Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

Oh, there were a lot then too.

(just the first result of a quick google search). I remember talking about it with my fellow goalkeepers and goalkeeper coaches a lot too. It was a nightmare, particularly as we switched between playing with the real ball and the fake cheap one (that resembles older balls a lot more).

I do remember some voices being heard with regard to the 2006 World Cup, but my main point was more that yes, the Teamgeist ball was a bit more sensitive to wobbles and such in flight, I don't dispute that the ball behaves differently from the standard 32-panel ball, and I don't dispute that certain players will find it problematic. But having the subjectively quite low-quality play of the 2010 World Cup explained away simply by saying "the ball did it", as many have tended to do, seems unfounded and premature to me. For example, checking the trend below for previous World Cups suggests that goal counts over the years have become progressively less and less in the tournaments. The exact reasons are probably many, but one could argue that the overall quality of the players and teams have become more and more even across the globe and the leagues of various countries, and overall more evenly matched teams will produce tighter, perhaps subjectively more "boring" matches, with more mistakes happening due to teams not being overly skilled compared to other teams, and not being able to dominate games, or control the play unchallenged.

World Cup 1994
Number of games 52
Total Goals scored 141

World Cup 1998
Number of games 64
Total Goals scored 171

World Cup 2002
Number of games 64
Total Goals scored 161

World Cup 2006
Number of games 64
Total Goals scored 147
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Re: Fifa 11

I do remember some voices being heard with regard to the 2006 World Cup, but my main point was more that yes, the Teamgeist ball was a bit more sensitive to wobbles and such in flight, I don't dispute that the ball behaves differently from the standard 32-panel ball, and I don't dispute that certain players will find it problematic. But having the subjectively quite low-quality play of the 2010 World Cup explained away simply by saying "the ball did it", as many have tended to do, seems unfounded and premature to me. For example, checking the trend below for previous World Cups suggests that goal counts over the years have become progressively less and less in the tournaments. The exact reasons are probably many, but one could argue that the overall quality of the players and teams have become more and more even across the globe and the leagues of various countries, and overall more evenly matched teams will produce tighter, perhaps subjectively more "boring" matches, with more mistakes happening due to teams not being overly skilled compared to other teams, and not being able to dominate games, or control the play unchallenged.

Well, that's not very interesting IMO. Except for the obvious (such as better defending) the ball also makes it harder to score - it's more prone to going over the goal, attackers will have problems too (especially for headers, volleys etc). What it does is rather increase the amount of luck and decrease the amount of skill needed. Instead of:

YouTube - Dennis Bergkamp World Cup 1998 Fantastic goal

we'll get

YouTube - Netherlands vs Japan - Wesley Sneijder Goal
Re: Fifa 11

If Fifa 11 on the PC is the same as the next-gen consoles, might be worth getting for the moddability. :) Worth keeping an eye on.

And Tim, be thankful the handballs aren't online; you'll be screaming to high-heaven when you give one away...
Re: Fifa 11

I think someone hinted it'd be different than on the consoles, even if it still uses the same engine. Though if it's the same, it'll probably be my platform of choice, because of the modding.

Time will tell
Re: Fifa 11

Re: Fifa 11

Pretty old dude. I'd recommend you do read back though - page 4 onwards is when it gets interesting.
Re: Fifa 11

Fifa 11 PC to be 'NG' - official. Just have a look at the EA Forums, you'll see what I mean. :) About time, eh?
Re: Fifa 11

Well, that's not very interesting IMO. Except for the obvious (such as better defending) the ball also makes it harder to score - it's more prone to going over the goal, attackers will have problems too (especially for headers, volleys etc). What it does is rather increase the amount of luck and decrease the amount of skill needed. Instead of:

YouTube - Dennis Bergkamp World Cup 1998 Fantastic goal

we'll get

YouTube - Netherlands vs Japan - Wesley Sneijder Goal

I see your point, but for any example like that there are equal examples using a standard ball, for example:

YouTube - juninho vs ajaccio

The French league uses Puma balls i believe, and this was scored some years ago. Obviously you are a goalkeeper, I am not, so I take you 100% at your word, but people (I am not directing this at all at you) seem to be anomaly-hunting like crazy whenever something slightly out of the norm happens with a Jabulani ball. :)
Re: Fifa 11

I'm a bit suspicious about the whole "FIFA 11 PC BEING NEXT GEN" thing...

Animations? Will they be indentical? Gameplay? Physics? Everything???

Why is it still being made by a different EA team? Next gen Fifa comes out of EA Canada. I have my doubts...
Re: Fifa 11

Presumably they just port what the main EAC FIFA team create for the X360 version onto PC.
Re: Fifa 11

They should have ported past 360 fifa games on the pc ages ago but instead came up with lamest excuses i have ever heard in my life

"Most gaming pc's cant handle the graphics and physics of the console versions of fifa 8-10 :LMAO:"

On a lighter note, has this been discussed:


People won't be able to quit without your allowance. (They must ask you if it's okay to leave)
Re: Fifa 11

I don't disagree about porting the PC game. I always thought it was pretty odd. Also the reasoning that PC was low priority because it sells sod all - surely if you're releasing PS2 quality gameplay and graphics 3 or so years after Crysis and 3 years after the first next gen PC PES, you aren't going to sell many anyway!

I think that quitting stuff is just something EA were considering, not something that was guaranteed to go in. They were also talking about the CPU taking over after the otter player quits so you can still have a game (presumably you get the 3-0 as before too)
Re: Fifa 11

The keep saying things like "The latest FIFA PC release will be technologically in line with its PS3 and Xbox 360 console cousins, according to the publisher." which makes me think that the feature list will be different. I really hope it is in line with the console versions though, being able to save goal replays on my PC will be perfect.
Re: Fifa 11

FRAPS is your friend ;)

I expect there'll be some differences. But I'd also expect next year to have fewer differences as they get into the swing of porting current gen, not old gen, tech.
Re: Fifa 11

romagnoli said:
I don't disagree about porting the PC game. I always thought it was pretty odd. Also the reasoning that PC was low priority because it sells sod all - surely if you're releasing PS2 quality gameplay and graphics 3 or so years after Crysis and 3 years after the first next gen PC PES, you aren't going to sell many anyway!

I think that quitting stuff is just something EA were considering, not something that was guaranteed to go in. They were also talking about the CPU taking over after the otter player quits so you can still have a game (presumably you get the 3-0 as before too)
Crysis sold over a million copies in the pc and bad company 2 sold more than or same as the console versions combined together . Also sims 3 sold 2million copies in it's first week . Plenty of proof that pc games do sell well
Re: Fifa 11

@Ball physics

[For FIFA 09 or so] EA got a contractor in specifically to develop a complex ball physics engine which is why the deflection system and 99% of the contacts with the ball are very convincing. The bit EA vary from that point is the numbers that are applied to the ball movement (amount of ball spin for example). The reason why the ball tends to float or curve too much is because the numbers are off, not the physics engine.

On that note I hope we see more free balls this time round gets annoying seeing 99.9% of tackles,clearances and deflections going straight to a player, and nearly always the AI...
Re: Fifa 11

The question is more, 'how many units did PES 2010 sell' than how well FPS games perform, but I agree with your point. The reason why FIFA PC sold so little till now is because it was hopelessly outdated. I expect sales for FIFA 11 to rocket, even if it eats at console game sales.
Re: Fifa 11

As for the PC game I hope it is as much of the Next gen game they can make it, PC gaming deserves better. Even though I never play anything but FPS on there...
I can understand the argument of differing system specs but surely FIFA 11 is not going to require a water cooled super computer...
Re: Fifa 11

On that note I hope we see more free balls this time round gets annoying seeing 99.9% of tackles,clearances and deflections going straight to a player, and nearly always the AI...

I asked about this in Canada. Aaron and Gary both said it's purely physics and that the ball isn't scripted to land to a player. I think it's PES where the devs said they do this?

Having played the game since, I can see that it is technically 'free' but the physics of certain shot blocks etc is too fixed. When a ball clips a defender's leg and keeps going it looks amazing; when a player actively jumps in to block a shot or the ball hits his torso, the ball doesn't go very far. In real life if Vidic or Terry dived in to block a shot you'd expect the ball to ricochet back up the pitch or into space quite far away. As it is, the ball tends to not travel very far from the person who blocks the shot. There always tends to be a player nearby, so the ball is picked up quickly and there isn't the sense of chasing a ball in no man's land. The AI is so quick to react to what's going on (we have to reprocess everything when a shot block has happened, whereas even with a constant 'human' reaction delay the CPU always knows what's going on) that it usually picks the ball up from the rebound and scores.

Of course there's the horrid tackle back as well, where you tackle the striker but because your defender just knocks the ball in the direction he was running, the striker just keeps going while your defender finishes his tackle animation.

The tackling for FIFA 11 is better. The players hook the ball away into space more often. I think the physics isn't changed massively for blocking shots though. I'll put a word in with EA and make a strong point of it for FIFA 12...
Re: Fifa 11

I'll keep count next time I play but I'd put my mortgage on the ball running free maybe once or twice a game, and that's usually when you clear it off the field at an odd angle...
So it needs addressing or the pitches need expanding to make them all on the top end of legal size...

If this is down to AI super human reaction again this also needs looking at...
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