Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Your point? There are many types of marketing, and this is not that rare of a strategy. Hold back, and back, and back. PES are trying to prove something now and they haven't even got a clue where their competitor is really at. EA have the advantage that they don't need to rush, and they won't. Everyone will wait for EA to see what they have before they declare any victors - apart from the hardcore. It does seem late. I saw something recently which said August the 17th for the first trailer. That seems incredible but it's their strategy.

It's really not about rushing! It's about if they have the capability to produce quality. ATM EA haven't showed to the sim players they have what it takes yet in videos etc.. only in talking.

FIFA doesn't need to do a huge amount but fix. They have the technology in place, they have the features, they just need to fix, refine, fix, refine. It has a manager mode, a Be-a-Player mode, online head to head and online leagues, leaderboards, online-team-play, and it has the online-clubs. It also has all the stuff in the general gameplay there - it's just poorly done.

I think one thing you need to really comprehend is the situation EA are in in terms of bugs. The reason why FIFA games tend to be so full with them imo is because of the Top men at EA being imo cunts.

They care all about the money and corrupt reviews and don't give a shit about the quality! Hence the BIG issue is that they Hire and Fire so much staff from year to year Marcel talked about how the Manager mode for FIFA 10 was a 'Three year plan' and mentioned that the code he was working with was completely bug ridden as it was back in 09.

It's clear it's like that will almost all aspects of the game. Many of the modes they have in place were built seemingly by people who have been stupidly fired by EA and are in the hands of people who are most likely skilled but probably don't have full understanding of how everything works.

So It's not easy, it's really not easy for EA to make the game perfect, or outstanding like you say!

My entire mental wishlist for this game is fixes. It has everything I want, it just needs to be fixed. What FIFA 10 should have been would be the best football game ever made by a mile.

Like it been said with the FIFA 11 PC announcement! 'They are still working on the Personality plus etc.. They have started with FIFA 10! A game which is run on an engine which doesn't factor player attributes hardly at all and they suddenly have to apply in effective many attributes of player individually and personality, also crucially making sure the game is playable, not bug ridden and balanced enough so it isn't easily exploitable.

Also add that many people love the game the way it is :CONFUSE:

Also how will they effectively sort out Defensive AI and other major issues along with all the new features etc.. So you say EA don't need to rush, it's not about that.. or the mind games it's about showing clear evidence that the issues are being addressed in videos.

imo it's a lot harder than your making out. They going to have to really rewrite so much of the engine and i still can't gauge how much the new personality effects will matter. I very in the dark, and I'm eagerly waiting for some solid news and gamescom especially!

Last year, the people who played the game gave us a very flawed version of the truth - this time I think they are being more careful, but who knows. I'll be sorely displeased if this game fails as badly as FIFA 10.

Nah, I'm sorry imo those people didn't lie, i think the version they played was how they said it was, the game either had bugs which couldn't be sorted out with the current settings it had or was just watered down to feed the masses.

My personal premonition is that it will be a fair improvement, the real question comes down to whether or not they've solved the problems with major exploitation. If they can just get over that the game will be infinitely less frustrating. I would be surprised if this game suddenly turns into a great single player experience (and I know that is what is most important for many of you) - but getting it to be this great multiplayer experience is within a games reach if EA are courageous enough to make the changes that the reputable members of the forum have suggested.

I have to say, given that, when I did see 'that vid' - I was pleasantly surprised

It's really not about rushing! It's about if they have the capability to produce quality. ATM EA haven't showed to the sim players they have what it takes yet in videos etc.. only in talking.

If you want to believe that they won't show because it's going to look bad that's fine. EA will play the PR how they want. If I had to guess their PR scheme is simple - they are going to attempt to blow us out of the water, in one fell swoop. So far EA have shown nothing, there is no denial of that.

I think one thing you need to really comprehend is the situation EA are in in terms of bugs. The reason why FIFA games tend to be so full with them imo is because of the Top men at EA being imo cunts.

They care all about the money and corrupt reviews and don't give a shit about the quality! Hence the BIG issue is that they Hire and Fire so much staff from year to year Marcel talked about how the Manager mode for FIFA 10 was a 'Three year plan' and mentioned that the code he was working with was completely bug ridden as it was back in 09.

It's clear it's like that will almost all aspects of the game. Many of the modes they have in place were built seemingly by people who have been stupidly fired by EA and are in the hands of people who are most likely skilled but probably don't have full understanding of how everything works.

So It's not easy, it's really not easy for EA to make the game perfect, or outstanding like you say!

Most companies are like that, whether you want them to be or not. Activision, EA, Konami, Microsoft, Sony, all of them care about money above everything else, or at least their top men do. That's their job. Their job is to make money. But you couldn't say this of Gary Paterson, who clearly does care about the game. EA have always had a big issue with bugs, but in terms of their gameplay they have remarkably few actual bugs, and a rather spectacular array of flaws. If you look at manager mode, then yes, I think they have an uphill battle and said as much. The multiplayer part of FIFA is soluble this year, the rest is a different matter due to the number of bugs and the, as of FIFA 10, fairly poor AI.

Like it been said with the FIFA 11 PC announcement! 'They are still working on the Personality plus etc.. They have started with FIFA 10! A game which is run on an engine which doesn't factor player attributes hardly at all and they suddenly have to apply in effective many attributes of player individually and personality, also crucially making sure the game is playable, not bug ridden and balanced enough so it isn't easily exploitable.

I doubt it's quite as complex as you imply. I'd certainly argue that PES has further to go from a developmental standpoint than FIFA does. If you look at 360 dribbling in PES from last year it's a fairly clear example of what happens when you rush technology into an engine... but making the stats work? Probably not so hard.

If you take a stat like dribbling, one that we have seen definitive proof of what it now does, it's not that difficult to make that stat effect the touch distance, and the turning circle. Those stats have always been there, always been planned to be used, but to a large extent didn't - though in all honesty most of them probably did something, just not much.

Also add that many people love the game the way it is :CONFUSE:

I've never really met someone who really liked the game the way it is.

Also how will they effectively sort out Defensive AI and other major issues along with all the new features etc.. So you say EA don't need to rush, it's not about that.. or the mind games it's about showing clear evidence that the issues are being addressed in videos.

To clarify, when I said EA don't need to rush - it's about PR. EA don't need to show a video of their game. This is a fact. PES has everything to prove after last year and EA can play it how they like.

imo it's a lot harder than your making out. They going to have to really rewrite so much of the engine and i still can't gauge how much the new personality effects will matter. I very in the dark, and I'm eagerly waiting for some solid news and gamescom especially!

Well the one clear video there is (the testbed video), is one which shows some of what Personality+ does in terms of passing, dribbling, agility, shooting, and so on. Will it be of PES level detail? Almost certainly not - but that won't change much of how good FIFA is as a simulation. As for rewriting the engine - I really think you overestimate this. PES has added inverse-kinetics into their game - THAT would require one hell of an engine rewrite. FIFA is tweaking, comparitively.

Put it this way, if PES can come even half as far as so many seem to believe it has in a year, then FIFA can be every bit as good as people say it is.

Nah, I'm sorry imo those people didn't lie, i think the version they played was how they said it was, the game either had bugs which couldn't be sorted out with the current settings it had or was just watered down to feed the masses.

I didn't say that they lied. I said that they gave a flawed version of the truth - in that when it came down to it for whatever reason their views really didn't match up tot he product. Who knows for what reason, it's all speculation. I find it hard to believe that the game really changed as much as it would have had to.

There is a cynical view that this is a long term cash cow for EA, and they may have things they could quite easily add but will hold over year on year knowing full well the game will still sell in its millions...

Part of the PR for this year is errors in passing, this is a basic fundamental thing in football, yet we seem to be getting a new feature of it 15 years down the line...
any chance we can actually have a news thread of fifa 11 as i have to skim read through a bunch of opinions to get to any real information about fifa 11

can we have seperate threads?
The only evidence you have really is that vid. You can see the pace of the game (on normal), you can see the ball being misdirected and under/overhit. Sadly that's all you're going to have for a while yet. Official GP is going to be one of the last things to emerge by the looks of it.

I just have to say that I enjoy all your posts Rom. Not that I dislike everyone elses, but since you seem to put so much time and effort here I just wanted to let you know. :)

Back to all things fifa11, is it 100% in that more than 2 players compete for aerial challenges? I've not seen a screenshot that shows this or read a review that mentions it.

AFAIK, 2 or more people can, but not 2 human players, only 1 human player + AI players. SO presumably 2 human players from the same team cannot both try to head a ball.
Join the queue TA, have your clean bill of health from the VD clinic to hand.

Part of the PR for this year is errors in passing, this is a basic fundamental thing in football, yet we seem to be getting a new feature of it 15 years down the line...

I do find that perspective quite unfair tbh. I personally do see this EA as a different entity to the one of the pre-FIFA 07 era.

You have to look at what people were expecting EA to announce this year. Countless posters in here were saying 'EA will never address pingpong passing', 'EA will never make more of a sim', 'EA will never add individuality as it's not in their interests to put that depth in there', 'EA will never listen to us'...

Well they have, and they've spent the vast majority of this year righting past wrongs and deciding how they build on their multi-million pound game based on what we - including YOU - have to say. Rob said that thing about 'why should we congratulate a fat fuck for losing weight - because it's not easy for a fat fuck to change his ways.

Whether it's EA taking this small step/giant leap into becoming the game we all crave or Konami finally using a current gen animation and control system, it's not just about the fact that they've put something in, but the statement of intent for the years ahead. If EA hadn't put proper use of attributes in this year after we'd all gone absolutely mental about it on the forums then wouldn't that paint a very different picture for what to expect for the next 3 or 4 years? Both EA and Konami's fat fucks were both at risk of serious health problems; not congratulating them for turning things around is pretty short sighted of the mammoth achievement and willpower involved.
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Hmm, an interesting find from the EA Forums :SHOCK:

In the gamesradar article

It works the same as calling in another defender in previous FIFAs, where an AI team-mate will sprint to the ball carrier as you control a different player. But this time around, your player will go into a sort of defensive stance as he back peddles expertly, while facing the attacker. You'll know when it's happening because a tiny head and shoulders silhouette appears over your controlled-players head and another player will charge in. We're not sure whether the indicator is needed though. This positioning helps to snuff out the threat of dangerous runners like Cristiano Ronaldo as you can use it to guide them into channels where they'll be less effective.

The silhouette sounds odd, I'm not a fan of indicators etc. doesn't help the game in terms of immersion.

And another link:
FIFA 11 : Inside Personality+
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any chance we can actually have a news thread of fifa 11 as i have to skim read through a bunch of opinions to get to any real information about fifa 11

can we have seperate threads?

Lami has done one for PES, so I don't see why not, though he is a PES fan...



I wanted to do it really but when I was about to I got lost and didn't know where to start. Too many pages here. As for PES, I started it with the first news out so no hassle there.

If someone can help and guide me here..
Romagnoli's Hands on - Part 1
Romagnoli's Hands on - Part 2

Eurogamer Preview
IGN Preview
Videogamer Preview
Gamesradar Preview Preview
The Gaming Liberty Preview

EA - Fifa 11: Inside Personality+

EA - Fifa 11: Next Gen - More Details
EA - Fifa 11: PC - More Details
Ea - Fifa 11: Creation Centre
EA - Fifa 11: PC - Announcement

Development Videos from EA
Gametrailers Video


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That's most of it I think?

Without posting quotes from various people on forums at least.
Sounds like they decided to force that singular pressing, so you can't hold both pressure buttons down and have two players bombing toward the ball. Will be interesting to see how that works.

For my sins I suggested the indicator. It sounds like they're using it differently though; I wanted them to use it on the player who is actually running to pressure as a name and shame type thing. So you could see the other guy was spamming pressure and you could jink past them more easily. By taking the element of surprise out of it you could play against it more easily. That was my thinking anyway - I just suggested it so they could test if it was worth keeping! If it sucks don't blame me.
Only just spotted this:

Moore contradicted himself this year by saying EA's goal with 11 is not Metacritc anymore. So I thought this meant we were getting a sim this year. But now we don't know for certain.

I genuinely have zero clue what the logic was in that post.
Only just spotted this:

I genuinely have zero clue what the logic was in that post.
For FIFA 09 or 10 I remember people at EA saying how much of a success the game was based on their Metacritic score, hopefully this means they're going to see how good it is based on the opinions of people with brains rather than idiotic game reviewers.

I sort of agree about how it's good EA have changed their ways by seemingly being willing to make the game more realistic, maybe at the cost of some of their casual/chav market... but I still maintain that this should have been done way earlier so they shouldn't get too much credit for it.
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Yeah, I misunderstood the context of the last bit - funny how quickly something can escalate and then disappear, like the Pro Passing optionality chaos.

Moore said something like 'it's not worth getting het up over higher Metacritic targets when sports games will never get too much higher than 91'. It's definitely the way to go, to focus on the fans.
He always wears high socks at first, then they come down to normal after about 2 mins, so Fifa11 keeping them always high would be an inaccurate "new feature".
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