Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

Pro passing is across all of FIFA 11, for the CPU, BAP, Clubs, online, everything. The gameplay in Exhibition mode is the same for every other mode.

I don't know what is happening with VPs, only that the generic VPs that will play alongside you won't include 5'4" keepers etc.

They'd be better of going back to 09 stats wise so teams are the same so it comes down to player skill / good teamplay instead of the ridiculous super VPs that are everywhere now. Club as it stands is just completely wrecked.
Re: Fifa 11

I'm dead against VPs being identically skilled. That's not how football works. We've been talking very extensively about how we think VPs should work in a hidden part of the official forums, as well as one of the Q&A threads over there. I think I stuck it in the feedback thread in here? Basically the latest stage we were at is that I'd like a system where you choose an initial template for your player and then, from there, you should be able to level up to a point (say 1/2 of all the achievements available?), after which you cannot unlock any more permanent stats improvements. From that point on, your improvement in certain areas is based on your form in that area (I'm aware that the form system would need to be overhauled for this, but let's assume that it is for arguments sake!).

So basically you spend the first part of your VPs career defining what sort of player he naturally is, and then if you want any further improvement in those areas (or you want to play in a different position and need to get up to scratch in other areas) then you can get a further, form based tweak to your base abilities via form.

Placebo - Pro Passing is attached to long passes, just not the little marker that tells you what the ideal weight would have been. Footballer attribute dependency is attached to pretty much everything. I tend to equate pro passing to just the power bar stuff, but of course it's meant to include stat based error too.
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Re: Fifa 11

I'm dead against VPs being identically skilled. That's not how football works. We've been talking very extensively about how we think VPs should work in a hidden part of the official forums, as well as one of the Q&A threads over there. I think I stuck it in the feedback thread in here?

Not completely identical but RW's similar in both teams like in 09. Truth be told, it made for a more balanced game. The way it is now is just a joke. Sorry but it's got to be said. And all the "bling" that's chucked in just makes it look ridiculous when viewing the game! Green hair! Yellow gloves for christ sake. WTF is all that about?! It just looks ridiculous.

A VP we played against last night must have been over 7ft and built like a brick shithouse. He was pretty fast too. You don't see players like that so as much as EA say things, it isn't working and spoils the mode.

Needs to get back to realism. Pronto.
Re: Fifa 11

I don't disagree that the current system is wrong but I'd much rather VPs varied from player to player than have all RW's be identical etc. That's no more realistic than blue afros as far as I'm concerned. Where 09's system would have been more effective was in terms of balance - but there's nothing saying that the VP system couldn't be balanced.
Re: Fifa 11

Placebo - Pro Passing is attached to long passes, just not the little marker that tells you what the ideal weight would have been. Footballer attribute dependency is attached to pretty much everything. I tend to equate pro passing to just the power bar stuff, but of course it's meant to include stat based error too.

Aha right I remember you mentioning that now :)
Re: Fifa 11

The stuff about tackling sounds great, the fact that there are different types/aggressiveness of tackle depending on how fast you're moving towards the opponent. If they balance it well that sounds like it could potentially make a big difference to defending.
Re: Fifa 11

I don't disagree that the current system is wrong but I'd much rather VPs varied from player to player than have all RW's be identical etc. That's no more realistic than blue afros as far as I'm concerned. Where 09's system would have been more effective was in terms of balance - but there's nothing saying that the VP system couldn't be balanced.

I actually agree that we do need individuality so I was going a bit overboard but as you also mentioned, something is very wrong with the current system. Fingers crossed for an improvement but hopefully Pro passing will make for a more balanced game in clubs anyway.

Re: Fifa 11

The stuff about tackling sounds great, the fact that there are different types/aggressiveness of tackle depending on how fast you're moving towards the opponent. If they balance it well that sounds like it could potentially make a big difference to defending.

Agree, that sound great. That is one of the big issues with pressing as well, that you can simply sprint into and opponent without being punished for it. Great thing for me too, as I already try to defend that wat.:))
Re: Fifa 11

I did notice a couple of stand out animations for heading and tackling in Guildford. You'll remember I mentioned the standing lunge when the ball is up close and the hook tackles when trying to knock the ball away; I also saw one of the animations for when you run across the front of the player with the ball. It's hard to describe but it was a combination of the player using one of his running foot plants to knock the ball away, while simultaneously turning his body slightly side-on to brace in case of impact. Sounds odd but you'd recognise it if you saw it as a typical pickpocket challenge.

There were some cool header animations too - Puyol was running back to defend a cross which was between him and goal; he jumped and twisted in the air to try and reverse diving header the ball back up the pitch. He missed the ball but it was pretty cool!
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Re: Fifa 11

It doesn't seem like they're talking about a Fifa game. Seems too good to be true :SHOCK:
Re: Fifa 11

The tackling for me was a big plus point from the version I played in Guilford. Even though it's largely still automatic tackling, the jockey feature and the individualism for each player (ie good defenders had better types of tackling and could tackle a bigger area of the player or make a tackle and retain possession, whereas the crappier players could get rinsed easier, not tackle as much or make a tackle and the ball would just ping off somewhere) makes defending a much more enjoyable experience. I think they still need to remove the auto tackle though, and change A from pressing to tackle, ala PES of old.

But they're definately getting there.
Re: Fifa 11

Sadly, I think holding "A" will be left in there for the casual audience. There should be no need for that really. I you approach a poor dribbler with a good tackler you should be able to dispossess or atleast knock lose the ball. I understand that is possible somewhat at the moment but that should be good enough (with the addition of new tackles) that we don't need a "Pressure button".

Either that or make the pressure button hugely energy-sapping.
Re: Fifa 11

I put it in my feedback form that I thought tackling should go further; I hope you did too Kev. I'm hoping they act on it. Otherwise it may be down to PES to (hopefully) show it can be done.

It definitely is better, but it should be better still. Fingers crossed they can get this done by making standard pressing less reactive to directional changes, leading to more fouls and requiring us to jockey before timing our challenges.
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Re: Fifa 11

I put it in my feedback form that I thought tackling should go further; I hope you did too Kev. I'm hoping they act on it. Otherwise it may be down to PES to (hopefully) show it can be done.

It definitely is better, but it should be better still. Fingers crossed they can get this done by making standard pressing less reactive to directional changes, leading to more fouls and requiring us to jockey before timing our challenges.

Yeah I did, I made the point PES had it right when you can jockey and then go in for a tackle pressing the button, whereas FIFA is still too automatic for me, it's not considered an art. They're going the right way about it though, with jockeying more efficient and more ways to tackle.
Re: Fifa 11

I suspect other people will have complained about this too, minus the assisted run everywhere smashing down pass all game people. I don't think it'll make this FIFA but I hope to see it in the years to come.
Re: Fifa 11

It won't ever be fully manual - even PES's new system isn't manual - but it has to be such that sprint pressuring is much less effective than timing everything properly. If you just hold X, or sprint and X, then you have to give away fouls a lot more often or be completely schooled. At the moment it is less effective, but not much and with too little stamina depreciation.

There is a video coming soon enough which will detail what they're soon with stamina. That could well be what turns the tables in our favour.
Re: Fifa 11

I could so live without the pressure button, was just playing some online matches for the first time since Fifa 09 probably. It's fun, but I found myself playing by some non-existent rules that have been created to make the game more realistic. Not holding the pressing button, trying not to rush the ball forward... even though these things are probably more effective than the way I was playing. A bit like in PES where the cutback was outlawed.

Guess it's a bit like being shot in the head in call of duty and surviving, so you decide to lie down and play dead instead. :P

It's all a bit backwards, surely it has to be the game limiting what is effective instead, based on tactics, stamina etc.
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Re: Fifa 11

Exactly what I say when people say it's the fault of the community. If you spend the whole time moderating your behaviour you're never pushing yourself. You end up spending so much time focussing on your imaginary rules rathe than cutting loose.
Re: Fifa 11

I'm dead against VPs being identically skilled. That's not how football works. We've been talking very extensively about how we think VPs should work in a hidden part of the official forums, as well as one of the Q&A threads over there. I think I stuck it in the feedback thread in here? Basically the latest stage we were at is that I'd like a system where you choose an initial template for your player and then, from there, you should be able to level up to a point (say 1/2 of all the achievements available?), after which you cannot unlock any more permanent stats improvements. From that point on, your improvement in certain areas is based on your form in that area (I'm aware that the form system would need to be overhauled for this, but let's assume that it is for arguments sake!).

So basically you spend the first part of your VPs career defining what sort of player he naturally is, and then if you want any further improvement in those areas (or you want to play in a different position and need to get up to scratch in other areas) then you can get a further, form based tweak to your base abilities via form.

The whole system would have to be overhauled for that, let alone the form system, not that what you're suggesting isn't along the right lines. I wonder what you/others are thinking on the physical side of this? One of the main flaws, in my opinion, with the system as per FIFA 10, is that the physical side is stepped. There are two weight brackets, and 4 height brackets. Now I don't know (but I suspect it doesn't) whether 'weight' has any real advantage in and of itself, but with height this is a pretty bizarre concept - because you only ever see 4 heights of players. 5'6", 5'10", 6'2", and 6'7". The way this effects the mechanics of heading in FIFA's VP is pretty ludicrous - because at 5'6", you'll never win a header, at 5'10", you'll pretty much never win a header, at 6'2", you'll win most headers, and at 6'7" you'll win almost every single header. Not only that it means that, if no-one on your team is 6'7", you basically CANNOT stop the 6'7" players having free headers on a corner. Now, personally (and this follows for my team), I don't want to play as a 6'7" player because I think it's, frankly exploitative (and that's the can of worms which centers on the point in the post above this and the post above that). But at the same time, being 6'3", is just stupid. You get an extra inch for a fairly considerable nerf on your stats.

Now, partially this is caused by the rather borked airplay mechanics, which will at least I'm confident be improved, but I think it would be nice if we saw a nice array of player heights - and preferably a more centered distribution (ie, most players closer to 6 foot than 5 foot or 7 foot) - and surely the best way to solve this is to make it so each inch effects the ratings, as opposed to every 4/5 inches.

The same can/should be applied to weight - though with that it's less of a problem. There was a fair discussion beginning in that FIFA + RPG elements idea that BZM was getting into - but like all FIFA forums (at least those for us plebs), djedwardsmith25, the great Kieran v xRooney debate, and vehement campaigns to get the second division of Barbados in the game are more important - and I didn't see much in the way of people's ideas about physical stats.

As for the rest of the stats, I think you're pretty much on the right lines. We need to get back to a situation where players are not these sort of jack-of-all trade (and masters of all) types. Players should be becoming archetypal, and specialising at things. Part of this is just the flaw of any system like the current one which is primarily based on accomplishments which almost all will be accomplished eventually by almost anyone no matter how they play. Part of any renewal of the system in FIFA 10 will be a complete rewrite of the accomplishments.

The main difficulty with the system I think you want, is how you actually manage to create the accomplishments. I mean, what, as an example, would the 'Accomplishments' be for a target man, or midfielder like Xavi - who gets almost no goals at all (Just 3 in la Liga) - and yet is thoguth to be one of the best creative players on Earth. The difficulty is in actually counting things which are going to make one player different from another. Goals and assists won't do, they are too general - but almost every shooting and passing stat accomplishment is based on them.
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Re: Fifa 11

FIFA 09 now is it? lol. Fairly sure it ain't FIFA 11 though. The bit at the end says something about 2009 - which would imply FIFA 10.
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