footy klip maestro
- 25 August 2006
- Tottenham Hotspur
What are you talking about? I think PES 2011 is going to be awesome!
As I said, we were all PES fans at first which means any genuine improvement Konami made was likely to be met with exaultation while an incremental update from EA met with stone-faced derision.
While watching the Gamerbase vid the other day, it reminded me of just how good the game (FIFA11)I played was that day. Not a single complaint from anyone (hand on heart, seriously). Not because of some need to pander to EA but it was genuine happiness with the new P+ animations and traits etc as well as the charge bar of PP slowing down passing attacks. Infact, the big deal being made that day was that pressure was way down and that you could negotiate the midfield more with the left stick with a talented dribbler.
Also, many who strongly criticise have not even played FIFA11 and just rode the wave of cynasism into the assumption that this year is a "write off". It's far, far from that. Once the demo drops many more will see that. It's definitely better than FIFA10 and FIFA World Cup. It has the forward chesting etc from World Cup. It has loads of new heading and tackling animations and a few new passing ones. And for example in the demo you'll find that Drogba is dominant in the air as in real life. You won't even have to check them name when a powerful header is cored by chelsea, you'll see that looming figure in the box anticipating the cross earlier than the defence and getting up higher to score. Lampard is also annoyingly in the right place at the right time with dangerous passes and shots.
I suppose I'm saying we shouldn't look for a revolution. Konami with PES2011 needed it. EA just needed to reign in their ridiculously buggy FIFA10 game. I think next year we'll see more done to change the way our attacking and defensive units behave. Team Personality+? We'll see.