Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

This isn't the way to phrase a port of the 360/PS3-version. That's also the feeling I've got from reading the announcements, the feature list will be different but built from the same engine to some extent.

Also, when are we getting over this next-gen bullshit about the consoles that has been on the market for many years? What will next generation be called? Next-next-gen?

maybe the pc version will have an actual "next gen" engine more advance then the console version as a test bed to test their future fifa engine on pc's first and then later release it on the consoles bug free :)
Re: Fifa 11

maybe the pc version will have an actual "next gen" engine more advance then the console version as a test bed to test their future fifa engine on pc's first and then later release it on the consoles bug free :)

lol, no. It's more likely that it'll be a less updated (compared to the console version) version of FIFA10. Which is what I think will happen pretty much, perhaps some things tuned down to lower system requirements.
Re: Fifa 11

lol, no. It's more likely that it'll be a less updated (compared to the console version) version of FIFA10. Which is what I think will happen pretty much, perhaps some things tuned down to lower system requirements.

The announcement has given me the same feeling. It is written in a quite vague way. They do mention specifics like Skilled dribble which suggests that the animation engine is identical, but they could have made changes here aswell. Time will tell, but I think it is weird they release a press statement that only serves to confuse even further. :)
Re: Fifa 11

Dusse said:
maybe the pc version will have an actual "next gen" engine more advance then the console version as a test bed to test their future fifa engine on pc'

lol, no. It's more likely that it'll be a less updated (compared to the console version) version of FIFA10. Which is what I think will happen pretty much, perhaps some things tuned down to lower system requirements.

Technicaly the console versions are current gen not next gen hehe so you never know. Lowering system requirents for an engine that runs fine in a 4 year old console?
Re: Fifa 11

I made sure the devs saw your vid and pictures pretty early. They were probably improving a lot of it already but you can't be too careful... If you assume stuff is going to be fixed and don't say anything then it's a whole year before they can get it right again.
That's pretty cool :SMUG:. Nice to feel like I've contributed, if that's the case. Make more vids, people!
Re: Fifa 11

Hey rom,sorry if you already answered this question but have you ever noticed what Aaron spoke of in the last video (defensive AI) when you had your chance to test it ? Or is it something you haven't properly seen implemented
Re: Fifa 11

As it looks like all MM news is being held back I'm interested if any big MM players here use all the info you can get from the stats...

I know there pretty thin on the ground and some are very badly laid out and implemented, but if they were correctly done it could be a big addition to the game and also if available for transfers helpful in finding and judging players, especially if we could lose the overall stat...

It would be fantastic if EA could do it in a more user friendly and graphical representation like Opta or Sky do it, in fact a tie in with Opta would be great as a lot of their tech is software driven...

Would be a nice touch and they would be able to just add their screens straight in...
Re: Fifa 11

I'm really hope there is some real good news with MM. Obviously the bug chaos of last year would of been looked at but it cant just be that.
Re: Fifa 11

@ Rom,

Have EA been looking at how the AI take non offensive freekicks? By that I mean the freekicks in their own half or near the HW-line. One of the annoyances I have is that they will more often then not take a short freekick but the man they pass to is usually marked. I have to actually stop myself from marking the guy.

Would it be possible to just have an extra defender or midfielder do a "2nd player pass" type freekick so they can just continue playing instead of having to pass it short but open themselves up to the counter. Would be handy for singleplayer aswell really.

Another option if they can't program the shortpass suggestion would be to allow the AI to pass to the wingbacks near the side of the pitch. Now it's always a short pass directly forward to the nearest defender who is always marked anyway. I'll see if I can get a vid to show you.
Re: Fifa 11

Bit concerned that nothings been said about computer AI as an opponent. Every year I probably play a maximum of a week in offline before becoming sick of it. I'd love nothing more than to have a long-term MM lower league game going rather than having to play the same idiots online.

S'like they just try to make the game 'difficult' (this applies to PES as well) by making every side you play against ultra-defensive by packing loads of players in the box rather than try to emulate a real game of football.

At least this Pro Passing should in theory prevent Burton Albion effortlessly string passes across their back four without error.
Re: Fifa 11

Agreed the AI I in both titles need to be improved. Moreso with FiFA where every team uses the same tactic.
Without improving AI you make other improvements null and void especially the offline side of the game.
Re: Fifa 11

Kouroux - see my impressions in this link


I go into the defensive aspect in particular.
Q: Pro Passing for long balls/crosses too?
A: No but these are less accurate to begin with and/or less precisely judged by the players on the ground, and are already impacted by weighting anyway.

Bouncing lob is utterly awesome! You can hit those Scholes/Rooney-esque 60 yard head height scud passes diagonally out wide, but you can also use it to hit what is essentially a much harder ground pass into space. This is an excellent addition to your passing arsenal. It's entirely possible to smack the ball from one fullback to the other more quickly than with standard long passing but at the same time you have to watch you don't hit it out of play.

You'll be able to spread the play very cleverly with this.
I get the impression this pass can be done with anyone. Am I right?

Q: How does swerve work?
A: It doesn't. I'm bringing this up with EA as I can't see why you couldn't press R1+X to hit a sidefooted swerve pass with an amount of curl that is dependent on the player involved.
This is a big error on EA's part. These passes do not need to be contextual.
Re: Fifa 11

On the subject of ball physics, the worst is those super-curling Lob passes that look so fake. I think crosses and long passes in general need to feel much more natural and organic, right now they feel too fabricated and homed-in even in Manual.

I like the manual long pass in WC. I can actually get the ball to curve into a players path. It's pretty sweet.
Re: Fifa 11

Why is that a lame excuse?

Because if you game on PC you ARE going to have the specs needed to run NG games.

On another note I thought the PC Press Release was a bunch of gibberish.

Lastly, Romagnoli, did you talk to EA about the issues with random players in clubs and the problems they cause rather than fix?
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Re: Fifa 11

Because if you game on PC you ARE going to have the specs needed to run NG games.

On another note I thought the PC Press Release was a bunch of gibberish.

Lastly, Romagnoli, did you talk to EA about the issues with random players in clubs and the problems they cause rather than fix?

Yup well said. people underestimate peoples pc specs who use it for gaming.
Re: Fifa 11

It is great that EA are releasing all of the developer interviews, however they did the same thing last year and for me FIFA 10 offline was a very poor experience. I really hope that they are able to improve the AI because in FIFA 10 and the WC2010 games it is poor.
Re: Fifa 11

About Pro Passing, am I right in thinking the 'bar' is similar to that of the new penalty taking system? I.e. you need to get the power into the 'green' section for a composed pass?

My problem with that is again it's restricting passes to individual team-mates rather than allowing the ball to be free. Or will this be absent for 'Through Passing' giving more freedom for more opportunist passes?
Re: Fifa 11

About Pro Passing, am I right in thinking the 'bar' is similar to that of the new penalty taking system? I.e. you need to get the power into the 'green' section for a composed pass?

My problem with that is again it's restricting passes to individual team-mates rather than allowing the ball to be free. Or will this be absent for 'Through Passing' giving more freedom for more opportunist passes?

If you want free passing why not use manual controls? They will too be prone to errors based on attributes.
Re: Fifa 11

If you want free passing why not use manual controls? They will too be prone to errors based on attributes.

Exactly - that's the beauty of having these various settings. If you want more freedom - play on a less assisted setting - if you are struggling, play on a more assisted one. Or atleast, that's how it should be.
Re: Fifa 11

Q: Pro Passing for long balls/crosses too?
A: No
So the accuracy of ground passes varies between players but everyone is the same at long balls/crosses? Or have I misunderstood that?
Re: Fifa 11

Where is that from? That is so bad if it's true.
ant0n posted it the quote in this post.
I did remove part of the quote, but from what i've read so far it seemed that "pro passing" is basically what makes the players mishit passes.
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Re: Fifa 11

Dusse said:
Yup well said. people underestimate peoples pc specs who use it for gaming.

Well, the issue is that FIFA is bought by as many (or more) non-gamers.

Like sims 3 which sold millions in day 1?

Don't know what issue you are talking about. I stand by what I said. Many including you don't really undertand pc gamers at all. To think most play real pc games on say umm a inboard graphics card think again
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