I love lamp
- 18 March 2006
I need some help to understand something: if the power bar is optional in offline and you decide to turn it off, what will change in terms of gameplay in comparison to if you turn it on ?
It may seem like a stupid question but I've been confused since yesterday
Basically, it will be like if you play a friend locally on FIFA10, and you play Manual and he plays Semi/Assisted. In certain situations you will not be able to perform strong passes, because the powerbar will not charge up quickly enough before the player strikes the ball. Your friend on the other hand will just need to tap the pass button, and the AI can "fill" the powerbar instantly to perform the required pass.
Partly because of this I am not happy that this is optional, because the Pro Passing being THE design would mean the playing field was equal, and there would be consistency in how you can play the game, rather than having different limitations for different setups/assist levels as currently is the case.