Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

The people in the gamechanger group should be people that really try to push EA to the limit, otherwise nothing will be changed (like with FIFA 10).

Most are to be fair. But it's become quite clear over the course of 2 years that actually achieving some of the things we want just isn't doable in the space of yearly iterations.

It's very difficult to stress you want something in the game and they turn round and say yeah we want that too but we can't do it in a year.
It doesn't matter how much people moan or are rude, for a professional organisation to release sarcy comments like the one earlier to Placebo is ridiculous!

If people are totally out of order, then they should be banned from the forum and told how to act.

But if people just sound a bit peaved off (like placebo) then what is wrong with that? It is a valid question, that has been asked over again which is tinged with frustration, because of the lack of information/action.

I just get this picture of EA just sticking their fingers in their ears and going 'la la la...i'm not listening, they are being mean'.

I don't trust them, there have been many reasons why I don't trust them and I won't go into detail. But promising things and not delivering is a major reason why. Also giving out snippets of info and not answering questions directly, just rings of lies/covering up. Or not lies, because it is like them saying, if they don't say it, then it isn't they don't bother saying anything...or whatever they do say is very limited.

They act like they are the downtrodden group of people working for nothing and saying 'why are all of these people so ungrateful?!'. When in fact they get paid well and do a job lots of people would love to do and the actual company makes 100s of millions of pounds from it.

Any other product where they say something is included or implemented and then it isn't found to do so would be crucified. We as consumers have rights and if something has been missold to people, then people should have the right to complain and get their money back....but not with games?

There is a great arrogance about EA at the moment. Lots of videos of each member (especially Rutter), going on how great it will be with little rye smiles and smirks. Promising improved online with the introduction of pro passing...which was hailed to eliminate ping pong passing etc. Only for them to go back on it and dumb it down before release?

It's like a famous person that craves for the camera and the tabloids, but then when things are going bad they piss and moan. If they want to release videos of themselves and profess how open they are and how much they listen....then they need to take the rough with the smooth. They need to act on what they say and do it....not promise things and then not produce them and come up with excuses.

Anyway, they need to sort something out. Because their reputation at the moment is getting tarnished and with pes upping there game considerably, then they might find a bit of a shift in their sales (although obviously not enough to make them go bust :PP).

They just annoy me :DD
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The only thing that needs to be fixed is booting Rutter, Marcel and co off the team and giving it to the World Cup 2010 guys. Or to someone at least that can get a decent game released for once, without all these screw-ups year after year.

Can't quite believe(Actually I can)that all the gameplay stuff has been ignored yet again, also I'd be surprised if half the CM bugs are fixed.

They need to be pushed like hell to adjust gameplay fixes if these aren't in the this upcoming patch.

If they refuse to fix it, then a petition to Peter Moore about this shambles needs to go into effect.

I think the total lack of respect they have for their consumers is what is pissing people off, and the attitude of 'That will do' which has been there ever since Rutter took charge.

Bunch of tossers tbh.
The only thing that needs to be fixed is booting Rutter, Marcel and co off the team and giving it to the World Cup 2010 guys. Or to someone at least that can get a decent game released for once, without all these screw-ups year after year.

Can't quite believe(Actually I can)that all the gameplay stuff has been ignored yet again, also I'd be surprised if half the CM bugs are fixed.

They need to be pushed like hell to adjust gameplay fixes if these aren't in the this upcoming patch.

If they refuse to fix it, then a petition to Peter Moore about this shambles needs to go into effect.

I think the total lack of respect they have for their consumers is what is pissing people off, and the attitude of 'That will do' which has been there ever since Rutter took charge.

Bunch of tossers tbh.

To be honest it's this sort of thing that shows the disparity between making games for corporate profit or for devout but a small number of fans.

You honestly think that a "business" like ea think rutter is doing a bad job? When the bean counters look at sales and not cm bugs or depth.....

The key is to get him to use the leverage he has in creating the top ea sports title to get what we want. Not to put some other person in there that bends to all our wishes and makes a game that can't even support itself.

Whether or not FIFA is the game we want it's delivering to the share holders.....sure an indie dev can go all radical but a company that has pension funds as investors and share holders won't take those risks.
To be honest it's this sort of thing that shows the disparity between making games for corporate profit or for devout but a small number of fans.

You honestly think that a "business" like ea think rutter is doing a bad job? When the bean counters look at sales and not cm bugs or depth.....

The key is to get him to use the leverage he has in creating the top ea sports title to get what we want. Not to put some other person in there that bends to all our wishes and makes a game that can't even support itself.

Whether or not FIFA is the game we want it's delivering to the share holders.....sure an indie dev can go all radical but a company that has pension funds as investors and share holders won't take those risks.

So Rutter et al. Need to be honest and stop promising things they won't deliver...then they won't get negative comments?

That is the thing, they are probably getting their butts kissed for all the money it is bringing in. So why would they want to do anything else? there is no motivation there to do anything, because in sales, it is a resonding success.

I get all that, but at the moment quite a few of those sales are on the basis of lies. People buying the game on the promise of a few things that were supposed to be fixed.

I think most people accept that Fifa will always revolve around the money (most adults anyway). But we get frustrated, because they pretend that they are listening and want to improve...but in reality they don't and probably haven't got the resources to do so?

People have every right to complain about something that they have bought and EA need to have thicker skins, especially when they aren't delivering on many levels.
To be honest it's this sort of thing that shows the disparity between making games for corporate profit or for devout but a small number of fans.

You honestly think that a "business" like ea think rutter is doing a bad job? When the bean counters look at sales and not cm bugs or depth.....

The key is to get him to use the leverage he has in creating the top ea sports title to get what we want. Not to put some other person in there that bends to all our wishes and makes a game that can't even support itself.

Whether or not FIFA is the game we want it's delivering to the share holders.....sure an indie dev can go all radical but a company that has pension funds as investors and share holders won't take those risks.

Irrespective of how much money it makes, if you keep releasing then not fixing a buggy product you'll start to loose your customers.
I agree guys. There is some misconception I'm a fan boy. I'm not I'm a grown man with a wife mortgage and I complain/bitch about a lot of stuff like everyone else.

I truely think with the engine and technology they have the lack of time is holding it back.

The promises they make are in my mind "ambitious" because they can't deliver on them. I'm damn sure they are trying but when a due date is set it's set and no amount of will in the world makes them code better etc.

I really just wish they could have a consolidation year where the updates are trivial and then spend the time killing some long running bugs and solidifying the gameplay. And move on from that.
I agree guys. There is some misconception I'm a fan boy. I'm not I'm a grown man with a wife mortgage and I complain/bitch about a lot of stuff like everyone else.

I truely think with the engine and technology they have the lack of time is holding it back.

The promises they make are in my mind "ambitious" because they can't deliver on them. I'm damn sure they are trying but when a due date is set it's set and no amount of will in the world makes them code better etc.

I really just wish they could have a consolidation year where the updates are trivial and then spend the time killing some long running bugs and solidifying the gameplay. And move on from that.

The gamer tester people I have heard from, including yourself. Seem like good blokes to be honest.

I think you have a different perception, as you have met some of the guys involved and you can tell more how genuine they are etc. Whereas we are just going by what we read etc.

There is no doubt if they listened to you guys more, then the game would be amazing (with our input of course :PP). Just frustrating that they spend so much time and money inviting people like yourself to test the game etc, but then seem to ignore you on alot of importnat parts?

Anyway, we are all on the same page...just we are expressing it differently :DD
I think there's an element of tribalism involved too. It's easy to band together and label others as fanboys of one game or the other, or as apologists or anything. Glen has been pegged as an EA apologist in here for a while now but, as he's been saying, I can vouch for the fact that he isn't a brown noser who is in it for the free holiday and games, any more than Nick or I am.

He's had no real contact with Evo-Web besides a brief stint as a shameless troll so he's not been exposed to the same conversations or aligned his thoughts according to our debates and conclusions. Also he's always been a FIFA or Sensi man where most of us have a lot of PES experience. Consequently he will debate things that many of us take for granted as being part of our interpretation of 'right' and is therefore 'wrong'.

Combine it with being flown out to Canada a couple of times and having twice ridden the feelgood wave only to wipe out horrendously when the full game comes out, and it becomes very easy to peg him as wearing EA-emblazoned kitten furs and drinking goblets of the blood of war orphans.

As for that EA_FLT comment, it's bloody stupid to stoke the fires when your game has sold so much and garnered so much praise yet is so fundamentally broken. If it was an indie dev you might find such posts charming or amusing, but in the context of a multi million dollar operation like EA talking about their flagship sports title which is doing so financially well but so poorly with the fans, it's facepalm stuff.

In the interests of balance (bear with me on this one) you have to remember that stupid posts like these aren't a carefully focus grouped statement by an EA exec, wiping his arse with your money and punching slow lorises in the face. It's not even a high up dev if I remember rightly. It's just some bloke, probably very young with not very much media training at all, being a bit of a gimp on his laptop. Fingers crossed he got a bit of a bollocking for that.

The GC initiative, incidentally, has been a busted flush until about a month ago. Not sure if I'm meant to say so but it seems only fair. All of us had voiced very strong concerns about the GC role being a title and very little else. Sure we had these meet-ups and hands-on play time, but I'm not sure if our words carried any more weight because we were GCs - any leverage we had was off our own backs (and those of you whose ideas I nicked and said were mine).

Recently it has started to get going to an extent; I don't want to say anything like we are controlling or influencing what's in the game yet, but certainly we're making ourselves heard. You'd be surprised at where some of the negativity is coming from too. Perhaps for some of the GCs there is a sense of duty in terms of being mediators between the community and EA, which is why publically there does seem to be too much of the devil's advocate or even defending EA. But certainly there is plenty of ranting about the game within the GC forums.

I do wish some of it was more public though. It would do the GCs as a whole a big favour if we made it known that we have a lot of issues with the game and explained them in objective and clear detail. The longer GCs operate as nannies/UN peacekeepers, the more entrenched will be the idea that we are on a payroll of some sort (which you could argue, as Placebo did, that we are).

Just my stream of thought there. Sorry if it's a bit disparate or has missed something - I'm knackered and all man flu-y, and only just got here after watching Utd thrash City 0-0.
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The GC initiative, incidentally, has been a busted flush until about a month ago. Not sure if I'm meant to say so but it seems only fair. All of us had voiced very strong concerns about the GC role being a title and very little else. Sure we had these meet-ups and hands-on play time, but I'm not sure if our words carried any more weight because we were GCs - any leverage we had was off our own backs (and those of you whose ideas I nicked and said were mine).

The way that the GameChanger's system has formed has not helped its reputation, as fundamentally the programme as such seemed to occur in the buildup to FIFA 10. The gamechangers group itself slowly started to form over the last year and a half - but the initial affect of the gamechangers, whether it was a busted flush or not, has been clear since when it started - and that is this.

The primary thing which the gamechangers have done thus far is that the gamechangers communicate with the community in regards to the next game. We've had this both years now - as soon as the first embargo ends, we get a huge amount of information from various people.

Both years, unfortunately, and I hope unintentionally, the game was probably bigged up more than it should have been - or, worse still, EA screwed it up between the playtest and release as has been constantly suggested.

Whether the gamechangers felt it or not, what they did immediately have purely on the basis that they played the game early, was power. They have power within the community and therefore they also have considerable leverage with EA - if they are willing to wield it.

The main danger of the gamechangers is that it centralises power with the wrong people. That important stuff is lost because it is overriden by an ordained few - and when I see gamechangers acting as basically EA's bitch - I cannot help but be concerned.

The mere concept that I could have to argue with two gamechangers (Glen and Lee) over whether EA had screwed up on their promise to be have the user part of the pro passing 'hardcoded on for all online games' is ridiculous and it is difficult to have a conversation like that and think you are talking to someone who still sees these things rationally.

Recently it has started to get going to an extent; I don't want to say anything like we are controlling or influencing what's in the game yet, but certainly we're making ourselves heard. You'd be surprised at where some of the negativity is coming from too. Perhaps for some of the GCs there is a sense of duty in terms of being mediators between the community and EA, which is why publically there does seem to be too much of the devil's advocate or even defending EA. But certainly there is plenty of ranting about the game within the GC forums.

I do wish some of it was more public though. It would do the GCs as a whole a big favour if we made it known that we have a lot of issues with the game and explained them in objective and clear detail. The longer GCs operate as nannies/UN peacekeepers, the more entrenched will be the idea that we are on a payroll of some sort (which you could argue, as Placebo did, that we are).

The problem is - having plenty of rants in the GC Forum - is more or less doing EA a favour - and this is one of the things which pisses me off. While I can understand that the GC's probably need somewhere to talk where they can disclose secretive information, there is absolutely no reason for the GC's to hide away after the game has released to the extent which many of them did.

It would be much better to have these discussions out in the open - there is a total lack of good conversation on the forum at the moment - and that is only being excacerbated by, more or less, a large group of the best posters moving to a different, secluded forum.

Afterall, if I was to try to explain to someone what Lee thinks of the game, I'd probably have to say he thought it was a masterpiece. A 9.5/10. This may or not be true - but at the end of the day his use as a gamechanger to EA is blatantly obvious. He gives them a very favourable review - and he hides most of his criticism from the public. Great.

In fact, the more and more people EA make gamechangers the less and less competent, constructive criticism is made of the game in public. Many gamechangers are doing themselves no favours with the way they are talking to the rest of the community. The fact is, 95% of the time I see a GC post on the forum they are protecting EA. I can see why EA want the gamechanger programme - it's done them no end of favours so far. Respected, often critical community members hiding their criticism and acting almost as PR-men for them, followed by them giving favourable reviews (in most cases)?

I'm just waiting til I can realistically say - this feature is great - and it's here because of the gamechangers. Two years into the programme's birth (though it may have only just really started), I'm entirely unconvinced - and see at least as much harm, as good coming out of the scheme. I would have thought, that between the gamechangers, especially considering Lee and Tom, that the assisted/manual farce should be high on the agenda and easily sortable - that's if the GC programme is worth anything.
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Irrespective of how much money it makes, if you keep releasing then not fixing a buggy product you'll start to loose your customers.
I would very much like to agree, but: 09, buggy, not fixed, sold well. 10, even more buggy, not fixed, even more sales. 11... even more sales.

Video games are becoming more bug-ridden across the board, as a result of greater complexity and also greater development expense leading to more shortcuts to hit those ever-more-financially-important deadlines. Don't miss out on sales by letting your street date slip, just waive more non-showstopping bugs to cram it through submission sooner, especially these days when online post-sale patching is easier. I don't see how this trend will be reversed any time soon.

I can see why EA want the gamechanger programme - it's done them no end of favours so far. Respected, often critical community members hiding their criticism and acting almost as PR-men for them, followed by them giving favourable reviews (in most cases)?
Yup. I think I posted once before how I viewed the whole gamechangers thing. EA don't set it up just because they value the community's feedback and want them to shape their product. They know that if they assemble the ringleaders, treat them and show them favourable preview code, those vocal enthusiasts will go out swollen with promises and influence their peers with proclamations of impending gaming heaven. And the rest of the potential punters read the blogs/forums/twitter/etc and are influenced to part with their cash. The best kind of word-of-mouth publicity you can get.
Man. Just wrote a pretty massive post and then my internet went down. Cba typing that up again on my phone.

In short, I explained why I went missing. A combination of lack of enthusiasm for playing the demo or the full game, having to fight the torrent of bullshit on the official forums from people who slapped down any sort of detailed analysis or criticism, not being able to log into the new forums, the new demo / game release honeymoon spell making detailed criticism feel all the more futile, plus some personal stuff. I was thinking of jacking it in as I couldn't see myself wanting to spend another year of putting anything like the same amount of time into something that I no longer had any optimism for.

When I tried to reignite my suggestions these it was in the hope of getting people to try and really understand the particular topics that really piss them off so they could go into the official forums and stand up to scrutiny. A crack squad of EWers who would march over there and kick some 14 year old arse. Then I'd decide whether to carry on or not based on the GC meetup.

I think I will. It was good to see it wasn't just me anymore who felt that stuff had to change. Being able to vent for several hours and pick apart at the fundamental and trivial problems has got me wanting anything to do with FIFA again. Hopefully it will last out, but I'll have to see how things go. At least knowing that a lot of the other GCs are now thinking the same way makes it feel less of a slog to try and explain what I see as basic football game requirements like momentum that makes some sort of sense, or individuality.

I'll look to get some stuff up on the official feedback thread tomorrow or Friday; fingers crossed it's not too late to get the cogent posters back together.

Edit: from now on, when I say 'in short', I will mean it.
So Rom, are you playing mostly PES then?

I keep switching back and forth myself. If I'm being completely honest neither game is fully satisfactory, imo, though I am having fun with both. It's a tough decision for me because one game's shortcoming seems to be one of the other's strengths, which then only makes that shortcoming the more noticeable. It's a bit of a catch 22.

At the moment I'm actually having more fun playing FIFA, but if PES continues to grow on me it could in the end be my fav for the year. Fifa is what it is, and there are no deeper layers yet to reveal themselves. I'm still not all that comfortable yet with PES though and I could imagine it having far more to offer over the long run. I'm really wanting to love PES, and part of my problem is I probably got my hopes up too high for PES this year, but right now I'm having a serious love/hate relationship with it. Seems to me at times to be one part footballing brilliance and one part technical disaster.

Fifa is quite different for me. It's not so much love/hate as it is cheap thrills and wanting more; it's not so much love/hate as it is fun/frustrating.

Also, I played some fifa today, the first fifa I'd played after a couple days of only PES, and holy shit was i blown away with how fast FIFA is, on slow even. And I only had PES at 0. Hell, i had to drop the difficulty level down a notch at first cause i could hardly keep up with the action!
The longer GCs operate as nannies/UN peacekeepers, the more entrenched will be the idea that we are on a payroll of some sort (which you could argue, as Placebo did, that we are).

I don't think you're on a payroll, I do think that more than often you, Glen and even Nick (sometimes) come across as EA apologists, whether that's by accident or design it's really not (for me at least) coming across particularly well, you guys are in a lucky position where you have a direct voice to EA, whether they listen to you or not, when you post on here or the EA forums stuff like "oh don't complain they're just doing their best blah blah" (paraphrasing obviously) it comes across as rather dickish, and obviously I know that you and Nick are not like that at all, you just want the best football game you can have. For the rest of us who get almost zero response from EA, who feel as if we have almost zero chance of a direct input (Marcel made a token effort of responding to me in the past then didn't bother any more) it does quite often seem that if you make a loud enough and often enough complaint on the EA forums and Twitter and Peter Moore's blog it will eventually seep through into their attention, so thus for me personally I go on the EA forums/Twitter/PM's Blog and complain about things I feel need complaining about, and I do it repeatedly in just about any similar thread (for example the score ticker issue) and it gets results, somewhat, that way.
PES is getting the lion's share of my time. I'm willing to forgive PES it's creative licence with some of the behaviours and exaggerations of abilities va inabilities, because the end result of this policy is that you have to think so much more in footballing terms, using each player as you should. It definitely has it's share of quirks to iron out but I still feel an affinity for each player on the pitch. Plus ultimately I feel much more in control of my players when I'm on the ball, where in FIFA everything still feels less articulate in close quarters, as if controlling a player is like one of those marble mazes.

I need help guys. I play online and most of my matches I have a clear domination. However, I end up losing most of these matches.

I have analysed my games and I think my problems all come from one factor.

When I am attacking, the opponent has almost all the players in their own half. I have plenty of possession, but I can hardly make much use of it. I am forced to pass the ball around in the opposition's half, and I'll be lucky if by chance the opponent makes a mistake and I can take advantage of it. Even the "counter attack" opportunities I get the opponent has at least 4-5 defenders covering his goal, when I have only 2-3 players running for attack.

However, on the defensive side of my game, I experience the complete opposite of this effect. The opponent has limited possession, but when he goes on the attack my field is nearly empty. My defenders are ALWAYS on the back foot, as I attempt to cover the empty spaces and pressure players. I always end up having 2-3 defenders running frantically backwards, while the opponents are attack with just as many players. I have to defend almost perfectly, as any fraction of a mistake rewards the opponent with a sitter of a chance.

WHY am I suffering from this? Is it the Arsenal curse to play well and lose in a bizarre fashion? I have tried multiple formations, but end up getting the same results! How can my opponents get simple counter-attacks, when I never get them? Why am I instead stuck trying all types of varying passing combinations to no avail?


Also, I am terrible scoring one on one. It is insane. If my striker is coming in towards goal at an angle then I can usually score if I blast it in to the far post. If I curl the ball, it usually ends up going to close to the goalie. However, if i am running in directly vertical to the goal, then it is almost impossible for me to score. My player just ends up shooting the ball directly to the goalie! Before these positions used to be the easiest for me. I would just lob the goalie with L2 + X, but now FIFA eliminated the effectiveness of the technique. And the normal lob shot is just ridiculously inconsistent and hard to control.

It just feels like the dynamics of FIFA11 have changed to completely screw me over. All the tricks I used to do now seem worthless. I used to consistently pass players with the right stick sprint, now this works less than half the time. Most of the players now can't do the Ronaldo chop which I used to kill defenders with. Now they end up doing a half-assed feint which takes ages to pull of and is good for nothing. I guess you could say I was also a ping-pong passer, which they also changed. I have adapted my passing game to this, but I can hardly do anything effective by utilizing individual skills of players. The only weapon I have is teamwork. Which is good, but it should be varied between the two.
I'm sure it's great for you - you are the insider with a much larger amount of information.

Not so sure that "180 man" is that in the know...

The gamechangers plan sounds like a load of shit. Perhaps they can pass on our concerns but, as Rom pointed out, it looks like they don't implement them at all.

So fingers crossed we should see a large jump in quality for FIFA 12

Yeah...not really feeling the "fingers crossed" BS. It's been like that since 09. If it happens it happens, but I'm just really tired of that phrase and overall sentiment.

Most are to be fair. But it's become quite clear over the course of 2 years that actually achieving some of the things we want just isn't doable in the space of yearly iterations.

It's very difficult to stress you want something in the game and they turn round and say yeah we want that too but we can't do it in a year.

In your opinion, how difficult do you think it would be for them to port over a majority of the features that are in EAs FIFA Manager game, into FIFA's Manager Mode? I get everything about every bit of code change here, can adversely affect something over there, but they have the framework right there in place and all of it happens off of the pitch.

There's the idea that they wouldn't want to cannibalize the sales of FIFA Manager (does anyone really buy that over Football Manager...?), but all of these "we're gonna try and fix transfer logic...," "we're gonna try and fix scheduling...," etc. They conceivably have a perfect version of it already in existence. If they're not gonna move that over to the game, then they're just jerkin' our chains and we should get used to the fact that MM is never gonna be close to what we want which, oh by the way, already exists in another game that they make.
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The gamechangers plan sounds like a load of shit. Perhaps they can pass on our concerns but, as Rom pointed out, it looks like they don't implement them at all.

From the outside looking in the whole Gamechangers plan seems not to be a voice for fan feedback, but more a tool for EA to influence community leaders and subtly filter down the right messages to the hardcore fans. I respect the time and effort that the likes of Rom, Nick and others from this site invest in liaising with EA and trying to improve Fifa, but if the last couple of years are anything to go by I really don't know why you guys continue to bother. Kudos for sticking with it though, one day they may listen.

Thing is though, look at things from EA's point of view. In Fifa 11 they have the fastest selling sports game of all time. The games media are enamoured with the title (I listen to many gaming podcasts, all of which are raving about the new Fifa) and hence metacritic scores through the roof. Ultimate team will sell bucket loads.

Your average Joe Gamer is obviously very happy with Fifa 11. The problems and bugs discussed in forums like this are probably not even in the consciousness of 90% of the customer base.

So where's the problem? Rutter et al are delivering the goods.
Agree with Jameszino.

EA are motivated by the metacritic score and sales, both of which are positive. Until these changes there is very little chance that the current direction of FIFA is going to change, although it superb that people on here are constantly telling EA about these issues. However, like James said the vast majority of FIFA players will be unaware of the issues mentioned in this thread.

Such as shame because with FIFA 09 they had really great foundations to build upon.
Yeah...not really feeling the "fingers crossed" BS. It's been like that since 09. If it happens it happens, but I'm just really tired of that phrase and overall sentiment.

Why did you take that out of context?

It was a direct reference to Orlando now being responsible for the accuracy of the kits and that with him taking up that role we should see a jump in authenticity?
In your opinion, how difficult do you think it would be for them to port over a majority of the features that are in EAs FIFA Manager game, into FIFA's Manager Mode? I get everything about every bit of code change here, can adversely affect something over there, but they have the framework right there in place and all of it happens off of the pitch.

There's the idea that they wouldn't want to cannibalize the sales of FIFA Manager (does anyone really buy that over Football Manager...?), but all of these "we're gonna try and fix transfer logic...," "we're gonna try and fix scheduling...," etc. They conceivably have a perfect version of it already in existence. If they're not gonna move that over to the game, then they're just jerkin' our chains and we should get used to the fact that MM is never gonna be close to what we want which, oh by the way, already exists in another game that they make.

That's a really good question and more the direction they should head. One thing they reiterate is how complex the FIFA code is. This makes me think that the next gen game has always revolved around game play which is why the CM is pretty much featureless and boring.

In my opinion I think it would be a big job as you are essentially putting 2 disconnected games on the disc. Things like the player database are no where near as deep as they would need to be for something more akin to FM/Football manager etc.

I think your right though if they could converge those games you would have something rather special and deep.

The only concern is how buggy it would be if they ever did it. Even the from scratch stuff has some fairly fundamental issues let alone adding something so complex like a management feature rich sim.
There is a new person in charge of kits for FIFA 12 and he is an avid authenticity fan and said he was pretty shocked at how many kits are wrong in FIFA 11 and that it doesnt have to be that way.

So fingers crossed we should see a large jump in quality for FIFA 12

Pro Kits+ brand new feature for the back cover ?
From the outside looking in the whole Gamechangers plan seems not to be a voice for fan feedback, but more a tool for EA to influence community leaders and subtly filter down the right messages to the hardcore fans. I respect the time and effort that the likes of Rom, Nick and others from this site invest in liaising with EA and trying to improve Fifa, but if the last couple of years are anything to go by I really don't know why you guys continue to bother. Kudos for sticking with it though, one day they may listen.

Thing is though, look at things from EA's point of view. In Fifa 11 they have the fastest selling sports game of all time. The games media are enamoured with the title (I listen to many gaming podcasts, all of which are raving about the new Fifa) and hence metacritic scores through the roof. Ultimate team will sell bucket loads.

Your average Joe Gamer is obviously very happy with Fifa 11. The problems and bugs discussed in forums like this are probably not even in the consciousness of 90% of the customer base.

So where's the problem? Rutter et al are delivering the goods.
This is always going to be the problem with us and EA, their game sells like hotcakes so why would they spend time and money drastically altering it. We have to be realistic in our hopes of moving the game more to the simulation we want, as you say their core market are pick up and play kids who will bash a few games on or off-line, then load something else.
There is already some backlash in how hard the game is now, granted some of this is down to AI manic pressure and in some modes the fact your team have been on an amphetamine bender before kick off.

I'm personally hoping EA embrace sliders in a big way as I feel this is our only hope for being able to accommodate both the casual gamer and us. An interface to lead you down two separate paths, where one gives you minimal options and the ability to load and go, the other gives you far more options to alter core parts of the game to suit your ability and style. This and a new Tactic and player description/implementation and interface are key for me.

We have pushed this at all the GC meetings I have attended, I have also spent a lot of time putting thoughts and questions from both here and the other forums directly to EA and at the GC meetings, so it does annoy me when we are labelled as some kind of EA free loading monkeys, as I'm Leeds based it's costing me time and money to participate in anything I have done with EA.

As for 12, this for me will be a true test of how much influence we really have with EA as the whole front end is looking tired and in my mind needs some real work. Now is the time for EA to embrace and work with some of our ideas, if we see a simple linear move from them to 12, I think it will be time for us as so-called Gamechangers to take a long hard look at ourselves...:PIRATE:
So they manage to fix the 2billion transfer kitty glitch, which only affects sad sacks who decide to cheat, but they don't fix micro freezes, don't fix countless CM bugs, don't fix form, don't fix positional bug when editing a CM (can only be saved as CAM/DM), errr we waited two months for this?
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