Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Not quite at the same level as suggested, but we do have 2 dedicated topics.

Let's FIFA 11/12/13: Making the perfect football game

FIFA 11/12/13 Manager Mode Suggestions Thread

Yeah, that may be sufficient, and maybe the discussions in this topic will only spur in this type of topic, but I just got inspired by reading about Mozillas Bugzilla software, and thought that an equivalent could help develeopers more in creating our kind of game
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It's a great idea in principle. The thing is they don't have anything like that for the PES section yet, let alone FIFA!

I agree a subforum would be great. It needn't be locked down so much - we're mature enough to look after things ourselves. But evo-web has created something of a niche for itself as far as feedback is concerned. I don't see this sort of thing happening in the PES section atm, but having its own feedback section would perhaps be a catalyst for them too.
One of the more intelligent posters on the EA board posted this:

Each of these categories will have their own unique parts. For example, the visual styles and animations per person will be obvious (as outlined in our recent interview) so we think that the EA team are onto something special here. There is now a significant improvement to the facial animations. We were shown a test demo in which the EA team had the character model of John Terry screaming, smiling, shouting, frowning and more: as equally disturbing as impressive. This doesn’t simply work when the camera is close, the players all shout, squint and react to the events within a match. I experienced this myself as after scoring a goal, I used the instant replay feature and zoomed in as the ball connected with the players head. Just before the ball connects, the player started to close his eyes and as it connects his face tightens up, his teeth show and his face is a mass of emotions: a twinge of pain and urgency. Stunning to say the least, but more on this further down.

I've not even seen this hands-on yet. It all sounds so good. I really whish EA would show us. I mean after seeing the pES vids and not showing us shit you have to imagine they're pretty confident with what they'll put forth this year. Not that i'm into PES v FIFA wars much these days, but i'd like to see whether FIFA 11 is as good as i imagine it to be!

Call me impatient but we atleast got a teaser last year. This year it looks like we won't get much until a month and a half from launch. This game will go GOLD in about 7-8weeks and we've really seen squat. Amazing. I'm not sure whther to be worried or confident in them :lol

This part of the gamesradar preview had me excited:

You can play the ball into space with X ,if you like, and then control another player to try and beat your opponent in a foot race to get it. The crossing has been tuned too. We race down the flank with Tottenham's Aaron Lennon and get to the corner of the 18 yard box. We scream at the stringy Peter Crouch, as he runs to the near post instead of the far one, but intelligently as we hit the cross it sort of chips onto his forehead and he buries it past a flailing goalkeeper. He doesn't even break stride.

One-two passes are far more intuitive in FIFA11 too. Play the ball from a winger to a midfielder, for example, and they'll continue their run without you having to force them into it.

Good stuff.
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It's a great idea in principle. The thing is they don't have anything like that for the PES section yet, let alone FIFA!

I agree a subforum would be great. It needn't be locked down so much - we're mature enough to look after things ourselves. But evo-web has created something of a niche for itself as far as feedback is concerned. I don't see this sort of thing happening in the PES section atm, but having its own feedback section would perhaps be a catalyst for them too.

There are feedback sections in pretty much every PES forum but Evo-Web, but there are dedicated feedback tthreads for Fifa. Is it because it's easier to feedback on something that isn't totally broken or the Evo-Web doesn't care about "Evo" that much anymore?

Konami has proven to "read" into those sections as well (being the most obvious I can remember of right now, the suggestion of Jim Beglin as commentator from Alan/Curdstar on WENB) so I think Evo-Web is really missing in not having such section too, for both games really.
You've got to be pretty strong willed to do his job

Sorta offtopic but I strongly disagree. You've got to be a strong-willed individual to be a miner, a farmer, a blue-collar worker in a factory, a nurse, a soldier/policeman or a fireman.

Being a manager in any business at any level is a fucking joke of a job. Anybody could do it with 3 months worth of training and a bit of luck.
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does anyone know if the become a player mode in career mode will allow say four players to battle for captaincy and an international place like in Fifa world cup because that mode is actually fun and i will love to see it in Fifa 11
does anyone know if the become a player mode in career mode will allow say four players to battle for captaincy and an international place like in Fifa world cup because that mode is actually fun and i will love to see it in Fifa 11

No it's not like that, it's just like in FIFA 10, only one pro.

Phil from EA posted that he was going to see if it was possible to play with more controllers. Seems like they might have removed the possibility for a friend to jump in and control someone else from the starting eleven.

From FSB !
Benzema look very .. high :D
I'm officially hating the finesse shot, sure it might be too easy to score with it, but that's the fault of the goalkeepers and defence.

My problem with the finesse shot is how weak they look, there is absolutely no weight to the shots! This is one of things I'd agree is too "floaty".

38 secs, yes please.

YouTube - Top 5 Bergkamp goals for Arsenal
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I've just scored some more powerful finesse shots in the arena, so think i'll shut up now...


(They're still more floaty than I'd prefer)
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I think they should change the shooting, O should only off the laces and R1 to always be instep with curl.

Just as a basic setup then maybe to dictate the curl you need to move the stick in a certain way.

Im just spitballing here but there needs to be more options of shots, not to mention that volleys just suck in FIFA.
No it's not like that, it's just like in FIFA 10, only one pro.

Phil from EA posted that he was going to see if it was possible to play with more controllers. Seems like they might have removed the possibility for a friend to jump in and control someone else from the starting eleven.

thanks for the info
its a great shame its not in fifa 11 because it was the mode on Fifa world cup that i played the most with my friends looks like its back to traditional exhibition mode for fifa 11 then only :(
Funny thing is, if you shoot using the cross button on manual, the "shots" are a lot more weighted.
I've just scored some more powerful finesse shots in the arena, so think i'll shut up now...


(They're still more floaty than I'd prefer)
On FIFA 08 I remember that you could hit finesse shots similar to that Bergkamp goal.
The problem was that on "Semi" shooting, there were so many "sweet spots" where by just aiming outside the far post and doing a finesse shot would curl the ball just inside the far post much too high a rate... so to tone it down they made finesse shots from outside the box much weaker, making them almost completely ineffective (you can still score a few, I scored a nice one from about 25 yards with Podolski on manual last week).

I think they should have more power on them and curl more, here's some more examples of real life "finesse shots":
YouTube - Luis Suarez Goal - Uruguay VS South-Korea 2-1 - World Cup 2010 (Couldn't find this on YouTube, probably one of the best goals i've seen in person!)

Funny thing is, if you shoot using the cross button on manual, the "shots" are a lot more weighted.
I agree, I did this by accident and nearly scored! I did the double tap driven cross from fairly deep, towards the far post and it ended up looking like the most powerful FIFA shot i've ever seen, crashing into the post!
I've tried it a few times since and gotten way closer to scoring from distance than I had been doing with standard shots.
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They've ruined finesse shots because they didn't have error in accuracy. One of those stupid solutions that isn't based on reality. They should make the power realistic again now when they have error based on attributes (and position and all that).
Tbh mate, I think they 'robbed' you. You practically gave them a free of charge to-do list, and they probably had something else in mind. They told you they had the same plan, joked about it, gave you a pat on the back to make you feel "easy" around them and send them more ideas for free then.

You should be the one in charge, not Rutter, or whoever's on top.

Well if this game turns out to be good i'll no doubt call it Hand of Beetle 11 or Romagnoli 11
I really hope they sort the headers on goal out. This is definitely the weakest part of the game. They know the headers are crap, and so when you put a cross in what normally happens is one of the following;

1. The defender out jumps you
2. You either don't jump, or jump too late or attempt to chest a decent cross.
3. You manage to actually head the ball but the result is a weak or loopy header.

There is not nearly enough headed goals because of this, and the ones I do score are not convincing.

I know the headers were improved in Fifa WC, but it still needs a lot of work.
I think they concentrate on other areas too much, when really they should get the on the pitch stuff sorted first.

It will still be the best footy game this year because PES has fell too far back for them to be able to claw it back within a year, but it does look like Konami are finally putting some effort in at last. Even though PES 10 is very arcadey EA could do a lot worse than copying the heading in PES.
Those fucking weak foot crosses/shots... :(
Yeah that sucks, there was absolutely no reason why that player (my VP, right footed) should have hit that with his left foot when there was no pressure or anything...

I really hope they sort the headers on goal out. This is definitely the weakest part of the game. They know the headers are crap, and so when you put a cross in what normally happens is one of the following;

1. The defender out jumps you
2. You either don't jump, or jump too late or attempt to chest a decent cross.
3. You manage to actually head the ball but the result is a weak or loopy header.

There is not nearly enough headed goals because of this, and the ones I do score are not convincing.

I know the headers were improved in Fifa WC, but it still needs a lot of work.
I think they concentrate on other areas too much, when really they should get the on the pitch stuff sorted first.

It will still be the best footy game this year because PES has fell too far back for them to be able to claw it back within a year, but it does look like Konami are finally putting some effort in at last. Even though PES 10 is very arcadey EA could do a lot worse than copying the heading in PES.
Agreed, heading is awful.
They are easier to score on manual than semi or assisted but you have to aim back across the goal (wide of the far post) to even get it on target most of the time, tapping the pass button sometimes works from close range.
Here is an interesting post I came across on the official boards
Expectations? Here's what I expect from FIFA 11, based on previous experience with the franchise:

An annoying and unskippable intro cinematic
Having to select the Union Jack every time I load the game
Laggy menus that freeze for no reason
An illogical UI that's incomprehensible to navigate
Only having a suggestion of control over my players and team
Pre-canned animations like ridiculous stumbles
Lazy forwards getting caught offside as they amble back after a failed attack
Largely the same celebrations as FIFA 10 and FIFA 09
Choppy replays from stupid camera angles that don't show the build-up
Half time highlights that are anything but
Largely the same commentary from FIFA 10 and FIFA 09
Not seeing the shorts and socks at the kit selection stage
Referees wearing similar kit to one of the teams
Goalkeepers wearing very similar kit to the opposition's outfield players
Goalkeepers charging off their line uncontrollably
Players stuck together like velcro in the name of 'jostle'
Helium-filled footballs
Laggy and unresponsive online play
People quitting online with no penalty
High pressure tactics and pace winning the day, every day
Having to drill down through several menu layers to select the most common things
Goalscorers suddenly warping to the side of the pitch for the celebration cinematic
Crowds that do not react to what's happening on the pitch
Bugs, bugs and more bugs
Exploits, expolits and more exploits
I could go on...

As long as all the things above are present and correct in FIFA 11 then my expectations will have been met. Anything else will be a bonus.

Sadly, FIFA is still our best option for a footballing videogame, and (like every year, because I'm a sheep) I'll be buying it on day one.

EA, you win.

It's so true
I really hope they sort the headers on goal out. This is definitely the weakest part of the game. They know the headers are crap, and so when you put a cross in what normally happens is one of the following;

1. The defender out jumps you
2. You either don't jump, or jump too late or attempt to chest a decent cross.
3. You manage to actually head the ball but the result is a weak or loopy header.

There is not nearly enough headed goals because of this, and the ones I do score are not convincing.

I know the headers were improved in Fifa WC, but it still needs a lot of work.
I think they concentrate on other areas too much, when really they should get the on the pitch stuff sorted first.

It will still be the best footy game this year because PES has fell too far back for them to be able to claw it back within a year, but it does look like Konami are finally putting some effort in at last. Even though PES 10 is very arcadey EA could do a lot worse than copying the heading in PES.

i personaly think PES2011 will be what FIFA 08 was back then
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