Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

Ok so to try and answer a few questions based on the demo I received a few weeks ago;

- You won't be able to add a gameface to the players you create in Creation Centre
- Any created players will be assigned to a free player pool if not assigned to a created team (should mean you can then look to obtain them in MM in the transfer market)
- You will be able to create team crests and kits based on editable templates and will be able to change the colours
- You will be able to create squad formations for the teams you create as well as define player roles and tactics
- Utilises Unity engine and in-game assets so what you see on the web should be reflected exactly in the game
- Gallery options in the web app to see the players you have created (as shown in the screenshot above)
- If you make your players public, other users will be able to download them into their game and there will be the ability to bookmark players, rate them, comment on them
- Created teams can be used in unranked matches but not ranked
- Creation Centre will be available on Mac / PC for the creation but only the NG (360/PS3) versions of the game will be able to utilise the creations
- It should be available to be used for club play
- The customisable audio feature in FIFA 11 can be assigned to a created team inside the game but not through Creation Centre

*Please note, this is based on the information I received and will still be subject to change depending on successful development*

It will not be available in the game and will only be available online via the Football World website (much like Gameface).

I believe you will be able to partially edit real players inside the game like you can with FIFA 10 but not create them. You can however go online and create a replica i.e. I create a new Messi via Creation Centre with different stats and assign him to a team I created.
Re: Fifa 11

Read the posts in that link above. Phil Wride gives some info based on a demonstration he had a few weeks back.

Edit: should refresh before posting!
Re: Fifa 11

Damn... And I thought that was the name of Fifa 11's edit mode :(

Why can't they add that program in the game so we can edit whatever we want? Licensing?
Re: Fifa 11

Sounds like it's just a team verson of Virtual Pro (Virtual Team?!), in which case I'm not interested.

If they made it so I could edit the existing teams and players in the game using this tool, I'd be very, very interested indeed.

Edit: I notice in the Team Management 'Style' screenshot that they've now got five distinct options for each setting, rather than the 0-100 slider with the three 'bands' in FIFA10, which is exactly what I suggested in Romagnoli's MM suggestion thread recently. I'm claiming that one :PP

Edit 2: Nice invented phrase 'Offensive Trap', nice mis-spelling of 'Aggression', and a lack of apostrophes. Might want to check their content before posting. Is the guy who mocked this up the same person who writes the newspaper articles in Manager Mode?
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Re: Fifa 11

Yeah, much prefer the new sliders, if the limited options are good enough for FM, they're good enough for Fifa.

Wonder if any managers go out on match day and ask their players to play level 25 passing. :P

Also, what are the yellow and red lines about, on some sliders?
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Re: Fifa 11

The hexagon! Or heptagon, is it, in this case?
Yes, buuuutt... isn't the main purpose of it to be used when COMPARING players? One heptagon alone isn't worth much. Hopefully it's a sign that it'll be in-game in FIFA11, though.
Re: Fifa 11

I don't see the point of this new team creator thing. I mean.. don't they have like all the teams licensed anyway? Who do EA have missing that could make something like this actually worth using? Can we use it to edit the in game players and teams?
Re: Fifa 11

I'm really afraid that the latest gimmick for EA might be just some smokescreen hiding that nothing of note will done on the most important things.
I hope I'm really wrong as so far the MM hasn't been even mentioned once by the developers
Re: Fifa 11

Strange feature, It would be a huge thing for PES but in FIFA it just seems strange? Maybe they might be losing some licenses in the near future?!
Re: Fifa 11

Hmmm, seems more to me like a stepping stone to online MM, with other people being able to download your own players and such..
Re: Fifa 11

I don't see the point of this new team creator thing. I mean.. don't they have like all the teams licensed anyway? Who do EA have missing that could make something like this actually worth using? Can we use it to edit the in game players and teams?

There are loads of missing leagues and players. Argentina's league is a pretty good case in point.

It's not just for now, either - around the January transfer window I was looking for Krasic in FIFA 10, as well as a few young FM talents, with no joy.

The fact is that you don't even have to put much work in - it's like LittleBigPlanet where you just download stuff other people have made and rate them.

Nerf, I know the heptagon would be best for comparison in-game. All I'm saying is that EA haven't binned the idea completely. I also think a lot of what we're seeing with these layouts are a precursor to FIFA 12. I cant see EA getting any radical menu overhauls in for 11, but I'd expect a very positive response for the layout of this interface compared to the in-game one to further push EA into redoing the in game GUI next year.
Re: Fifa 11

I also think a lot of what we're seeing with these layouts are a precursor to FIFA 12. I cant see EA getting any radical menu overhauls in for 11, but I'd expect a very positive response for the layout of this interface compared to the in-game one to further push EA into redoing the in game GUI next year.

Why not, I thought this was one of the main gripes we put across to EA, the menus are awful?...
Re: Fifa 11

I'm getting that "we will be looking at this for next year" speech feeling already, I'm almost certain the MM is going to be the 3 year project talk again as we get a few more screens and maybe a complete waste of time addition like the pathetic assistant coach...
Re: Fifa 11

Why not, I thought this was one of the main gripes we put across to EA, the menus are awful?...


Absolutely everything has been one of the main gripes. There were so many main gripes that they weren't able to fix them all in a year.

Obviously we all want everything to be fixed. But everything was a massive list this year. Surely anyone using common sense would know that it doesn't take a year to completely overhaul a football game; I wasn't planning on telling them what needs fixing for a year and then packing it in because they don't jump from FIFA 10 to perfection in one go.

We'll all have things we want added or fixed in FIFA 13 or 14 even if EA worked flat out just fixing areas that we, in this thread, asked them to fix. Again, use common sense otherwise you'll expect the moon on a stick and be disappointed when 1st October comes and all you get is a football game.

FWIW you can page up/down through attributes by pressing left and right now.
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Re: Fifa 11

Sorry but changing the menu's is not a three year fix, nor is a complete overhaul of the MM, I'm well aware everything is not going to be fixed in a year but the MM has been forgotten for years, the menus too...

Is the three year programme do nothing for two and then suddenly they are fixed in the third?...

As I'm not trying to get on EAs good books or looking for a job I can be critical and honest...;)
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Re: Fifa 11

You cant screen scroll can you, in FIFA 10? Or can you? I've just been holding up or down on the dpad and left stick to scroll normally!
Re: Fifa 11

I bet this 'creation' mode will be very limited in what you can actually do. Ppl are already saying about creating this league and that league but surely that will be dependent on how many and how accurate the kit templates will be. I can't see it being a full on edit mode like pes. I can see it being a cool addition to 'clubs' mode though. And please EA, if these created teams are available to play online in unranked matches, make them a filter option. I don't like playing ranked matches so I don't want to be facing 11 Ronaldos everytime I play unranked.
Personally, I think a proper in game edit mode would have been a better implementation. And the EA websites are notoriously slow loading and unstable.
I'm not that excited at all tbh about this mode.

Am I right in stating that 'gameface' can't be used?
Re: Fifa 11

Why don't you just NOT play against people who pick Barca?? Just don't ready up. I've never understood people complaining but not actually doing anything about it. I literally never play against Spain and only very rarely against Germany, even though people go to pick them all the time.

Barcelona still have passing error. But people would pick them regardless of whether attributes matter or not, whether it's FIFA or PES. But suggesting that putting individuality is a bad thing because people will choose the best teams when you have the option to quit out of a team selection screen and the game unreadies you if they try to con you a la PES's of old, is just mental.

I actually don't play against these teams so I don't know why you have such hostility. However, waiting 15 minutes to get a game is pointless...
Re: Fifa 11

ahh the joys of playing with people u know or in online leagues. i never experience such shit you talk about as you play with randoms while i dont

Your point?

I work all day, take care of the kids, and when I get a chance to sit down and play it can be quite late. I don't have time to coordinate "play time" with my friends.
Re: Fifa 11

Sorry but changing the menu's is not a three year fix, nor is a complete overhaul of the MM, I'm well aware everything is not going to be fixed in a year but the MM has been forgotten for years, the menus too...

Is the three year programme do nothing for two and then suddenly they are fixed in the third?...

As I'm not trying to get on EAs good books or looking for a job I can be critical and honest...;)

Just saw this. Grow up. I've been very critical where it applies otherwise I wouldn't have written a fucking massive word file of what is wrong with FIFA 10 or talked candidly on forums about what is wrong with various aspects of the game. I'm sorry that I didn't agree with you that the game cheats or is scripted. It's a necessary evil that the actual problem, the real one, is identfied, in order to get the game moving towards being fixed, rather than repeating the same line about the game being rigged because it hates me.

If it makes you happier I could lie and say I agree with you or follow your lead and go off on one about the menus not being fixed while EA spend a fuckload of time reading our suggestion thread and the posts made on the official forums to fix problems with the actual gameplay. Before you try and reply about this player/team creator, it's tech that has been mapped across from Madden 09 or 10. That game's editor had an iPhone App too.

You can say what you like Nick but it's inevitable that occasionally I am going to disagree with you, particularly when you're going to spend ages saying the CPU cheats when it doesn't (I did pass all of that on, by the way, saying that people feel like the CPU cheats when it ramps up it's tactics in the last 10 minutes). One of my failings is that when I see someone post something that is wrong then I can't just leave it be, which is why you and I have had so many run-ins of late and why, when people post bullshit about FIFA behind their faux security blanket of the PES thread, I pop up and correct them because I'm following PES too.

In this case I've said before that I think the menu is shared tech so is a lot harder to change, and I've said it's something that PES canes FIFA at. I drew quite a few rough layouts that I'd want to see for the future, and it turns out one of them is going in this year.
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Re: Fifa 11

I don't see the point of this new team creator thing. I mean.. don't they have like all the teams licensed anyway? Who do EA have missing that could make something like this actually worth using? Can we use it to edit the in game players and teams?

Agreed - if they've put all this effort into all of this and haven't touched the Atmosphere of the shite FIFA 10 - I'm retiring from these stupid games. :RANT:
Re: Fifa 11

I actually don't play against these teams so I don't know why you have such hostility. However, waiting 15 minutes to get a game is pointless...
Because I've read people on the official forums say much the same, implying that individuality is a bad thing to happen to the series, and it baffles me. I play WC2010 plenty and I never have to wait any more than 2 minutes to come across someone who picks a sensible team after some coaxing (left and then right to unready them). That said I use the lobbies, not the head-to-head. Try lobbying up - the sorts of people who just want to be Barca are going to be the ones who just use the H2H.

Agreed - if they've put all this effort into all of this and haven't touched the Atmosphere of the shite FIFA 10 - I'm retiring from these stupid games. :RANT:

What aspects of the atmosphere do you mean? There are a fair few snippets out there about goal and trophy celebrations. Have you seen the gif of the Old Trafford pitch entrances or the bits about custom entrance music, chants, and win/loss music? I'm not sure but I thought goal music might be in there too. Don't quote me on that.

I couldn't say if the default sounds etc were better - the sound was buggy as hell in the Guildford and Canada builds, creating a weird strobing effect with the sound. We also just played friendlies so I have no idea what's happening with MM.
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