FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Wow. Did the pre-release, played four matches, shut down and logged in to cancel my pre-order.

I had high hopes this year, but clearly single player is the same old broken FIFA engine with a new coat of paint.

As Liverpool I lost 2-0 to the lowest Korean division side. As Liverpool drew 0-0 with Bayern. As Bristol City drew 0-0 against some Russian second division side. Every freaking side played exactly the same. Only this year they all play possession, dribbling in circles to avoid pressure. Flawless, pinpoint passing by the CPU regardless of player or side. The Koreans out-possessed Liverpool something like 64 to 46 and had a higher passing percentage.

Online with Everton vs. Bayern the other guy scored the first goal and it disconnected during the celebration.

Then, in my next offline game, as God is my witness, I had an approximately five second freeze that looked an awful lot like the infamous micropause that was never fixed last year. The disappointment turned to utter disgust.

So I'd suggest taking those near-perfect gaming mag reviews and guerrilla marketing forum posts with a very large grain of salt until you have the chance to try for yourself...
Wow. Did the pre-release, played four matches, shut down and logged in to cancel my pre-order.

I had high hopes this year, but clearly single player is the same old broken FIFA engine with a new coat of paint.

As Liverpool I lost 2-0 to the lowest Korean division side. As Liverpool drew 0-0 with Bayern. As Bristol City drew 0-0 against some Russian second division side. Every freaking side played exactly the same. Only this year they all play possession, dribbling in circles to avoid pressure. Flawless, pinpoint passing by the CPU regardless of player or side. The Koreans out-possessed Liverpool something like 64 to 46 and had a higher passing percentage.

Online with Everton vs. Bayern the other guy scored the first goal and it disconnected during the celebration.

Then, in my next offline game, as God is my witness, I had an approximately five second freeze that looked an awful lot like the infamous micropause that was never fixed last year. The disappointment turned to utter disgust.

So I'd suggest taking those near-perfect gaming mag reviews and guerrilla marketing forum posts with a very large grain of salt until you have the chance to try for yourself...

Exactly as I feared. Shame about on-line - it's the only mode that's been vaguely tolerable in this game. Not in the slightest bit surprised to hear how gash 1-player against cpu is.

Importantly, have you tried adjusting the sliders for the cpu teams? What happens if you set them to their lowest value for the cpu team? Do they have any effect at all? I'm half expecting them to do nothing, and half expecting that if you make them low for the cpu team, all it does it make your team worse.
I am at work - But I have called in one of my part-time salesmen, so I can go home and start up the download and then go back to work! :)

There need to be some advantages, when you are entitled as Shop Manager :D

Can't freaking wait!
Finally tried the demo yesterday. Lots to shout about from EA they have the gameplay as far as EA can go pretty nailed and have added to the aesthetics more than anything else.
- Graphics,
- Physics / movement (a bit exagerated TBH), animations,
- AI on legendary holds the ball a little too well but its good to see them play the ball around the back unlike Konamis top player that goes straight for the jugular.
- Commentary is right up there with NBA2k11.
- Matchday atmosphere and after match statistics

- Lack of individualism
- Lack of error in AI passing
- AI goes into super pursuit mode
- AI pressures too much still

All in all I think the fans will be very appreciative but its not my cup of tea just yet. Wish EA would give more than 3 bloody minutes.
WHAT A GREAT GAME! Massive improvement compared with the demo! Everything tweaked to perfection. Loving every second of it...

The pre release is connected to my PSN account, can't play it with my Belgian one.

No Arabic commentary in the US version.
WHAT A GREAT GAME! Massive improvement compared with the demo! Everything tweaked to perfection. Loving every second of it...

The pre release is connected to my PSN account, can't play it with my Belgian one.

No Arabic commentary in the US version.

Still trying to resist.....arrrrrrr.

WHAT A GREAT GAME! Massive improvement compared with the demo! Everything tweaked to perfection. Loving every second of it...

The pre release is connected to my PSN account, can't play it with my Belgian one.

No Arabic commentary in the US version.

SO it's not region resticted with a PS3, was worried wouldnt work on my UK PS3
My retailer is gonna get it on Tuesday, this would be utter madness :(

Guess I don't have to ask you if you're going to get it today, eh? ;)

Well thats fair enough Tom, but you do have a full weekend ahead of you, I know I couldnt wait if the boot was on the other foot. I'd have found every excuse I could, and even made up a few to justify it. :)

I wont be bothering, but I'm still keen to read on here people loving it though. As long as I dont get involved with both titles, then I dont feel left wanting in the area's Fifa excels over PES. If you get my drift. I've always believed that the players that switch between both titles are the ones that never ever feel truly satisfied. Those who stick to the one title, always seem to be the most content.
The sliders are awesome, really make a difference when you change them and you can do it in-game!

That's great news, could you be so kind to give us some more information on this? For example can you really put more zip into passing, and do you really notice a difference when toning down CPU passing accuracy? If so then that would be fantastic!
I've always believed that the players that switch between both titles are the ones that never ever feel truly satisfied. Those who stick to the one title, always seem to be the most content.

Good point, mate, I strongly agree. Although I'd really like to give PES a serious try this year, constantly switching and adjusting between the two titles becomes a chore, especially when you're surrounded by FIFA peeps like I am. Still, I'm definitely planning on getting PES on PC some time later this or early next year.
That's great news, could you be so kind to give us some more information on this? For example can you really put more zip into passing, and do you really notice a difference when toning down CPU passing accuracy? If so then that would be fantastic!

More zip, more passing error, less speed, more acceleration, everything you f'ing want! you can create your own perfect game offline! Makes HEAPS of difference and you can see it instantly!
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