Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Im not noticing amy gameplay changes. I thought i did at first with manual passing as it felt a bit slower and I read they were doing something wih it bu think its in my head. Anyway I enjoy this game even more so now I have some nmanual riends on live had some great games last night
Im not noticing amy gameplay changes. I thought i did at first with manual passing as it felt a bit slower and I read they were doing something wih it bu think its in my head. Anyway I enjoy this game even more so now I have some nmanual riends on live had some great games last night

thanks for replying pal
There is a new person in charge of kits for FIFA 12 and he is an avid authenticity fan and said he was pretty shocked at how many kits are wrong in FIFA 11 and that it doesnt have to be that way.

So fingers crossed we should see a large jump in quality for FIFA 12

Do boots happen to fall under his jurisdiction as well? I'd love to see the generic boots either scrapped all together or redone.

Why is it top players get real boots but less popular players are given generic boots? Is there a legit reason other than to simply annoy those of us who play CMs with lower league teams?
Do boots happen to fall under his jurisdiction as well? I'd love to see the generic boots either scrapped all together or redone.

Why is it top players get real boots but less popular players are given generic boots? Is there a legit reason other than to simply annoy those of us who play CMs with lower league teams?

Annoys me too, I constantly have to have google images working while I'm in edit mode before I can start a season. Why not just set anyone who they don't "know" to some generic adidas or something.
I thought they had a database team, wouldn't this be a part of it?
Annoys me too, I constantly have to have google images working while I'm in edit mode before I can start a season. Why not just set anyone who they don't "know" to some generic adidas or something.
I thought they had a database team, wouldn't this be a part of it?

I'm serious - I'd really like to know the reason why generic boots are in the game at all.

I could imagine needing a placeholder while licenses are worked out, but there's enough licensed boots in the game that there's no reason I can think of that makes sense for any player not to have real boots. At first you would think it's to do with the licensing but that doesn't make sense since we can assign them to players ourselves.

There's nothing worse than signing a new player in CM only for him to show up with those god awful red generic boots - I've had guys warm the bench as punishment for such poor taste!
EA_Rom regarding the patch:
The patch doesn't make any changes to gameplay. It's very fundamental stuff - changing even little things has permutations and consequences across the entire feel of the game (that's why creating the closest - and fun, importantly - simulation of non-stop football on the pitch is widely regarded as the most difficult thing to do in any game, period). So it's not something that can be looked at in a patch.

One thing I would like to clear up quick is: There's absolutely no need to restart your CM game. The patch will apply on top of your progres so far.

As for other things in Career Mode...

In terms of player growth, we've referred to "display issues", but that understates the importance of that. The player growth model hasn't been changed in the patch, but what wasn't happening correctly was the results of that engine's work showing up so you could see it properly. That's what has been addressed, across the Bio, player growth and email screens. So, the player growth mechanic itself is as is - and for now, if you've got a view on that then let us know, because work never ceases on the insane maths involved there over at the studio and it's a long-term project.

Other additional things I know about for Career Mode are (very briefly!): Premier League games should now happen at the right time of day, always; News feed updates on all winners around Europe; A few weird, very specific game-hang situations have been fixed; shortlisted players are now searchable outside of just the 'shortlist' parameter; Golden Boots will not go to wrong players anymore; Loaned players are now included as part of the total squad number; If you do well managing lower league teams, you'll now attract the attention of European teams...

That's not everything by any means, but hopefully that'll indicate what's gone into it. Just to make the point that it's not "two kits and nothing else asterisk asterisk spiteful lying asterisks"...

As far as applying generic faces to real players, I'd guess (because I'm not up on that in particular) that's because we have arrangements with players/teams/leagues etc. A big part of the FIFA experience is the fully licensed players and teams, which I'm pretty sure you'd agree is a cool thing to have in the game. So we have to be careful in terms of how we treat them in the game - bearing in mind we've built in the ability to upload videos from the game to the Internet and everything. Hope that makes sense.
They can make all the excuses they like but growth is broken, 20 year olds who're on the bench shouldn't be dropping -2 a season simply because they're not getting much first team time.
They can make all the excuses they like but growth is broken, 20 year olds who're on the bench shouldn't be dropping -2 a season simply because they're not getting much first team time.

Wait, so it's still not fixed? (I haven't gotten a chance to play yet.)

What's changed if players are still dropping points like that?

You know, I said before that something was fundamentally wrong with how it's conceived based on those emails you get saying players are dropping OVR points because they aren't playing well/enough. That email implies not a programming error but a poorly conceived model for player growth; i.e. it's not broken as much as it's designed stupidly.

So like I said, what's changed? And is it "broken" (as in not working as EA intends it to) or just poorly conceived?
They can make all the excuses they like but growth is broken, 20 year olds who're on the bench shouldn't be dropping -2 a season simply because they're not getting much first team time.

Well in the absence of a training mode it is what it is. Is that right? Well that's debatable however whilst I agree with you I'm going to go play. Hopefully have fun and pray it's sorted for next year.

Because other than that what else have we got?

It's a game, it's escapism and idle time.

I'd like some more authentic or sim rich features too but I have a disc and free time. I can pick from a collection of linear shooters, breath taking rpg's or try and play football. The alternative is bitch about them all or just play what I
Well in the absence of a training mode it is what it is. Is that right? Well that's debatable however whilst I agree with you I'm going to go play. Hopefully have fun and pray it's sorted for next year.

Because other than that what else have we got?

It's a game, it's escapism and idle time.

I'd like some more authentic or sim rich features too but I have a disc and free time. I can pick from a collection of linear shooters, breath taking rpg's or try and play football. The alternative is bitch about them all or just play what I

No offense glen but if you're so content to bend over and take it from EA then why are you bothering being a GC? I would've thought it'd be the GCs who want change the most, who would be at the forefront of the current unrest, who would be the most upset, and the most vocal about the current state of things?

What else have we got? Well we've got a solid alternative in PES for one, which I imagine has been looking better and better to those who've been sitting on the fence lately (like myself). I may not see PES in the light some do on these forums - I still think it's a year away - but if CM truly isn't fixed then I'll probably end up spending most of the year with PES. But I'd prefer to play a working FIFA.

We also have EA's marketing of an improved patch system for this year. That, combined with the marketing hype of CM - "sorry if we're sacrificing basic features but we're rebuilding from the ground up to avoid previous bugs and issues!" - that has proven false, I believe gives us every right to fight for EA to fix the damn game this year. If anything it's the damn principle.
How about missing keeper kits from pretty much any team in any second or lower division? I've gotten over it now, but damn it's ridiculous. Just started a Bielefeld CM and my keeper has this neon green/black/green thing on, and the next game its a slightly different shade of green.

Also, away and home keeper kits please?
Yeah, have to say I don't agree G. I think people have every right to complain if the game they are playing is broken/not up to scratch in fundamental areas or the service being supplied is substandard.

People may be more submissive to design issues or imbalances in other games but that's because most of them are seen as something to play intensely for a couple of months and then move on to one of the several alternatives in that genre/another type of game entirely. Besides which in most cases people have no direct experience of the activity being represented or do not watch live video transmissions of it/go to stadiums to watch it take place one or more times a week.

Consequently people are going to be more forgiving of a game about space marines or special forces or arcadier racing games. A lot of them are interchangeable anyway, and the markets for these are so flooded that it's easy to find one which uses it's artistic licence to bend the truth of what actually happens to suit you.

None of this applies to football games. They're intended to last a year, not a month or two. Everybody has a very strong opinion of what they expect to see from the beginning, and if there are basic errors like the growth situation (as one example) that have such a significant impact on how the game pans out over the course of several weeks then the enjoyment of the modes affected is naturally going to plummet. It's not that people expect perfection, but they don't expect the core of the game (a 15 season career mode where player growth is completely wrong??)to be broken.

Plus the intensity of complaint is magnified by (a) how well the game does 'critically', (b) how well it does financially, and (c) the market it seems to aim itself at. If the game was given a rating in line with how we all would feel come November/December/January, then the level of complaint you'd hear would be more subdued. If the game's regression in QA and general depth over the past few years was represented by similarly reduced sales then people might not be so aggravated by it's disproportionate success. If we felt while playing the game as if it was being aimed at us (whether it was or not) rather than the people responsible for (b) then we might be more forgiving as we'd be more appreciative of the lengths it goes to to try and please us.

We cannot look at the huge swathe of errors and design mess-ups that have either cropped up this year or have continued to be present from the last couple of years and just say 'oh well, maybe next year'. I'd agree that many of the people in the EA forums take things too far or actually get in the way of progress, but if the community don't point out that they cannot enjoy the game in its current state, then who will?
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No offense glen but if you're so content to bend over and take it from EA then why are you bothering being a GC? I would've thought it'd be the GCs who want change the most, who would be at the forefront of the current unrest, who would be the most upset, and the most vocal about the current state of things?

What else have we got? Well we've got a solid alternative in PES for one, which I imagine has been looking better and better to those who've been sitting on the fence lately (like myself). I may not see PES in the light some do on these forums - I still think it's a year away - but if CM truly isn't fixed then I'll probably end up spending most of the year with PES. But I'd prefer to play a working FIFA.

We also have EA's marketing of an improved patch system for this year. That, combined with the marketing hype of CM - "sorry if we're sacrificing basic features but we're rebuilding from the ground up to avoid previous bugs and issues!" - that has proven false, I believe gives us every right to fight for EA to fix the damn game this year. If anything it's the damn principle.

That will teach me to post on a friday night after a few beers :BLUSH:

You are right. I guess you guys don't get to see it but I am really pissed off with this years game. Begged for the second press pressure and accuracy to be turned down to almost 0 and stressed that defending should be a skill akin to attacking.

I appreciate they did work on making dead balls more threatening (more direct and attacking movement) but its still not enough.

For the last 2 years I have been very vocal at EA about adding physicality (not pressure but physicality) to the game and its slowly getting there but after last years promises and being hung out to dry with fifa 10 this year I have not been on the hype train.

EA are screwing themselves with the way they wax lyrical and then bang nothing but bugs or issues.

Yeah, have to say I don't agree G. I think people have every right to complain if the game they are playing is broken/not up to scratch in fundamental areas or the service being supplied is substandard.

People may be more submissive to design issues or imbalances in other games but that's because most of them are seen as something to play intensely for a couple of months and then move on to one of the several alternatives in that genre/another type of game entirely. Besides which in most cases people have no direct experience of the activity being represented or do not watch live video transmissions of it/go to stadiums to watch it take place one or more times a week.

Consequently people are going to be more forgiving of a game about space marines or special forces or arcadier racing games. A lot of them are interchangeable anyway, and the markets for these are so flooded that it's easy to find one which uses it's artistic licence to bend the truth of what actually happens to suit you.

None of this applies to football games. They're intended to last a year, not a month or two. Everybody has a very strong opinion of what they expect to see from the beginning, and if there are basic errors like the growth situation (as one example) that have such a significant impact on how the game pans out over the course of several weeks then the enjoyment of the modes affected is naturally going to plummet. It's not that people expect perfection, but they don't expect the core of the game (a 15 season career mode where player growth is completely wrong??)to be broken.

Plus the intensity of complaint is magnified by (a) how well the game does 'critically', (b) how well it does financially, and (c) the market it seems to aim itself at. If the game was given a rating in line with how we all would feel come November/December/January, then the level of complaint you'd hear would be more subdued. If the game's regression in QA and general depth over the past few years was represented by similarly reduced sales then people might not be so aggravated by it's disproportionate success. If we felt while playing the game as if it was being aimed at us (whether it was or not) rather than the people responsible for (b) then we might be more forgiving as we'd be more appreciative of the lengths it goes to to try and please us.

We cannot look at the huge swathe of errors and design mess-ups that have either cropped up this year or have continued to be present from the last couple of years and just say 'oh well, maybe next year'. I'd agree that many of the people in the EA forums take things too far or actually get in the way of progress, but if the community don't point out that they cannot enjoy the game in its current state, then who will?

Again, posting while pissed will come back to haunt me :BLUSH:

I agree with both you and max.

I promise to post pissed again.
What's most depressing about the current situation is that - we're completely stuck. We haven't managed to eek a single change through the live patching system, and the likelihood of it ever happening seems to be waning. It's funny. When I created the pro passing petition a small part of me (though a fair part of me thought that it would go nowhere and this would happen) thought that it might set off something wonderful - if it had been successful with EA, it could have set off an array of other successful petitions - and instead of having the poorly designed game we have now, we could have had a game which was much closer to what we all want.

Yes, there is a limit to what can be done with tweaking, but I suspect quite a lot could be done to deal with passing, pressure, and so on. I truly don't know how anyone outside of a gamechanger could have created anything much more persuasive than that thread. The community voted for it en masse - the evidence was verbose, and strong - and EA shut their eyes, and stuffed their fingers in their ears.

At the end of the day - if EA, when they have all the necessary tools, don't respond to that, what hope do any of us have? We're meant to pray that for some reason with FIFA 12 they'll listen? Why? I don't genuinely believe that. If anyone has any prospect of creating change it's the gamechangers - and frankly - it's harder and harder to believe that.

EA have the ability, they claimed, to change things almost immediately - so why haven't they? Do they not listen to their community? Do they not listen to their gamechangers? And if they don't ...- what then? Should the gamechangers just continue with the softly softly, behind closed doors approach or should they use what leverage they have in a way which will make it more painful for EA to ignore?
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