FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Is the fact that Turkish league and Czech league are out, OFFICIAL?! Or speculation/guess?

If so, why? What is EA's reason?

I guess you haven't seen him play....frustrating though he is, he has a very high degree of technical and ball control skills.

I see him play all the time and his close control skills are great, but as far as tricks are concerned, I'd imagine that there's a reason why you never see him pulling off any stepovers or chopbacks in games the way that Ronaldo does. I know that Fergie's reigned him in as far as his backflip celebrations are concerned but whenever he takes a player on he's always doing the hesitation stutter step move and then either pushing it right with the outside of his foot, or trying to go left.

I've not seen anything from him on the pitch that would suggest that he can do what Ronnie or Ronaldinho can in a freestyle competition. We don't need him to do it and as a United fan I'm not looking to slight him. I just haven't seen much to suggest that his tricks are quite on that level.

Maybe he's not confident enough to try it in a game, but I guess they took a look at this vid [] where he actually does it once, and gave him some moves in-game.

EDIT: I didn't read mfmaxpowers post before making mine but it looks like he's said a lot of what I have here.

I guess it just seems odd that they shit on Nani for the past 3 seasons and then see him do that double around the world one time (it must'v been in that video, and finally give him the move).
Exactly, all it needs is a couple of dozen variants of skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, don't even care if hair style/length or facial hair is correct just a vague approximation is better than the black silhouette.

Or generate it from the players in game face. Doesn't the Creation Center do that? The game should be able to, I know some other games are able to. It does this with your VP no?

Like the addition of physics to skill moves, hopefully it does enough though.
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Yeah, I think what a lot of people miss is that there are loads of players who have the ability to accomplish even some of the more difficult skill moves in FIFA - even I can complete many of them, when the stars are aligned just right - but there is a difference between what a player has the ability to do and what he tends to do in matches.

Nani, for example, certainly has the ability to accomplish any of FIFA's skill moves, but he simply doesn't attempt them all that often in matches. A big part of that is that I'm pretty sure he's had specific instructions from Sir Alex to keep it simple, and that's why you will tend to see Nani play with more flair when he's playing for Portugal.

Also, while players may have the ability to to do something, often they lack the confidence to attempt them in match situations. Or they simply aren't quick enough mentally to recognize opportune moments. That's where you, as the human controller, fit in.

Again though, this is overriding player individuality and stats is it not? Being able to pull off free kicks time after time in training but not being able to hit more than 1 in 10 in a match situation shouldn't translate to someone having 90 free kick accuracy. Match conditions must be what makes up the stats and the frequency/accuracy.

Personally I think the way skill moves are handled in FIFA is unrealistic and makes no sense - the star rankings are based more on the player's real-world tendency to attempt skill moves, rather than their actual ability as it should be. The fact, for instance, that so many highly skilled players couldn't even attempt a stop and turn move (whatever that move is when you hit forward then either left or right) in 11 is a joke. Same goes for some other simple moves that even I do like a basic chop.

This is exactly the point though. Tendency to do something in a match situation is a result of confidence in your own ABILITY, as well as what a coach might have told you. Just because you can make a shot or pass in training with no pressure or make a skill move, this does not mean you could make the same move in a match.

It's only logical that skill moves be treated just like other aspects of the game, like shooting and passing - and we don't limit which players can attempt a long shot or a difficult through pass. What alos needs to change so that games don't become a skill-fest is the range in outcomes of using skill moves and the penalties for failure. So, for example, Nani should be able to accomplish a 360 roll more times than not, while a CB would fall flat on his face nine times out of ten. And I really do mean fall flat on his face - there needs to be proper penalties for failure.

Mate - I understand where you're coming from and I also think any player should be allowed to "try" anything in a game that they "could" do but not necessarily "would" do.

As you alluded to, they should have a skill stat, like frequency/accuracy. This way you could still try it with someone, if you really felt the need to do a rainbow flick with Puyol. :FAIL:

There is absolutely nothing unrealistic about skill moves. What's unrealistic at the moment is how they are implemented.

Can you tell me the last time you saw someone juggle during a real match or do a rainbow flick or an around the world move?

There are plenty of feints and turns that should be in the game to help you beat a player. But there are a few too many moves that are just skill moves/tricks that are never done outside of the training ground and should not be allowed during a FIFA match. Save it for FIFA street.

I'd like to see both FIFA and PES make all the feints contextual and based on the player involved. The same with flair passing/shooting.

Gives you more of a wow factor if you're not expecting it or forcing it yourself.
what?! Just say it! More good news?!?!! :D

To do spoilers, you should click the 'Question mark' and then write the text, it will put it in spoiler tags! Like this. ;)
Simon Humber on Twitter:
"Fascinating S2 in CM. Stoke taken over by wealthy investor. Bringing in Bent & Sturridge (loan) & now off loading Jones & Fuller.""Bloody hell they've got Berbatov now on deadlne day."
For the Americans, where is the best and cheapest place to get FIFA for the ps3? All ps3 games are region free right?! I'll be in California when it gets released so if it's a lot cheaper than over here I'll get it. How much does somewhere like Bestbuy or Wallmart sell the game for? Do they have similar specials like the supermarkets in the UK? (25-30pound on releaseday?) Looke donline and their prices are about $60 (excl. tax I assume). Could also get it duty free at LAX.
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Or generate it from the players in game face. Doesn't the Creation Center do that? The game should be able to, I know some other games are able to. It does this with your VP no?

VP yes but CC no IIRC? And worst of all with CC they didn't have any growth possible, so if you spent the time to create real academy players at your club they stay with the exact same stats despite being 16 or so :(

Simon Humber on Twitter:

Oooh that is great news,
as mentioned hope it doesn't happen too often, and it would be awesome if there could be something like West Ham, they get taken over, buy loads of players but then suddenly the finances go to shit and they have to offload loads of players only a couple of seasons later to balance the books
It's only logical that skill moves be treated just like other aspects of the game, like shooting and passing - and we don't limit which players can attempt a long shot or a difficult through pass. What alos needs to change so that games don't become a skill-fest is the range in outcomes of using skill moves and the penalties for failure. So, for example, Nani should be able to accomplish a 360 roll more times than not, while a CB would fall flat on his face nine times out of ten. And I really do mean fall flat on his face - there needs to be proper penalties for failure.

There is absolutely nothing unrealistic about skill moves. What's unrealistic at the moment is how they are implemented.

This was addressed in Kantcho's video. They have added ball physics to tricks meaning inconsistent outcomes and other factors make the skills less consistent, which is the real problem with them as you just needed to be good at timing, nothing else.

With the multiple exit angles and outcome variance it should make the skills more organic looking and less "scripted". This hopefully also means that defenders don't get "locked" as they currently do. The locking is why the skills actually work as it just triggers a defender animation that cant be broken out of.

I see him play all the time and his close control skills are great, but as far as tricks are concerned, I'd imagine that there's a reason why you never see him pulling off any stepovers or chopbacks in games the way that Ronaldo does. I know that Fergie's reigned him in as far as his backflip celebrations are concerned but whenever he takes a player on he's always doing the hesitation stutter step move and then either pushing it right with the outside of his foot, or trying to go left.

I guess it just seems odd that they shit on Nani for the past 3 seasons and then see him do that double around the world one time (it must'v been in that video, and finally give him the move).

It does seem odd to be honest. But you can see from the video and the others that he has the in game technical ability to do a lot of those tricks.
Demo should be interesting on Wednesday, has it been confirmed if its a minute demo again? Would be pointless.

Nani is one of the most underrated players going, he could always do those skills, just EA took ages to figure out how good he is, hell Sky Sports commentary still hasn't clocked on how good he is with the "inconsistent" outdated debate.
And after the demo's released it's fourteen days of getting frustrated because of the three minute halves... :FAIL: :CRY:
For the Americans, where is the best and cheapest place to get FIFA for the ps3? All ps3 games are region free right?! I'll be in California when it gets released so if it's a lot cheaper than over here I'll get it. How much does somewhere like Bestbuy or Wallmart sell the game for? Do they have similar specials like the supermarkets in the UK? (25-30pound on releaseday?) Looke donline and their prices are about $60 (excl. tax I assume). Could also get it duty free at LAX.

Amazon. That is where I have it ordered. If you per-order now, the game will cost you $60 but you get a $20 Amazon credit after the game ships to you (the credit can be used for any other item on Amazon).
Could someone kindly please sum this game up. I switched from PES to FIFA in 08, yet have been playing alot of the new PES demo and like it. I have seen nothing on FIFA 12 bar the impact/collision engine news months ago, and a few screenshots of the new Manager mode a few weeks ago.

Crucially, how is the gameplay from those who have played finished code?

Neither moi. I always wait for the demo and let the game unfold before my eyes. I'm looking forward to Career Mode and the sliders more than anything though. Hopefully it's not a let down.
This was addressed in Kantcho's video. They have added ball physics to tricks meaning inconsistent outcomes and other factors make the skills less consistent, which is the real problem with them as you just needed to be good at timing, nothing else.

With the multiple exit angles and outcome variance it should make the skills more organic looking and less "scripted". This hopefully also means that defenders don't get "locked" as they currently do. The locking is why the skills actually work as it just triggers a defender animation that cant be broken out of.

I'm not so sure. It's a start but is there enough of a penalty incurred for failed tricks? I haven't seen evidence of that.

I'm serious - I want to see players fall flat on their face sometimes. If you want the kiddies to quit doing a string of skill moves in open space when there's absolutely no point other than to act like a jackass, then there needs to be a penalty such as completely losing possession and not being able to recover in time to prevent a scoring opportunity in the other direction.

If you're going to showboat then there ought to be a great risk of looking like a total ass - just like in real life.

Besides, this has nothing to do with my main issue with the way skills are implemented, which is that limiting players to what they can attempt through the star system makes absolutely no sense when you consider that:

* all players can attempt all types of shots. There are no restrictions on who can attempt a shot. A player does not need to have a certain level of shooting stats to attempt to score. All else being equal, stats decide the outcome, not what can be tried.

* all players can attempt all types of passes. There are no restrictions on who can attempt a difficult through pass. All else being equal, stats decide the outcome; stats are not a pre-requisite to be allowed to try.

* all players can attempt all types of tackles. It's not as if a striker cannot attempt a slide-tackle. All else being equal, stats decide the outcome of the attempt at tackling, but all players are equally allowed in what they can attempt to do.

The current skill system is a video-gamey solution that is neither realistic nor intuitive. Just as I shouldn't have to memorize which players are allowed to attempt a shot, I shouldn't have to memorize who has what star ranking. Not to mention then having to remember what, say, a three star ranking allows me to do compared with a four star ranking.

It's only realistic that ALL players be allowed to attempt the same things - including shooting, passing, tackling, and skills - and stats determine the outcome, all else being equal.
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