FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Here's a rough translation of that dutch dude:

At 2:37 that fifa champion guy is saying that it still feels like fifa is running on rails.

A rough translation...
"Sometimes it feels like fifa still has some fixed or limited ways of playing the game, whereas with a different football game (wich I assume he means PES) there is more freedom and you have more possibilities of playing the game. In fifa your sometimes locked into only a few ways you can score a goal. They improved this from with fifa11 but it could still be better."
:TTTH: I couldn't watch it till the end. So bad.

The impact engine is a joke, every fall is out of context. Unnatural. Plus, one more year without proper 1st touch, look at 1.01 how Diaby receives the ball!! Wrong foot? What is that? Ashley Cole dribling and passing with his right foot, constantly.

And those player models skating on ice, its a feast for the eyes!!!

Sorry, im furious. :COAT:

My thoughts exactly.The players have ZERO self-preservation reflex, almost every sliding tackle sends them rolling on the ground.
When they are hit with a sliding tackle they seem to fall in a direction that doesn't seem right?
Just watched the video - it looks horrible.

If that is in any way representative of the final product (as I suspect it will be 90% the same), then this is another year I'll be giving FIFA a miss.
assuming those guys were playing fifa 12 (and not 11) i can say it looks good, but i didn't notice some difference vs fifa 11.
Just watched the video - it looks horrible.

If that is in any way representative of the final product (as I suspect it will be 90% the same), then this is another year I'll be giving FIFA a miss.

Shock! horror! :LOL: . Anyway, joking i agree , I'll do the same unless there are major changes!
YouTube - FIFA 12 First Gameplay HD

Gameplay only.

I don't think the directions they fall are wrong at all. There's a weird bit where a player doesn't shoot and a flip that's overdone, but the other collisions look fine to me. You can see the attacker jumping to avoid the challenge which might make some of them look odd if you don't notice that is happening. I'm much more worried about the number of big slides rather than subtle steals. Hopefully that's the editor selecting all the big hits rather than more understated defending. I'm sure someone said in one of these previews that the slide tackle button is also used for standing tackles; if it's hard to line yourself up to the defender because of the still frenetic pace of the game then a lot of people might press tackle when a yard+ away, sliding instead of putting a foot in.

The people playing are just holding R2 the entire time. God it's depressing that these people are the target market.
YouTube - FIFA 12 First Gameplay HD

Gameplay only.

I don't think the directions they fall are wrong at all. There's a weird bit where a player doesn't shoot and a flip that's overdone, but the other collisions look fine to me. You can see the attacker jumping to avoid the challenge which might make some of them look odd if you don't notice that is happening. I'm much more worried about the number of big slides rather than subtle steals. Hopefully that's the editor selecting all the big hits rather than more understated defending. I'm sure someone said in one of these previews that the slide tackle button is also used for standing tackles; if it's hard to line yourself up to the defender because of the still frenetic pace of the game then a lot of people might press tackle when a yard+ away, sliding instead of putting a foot in.

The people playing are just holding R2 the entire time. God it's depressing that these people are the target market.

like i said, it seems almost identical to fifa 11 to me so far.

btw, on which camera do they play? is that a tele?
Not looking promising to me. For some reason it looks so fast and the build-up play looks pre-determined and unnatural. I gave FIFA 11 a complete miss last year and I'm not afraid to do it again if they don't tweak some of the movement.
That last tackle looks really good I must say. But I think I rather have realistic movement and ball touches instead of players falling over nicely.

Edit: If it wasn't for the collisions I don't think I could spot the difference between FIFA 11 and this. Sure it's early but still.
Why other games like 2k11 for example are made for the hardcore fans of basketball and yet they are so good (realistic) and successful in terms of sales,but Ea keeps Fifa back because wants to please 10 years old button mashing kids ?Cant understand that...IMO sports games and especially football must be made for the hardcore fans,if the game is a diamond be sure the masses will follow eventually...Great games need brave decisions
Why other games like 2k11 for example are made for the hardcore fans of basketball and yet they are so good (realistic) and successful in terms of sales,but Ea keeps Fifa back because wants to please 10 years old button mashing kids ?Cant understand that...IMO sports games and especially football must be made for the hardcore fans,if the game is a diamond be sure the masses will follow eventually...Great games need brave decisions

Well what i believe should be considerable expectation from EA is that there's no reason why FIFA 12 can't be based like FIFA 08 with better animations. Why doesn't EA follow the age old principle like Jamez says with the old PES games on the PS2. Easy to learn, hard to master.

Seriously FIFA 08 with better animations and responsiveness would be great! take all the skilled dribbling etc.. give i to players who are good enough depending on their stats. Re balance the tricks etc.. it would be truly brilliant.
Well what i believe should be considerable expectation from EA is that there's no reason why FIFA 12 can't be based like FIFA 08 with better animations. Why doesn't EA follow the age old principle like Jamez says with the old PES games on the PS2. Easy to learn, hard to master.

Seriously FIFA 08 with better animations and responsiveness would be great! take all the skilled dribbling etc.. give i to players who are good enough depending on their stats. Re balance the tricks etc.. it would be truly brilliant.
FIFA 08 was artificially sim-like.

It had many of the same issues present in the recent iterations, but it's severe unresponsiveness forced you to play more tactically/safely due to having to plan ahead so as not to lose possession.
The right stick knock-on was extremely overpowered for the dribbler and keepers were totally inept at their near post. I could go on, but you get the point.

I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than the recent efforts, but not because it was a better game, because it simply wasn't.
That video looked like FIFA 11. Impact Engine looks crap. All them falls are already in FIFA 11.
Yes it still has pinging, mass sprinting, everyone running down the wing, way too many super pro impact + engine alpha tackles and general lameness. Game speed seems ridiculous also, I only noticed one instance of a player trying to keep his footing from a tackle, the rest were players just flying around. A lot of things need to be toned down/changed before release, and I really doubt they will be.

I didn't notice any precision dribbling in that video, possibly because of the people playing, but isn't it semi contextual now?
Back to PES it seems for me. hope it changes in teh final build. theirs still a lot of time for miracles to happen
FIFA 08 was artificially sim-like.

It had many of the same issues present in the recent iterations, but it's severe unresponsiveness forced you to play more tactically/safely due to having to plan ahead so as not to lose possession.
The right stick knock-on was extremely overpowered for the dribbler and keepers were totally inept at their near post. I could go on, but you get the point.

I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than the recent efforts, but not because it was a better game, because it simply wasn't.

All of the good sims of the past were artificially sim like.
uh guys, it's ALPHA gameplay. There#'s a long way to go until october. I'd like to see people in videos actually trying this years features (other than the impact engine).

various previous have expiclitely mentioned that you won't notice the difference at first glance, specifically these two:

we're going to have to play it before we truly know how far removed this game is from FIFA11.

the video footage isn't exactly thrilling but it's smooth and early with signs of promise. i'll be more skeptical if EA's own E3 vid looks like arse.
Every comment on that video here has been negative. On the Ea fourms it's the exact opposite!

Looks like I'm going to have to post my opinions there on how ridiculos it looks. I only play FIFA for Ultimate Team tbh, and I still rarly play that.

I may also play the odd freind on it since all like arcade sports games (AKA EA games). I tryed to get one play NBA 2K11 and he said "Its too hard compared to NBA Live". Of course it will be, its a simulation game and not this crap. He just likes hitting 3 pointers with anyone in NBA Live which is unrealistic
uh guys, it's ALPHA gameplay. There#'s a long way to go until october.
I've seen this phrase on forums for various games for years, and sorry, but it's bollocks.

From experience, almost all of the issues people identify in "alpha" gameplay videos are present in final retail products, especially when it comes to FIFA.

This "early build" excuse really is nonsense.

All of the good sims of the past were artificially sim like.
That's true, but it needn't be the case now, at least to the extent of FIFA 08 - and there's better ways to balance a football game than with unresponsiveness and/or cheap tactics.
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Oh god, there's no hope :SHOCK:

I'll break my promise with myself to write about this on a FIFA forum (or sub-forum), but, honestly, what did you expect? Although some keep saying otherwise, FIFA isn't a sim and doesn't really want to be one. It's all pure PR crap, big words like "realistic" always sell for the general crowd.

To me this year is making everything clear, FIFA and PES are/should be separate worlds for a reason, their true intentions are completely different. PES12 looks to please it's "hardcore" fanbase with specific and objective changes in the core gameplay. FIFA12 wants to grab a much more massive number of different crowds with a somewhat generic taste. Like someone saaid (ws it here?) already, FIFA wants to be Call of Duty of football games.

PES on the other hand seems to have learned with its mistakes (at least I bloody hope they did) of trying to do the same thing. Everytime they tried, the game was criticized. 3 years of pure crap in this gen should have made them aware that there's a community, small when compared to FIFA one, that desperately wants their feedback to be heard. Next couple of weeks should show if they got the message 100%.

As for FIFA, it's a great game technically but clearly pretending to be more than it is right now...
It's alpha is an excuse, very few games change as dramatically as needed for FIFA. EA saying it's alpha is a way to appease everyone while showing what will be the only selling points of the game. None of the NEEDED changes will come about, just the new bullet points.
A friend will surely buy it so I can play it that way. I'm selling my XBox.

The game does come across as a tech demo, a sort of look at what we CAN do, but will never do correctly. Fuck EA
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