FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Well in a way it probably is much easier since your player mirrors the player with the ball to 100% accuracy. All you have to focus on is timing the tackle when he's close enough to your player since all the positioning is done by the game. Just set the distance to the smallest, mirror his every movement and go for the kill.

At the same time, no auto-tackle means more difficult defending by definition - you'll actually have to press a button now!

And with the physics-defying jockey system and the primary press button, you basically could mirror dribblers already. As long as the contain function isn't more overpowered than primary press + jockey, which I doubt it will be since they've specifically targeted getting rid of "homing missile" defenders, then by default defending must demand more user skill and timing.

Mainstream news sources are only good for providing facts (and even then it can be murky like with the PC and the new impact engine) when it comes to FIFA - all opinions are essentially worthless.

Besides, it's hard to imagine defending in FIFA being any easier than it already is in 11. Remove auto-tackle and force users to actually time their tackles... how could that conceivably make it easier to defend?

Plus, I know we all love to be cynics but the guys in the webcast specifically said that their intentions have been to make defending more difficult and realistic, and from what I've seen I think it's fair to say their efforts are in the right place. Maybe the implementation won't be what we all want, but again, how could defending in FIFA get any easier than it is in 11?

No auto tackles + having to time tackles + no heat seeking missiles + ability for dribblers to dribble through some tackles + precision dribbling = (theoretically) more difficult defending in 12, even if the contain system is too overpowered for our liking.

This past year my biggest complaint with FIFA has been that the game favors the defensive side of football unrealistically. Even if all the above are not implemented like we'd imagine, it's hard to see how there wouldn't be a net gain in the favor of dribblers and offensive gameplay (and hopefully realism).
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When he says "defending is easier" I suspect he may mean that it's easier to do it in a controlled manner. His idea of defending in 11 was probably to hold the button and hope that it worked, and if it didn't he was beaten. Now he can stay goalside and overcommit less, but without the controls becoming any more complicated than they were before. He might not win the ball back as quickly, but he's perhaps opened up less regularly.

Which really is the kind of thing Romagnoli has mentioned in the past, about making the less complicated controls (fewer button presses, essentially) do the 'footbally' actions rather than the gamey actions.
It's hard to know how to respond articles like that IGN one. We've all seen articles of this sort before, we all know how baffling it is to see someone report to the masses something completely contradictory to the actualities

Standard game journos like IGN review games for a living. A knowledge of football is not a prerequisite by any stretch of the imagination. You won't find it on their CVs. Explaining the intricacies of what is realistic, or why (say) the passing in a game isn't quite right (Eurogamer with FIFA 11), is beyond them. It's there in black and white on their own sites.

As such, is it sensible to read too much into what this person says or at least how he phrases it?

For the past few FIFA titles, it appeared you had good control of your player. But turning was an odd thing. Players circled as if they were in a car. Now, players can literally put their foot on the ball while standing and rotate around.

When did you ever read a review where a games journo spotted and publicly announced this? And yet suddenly every site is making a point of this as if it was a common gripe. Bollocks. The community fed this back to EA. I know I have and I know I'm not alone in thinking this.
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To be honest IGN is notably an awful source for opinion. Good for information but their reviews are widely panned amongst most gamers. I'm not saying they're always wrong but well you know i wouldn't worry too much about what they're saying for better or worse.

Anyway regarding the nowgamer article, i didn't feel that games in FIFA 11 felt anywhere near as scripted as 09 and 10.
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You get an 8 for sending a review copy to them. I clicked a link to some Infamous 2 info that I clicked out of boredom and one comment below it was 'if this gets an 8.5 or less I'm not taking IGN seriously anymore'. That's the reader base they cater for.
Yeah well what gaming site isn't that way these days? A 7 is now considered a disaster for a triple A title. And just consider, I can pull up and see that both Pirates of the Caribbean and the Hangover 2 have received roughly 30 percent aggregates. That would be unthinkable for two massive game releases! Although I guess the difference is that poorly-reviewed movies can still make bank while the same tends to not be true for games.

About scripting, I never believed the conspiracy theories. Like rom says, FIFA just does a poor job in areas that then give the impression that it's rigged.
Well, RottenTomatoes doesn't work quite in the same way as say, metacritic - which would be a fairer comparison. Rottentomatoes works purely on "like/not like" basis. The metacritics for Pirates and Hangover are about 45 each, which, still supports what you're saying absolutely.

The movie reviewing industry isn't the best but it's a lot more mature than the games reviewing industry which is at best juvenile, most certainly bad at doing its job, and in all probability totally corrupt. Hilary Goldstein, the writer of that article, is the chief editor for the 360 side of IGN if I remember rightly, this guy is one of their real top guys, and yet he's basically decided that FIFA 12 has already beaten PES 2012 after never playing PES and playing a whole two matches of FIFA.

When the Guildford playtest happens there will be members from this forum, FSB, and the official forums with hours of experience with FIFA 12 (and who have the true experience of FIFA/PES of the last few years) to base some really solid information upon. Will IGN care? No. They'll be able to reach a few thousand people, IGN reaches hundreds of thousands with their piles of bullshit.

I wish the gaming industry would grow up some times.
@ Max,

As for the CM stuff, how about they get the mode working first!

As for ProPlayerVision, if it's as effective as Personality+....well let's leave it at that.

100% sure the CM stuff will just be random emails that do absolutely nothing, like the form/play this guy/rest this guy emails you currently get, which give little to no information on anything.
ProPlayerVision will be the same as Personality+. Lower league players will have no vision whatsoever, and anyone in a 'top' league will be a god.

On another note, has anyone ever been angry when you want to hit a volley and your player tries some fish flopping header? I think a 'wait' modifier on crosses/chips would be nice to try for a volley instead of some of the ridiculous headers it makes you try. Maybe the impact engine could be used to make some of those shots a bit more fluid? No more magic spinning vollies but your play tries to backheel it or something instead? DOn't know, half an idea that came while writing this post.

Edit: as Northzzz said IGN is fucking terrible. They talk up plenty of shitty games that also get advertised all over their site at the time of review/release also.
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Today Image

This screenshot is very clean and well-polished...I can't wait to see a complete video to assess their work on light effects.

It is a real disappointment not to have better faces for both Barcelona and ManU, Puyol and Berbatov have the same face they had in Fifa 09/10...
Was it too difficult for EA to capture Spanish national team players' faces as they did well for Germany ? Come on, they're world champions !:RANT:
This screenshot is very clean and well-polished...I can't wait to see a complete video to assess their work on light effects.

It is a real disappointment not to have better faces for both Barcelona and ManU, Puyol and Berbatov have the same face they had in Fifa 09/10...
Was it too difficult for EA to capture Spanish national team players' faces as they did well for Germany ? Come on, they're world champions !:RANT:

I imagine that spanish league is more expensive for EA...

Is ridicolous that pedro, busquets,marcelo, dimaria, don't have his real face...and worst player have his face in "small" teams.....
I imagine that spanish league is more expensive for EA...

Is ridicolous that pedro, busquets,marcelo, dimaria, don't have his real face...and worst player have his face in "small" teams.....

Exactly ! You know what, when they came to France for Paris SG, they also did face capture for M. Pokora who is a singer (and a bad singer)!

Honestly I don't think it's a problem of money...EA never have this kind of problem since they can get any license exclusively for them just with their money.
It's all looking good so far. Saw the new video and screens and I've got no complaints yet. I just hope the focus on Passing and shooting next time. There should be way more ways to shoot and pass depending on:

who's marking of you
foot positioning
ball bounce

I'm pretty sure that is all possible this gen.

Otherwise, a personal bugbear of mine is the fact EA doesn't care to scan the best players of the previous year into their game. Either that or a serious lack of football knowledge.

It's not rocket science really, just look at the top scorer/assist/PFA PotY/World PotY nominees AND SCAN THEM. You likely wouldn't have to scan anyone again for years.

You'd then have players like Bale, Wilshire, Van der Vaart, Darren Bent, Giggs, Hernandez, Scott Parker, Messi, Ronaldo, Xavi, Snjeider etc

After that you can scan fan favourites like Busquetes (Barca), Hulk (porto), Scott Parker (West Ham) etc.

LOGISTICALLY it's possible. Crying about logistics is bollocks when you have atleast 8months to sort yourself out.

Otherwise, i'm peachy.
Yeh, i'm not unreasonable. Last year Van Persie's face didn't change until the final released screens a few weeks before launch. I'm pretty sure most of this is placeholder.

Hernandez, Wilshire and Bale should be a MINIMUM. imo.
Puyol is almost the length of one whole Puyol off the ground with that leap. Why does Fifa always do that with their screenshots? I've never really bothered to check replays in the real game when it's released to see if they jump as high.
Team Changers
In Career modes Pro Player Intelligence will make a huge difference. Your Virtual Pro player will change how your team plays as he develops. New signings will also make a huge difference. Teams will react differently and make different decisions based on their presence. “If you buy Xavi for Stoke then you’ll see how that almost permeates the entire midfield and how it has this impact on everyone around him, which is what happens in real life” – Santi Jaramillo, gameplay producer

never saw this mentioned. I certainly hope this is the case.

Sounds great.
The thing that worries me about the CM/Pro vision stuff is that there is not a single mention of team tactics as a whole. Nothing about possesion, longball, etc. Just whether a single player knows which individual they are up against and plays differently because of it. It's like they are missing the clue, the critism FIFA has recieved over the years is that they never managed to recreate the individual match-ups between players. They seem to be very focused on that with 11 and 12, but seem to be forgetting how the team as a whole should play.
It's all very well seeing players back-up or double up when Messi is on the ball, but if the rest of the team acts like clueless wonders in possesion (or show no grasp of tactics) it's going to be flawed.....again.
There are times players jump like that in 11. It seems specific to a few of the header animations, like the one being shown, and it looks just as odd realtime as it does in that screenshot. It also seems to be completely random as to when it happens, not based on a players 'jump' at all.
After watching that Champions League final i'm pretty sure Rutter & co took a deep breath, looked around the room and exhaled, "...right".

After 10 minutes of silence i'm sure a graphic designer could be heard muttering, "Pedro? Who's that?".
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