FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

well if anyone knows for sure let us know please

as i will happily cancel my shopto order. £39.99

You usually know for sure 2-3 days before release (your shopto thing might get charged on Monday), so it'll be tough...

Maybe everywhere will be full price this year dont know....

Either way i play Fifa enough during a year to justify it being £100 never mind £39.99 :-) Lame i know...
yep same here

look what happened with the demo. XBL went offline

I'm expecting my full 200Mbit (25mb/s) else I'm suing EA!

Anyone know yet how big it's going to be? A normal 360 game is usually around 8gb so guessing pretty much that?

One thing that will greatly piss me off is if I pay to get it early and then the scores ticker is still in there with no off switch, I'll be getting straight onto the Premier League to complain again.
i read it would be about 4gb..

i might take my console to work to download it. 100mbit.

not sure i can be bothered tho as i would have to pass it through the firewall
Really hope they don't do something stupid like strip out all languages/text except your locality, do not want to play the game in Swedish text with Swedish commentary thank you!
I like that they're there also, but they seem to come off really easy. Which is odd because I haven't been able to do shit haha.
The little Pato flick, the step over flick, nothing. Maybe I'm just bad at tricks. Or the trick shots either, like Aguero's spin, or Kompany's flick. I still haven't gotten the volley modifier to work either (Doesn't even show it in the controls so I'm confused.)

I've heard of this volley modified but never seen it. It sounds good in theory, has it been confirmed anywhere?
I think the game should have a new approach when it comes to difficulty. I don't want to play Marseille and just because the diff is on legendary they would play as Barca! That's kind of generic AI which applies to all teams.

I want to find the game more difficult when I play against high rated teams and easier when I am playing with a high rated team against a low rated one. I want specific difficulty for each team and more of an authentic AI instead of the current generic stuff.
Just think of the £11.99 we paid as renting the game early for 6 days :)

I am busy at work otherwise I would probably get it early.

If recent years are anything to go by you guys will still be in the clubs lobby waiting on a game by the time I get it on Friday.

Remember the whole "Go out and score in the arena then come back in." just to see if we could get a match. haha.
I am busy at work otherwise I would probably get it early.

If recent years are anything to go by you guys will still be in the clubs lobby waiting on a game by the time I get it on Friday.

Remember the whole "Go out and score in the arena then come back in." just to see if we could get a match. haha.

:LMAO: that was horrendous and I fear the same this year
that's how they do it, make a new account and hack it i think to put that points on it and sell it on, i know a few people who did that last year, who bought them anyway
please can someone tell will arabic commentary be inclued in the uk ps3 version? i have been hearing it will be only avaliable for gamers of the middle east
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