Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

I find that the best way to play the game is with your mates with a fat roll of Amsterdam's finest and wine gums or any munchies which are available!

It's the best, you forget when the score and you forget where you are. Your just like, wow, did i score?

Wow, im playing fifa,

finesse shot!

In other words,

When you have lost a grasp on reality and you're too relaxed to get irritated by the most glaring flaws.

They should supply a bag with FIFA12...
Me instead enjoying a wonderful manual/slow fifa11...It has some weak points but these dont destroy the joy of playing football...I think you exaggerate a bit...
I don't think he exaggerates, online is ridiculous on FIFA 11.

All I play is clubs mainly with my mates, and I swear 9 out of the 10 goals we concede are either finesse shots from that PERFECT angle, or cut backs right along the box... of couse you can go a goalkeeper and keep the majority of finesse shots out, but you still can't save the cutbacks and even when you get across and manage it, the ball usually always finds a way to bounce off you and go in... it's ridiculous.

Also headers, if the finesse/ball over the top route ain't working you just know someone will run down the wing and play a perfect cross every single time until the midget at the back post out jumps two of your giant defenders and heads home easily.

It's a shame aswell, as the keepers are decent enough at stopping cutbacks now as they do get across quickly and I've seen quite a few of them get saved, but they ruin one positive with making them absolutely hopeless if someone pushes RB to finesse, or completely miss an attempted save from a midgets header.
I don't think he exaggerates, online is ridiculous on FIFA 11.

All I play is clubs mainly with my mates, and I swear 9 out of the 10 goals we concede are either finesse shots from that PERFECT angle, or cut backs right along the box... of couse you can go a goalkeeper and keep the majority of finesse shots out, but you still can't save the cutbacks and even when you get across and manage it, the ball usually always finds a way to bounce off you and go in... it's ridiculous.

Also headers, if the finesse/ball over the top route ain't working you just know someone will run down the wing and play a perfect cross every single time until the midget at the back post out jumps two of your giant defenders and heads home easily.

It's a shame aswell, as the keepers are decent enough at stopping cutbacks now as they do get across quickly and I've seen quite a few of them get saved, but they ruin one positive with making them absolutely hopeless if someone pushes RB to finesse, or completely miss an attempted save from a midgets header.

It's been a joke since 09 especially, Euro 2008 was pretty bad online but 09 is where it blew up into a circus! I'd say the world Cup game in terms of single player was the only 'playable' online experience!

This will remain until EA decide to sort out one of the many glaring flaws such as the terrible defensive AI organization which has been non existent for 3 years now!
Play manual and none of this happens...

Manual controls fix very few of the flaws of FIFA 11, and create plenty of issues of their own, especially when it comes to individuality/realism.

It does not sort out the laughably easy tackling/defending system, which on it's own makes the game completely shit in my opinion.

Full manual adds difficulty, not realism, same was the case with FIFA 08, 09 and 10, I was just deluded into thinking otherwise at the time.
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he dosen't still think Manual is some sort of super mode :YAWN:

Does manual the diabolical defensive AI? which is so predictably easy to exploit!

Does is stop people for pressure abusing if they want to (overpowered defenses)?

Does manual add any individuality, or does every player still feel exactly the same?

Do players still turn at lighting speeds and the match renders ping pong tackling?


not to mention the aerial through ball abuse is just as bad in manual as it is assisted, same with finesse shots!
In his defense manual certainly improves the game no end. It completely opens the game up so in realism terms you can put the ball anywhere on the pitch as you should be able to do.

Im playing PES for the time being and Ive got to the point where ive taped down my right button so its full manual. Im sick of trying to pass to a player and the AI changes my intended pass.

From a blanced point of view both games have massive flaws no matter how good/deep the ML is
As a consequence though doesn't manual mean that if you're good enough then any player can do the same thing? Couldn't you, say, have a situation where John Terry could spray a pass 60 yards like Xavi can?

If so then surely manual renders transfers in CM pointless, as the only differences between players will be in their size and physical attributes?
As a consequence though doesn't manual mean that if you're good enough then any player can do the same thing? Couldn't you, say, have a situation where John Terry could spray a pass 60 yards like Xavi can?

If so then surely manual renders transfers in CM pointless, as the only differences between players will be in their size and physical attributes?

It's the old argument that's been doing the rounds on here for the last few years. Some people want total control over everything - every kick aimed and measured exactly as they input on the controller - putting the emphasis on the player with the pad rather than the virtual players on the field. Others like myself want the individuality to shine through so that game becomes more about tactics and team selection - like a management game - rather than a gamer's game.

The balance has to lie somewhere in the middle for both games, but at the moment PES is closer to striking that balance.
Only a third of player attributes relate to propelling the ball, so no, transfers would not be pointless.

Manual is not purely manual, there's subtle assistance. You can still just about feel the difference in attempting a long aerial pass with your clumsy CB or your midfield playmaker. Perhaps not enough, but a bit.

Besides, as I've probably mentioned before, there's always going to be an un-fixable flaw with the Xavi (or insert other great playmaker here) argument. At least half of what makes him/them so impressive is in his brain and his eyes, and there's no way to replicate (when human controlled) his vision or the speed & consistency of his decision making.
I supppose a lot of it comes down to preference and also the developers getting it right. The guy above is right in the fact that players like John Terry shouldnt ne able to do Stevie Gerrard kind of paases so stats will have to come into it at some point. Equally tho you dont want the AI doing things for you just because in real life the player can as that to me isnt much of a challenge. In both PES and FIFA on assisted thats what it feels like.
PES has manual passing which is just as free as FIFA's in terms of it being 360 degree aiming and you deciding the power/length of the pass, yet it still manages to allow the great passers to stand out, as well as the poor ones...

In my MLO side I had D'Agostino (passing attributes in the 90s) and Arevalo/Vukojevic (passing attributes in low 70s) as my centre mids. With D'Agostino I could pick out a target with 60+ yard manual long passes, using them to great effect to stretch the defence and even get in behind. If the ball fell to Vukojevic/Arevalo in a similar situation, and I tried a similar pass, it would very rarely work - the ball would usually be underhit/overhit and not into the recipient's stride.
The manual passes on the floor I generally don't use, except for slight taps to lay off a shot for a teammate, but they are also useful for times when you think you need to override the CPU's decision on who to pass to.

In FIFA's manual passing, all you see really is the not so gifted players unable to get as much elevation/distance on their long passes, which from my experiences with FIFA 11 suck at the best of times with their inconsistent trajectories and defenders who can make impossible clearances by someone mashing B/Circle.

The whole idea of FULL manual is one I don't subscribe to any more - when you play football, passing the ball (in particular short passing) is a simple and instinctive action. Errors generally come when you don't read the play correctly or mishit the ball (both of which attributes account for).
With manual passing error, your player isn't "mishitting" the ball to miss his intended target he is intentionally aiming in the wrong place, which is completely unrealistic, especially if it's the main way the ball is lost in manual games in FIFA 11 (except of course for superman tackles)!

I'd rather you be able to tell the player to aim a pass directly to another player without being deadly accurate with the stick, but the outcome depending upon attributes and a number of variables, with an optional way to hit a fully manual, attribute-dependant pass if necessary.
I also find the accuracy of a manual pass in PES tends to be very dependent on the angle you're at in relation to the ball and the pass. If you try a pass with Nigel de Jong that would require him to use the outside of the foot to achieve, (it seems to me) he will struggle to get the ball angled enough to reach the target. He'll hit the ball more with the instep or inside of the foot and it will miss the target.

It's not 100% manual but it is definitely much more player dependent. Hopefullly FIFA will have an answer to that with slider options.
Manual is not purely manual, there's subtle assistance. You can still just about feel the difference in attempting a long aerial pass with your clumsy CB or your midfield playmaker. Perhaps not enough, but a bit.

That could explain why on manual you can STILL score those tired finesse shot goals from 45 degress!

The whole idea of FULL manual is one I don't subscribe to any more - when you play football, passing the ball (in particular short passing) is a simple and instinctive action. Errors generally come when you don't read the play correctly or mishit the ball (both of which attributes account for).
With manual passing error, your player isn't "mishitting" the ball to miss his intended target he is intentionally aiming in the wrong place, which is completely unrealistic, especially if it's the main way the ball is lost in manual games in FIFA 11 (except of course for superman tackles)!

I'd rather you be able to tell the player to aim a pass directly to another player without being deadly accurate with the stick, but the outcome depending upon attributes and a number of variables, with an optional way to hit a fully manual, attribute-dependant pass if necessary.

exactly, I also feel full manaul will never be properly balanced enough to be reasltic, at times especially since fifa is so frantic, a easy 5 yard pass seem completly impossible due to the sensitivity of the pass button, left stick and the fact you have to face the recipient directly for every pass!

Individuality and tactical and game balance is far, far more important in terms of realsim and in terms of abillity.

Having a choice between semi auto and manual passes which rely on pass accuracy stats and pass power stats, the skill is not just aiming your passes is making the right decisions on which type of pass to use, which individual to use it, and when to use it.

The skill on FIFA Full manual is really just just getting to your teammate, you never have to think about the players ability!
Anybody scoring from corner kicks?

My ratio is ridiculous. I think I've scored like 2 or 3 since I bought the game! None so far this season in my CM.

I've no problems scoring from crosses with beautiful headers during open-play but when it comes to set-pieces, I'm having a horrid time. Have scored only like 2 Freekicks as well.

But corners in particular seem tough. What controls you guys use, just the lob button or anything else in particular to make it lofty/pacey etc.?
Maybe I should try different variations...
Anybody scoring from corner kicks?

My ratio is ridiculous. I think I've scored like 2 or 3 since I bought the game! None so far this season in my CM.

I've no problems scoring from crosses with beautiful headers during open-play but when it comes to set-pieces, I'm having a horrid time. Have scored only like 2 Freekicks as well.

But corners in particular seem tough. What controls you guys use, just the lob button or anything else in particular to make it lofty/pacey etc.?
Maybe I should try different variations...

I've had pretty good success, here is what I do:

I use an outside of the foot driven corner, so it's hit pretty flat without much curl. My goal is to have the corner at head height right around the center 6 yard box line. I use the same corner taker for both sides, it doesn't really matter what foot you use for either side.

As an example to walk you through specifically... If I have a right footer taking a right sided corner, first I adjust the aim with a quick tap to the left (away from the goal). Then I power up the lob button while holding up and toward the right (more up than right) to add outside foot curl back to the goal. I power the lob button all the way to the beginning of the red, it's better to over-hit than under-hit. After struck, I create space as best I can by jostling to adjust to meet the corner and I usually aim for the near post.

For a right footer on the left side, the preparation is different but the execution is similar. Aim to the left again (toward the goal), hold up and right (curl away from the goal) as you power up to just at the red.

I'm sure personnel is a key to success. The player in the RCB position seems to be the one in the receiving area most of the time so I keep my best header at that position. For my first 4 seasons of my CM I was using Adam Watts out of Lincoln City to good success, but then I got Neven Subotic and he's become a consistent scoring threat.

Oh, and this also works best when the box isn't too crowded, so it's better to keep attack/defend level below all-out attack.

I'm sure there are many other ways to put in a good corner, but this has worked really well for me. Every couple of corners I get a goal. Good luck.
May be this game guide enhances your game

This game guide does not intend to make you finish the game through cheat codes. This makes you to enhance your playing strategies.
* Types of controls
* Become a professional
* Controls
* Celebrations
* Quick Match
* Career Mode
* Tournament Mode
* Football Party Mode
* Online
* Live Season
* My FIFA 11
* Training
* Training, tactics and Personality +
* Penalty
* Complex
* Juggling ball or lift
* Achievements
* Trophies
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re: corners, I think the key is getting in front of your marker. Deliver the ball to about 7/8 yards out as centrally as you can, preferably where your biggest player is waiting, and then use the R2/RT button to muscle across the front of the defender to meet the ball first. Although not so far forward that you get too underneath the ball, or you won't keep the header down.

I also tend to swing the ball in towards the goal but I'm not certain that the curl is important, more the area that it ends up and that it arrives at your strongest
Headers/Volleys from corners are a decent source of goals for me in full manual matches.

It isn't particularly satisfying to score one though as the jostling mechanics between players in the box seem non existent and so if the ball is heading towards your player you've got a good chance of putting one in the old onion bag (in my experience).
That video sums it all up. Flawed gameplay and a large community that is more focused on the size and colour of an afro...pretty sweet my **s!
I got prompted to update my copy of FIFA 11 today, but the transfers and everything are still the same. Does anyone know what's new or did it make me download an old update again (I think it said version 1.4)?
That video sums it all up. Flawed gameplay and a large community that is more focused on the size and colour of an afro...pretty sweet my **s!

How anyone in their right mind could give a shit about the fan's waving scarves from the wide camera (and other trivial details) when the gameplay is so fucked up is beyond me.

Only when FIFA becomes a football game again rather than a screwed up sport in it's own right will I give it a chance.

I know I've said it before, but do any of you think there's even the slightest possibility of that for FIFA 12?
FIFA 11 is such a bastardised version of FIFA 08 that it's kind of inevitable that FIFA 12 will be too, in the same way it was inevitable that PES 2009 would be awful after PES 2008.
PES 2011 was actually a huge surprise to me after 2010 which is the only thing which gives me any hope for a turnaround by EA!

How anyone in their right mind could give a shit about the fan's waving scarves from the wide camera (and other trivial details) when the gameplay is so fucked up is beyond me.

Only when FIFA becomes a football game again rather than a screwed up sport in it's own right will I give it a chance.

I know I've said it before, but do any of you think there's even the slightest possibility of that for FIFA 12?
FIFA 11 is such a bastardised version of FIFA 08 that it's kind of inevitable that FIFA 12 will be too, in the same way it was inevitable that PES 2009 would be awful after PES 2008.
PES 2011 was actually a huge surprise to me after 2010 which is the only thing which gives me any hope for a turnaround by EA!

I dont think so fifa 11 is very bad in terms of gameplay has alot of bugs and still out sold pes 2011 by alot EA only cares about the money as soon as they see a dip in their sales they will improve their gameplay rather then adding new features all the time and this will only happen if Konami makes some great football games for the coming years

Gary Paterson told the all-new edition of CVG sister mag PSM3 that the title's gameplay is getting "harder and harder to improve on".
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