At the very least, if EA are to continue to ignore (assuming they do) I don't think their claim to being the listening nice guys should be left intact.
They're full of shit and don't care we know it, prime example being Ian Jarvis producer of the PC version, August 2010 he proudly boasts that for 11's PC MM they took the bug list from Fifa10, fixed everything bar three minor ones from the list and he promised to post the list along with how they addressed each and every bug, Fifa11 comes out, numerous bug reports related to MM which are bugs dating back to Fifa10, shortlist bug, contract bug, assistant manager bug etc. etc.
November and he still hasn't posted the promised list, I started a thread "FAO Ian Jarvis, where's the promised fixed bug list?" posted details quoting his promise and the thread he posted it in and asked when he would be posting it, not a single reply.