Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

I remember in PES3-6 there was that Asian ref that was waaay stricter than all the other refs and would give you red cards for almost anything :LOL:.

Agree with nerf though, hardly important to the game... What they really need to do with the refereeing is make it possible to give away pens by holding the pressure button (In 10 this wasn't possible) and also give more fouls and bookings for the hopefully more mistimed standing tackles...
This is great, how much harder/easier is it to programme American Football, it's a similar sport in terms of it being a team game on a marked out playing surface, you got more feeling and depth from that one screen than you did from a whole season in MM?...;jsessionid=pevxh3vc1oaq

I hope the cup celeb in fifa is kinda like this, this is madden fifa sholud be better i hope.IGN Video: Madden NFL 11 Xbox 360 Gameplay - Jaguars Super Bowl Celebration ea makes both games they should pass on the way it would work in fifa (TEAM).

Copied from another site with my post there, lazy I know but I'm late... :P
This is great, how much harder/easier is it to programme American Football, it's a similar sport in terms of it being a team game on a marked out playing surface, you got more feeling and depth from that one screen than you did from a whole season in MM?...;jsessionid=pevxh3vc1oaq

Copied from another site with my post there, lazy I know but I'm late... :P

ahahah great stuff with Obama at the end
That's awesome, take note EA take note other part of EA.

Suppose we'd have to settle for Blatter or Platini instead of Obama though :P
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@Wilkmyster: This part of the article worries me

Or, perhaps, don’t. Still, expect light forwards to be given a significant shove to the back, target men running towards the ball like pylons, their arms extended more to protect space than themselves plus a whole range of incidental contact in-between.

Though all well and good written down in a presentation, things really do bear out on the field. Matches have become physical practically to FIFA 09 standard, heavier players shoving their weedy, so-called technical brethren off the ball entirely. Basically, if FIFA was an accurate predictor, Bolton will be shoo-ins for the title and Spain would be world champions. Oh dear…
@Wilkmyster: This part of the article worries me

Oh, no, this is my main worry as well. Please don't let defending consist in shoving people and let the "light" players shield even if Drogba comes like a beast. After all, how many times Drogba wins a ball by shoving someone lighter in the midfield? I bet it happens seldomly, once or twice a match...
No official refs, and sadly no more data editors named as refs :(

I'm wondering if "Referee Personality" will mean we'll be seeing official referees, maybe even with proper faces (Hell, they're in more cut-scenes than most of the players.

Again, hardly a priority, but it'd be a nice touch.

Just did a search for Fifa 10 Refs and oddly found this image :D


LOL I remember that, can't quite remember the context though :)
By the way, the article I linked is from the same website as the ignorant PES preview that caused all that fuss yesterday. So there was definite sarcasm in my words :P

What they mention of physicality still being the main attribute worries me though, doesn't seem to come in line with the references from others of Messi etc being able to hold their own.
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This is great, how much harder/easier is it to programme American Football, it's a similar sport in terms of it being a team game on a marked out playing surface, you got more feeling and depth from that one screen than you did from a whole season in MM?...;jsessionid=pevxh3vc1oaq

Copied from another site with my post there, lazy I know but I'm late... :P

That bored me. Such a mono-tone voice. :FAIL:
It would bore me even if Martin Tyler did it; it was probably the music in the background to be fair. It's not Hollywood. I'd much prefer the fan chants over some hyped up bullshit.
The World Cup game celebrations were pretty good. I had to watch Ronaldo lift it for Portugal when I lost in the final and I still thought it was alright.


*Waits for someone to say they look less 'cartoony' than next-gen graphics*
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Agree with nerf though, hardly important to the game...
Well, it isn't, but I don't mind it being in. My point was more about how it is implemented.

The only way it would work, in my opinion, is the following:
1. Don't have varying degrees of strictness, just have two polar opposite settings: 'Strict' and 'Lenient'. If differences between refs is so subtle as to be barely noticeable, soon enough the gamer will treat them all the same and the feature becomes pointless.
2. Don't then hide this strictness away from the gamer and expect them to pick up on it. In the pre-match scouting report and in the pre-KO intro, give the ref's name and explicitly display "Reputation: Strict" or whatever next to his name. Then the gamer knows what to expect and might bother to factor it in.

If the gamer is not told explicitly what the ref's strictness is, and if the refs are all varying degrees of similarity to the extent that the gamer isn't sure where they stand, it pretty quickly becomes an irrelevant feature that we'll give no second thought to.
^I agree. Communicating things to user in a clear way is one of the things I miss now and then.

They should do the same with form. Why my players are on a high or low morale? Is becasue thy won or lost? Is because they don't play? Are they tired because the play too much?

Those are the sorts of things you expect to micro-manage in a Mana... Career mode.
The referee strictness is shown as likelihood to call a foul and likelihood to give a card. Strict, normal, lenient for each.
It was in the game options where you'd select game speed, match length, net shape/tightness etc. I don't think it says anything overt during the pre-match cutscenes other than the ref's name. It's not in any leaked screens if that's what you meant.
Actua Soccer had ratings out of ten I think.

Btw what I said above is for exhibition mode, not necessarily for all otger modes. The referees themselves are fictional.
Just to point the obvious out, but I actually missed it. On the video that Placebo fixed (the gameplay cut out from Santiago interview) you can see how the Pro Passing weighting works. Down on the player bar you can see when they power up the passes and when they let go the indicator shows where the optimal pass power was. We already knew this, but I think this is the first time we've seen it.

The bad youtube version for the lazy one:
YouTube - FIFA 11 - Gameplay - Montage
Just to point the obvious out, but I actually missed it. On the video that Placebo fixed (the gameplay cut out from Santiago interview) you can see how the Pro Passing weighting works. Down on the player bar you can see when they power up the passes and when they let go the indicator shows where the optimal pass power was. We already knew this, but I think this is the first time we've seen it.


YouTube - Fifa11 Cropped Interview FauxHD

Interesting thing with the video is the way that it cuts right before all the setpieces, literally momentarily before they are taken - is there something with that which is embargo'd, or just an unlucky coincidence?

But yes, you can see fairly clearly how it works on those videos. In fact, those videos are the best preview gameplay videos I've ever seen for a FIFA football game.
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