Fight the Power!
- 28 November 2007
Your point? There are many types of marketing, and this is not that rare of a strategy. Hold back, and back, and back. PES are trying to prove something now and they haven't even got a clue where their competitor is really at. EA have the advantage that they don't need to rush, and they won't. Everyone will wait for EA to see what they have before they declare any victors - apart from the hardcore. It does seem late. I saw something recently which said August the 17th for the first trailer. That seems incredible but it's their strategy.
It's really not about rushing! It's about if they have the capability to produce quality. ATM EA haven't showed to the sim players they have what it takes yet in videos etc.. only in talking.
FIFA doesn't need to do a huge amount but fix. They have the technology in place, they have the features, they just need to fix, refine, fix, refine. It has a manager mode, a Be-a-Player mode, online head to head and online leagues, leaderboards, online-team-play, and it has the online-clubs. It also has all the stuff in the general gameplay there - it's just poorly done.
I think one thing you need to really comprehend is the situation EA are in in terms of bugs. The reason why FIFA games tend to be so full with them imo is because of the Top men at EA being imo cunts.
They care all about the money and corrupt reviews and don't give a shit about the quality! Hence the BIG issue is that they Hire and Fire so much staff from year to year Marcel talked about how the Manager mode for FIFA 10 was a 'Three year plan' and mentioned that the code he was working with was completely bug ridden as it was back in 09.
It's clear it's like that will almost all aspects of the game. Many of the modes they have in place were built seemingly by people who have been stupidly fired by EA and are in the hands of people who are most likely skilled but probably don't have full understanding of how everything works.
So It's not easy, it's really not easy for EA to make the game perfect, or outstanding like you say!
My entire mental wishlist for this game is fixes. It has everything I want, it just needs to be fixed. What FIFA 10 should have been would be the best football game ever made by a mile.
Like it been said with the FIFA 11 PC announcement! 'They are still working on the Personality plus etc.. They have started with FIFA 10! A game which is run on an engine which doesn't factor player attributes hardly at all and they suddenly have to apply in effective many attributes of player individually and personality, also crucially making sure the game is playable, not bug ridden and balanced enough so it isn't easily exploitable.
Also add that many people love the game the way it is

Also how will they effectively sort out Defensive AI and other major issues along with all the new features etc.. So you say EA don't need to rush, it's not about that.. or the mind games it's about showing clear evidence that the issues are being addressed in videos.
imo it's a lot harder than your making out. They going to have to really rewrite so much of the engine and i still can't gauge how much the new personality effects will matter. I very in the dark, and I'm eagerly waiting for some solid news and gamescom especially!
Last year, the people who played the game gave us a very flawed version of the truth - this time I think they are being more careful, but who knows. I'll be sorely displeased if this game fails as badly as FIFA 10.
Nah, I'm sorry imo those people didn't lie, i think the version they played was how they said it was, the game either had bugs which couldn't be sorted out with the current settings it had or was just watered down to feed the masses.
My personal premonition is that it will be a fair improvement, the real question comes down to whether or not they've solved the problems with major exploitation. If they can just get over that the game will be infinitely less frustrating. I would be surprised if this game suddenly turns into a great single player experience (and I know that is what is most important for many of you) - but getting it to be this great multiplayer experience is within a games reach if EA are courageous enough to make the changes that the reputable members of the forum have suggested.
I have to say, given that, when I did see 'that vid' - I was pleasantly surprised