finely tuned mechanic that reinforces the importance of place and timing. By simply holding down the X or A button, your defender will essentially track the movement of the incoming attacker. You can determine the distance you maintain from the opponent and choose the right time to attempt to intercept or tackle the player. Tactical defending essentially deletes the need to just chase a player and launch into a big risky tackle to take the ball away from them. It gives you more control over the situation and is perhaps the most clever of the tangible gameplay innovations on display.Of course all these enhancements are bound by Pro Player Intelligence, a self awareness that enables CPU players to behave and make decisions based on their own skills and tendencies. Players will make immediate decisions and big game calls based on the perceived strengths and skills of their teammates. For example, would you be more likely to send a high ball into the box for Chelsea if Torres was at the end of it or Drogba? You’d choose the latter of course and FIFA 12 recognises this. Teams will vary tactics based on the players on the pitch. Therefore, no two game plans and no two matches will ever be the same.

Another neat addition is 12’s true injuries. The impact engine tracks and monitors the strain put on the players bodies, be it from running for too long or picking up knocks from other players. The results are life like injuries that see, for example, players pulling up off the ball away from other opponents. Players will grab their hamstrings and react to the pressure that their bodies are put under for 90 minutes like never before. It’s a small addition but goes to show you that EA Sports are always dedicated to adding extra layers of realism and authenticity to their annual updates.FIFA 12 is perhaps the most radical redesign the FIFA franchise has ever experienced. It feels tangibly different to FIFA 11 on nearly every level and as a result, EA have are on the cusp of crafting the most definitive, authentic and realistic footballing experienced to date. It plays like a dream; with a freedom, physicality and intelligence never before experience on the football field. Expect EA to drop a ton of additional FIFA 12 info at E3 next week as well as a number of exciting announcements between now and it’s Autumn release.

promising. don't know how reliable these guys are but it's a positive start.
Is it just me or does that sound almost as if EA wrote that impression themselves!

Bobby Box beats me too it :(
Is it just me or does that sound almost as if EA wrote that impression themselves!

Exactly what I was going to say.

"revolutionary experience"
"takes everything you’ve come to know about the way you play FIFA and changes it radically"
"paradigm shift"
"wondrously lifelike"
"Teams will vary tactics based on the players on the pitch"
"plays exactly the same as last year's game"...ooh, i slipped that one in myself
All of these previews are the same. None of them have played it, they've just been handed a list of buzzwords and descriptions. Somewhat stretches the definition of 'Hands On' :ROLL:
True to the organization FIFA, It wouldn't surpise me if they are being bribed to write this shit.

"Print this and we'll pay you $100,"


"not enough 0's for you?"

"I'll make that $1000!"
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I don't know what's more ridiculous: the over-the-top hype and praise for FIFA by the press, or the over-the-top negativity and pessimism here.

I am no fan of EA and have massive reservations heading into FIFA 12, but as Glen said, at least the devs are tackling two of FIFA 11's biggest issues (and arguably THE two biggest issues): the terrible player physicality system and the defending.

And yeah that short gameplay clip did not look good, but have we not learned from the past how poor these gameplay clips can be at representing the real thing? Online gameplay clips are about as helpful as media hands-on previews.
I understand the things EA are trying to improve but for god's sake get rid of the awful looking skating.
I HATE the physicality of FIFA as we know it. Having seen the youtube videos I am even more upset. MY GOD! Some players are getting picked up and slammed on the ground like they were wrestlers. I haven't seen too many players go in for slide tackles and end up throwing their opponent into the air and making them land with a neck breaking fall.

Surely FIFA is modelled on the EPL...but only the bad boy rough-house idiots that play there. End to end for 90 minutes with legs breaking every 10.

Give me a break! I re-installed FIFA 08 on my pc last night. Poor graphics but the passing and shooting and defensive pressure was SO MUCH better than the current FIFA system. What went wrong lol?
If that footage was released as Fifa 12 footage I'd have been incredibly happy. Shame the realism was a bi-product of poor reaction times :(
Yeah I was copping a few goals from my defenders not being able to stop guys who walked through the middle of defence. But every shot I hit was different. Some went wide, some dipped, some swerved, some forced a save. It was great. I had a few games on my mate's PS3 when it came out but we mainly played FIFA 09 on Xbox so I can't really comment on what the console version of FIFA 08 was like but I do hear good things about it.

I'm not that pumped up for FIFA 12 based on current footage...I guess I will have to try the demo...and hopefully they allow more than 2 minute halves this time.

With all due respect, if PES 2012 further improves upon this year's game I will be buying that again and not looking at FIFA 12...I'll keep that at my mates place since that's their game of choice.
Too much hype on that "first impressions".

Unfortunety i think that the videos that will come from e3 will prove us that the new game is not revolutionary at all.

Their marketing just works for casuals (works a lot i'd say). EA and the big gaming media can not fool me.

kobayash: imagine that game (fifa 08) built on pes phylosophy. it woud be fantastic
Some guys on twitter say some words about fifa 12 while playing:

Dave797 Dave Bryant
New Kit selection is epic! Full player models now instead of just kit graphics. #FIFA12

BigZombieMonkey Spike Chapman
Videos we are watching will be coming your way soon #FIFA12

Adam_Bhatti Adam Bhatti

First OMG moment! Player down injured. Ref stops play AFTER a few seconds. Sub him off. Restart, drop ball, and player kicks back to keeper!

Adam_Bhatti Adam Bhatti

First of all new intro to the game. First clip shows select player celebrating and warming up, then shows teams in tunnel. #FIFA12

Adam_Bhatti Adam Bhatti
Emirates Stadium has a lower swinging camera compared to Stamford Bridge, very nice #FIFA12

Adam_Bhatti Adam Bhatti
OMG! Seamless throwin's! No cutscene! ball goes out, you chase it, pick up and throw! Even throw from way behind the line! #FIFA12

Adam_Bhatti Adam Bhatti
Dribbling = Win. Very similar to PES in terms of close control. Massive difference from FIFA 11. Impressive animation! Messi = God! #FIFA12

Adam_Bhatti Adam Bhatti
Dribbling is so different, and so many context animations too. Love it.

Adam_Bhatti Adam Bhatti
Wow to the shooting! Brand new ball physics guys! Finally...low hard crackers! #FIFA12

Adam_Bhatti Adam Bhatti
defense system is takin time getting used to. X/A is contain, stops you from tackling. O/B is now the tackle button. not intuitive #FIFA12 -

tem1985 Tom Mills
First thought, Shooting feels WAY better.

Dave797 Dave Bryant
Haha players now kick the ball back to the opposition after fouls/injuries. Lovely cosmetic touch. #FIFA12
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