FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

We've already seen the results of the Player Impact Engine in a leaked FIFA 12 video. However, the Impact Engine will only power the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. FIFA 12 will also be released on PC, Wii, PS2, 3DS, PSP and the iOS trinity of platforms.

So much for achieving parity with the console versions this year.
(David Rutter interview from - Google Translator ROCKS! :|)

GOL: First dispel all doubts. This year we are responsible not only for the console, but PCs FIF-E. Can we conclude that the "Dozen" will be identical on all platforms?

David Rutter: Yes, as a line producer I am finally able to supervise the work on all three versions of the FIF-y and I can assure you that we work hard and do what we can to this year edition of the PC was exactly the same as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3

Edit: Oh wait, you probably meant source of that impact engine quote? It's from the same Eurogamer article posted above...
EA is very smart, that calles "revolutionary impact engine" was first done in NHL 11 last year with the name of "revolutionary real-time physics engine". Honestly, didn´t make such a big impact in the game.

For me is only advance in animations and not in gameplay, that is the area that they really must work.

Looks like another year we´ll have a beautiful game with no soul at all... again... just like every damn EA game done nowadays...

YouTube - NHL '11 First Trailer - E3 2010
I think that's just phrased wrongly. I think it means it'll try and tell the sorts o storylines you see in the real world. Going by what has been said by Rutter and co in the past it'd include things like players who moved to a rival getting booed or being tackled harder. I can think of other possible uses, like fans getting on an out-of-form player's back, or a more in-form player being treated differently by the opposition (either being feared more or being singled out as more of a threat). But it's all speculation at this point.

Again, the theory behind the impact engine is that in combination with the defensive system it will improve the gameplay. I can see why the combination of the two would have more of an impact (no pun intended) than just one of them would in a hockey game.
Some thoughts regarding the new video and the Eurogamer article:

- the cynic in me reads that EA has been "beavering" (whatever the hell that means?) away for two years on the new Impact Engine and I think, "oh is that what they were doing instead of working on FIFA 11?"

- "an infinite variety of natural and believable outcomes in every collision."
- this is a massively bold statement for two reasons:
1. "infinite variety" is a massive claim in and of itself. If true it would add a degree of freshness to every match played. Really bold to use the term "infinite."
2. "natural and believable outcomes" - this would be a major turn around from 11 when one of our biggest issues had to do with the level of unrealism in physical interactions. Forget the "infinite variety" claim, for me just making collisions and physical interactions "natural and believable" would be a huge step. We've been all crying for them to tone down the physical side of the game, and truthfully what is really needed is making physical interactions more believable and natural. But it's another bold claim, so we'll see.

- the new injury system has the potential to massively affect CM. The question is, will EA go balls to the wall here or gimp it so that again injuries are hardly relevant?

- anyone else underwhelmed so far by the advertised advances in AI? The proof will be in the pudding but Pro Player Intelligence does not sound like enough of an upgrade IMO. If we have to play another year of FIFA in which the CPU doesn't know what the hell a back pass is, I don't know what I'll do.

- kind of funny how the PC users again get screwed by not having the new impact engine

- Career Mode information: yay!! Morale; on-pitch form - yay! "Real-world storylines" - ya..wait what the hell does that mean?

- I think of everything announced I'm most intrigued by Precision Dribbling. Not because I think it'll have as abig an impact as the new Impact Engine, but because close quarters dribbling desperately needs an upgrade and I'm really interested to see how they attempt to pull this off. Maybe it's the most intriguing to me because it's been explained the least. A big question is, if there is a new "third" speed added (to jog and sprint) then how will that be implemented? And aren't there already more than two speeds? Default dribble speed (1); sprint (2); and close dribble/LT (3)? Then if you add in analog dribble's variety of speeds...I don't get it? What's the difference between the new speed and LT?


As a side note, we're hearing a lot about realistic physics for player contact, but what I'm dying to know is will there be improvements to player movement outside of collisions? Will players still slide, flip, and pivot around unrealistically when jockeying, for example?
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So much for achieving parity with the console versions this year.
I don't give a shit about that Eurogamer article, there a lot of
sources who say it will be on par and Rutter confirmed it.
We have to wait till E3 and have to stop speculating on this.
And here comes Jonney...

Quote of Outsider87 in EA forums, one of the most trusted people sources in EA business.

I did not try PC version, but I can assure you that impact engine will be on PC version too, I asked that to McHardy and Jaramillo at the April webcast and they answered all the gameplay features they presented would have been present also in PC version...
According to me EA is only waiting to make a bigger announcement about PC version (like they did last year) and that's why they did not mention PC version in the official "impact engine" document ;)
@ Max,

I'm just as cynical, for Impact Engine we might aswell take a trip down memory lane for 09 with the new collision system;

As for the CM stuff, how about they get the mode working first!

As for ProPlayerVision, if it's as effective as Personality+....well let's leave it at that.

And for the "new" precision dribbling, I thought it was already present as the modifyer. You had sprint, normal running with just the stick and close control with the modifyer. If you didn't use the trickstick it would allow to have very close control and sharp turns.

So in's only the pressure that will possibly have a big impact (because we all know they won't let players get injured too easily (read: realistically) as all the kiddies will start crying when they can't sprint their arses off with Ronaldo).

I know it's far too early to draw conclusions, but FIFA seems to just be adding tech and buzzwords without looking at the core issue's and PES seems to be resting on their laurels looking at the lack of improved animations in the latest vid. :(
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I've always been a fan of FIFA's simple defensive system. Hold a button and you bear down on the ball. It's easy to use and even allows novices a chance on defense. But it can also leave you exposed, since you go right for the ball handler. FIFA 12 solves this. You still hold a single button, but you defend a zone around the other player. At any time you can move forward and initiate a tackle or whatever else you want to do, but if not, you keep some space from the ball to try and avoid allowing Lionel Messi to blow by you.

This allows players to try and edge offensive players into a corner or better intercept passes. It gives more control over how you defend the ball, which means that you don't have to defend every player the same way.

I found defending far easier and it was like my football IQ automatically jumped a few notches. Suddenly FIFA started feeling like a legit match. It's actually tougher for the AI to exploit the common mistakes a gamer might make in FIFA 11. Once you see the benefits of using spacing to defend against the ball (instead of always rushing forward for a tackle), it's hard to think about playing FIFA any other way.


Hard to know how to interpret that really. I mean, we know that he's got no idea what he's talking about (ie, he liked the previous system), but, as for easier? Well, yeah, defending properly may well be easier.

There is very little reason taking anything from the previews in the next few days. The IGN article states that he's played two matches -.-. Bloody ridiculous that any journalist thinks he has the right to make the broad statements this guy is making after TWO MATCHES. Probably 4 minute halves as well!
Hard to know how to interpret that really. I mean, we know that he's got no idea what he's talking about (ie, he liked the previous system), but, as for easier? Well, yeah, defending properly may well be easier.

There is very little reason taking anything from the previews in the next few days. The IGN article states that he's played two matches -.-. Bloody ridiculous that any journalist thinks he has the right to make the broad statements this guy is making after TWO MATCHES. Probably 4 minute halves as well!

Yeah I know lol, was just posting it for a laugh really.

As far as football games go, I know to take everything said from reviewers etc with a huge pinch of salt, and wait till I myself get to play the game.
Don't worry fellas; I'm starting a university course in journalism this September. I'll break the script in the future ;)
Well in a way it probably is much easier since your player mirrors the player with the ball to 100% accuracy. All you have to focus on is timing the tackle when he's close enough to your player since all the positioning is done by the game. Just set the distance to the smallest, mirror his every movement and go for the kill.
They do milk it as much as possible and design it for the masses.

Gameplaywise it could be the same really.........just hammer buttons and go for dribble/kill streaks.
Well, the heat seeking missiles were definitely more effective in FIFA 11 than they were in MW2.
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