Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

Because I've read people on the official forums say much the same, implying that individuality is a bad thing to happen to the series, and it baffles me. I play WC2010 plenty and I never have to wait any more than 2 minutes to come across someone who picks a sensible team after some coaxing (left and then right to unready them). That said I use the lobbies, not the head-to-head. Try lobbying up - the sorts of people who just want to be Barca are going to be the ones who just use the H2H.

What aspects of the atmosphere do you mean? There are a fair few snippets out there about goal and trophy celebrations. Have you seen the gif of the Old Trafford pitch entrances or the bits about custom entrance music, chants, and win/loss music? I'm not sure but I thought goal music might be in there too. Don't quote me on that.

I couldn't say if the default sounds etc were better - the sound was buggy as hell in the Guildford and Canada builds, creating a weird strobing effect with the sound. We also just played friendlies so I have no idea what's happening with MM.


I actually enjoy playing WC a lot more as I get a better variety of teams to play against. If I am beaten, I feel I should have been beaten if that makes sense. However, there are also so many fewer players online than in FIFA 10 per se. I've had more of Germany lately though.

In terms of the atmosphere, I'm sure it has been beaten to death. MM (which is the mode I've played since it first came out)has no soul. Dark stadiums, gloomy looking fans in the stands (meaning grey), goals don't seem to matter much as the canned noise is always the same. I have read about the chant imports, but for me personally and I bet most players who will buy this game won't even care to upload anything.

My biggest problem with EA and FIFA in general is the stuff that used to be in MM is not anymore. Crowds chanting (remember the Real Madrid guy on the bullhorn stirring the crowd or the crowd chanting "Ruuuud") more flags waving, banners, and color in the stands has all been stripped out of the game.

I also remember back in the PS2 days the pitch would wear down over the course of a season, kits would get dirty, etc. It's little details that have gone missing from Old Gen that made MM more fun to play over the course of several seasons. Even the entrance scene you are talking about with Manchester United USED to be in the game if it's what I remember right. Entrance from the corner?

I like what they did with the WC game although fireworks and confetti isn't at all accurate for entrance scenes...
Re: Fifa 11

Just saw this. Grow up. I've been very critical where it applies otherwise I wouldn't have written a fucking massive word file of what is wrong with FIFA 10 or talked candidly on forums about what is wrong with various aspects of the game. I'm sorry that I didn't agree with you that the game cheats or is scripted. It's a necessary evil that the actual problem, the real one, is identfied, in order to get the game moving towards being fixed, rather than repeating the same line about the game being rigged because it hates me.

If it makes you happier I could lie and say I agree with you or follow your lead and go off on one about the menus not being fixed while EA spend a fuckload of time reading our suggestion thread and the posts made on the official forums to fix problems with the actual gameplay. Before you try and reply about this player/team creator, it's tech that has been mapped across from Madden 09 or 10. That game's editor had an iPhone App too.

You can say what you like Nick but it's inevitable that occasionally I am going to disagree with you, particularly when you're going to spend ages saying the CPU cheats when it doesn't (I did pass all of that on, by the way, saying that people feel like the CPU cheats when it ramps up it's tactics in the last 10 minutes). One of my failings is that when I see someone post something that is wrong then I can't just leave it be, which is why you and I have had so many run-ins of late and why, when people post bullshit about FIFA behind their faux security blanket of the PES thread, I pop up and correct them because I'm following PES too.

In this case I've said before that I think the menu is shared tech so is a lot harder to change, and I've said it's something that PES canes FIFA at. I drew quite a few rough layouts that I'd want to see for the future, and it turns out one of them is going in this year.

:SHOCK: Wow did I touch a nerve mate, it was said in jest that's why I winked, I'm sick of the posters on here just towing the EA or Konami line for that matter; there are people with agendas on here and it does not take much working out who...

I also never said the game cheated and the fact you and EA's party line call it the AI knowing the sprint curve or reacting quicker than a human ever could and me saying the game does things we never could are the same thing, I never called it scripting either, other than indicating it's use as reference...

I also understand EA need to keep creating new features to have a selling blurb each year, the main gripe I have is the things we have pushed for and asked for and pointed out year on year, with no joy, the way we were ignored last year was a disgrace and on a selfish note the three things I have been asking for for the last three years have either not altered or been made worse!...

I'm not having a go at you and I don't expect or hope people will agree with my posts, I admit I have my own agenda to make either FIFA or PES MM or ML the best I can to suit me, to that end I'll keep pointing out things I see within the game that need addressing, whether others agree or disagree or don't even see the things I see day in day out...

I also appreciate the work you have clearly put in passing things on to EA this year though as far as wanting to point out things I have posted that are wrong I'd be happy to look at them if you can let me know what I have posted incorrectly...
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Re: Fifa 11

I bet this 'creation' mode will be very limited in what you can actually do. Ppl are already saying about creating this league and that league but surely that will be dependent on how many and how accurate the kit templates will be. I can't see it being a full on edit mode like pes. I can see it being a cool addition to 'clubs' mode though. And please EA, if these created teams are available to play online in unranked matches, make them a filter option. I don't like playing ranked matches so I don't want to be facing 11 Ronaldos everytime I play unranked.
Personally, I think a proper in game edit mode would have been a better implementation. And the EA websites are notoriously slow loading and unstable.
I'm not that excited at all tbh about this mode.

Am I right in stating that 'gameface' can't be used?
Problem is Clubs was never mentioned which is the biggest error of all. I just don't understand why created teams should be confined to only utilise EA's templates. It's a licensing issue I assume because they are allowing these teams to be shared through EA and their servers. Another thing will be the limit.What is it? This is like the replacement for the create a club feature a few years back the thing is you can use it online now. They better test the fuck out of this so there won't be any exploits that allow these created teams to be used in ranked matches or clubs.
Re: Fifa 11

A wink isn't a free pass. I noticed you say the same thing before but the conversation has moved so far along that I chose not to drag it up.

I am very sensitive to being accused of lying for the sake of impressing EA, yes. Im not fussed if someone like Jimmy or Anderson says so, or if people on the official forums say I'm a PES troll, etc. It only hits a nerve if the regulars on this thread say so. It's only really been you, and Rod to an extent (though we'd had previous before then so there was already an undercurrent - we're fine now I think!). I'll probably have one or two more by the time the game comes out, and when the game is released and it isn't perfect or some of the things I've said aren't as true for them as it is for me (I'm a great dribbler in WC but I know people still complain that you can't beat players) there may be some unhappy characters in with the happy ones. It's inevitable, no matter how well anything is implemented. There will always be a need for more stuff.

I can only comment on what I have played - not just 11 but 08 to 10 and WC too - and on what I think will happen. We all have our agendas, and it is a shame you couldn't come (I think you were invited weren't you?) but anything I disagree on is based on my own experiences, not what EA want to hear. At the end of this I want to have my perfect game, just as you want yours.

My comments about being wrong were based on the CPU cheats business where you first made this jibe in apparent jest. There was also your comments in AnabolicBeef's CPU cheats thread where you sarckily suggested that anyone who pointed out the game wasn't cheating was towing a party line. Everybody has their things that they're quite headstrong about - I'm as bad as anyone. But a lot of people are so set on this cheating aspect that they see EA's 'line' as a devious lie and refuse to consider that it may be true. Consequently they never explain what else it could be that might be making them feel cheated, while EA remain oblivious after expensively and time-consumingly checking their code to see if there is any cheating going on.

It's frustrating and pointless to be snide about people who are trying to make progress on the problem that you are having. As such the rift that the cheating debate causes detracts from the problem.

And if EA or Konami have any jobs going I'll gladly take them as I found out last week that my job is being moved to London and I refuse to move with it, so I'll be taking voluntary redundancy at some point in the next 9 months. Seabass, sign him up...

Problem is Clubs was never mentioned which is the biggest error of all. I just don't understand why created teams should be confined to only utilise EA's templates. It's a licensing issue I assume because they are allowing these teams to be shared through EA and their servers. Another thing will be the limit.What is it? This is like the replacement for the create a club feature a few years back the thing is you can use it online now. They better test the fuck out of this so there won't be any exploits that allow these created teams to be used in ranked matches or clubs.

Did Phil not say something about Clubs? Or did I imagine that? It would be utterly immense to be able to use this for 10v10, definitely.
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Re: Fifa 11

Phil who? If I missed something double check what Phil wrote.

Also about this beating people business; It's pretty easy in WC to do because all you need is the skilled dribble or the flick of the right stick. Using tricks it's a bit harder than FIFA 10.

And finally the menus - Yeah they are laid out in a pretty bad way but if EA use the menus as an excuse for ignoring something else in the gameplay or MM then I'd be pretty pissed because we know EA are good for coming up with excuses.

Romagnoli, I seriously expect you as the voice of this board to give EA a piece of your mind if this Creation Center yet again is another gimmick that misses the point. EA should not be allowed to mask their gameplay with half-assed game modes year after year.
Re: Fifa 11

(should mean you can then look to obtain them in MM in the transfer market
See it only includes players in MM. You still won't be able use the Argentinian league in MM like you would be able to in ML.

Main reason is because PES sets aside room for two custom leagues. FIFA will probably do none of this.
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Re: Fifa 11

A wink isn't a free pass. I noticed you say the same thing before but the conversation has moved so far along that I chose not to drag it up.

I am very sensitive to being accused of lying for the sake of impressing EA, yes. Im not fussed if someone like Jimmy or Anderson says so, or if people on the official forums say I'm a PES troll, etc. It only hits a nerve if the regulars on this thread say so. It's only really been you, and Rod to an extent (though we'd had previous before then so there was already an undercurrent - we're fine now I think!). I'll probably have one or two more by the time the game comes out, and when the game is released and it isn't perfect or some of the things I've said aren't as true for them as it is for me (I'm a great dribbler in WC but I know people still complain that you can't beat players) there may be some unhappy characters in with the happy ones. It's inevitable, no matter how well anything is implemented. There will always be a need for more stuff.

I can only comment on what I have played - not just 11 but 08 to 10 and WC too - and on what I think will happen. We all have our agendas, and it is a shame you couldn't come (I think you were invited weren't you?) but anything I disagree on is based on my own experiences, not what EA want to hear. At the end of this I want to have my perfect game, just as you want yours.

My comments about being wrong were based on the CPU cheats business where you first made this jibe in apparent jest. There was also your comments in AnabolicBeef's CPU cheats thread where you sarckily suggested that anyone who pointed out the game wasn't cheating was towing a party line. Everybody has their things that they're quite headstrong about - I'm as bad as anyone. But a lot of people are so set on this cheating aspect that they see EA's 'line' as a devious lie and refuse to consider that it may be true. Consequently they never explain what else it could be that might be making them feel cheated, while EA remain oblivious after expensively and time-consumingly checking their code to see if there is any cheating going on.

It's frustrating and pointless to be snide about people who are trying to make progress on the problem that you are having. As such the rift that the cheating debate causes detracts from the problem.

And if EA or Konami have any jobs going I'll gladly take them as I found out last week that my job is being moved to London and I refuse to move with it, so I'll be taking voluntary redundancy at some point in the next 9 months. Seabass, sign him up...

Sad to hear about the job front...:((

Is your job Computer or gaming related by the way?...

On the FIFA front I'd like to point I've never accused you of lying regarding anything and my remark in the EA thread was regarding the overzealous use of the whole sprint curve term, it seems this was a big subject at the EA preview...

I wish I could have made both Canada and Guildford as I may have been feeling a lot more optimistic than I do now, unfortunately fate conspired against me...:(

As for the whole "cheat" thing (I hate the term) I was only trying to point out an issue I with the AI doing things it is physically impossible for us to do in the game, be it through reaction time to calculating which way my player is turning in a nano second. For me the AI should always work within human parameters otherwise these issues will always arise...

As for problems with the game the biggest one I have is injuries and the MM so if anything forget the so called cheating I can live with that and join me in battering EA into sorting injuries and re inventing the MM...;))
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Re: Fifa 11

I'm IT more or less. Nothing gaming. It's not awful having to change jobs - bloody hate this one, but only really because of changes over the past year or so.

On the FIFA front - ok. It still reads like a sly dig - I've used the ;) to soften the blow on a dig plenty of times - but if you meant it as a joke then sorry for misreading.

As Xaor said in that thread it seems to be that the speeds of players are too similar. If you got a speed boost from using the right stick it wouldn't be so bad, but I still think the acceleration could do with taking longer. EA are putting in analog R2 speed but I think it'll be quite subtle compared to what I want.

Yes btw, you can use the players you make in MM. It'd e a shame if you couldn't use the teams too.
Re: Fifa 11

I'm IT more or less. Nothing gaming. It's not awful having to change jobs - bloody hate this one, but only really because of changes over the past year or so.

On the FIFA front - ok. It still reads like a sly dig - I've used the ;) to soften the blow on a dig plenty of times - but if you meant it as a joke then sorry for misreading.

As Xaor said in that thread it seems to be that the speeds of players are too similar. If you got a speed boost from using the right stick it wouldn't be so bad, but I still think the acceleration could do with taking longer. EA are putting in analog R2 speed but I think it'll be quite subtle compared to what I want.

Yes btw, you can use the players you make in MM. It'd e a shame if you couldn't use the teams too.

That's an understatement.
Re: Fifa 11

It's pretty dramatically different this year. You can press L1/R1 if you don't want your own celebration to play out though.
Re: Fifa 11

He meant that the celebrations are different, not that you can use L1/R1...

I like the part about them being more interactive/alive, I hope it's still like that if you skip the whole running around part. Or does it skip to a pre made cutscene if you do? You know that romagnoli?
Re: Fifa 11

Dunno, didn't skip it tbh.

The players run rather than jog now. I don't know if they jog for less important goals, I wasn't looking for it - but certainly when you score the running around feels a lot more emphatic. When you change direction, you sort of stoop and then push off in the new direction, like players IRL do to avoid being caught.

In the Canada build the camera didn't change; in the Guildford one it cut to a zoomed in, lower camera. I kind of preferred the Canada one - it felt more seamless. That might just be me though. It was buggy at both events, with players not quite grabbing each other on occasion (being half a metre off or so off) but animating as if they are. That will definitely be fixed for the final build. But yes, running to the corner, punching the air and then grabbing a team mate who jumps on your back, or running along and being hauled down by team mates who jump on top of you and shout in your ear is a massive improvement. In VC I heard some stuff I wasn't supposed to (no I won't say what!) that was pretty damn cool as well. But generally speaking it was a big step up from the existing, oddly dispassionate setup.

I think I said before that I half jokingly asked for an adult-protection filter that stopped us grown men/women (ok, men) from being subjected to the worm, or the somersault, or the stupid breakdancing animations, instead playing out a manful wave. Not gonna happen sadly, but at least limiting the somersaults etc to agile players rather than JT or Mertesacker is a plus.
Re: Fifa 11

Dunno, didn't skip it tbh.

The players run rather than jog now. I don't know if they jog for less important goals, I wasn't looking for it - but certainly when you score the running around feels a lot more emphatic. When you change direction, you sort of stoop and then push off in the new direction, like players IRL do to avoid being caught.

In the Canada build the camera didn't change; in the Guildford one it cut to a zoomed in, lower camera. I kind of preferred the Canada one - it felt more seamless. That might just be me though. It was buggy at both events, with players not quite grabbing each other on occasion (being half a metre off or so off) but animating as if they are. That will definitely be fixed for the final build. But yes, running to the corner, punching the air and then grabbing a team mate who jumps on your back, or running along and being hauled down by team mates who jump on top of you and shout in your ear is a massive improvement. In VC I heard some stuff I wasn't supposed to (no I won't say what!) that was pretty damn cool as well. But generally speaking it was a big step up from the existing, oddly dispassionate setup.

I think I said before that I half jokingly asked for an adult-protection filter that stopped us grown men/women (ok, men) from being subjected to the worm, or the somersault, or the stupid breakdancing animations, instead playing out a manful wave. Not gonna happen sadly, but at least limiting the somersaults etc to agile players rather than JT or Mertesacker is a plus.
good stuff. so this applies to clubs as well?
Re: Fifa 11

Not gonna happen sadly, but at least limiting the somersaults etc to agile players rather than JT or Mertesacker is a plus.

Or they let those player attempt them and get themselves injured!!! That will teach the annoying idiots controlling them. :D
Re: Fifa 11

PC news today then! Finally find out if we're getting shafted again. Won't be happy with anything less than a port of the 360/PS3 versions
Re: Fifa 11

"should". Thing is how is it any different than create a player in FIFA 10? I haven't used it so I don't know except that there are restrictions on overall ratings I think.

That's a point but if we can do it on mass (not sure what the capacity is) this will be good to add some new youth players, five seasons in and they start to get very generic and few on the ground...
Re: Fifa 11

I'm IT more or less. Nothing gaming. It's not awful having to change jobs - bloody hate this one, but only really because of changes over the past year or so.

On the FIFA front - ok. It still reads like a sly dig - I've used the ;) to soften the blow on a dig plenty of times - but if you meant it as a joke then sorry for misreading.

As Xaor said in that thread it seems to be that the speeds of players are too similar. If you got a speed boost from using the right stick it wouldn't be so bad, but I still think the acceleration could do with taking longer. EA are putting in analog R2 speed but I think it'll be quite subtle compared to what I want.

Yes btw, you can use the players you make in MM. It'd e a shame if you couldn't use the teams too.

Don't get me wrong, there was a sly dig in there but it was meant as a joke... :P Guess I'm still bitter from missing out... :D

I'd be interested to see how the new addition works on the team fronts as well as the capacity, though as with all this I guess once your MM starts it's locked to any additions...
Re: Fifa 11

What I will say about the created team/player limit is that for custom chants/music the limit is how many you can fit on your hard drive.
Re: Fifa 11

I hope that in terms of replays the 360 and PS3 versions are brought in line, on the PS3 you can rewind the whole match whereas on 360 you can only rewind like 10-15 seconds which is crap.
Re: Fifa 11

(From the Celebrations video)

"S3ANQ99 12 hours ago
It would be cool if there was handballs in fifa 11 coz sometimes when u slide tackle for the ball it clearly hits your hands but nothing happens

12 hours ago @S3ANQ99

There is an option in Fifa 11 where you can turn handballs on/off."

I smell bullshit.
Re: Fifa 11

(From the Celebrations video)

"S3ANQ99 12 hours ago
It would be cool if there was handballs in fifa 11 coz sometimes when u slide tackle for the ball it clearly hits your hands but nothing happens

12 hours ago @S3ANQ99

There is an option in Fifa 11 where you can turn handballs on/off."

I smell bullshit.


How do you mean?.. Handballs are in FIFA 11 with an option to turn them off!...
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