Fight the Power!
- 28 November 2007
say the ball went out of play and I could
1) press select, activating the manager,
2)and then say hold a shoulder button to indicate I want a substitution
3)then press a button to select a player from the bench
4)then press one more button to indicate a position in my formation.
You'd have to memorize a little but if you had been thinking about the substition as the game went on you could push four buttons in a matter of 2 seconds or so. I think it would be quite different from pausing, loading time, scrolling through menu and players, etc. Even if it took loading time, subs take time in real life but the point is to avoid the artifical pause menu. For formations I could imagine something similiar.
1)pressing select, in or out of play,
2) pressing a shoulder button different then the last one to indicate formation change
3) press pre assigned button to a formation or quickly scroll across a set of written or graphic formations across the buttom of the screen.
like you said it might be risky in play, but if their is no loading time you could manage if you memorized the sequences sort of like a combo move in a fighting game.
You mean the fucntion that wa in FIFA RTWC 06