Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3



Indeed and here is the post that confirms it
EA_GaryPaterson said:

Just thought I'd drop in here to let you know that I have been following this thread and to let you know a few of my feelings on this.

Firstly, let me say that manual will have its own leaderboards in FIFA11. I know its not everything that you wanted but it will at least allow you to play the way you like, with likeminded people, and be somewhat rewarded for doing so.

Secondly, I wanted to say that my goal is to allow people to play and enjoy FIFA in whatever way they choose. Obviously I'd like to give everyone everything they want but we don't have infinite resources here at EA and so decisions have to be made and priorities have to be set.

That manual players have been under supported in this goal is a point that I would agree with but I’d argue in our defense that they have been supported not wholly disproportionally to their size. From the data that I have available to me and based on my instincts and experience with FIFA gamers, manual is not a setting that most people want to, have the time to, or the skill to play. Now saying that I’d assume that you would counter with a statement around the fact that manual is not as popular because people don’t know about it. Again, I agree that we could do a better job of promoting the feature (as we could with so many features in FIFA, so I wouldn't feel too victimized about that) and potentially providing more reward/encouragement to try it - that is something that I will take on board and will look to address.

Fundamentally, up to this point we have been concentraing on trying to make the base gameplay experience of FIFA as strong as possible. After all, how good would playing a perfect through ball be in a FIFA world where gameplay is rubbish? Now, with FIFA10, some glitches aside, we are getting there and so I am now more willing to spend more of our time fixing/improving other areas of the game.

In response to those who think that we should be somehow pushing people to play manual - I'm afraid I don't agree with this. While I agree that manual is hugely rewarding experience, it is still something that many peole will never want to play (as mentioned above time, skill or desire) so I think it is wrong to try to drive them to play any other way than the way they want, and if we can try to build a game where there are features that allow you to play the way you want with likeminded people (e.g. manual leaderboards) then I don't see why we need to do that. In addition Manager Mode is still the most played game mode in FIFA, why should those people who are playing against the CPU, and therefore not impacting the playing experience of anyone else, be encouraged to play any other way than the way they want to?

Final point is on the progression of the controls, and the fact that as they get more skilled they should become more 'powerful'. I agree with this point from a theoretical POV but at the same time, given my points above, I am not sure that this is easy to do in a way that will not drastically limit the functionality/experience of a majority that I believe will never make it to manual. Again though, I fall back on - is it important that everyone plays the same controls? Let people play how they want, as long as they can do that with likeminded people (if they actually do want to play online).

Anyway, those are just a few of my thoughts. I'm not someone who's opposed to being proven wrong so feel free to try and change me on this but I think you have to remember that there are a lot of different types of people who play FIFA and this community forum does not represent all them and comes no-where near representing them proportionally.

Thanks for your feedback,

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I find it -bizarre- that EA with their 95 completely-lacking-in-gameplay videos that they've done didn't see it worthy of announcing this. Who knows when we'd have found out if I hadn't actually made that thread in the first place O_o.

If assists no longer give those who use them a ridiculous advantage and allow them to do things that shouldn't be possible on the football pitch then yes, let them play with whatever controls they want.

No we shouldn't force people to play manual OFFLINE. But online the playing field should be leveled in some respects and geared more towards realism.

Of course this all hinges on how well this error and power meter business are implemented in the new pro-passing feature so until then...f*** any and all assists.
There's gotta be some way of quashing the ability to run constantly at the other team. There just has to be.

Stop! (the Grolsch is not ready yet). Make it so that it'd be a better decision to slow down a little to decide what to do. Give people the need to look for an intelligent runner. Maybe you can do this. I really hope you can and that it pays dividend. Perhaps it just too ingrained in these particular players (normal people i'd call them) that you should constantly run with the ball towards the goal. Sometimes resembleing rugby goals more so than football goals. Front to back.

I really hope it isn't advantageous to continue to do this. This is what makes me loathe playing Fifa 10 with my friends. Cheap tactics paying off.

Tackling still seems as fast and precise as normal. Please say you need to time it.

EDIT : I just watched the 'Cropped interview FAUXHD' video. I actually really enjoyed that video! It looks like it has so much more potential in regards to my own points. With two more intelligent players there is definitely room for slowing the play down and looking for passes because you can see that they aren't doing this and the ball is going to the opposition more often than not. I really hope that pro passing is on by default. That'd save me some trouble.

Plus i don't think EA understand manual. I'm sure 95% of people who move to manual do so because they find assisted too easy and 'cheap'. Not because they have a belief that manual football is how the game should be played. Making a more level and fair playing ground without the game being cheap and simple is what they should be striving for.

From a purely selfish point of view - Grrrr EA. Having manual online leaderboards is still not going to quash my qualms regarding having to play against my 'casual' friends who have no interest in making the game harder for themselves even though they, like what i'd assume almost all FIFA players, are thoroughly and more to the point physically capable and learning to play on harder control systems than assisted. Although as insinuated before, if assisted needs more skill to begin with than in Fifa 10 i'll be a happy bunny.
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Guys , i now watch gameplay video ,again and again ! Maybe now i know how will work pro passing system
Maybe there , on power bar , will be one a " Perfect Spot "

If you stop the power bar there , then the pass will be with the best power , speed and accurate .
Look here :

Maybe , different player will have different "perfect spot" position . For someone this spot will be much closer and they can make faster and better passes . I don't know , just guess !
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That's a good observation but Romagnoli adumbrated that perhaps in the second video pro passing option was turned off. Your observations would nullify that point.
I don't know...or i'm wrong , maybe this "spot" is not so important , because now your eyes must be constantly there , non stop :SHOCK: Or at least until you become to really "pro" and start to pass without looking it ! :)
I don't know...or i'm wrong , maybe this "spot" is not so important , because now your eyes must be constantly there , non stop :SHOCK: Or at least until you become to really "pro" and start to pass without looking it ! :)

It is not different from player to player. Where the marker is depends on how long the pass you make is. So if you pass to someone close to you, it will be far left and if you pass to someone far away it will be on the right side. Just think of it as how manual passing works with power. Difference here is that the ball will always reach its target, so if you power up very little so that you are far left from the marker, the ball will be weak but it will end up at the other player unless someone gets in the way and take the ball. If you overhit the pass, it will be harder for your team mate to control the ball.

It is still assisted, but it adds the element of weight in the pass. It's not like manual powered pass, more like something in between.
Maybe , different player will have different "perfect spot" position . For someone this spot will be much closer and they can make faster and better passes . I don't know , just guess !

I understand your thinking. Though for this system to be predictable and "learnable", the power would need to be the same regardless of player, which I believe is the design. Once you learn the one design, you would rarely need to even check the powerbar anymore.
I'll point out that when I played it, it seemed like BS. You could still ping pong pass and and assisted player could outplay you by just pressing pass all the time. I put in my feedback form this needs drastically changing or we will have FIFA 10 on our hands again. But the good thing is player positioning was better so once they got into the final third it was harder for them to ping pong pass.
The thing with assisted is, you can't actually play some passes, for example:

On Assisted, your pass would try to go through the opponent (P2) to reach your team mate (P1). But with manual, you can play a pass like this. A simple through ball wouldn't work as those passes always go forward on assisted.
 P2  \              
 P1      *

Obviously it's slightly better on semi-assisted, but the possibilities with manual are endless, was playing some amazing slightly lobbed diagonal through balls yesterday (using X for more weight).
The thing with assisted is, you can't actually play some passes, for example:

On Assisted, your pass would try to go through the opponent (P2) to reach your team mate (P1). But with manual, you can play a pass like this. A simple through ball wouldn't work as those passes always go forward on assisted.
 P2  \              
 P1      *

Obviously it's slightly better on semi-assisted, but the possibilities with manual are endless, was playing some amazing slightly lobbed diagonal through balls yesterday (using X for more weight).

If they can make the manual passing and shooting a lot less sensible then it will a joy to play.I like it to play on manual but sometimes out of pure frustration I end up almost breaking my controller.
I love how it's made the game more difficult but at the same time I don't wanna mess up the most simple passes because the sensitivity of the LS is too high
I only started playing on full manual fairly recently (used to have semi-passing, rest manual) and I've become a lot more competent with it, to the point that it feels natural. The only time it really frustrates me is in the defensive section, misplacing a pass along your back line is generally disastrous.

I wonder if switching on semi-assist for the defensive third would be detrimental to the game, I think possibly not.
There's still
to exploit

Check it

Changes next to nothing, you're still not going to enjoy online if those who're playing with you are overcompetitive jerks.

This is true, and it always will be. There is no way in any game to filter out everyone who is competitive, even on manual filter when there is no real leaderboard advantage there are people who exploit the game. One of the things which is highly unfortunate about manual becoming more popular is that it will lose its great advantage over assisted - which is that the people who play it on the whole aren't complete twats.

But if you do go on the EAUK forums (and I could understand why you might not want to) you'll know that I'm not a huge fan of manual leaderboards. I think I said to Gary that it's a temporary/partial solution more than anything else. Why this is exciting/pleasing is because firstly I know it's something a lot of people wanted, and it's also great because it means they have been listening and that the manual community and its exponents have been successful.

It's not ideal, and it's not what I want and I suspect that in October it will all start again this year with a push to a full and proper solution of some sort. The exploitability of FIFA is a problem that hopefully will be dealt with. It would be hard to have a game as exploitable as FIFA 10, touch wood.

As for what Wilky is saying above about assisted being constraining - so true. When I do use assisted passing for Clubs (because I really don't think it's fair on my teammates not to), I'm always so frustrated at what I can't do when I play on assisted. Assisted for all its faults is not by any means perfect - it's easily exploitable - but it also screws you over all the time. Sometimes the ball will decide to go to a player who is clearly absolutely nowhere near where you pointed. Picking out the second man in a line of three is a ruddy nightmare too.

I'm fairly confident that if the game becomes more realistic in terms of speed, AI and so on that the advantages of manual will start to be highlighted. As for the idea of semi in the defensive third... Hmm. Interesting. One thing which I'm going to go for quite strongly for next year will be movin towards a total rebalance - and for that I believe that ideas to make manual easier may be key - and that's a very interesting idea indeed.
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Great news for manual players, I only hope that we would be able to choose control settings in UT and Clubs, which were unplayable for manual players in FIFA 10:RANT:
and that there is the problem. Unless this isn't for only H2H as I'm fairly sure it will be, the gamemode I enjoy most will not be seeing this improvement. Swings and roundabouts.
Exactly the reason I'm thinking of switching from manual to the new pro-passing improved assisted.
Eh? You could change settings in Clubs? I missed a sitter on my debut cos I was on semi controls and it was my first game (therefore shot) for months.

Or do you mean filtering the settings?
You could change them, but you couldnt force manual settings. So everybody could choose whatever they want. And in 99,9% it were automatic.
I played someone on manual on FIFA 10 yesterday and all they did was; pass to Ribery, cut inside, do early cross from about 50 yards which lobs the keeper and almost goes in every time... Scored 2 of them so I just quit.

As long as FIFA has exploits like that, leaderboards will only cause them to be exploited more (because the pathetic wankers seem to think a high ranking on a video game makes up for their lack of friends/a life).

I remember that PES4 had no proper online play (for PC), as in it was only direct IP with no leaderboards or anything, so when you played online (from that pes4online add-on that was made), people were only playing to enjoy the game, not exploit it... I know unranked matches are available on FIFA, but even on those people use assisted and exploit the game.
I suppose it's just the way the online community is these days, too many cunts. Doesn't help that football is the no.1 chav sport.
Thinking out loud here. Assuming the community/EA is never going to accept full manual, I'd work about creating an ultimate standard that is a mixture between the two.

  • Semi-Passing (It's simple enough to appease casuals, and has some flexibility)
  • Semi-Assisted Lobbed Passes (Same as above)
  • Manual Through Balls (This is THE killer pass, there's no reason it needs to be assisted as it's an all or nothing pass, that has a high likelihood of interception anyway)
  • Manual Crossing (Same as through ball)
  • Semi-Assisted Shooting (Not sure about this one, I'd prefer manual shooting for the same reasons as through balls, it's the final action in a move and is prone to error, but I'd think the casuals would have difficulty with it)
Now a reason for using manual in the past has been the fact it slows the pace of the game, but it seems they're working towards this with a generally slower speed and pro-passing, so we should/could be appeased in that sense. Also another reason is the freedom manual provides, but I feel these options give you a decent amount of that.
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I played someone on manual on FIFA 10 yesterday and all they did was; pass to Ribery, cut inside, do early cross from about 50 yards which lobs the keeper and almost goes in every time... Scored 2 of them so I just quit.

As long as FIFA has exploits like that, leaderboards will only cause them to be exploited more (because the pathetic wankers seem to think a high ranking on a video game makes up for their lack of friends/a life).

I remember that PES4 had no proper online play (for PC), as in it was only direct IP with no leaderboards or anything, so when you played online (from that pes4online add-on that was made), people were only playing to enjoy the game, not exploit it... I know unranked matches are available on FIFA, but even on those people use assisted and exploit the game.
I suppose it's just the way the online community is these days, too many cunts. Doesn't help that football is the no.1 chav sport.

Absolutely true on every point. At least EA say they've fixed sed exploit. One of the nice things about FIFA 11 is that, there are some absolutely horrendous exploits in FIFA 10. The amount better that FIFA 11 will be alone if it solves each of these:

1. Chipping
2. Long throw onto bar
3. Backpost goal-line cross/corner
4. Top-spin over keeper-head freekick
5. X/Square chipping/long lobs

it will be a massively, massively better game. Nice though leaderboards arre, I'd probably have preferred something which would allow Clubs to get away from assisted. Having said that, in the long term ideally assisted shouldn't be a problem at all. I shouldn't CARE what people are using.

Hopefully what assisted WON'T be this time around is cheap, unrealistic, and so on. A huge bonus would be if semi is actually better than assisted (as it is for crossing already). I'll be over the moon in that case.


That isn't that far away from 'semi' as it is. Semi, at least in FIFA 10 is:

Manual-Through Balls
Assisted-Lobbed Passes

Now, obviously it's slightly the wrong way round - but other than the ridiculous fact that lobbed-passes are on assisted (which I really hope they've changed this year) - it's really not a bad middle point. One of my concerns this year even with the improvements they have made is that semi may have been neglected somewhat.

For all we can guess the one thing we won't be able to guess 'til October is the relative effectiveness of the three major settings. It is possible that semi will now be more effective than assisted - unless that is the case the community once again has to make the rather large choice. Do you stick with the effective, or swap all the way across to the extreme.
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Eh? You could change settings in Clubs? I missed a sitter on my debut cos I was on semi controls and it was my first game (therefore shot) for months.

Or do you mean filtering the settings?


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I played someone on manual on FIFA 10 yesterday and all they did was; pass to Ribery, cut inside, do early cross from about 50 yards which lobs the keeper and almost goes in every time... Scored 2 of them so I just quit.

As long as FIFA has exploits like that, leaderboards will only cause them to be exploited more (because the pathetic wankers seem to think a high ranking on a video game makes up for their lack of friends/a life).

I remember that PES4 had no proper online play (for PC), as in it was only direct IP with no leaderboards or anything, so when you played online (from that pes4online add-on that was made), people were only playing to enjoy the game, not exploit it... I know unranked matches are available on FIFA, but even on those people use assisted and exploit the game.
I suppose it's just the way the online community is these days, too many cunts. Doesn't help that football is the no.1 chav sport.

There was this cool mod that lets you create mini tournaments for online play.our also had a lobby and chat room so you can chart and invite people to play online .best mod ever made for pes

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