FIFA 11 Demo Impressions XBOX360/PS3

Not sure that's down to attribute. Think it's something EA added overall. Still good though, much better than 100% on target.
Feels the same to me as 09/10, rather predictably though.

Won't be buying.

After playing loads of demo matches yesterday I played the WC game for a bit, and you're def right, FIFA 11 does feel very much the same but I can assure you there are loads of *little* changes. Still, if you didn't like FIFA before there's probably nothing new to change your mind. I wish I could say differently but FIFA still has a ways to go in some areas.

I finally managed to score! Not only 1, but 4!
On Amateur :JAY:

I'm just trying to get to grips with this game. I'm trying to dribble past players using the analogue stick only, none of that R3/RS stuff. Don't want to run past players, I want to wrong foot them and make them feel rather silly. I'd love it if they stand still for once when receiving a pass though. Don't like how they keep moving and sometimes turning the other way all by themselves. Realized that if I flick the R3/RS then press shoot early and maximize the power bar, the player hits it with power and dips greatly, and it never balloons.

It's actually much harder to run past players now - certainly not like the 09 sprintfest - but though dribbling has improved it still isn't as enjoyable as in PES. Good luck only relying on the stick for getting past a defender. In my experience it's near impossible without a stop/start, flick-on, skilled dribbling, or trick move. A lot of positive impressions for analog sprint but I haven't nailed it yet, or seen that big a difference really.

In regards to players moving when receiving a pass etc., can't really comment as I've never had too much a problem with this. If anything I get frustrated that players don't move toward a pass while their marker does and intercepts it. Speaking of passing, make sure to try the new bouncing lob pass (R1 and lob) - it might just be the best addition to the game this year!

Dunno about assisted shooting - only use manual.

EDIT: Forgot to add, I've tried various things to see if attributes actually meant anything this time but unfortunately it still doesn't. I've went through the Arsenal team to pick one of the players with the weakest shot, Song on 46, and doesn't have that power shot or distance shot trait even. Tried shooting from 25+ yards out and he belted it right on target.

Tbh I think EA should just drop all attributes and stick to their newly promoted Personality+. At least it works.

I can assure you attributes mean more than they previously did, though still neither enough or as much as in PES - the individuality I'm finding in the PES demo is one of its highlights for sure. Just switching between the WC game and demo I see the difference for FIFA 11. Personality and individuality definitely is there... only it can be really really really hard to see!

Besides, EA have to take babysteps - don't want to scare away the casuals with one big leap forward!
Man, the kids are gonna be pissed with that one! :LOL:

Oh yes they will. I use semi actually but thought I'd try all the settings to check on differences. I was shocked to see assisted shots going wide. I actually stuck shooting back on assisted now that it has error.

I've uploaded 2 of my goals to EAfootballworld, but when I click on the videos there they don't work. Any idea?
Something good i've noticed. Game gets harder more times you win!

CPU actually scored all 5 penalties vs me last few matches i played. Must be that AI learning thing :)
Problem for me is I'm not being punished for footballing reasons but for a lot barging, poor AI and CPU cheating!

Worryingly i've seen some GOD awful animation bugs/issues aswell here:

Magnetic control for Fabregas!

I don't know what the hell this is about but it killed that match for me, just thinking how the hell am i going to shake this guy off if he's moving like that?

Example of AI cheating! (me arsenal)
This isn't a foul! (Carvalho on Arshhavin)
But this is! Vermaelen on VDV

This left stick dribbling, it's a decent and a good addition and feature but there's 0% difference with every player using it. Even Almunia was able to turn and move like Arshavin :CONFUSE:
guys how i can shielding the ball on xbox 360 ? I see that when I do not touch pad cpu does it for me- can i switch off this? i want do shielding myself but how ?

anyway Alex and Terry are corner kick killers in attack and defence :D Finally Fifa when Strong defender , Lampard or Ronaldo make visible differences
Problem for me is I'm not being punished for footballing reasons but for a lot barging, poor AI and CPU cheating!

This is really killing me too. The AI is better in many instances but remains poor in others. I'm not sure but it's almost like individual AI has improved but team AI remains pretty poor and rudimentary. I know what you mean about CPU cheating, at least I think I do - I swear I get called for fouls while the CPU is allowed to get away with bloody murder (and the ball). Maybe the CPU is made to cheat to make up for poor AI? I dunno.

Worryingly i've seen some GOD awful animation bugs/issues aswell here:

Magnetic control for Fabregas!

I don't know what the hell this is about but it killed that match for me, just thinking how the hell am i going to shake this guy off if he's moving like that?

Example of AI cheating! (me arsenal)
This isn't a foul! (Carvalho on Arshhavin)
But this is! Vermaelen on VDV

Honestly though, has there ever been a video game without its animation hiccups? Yeah these are poor but I certainly haven't noticed enough animation errors to pull me away from the experience. Maybe you just have a keener eye for these things but maybe you're being a tad picky?

The one with Fabregas though, well that's just what we've got to deal with until EA really work on getting first touch more accurate. I do think it's been slightly improved - I notice more poor first touches than before, it just rarely occurs that your more skilled players won't control it perfectly.

This left stick dribbling, it's a decent and a good addition and feature but there's 0% difference with every player using it. Even Almunia was able to turn and move like Arshavin :CONFUSE:

You're going to need to post some vids with Almunia dribbling like Arshavin because that hasn't been my experience at all - I really notice the difference between, say, dribbling with Pique versus with Messi. Their turning radiuses (what the hell is plural for radius!?) are quite different, if I'm not mistaken, while I don't think Pique has the same skilled dribbling animations that Messi would. I'm not your best dribbler though, so others may be better able to respond.

I will say, though dribbling is an improvement in FIFA 11, it still isn't what it should be and still lags behind PES. I've said it before and I'll say it again, when I have the ball at Messi's feet, I should feel empowered, but as it is now in FIFA it's when I'm defending that I feel like I have the advantage. PES gets ball control and dribbling. "Pro Dribbling" should be a top priority for FIFA 12.
guys how i can shielding the ball on xbox 360 ? I see that when I do not touch pad cpu does it for me- can i switch off this? i want do shielding myself but how ?

anyway Alex and Terry are corner kick killers in attack and defence :D Finally Fifa when Strong defender , Lampard or Ronaldo make visible differences

RT. Be careful though - since it's the sprint button you need to make sure you're not moving when you hold it down!

If you're dribbling at normal speed, RT is also quick stop, so the best way to use it, unless you're already standing still, is tap RT to come to quick stop, then hold it down to shield. If you're sprinting, you need to let go of the trigger, tap it to come to quick stop, then hold trigger to shield. I really don't recommend sprinting except when you have loads of space in front of you, and you better have decent separation already because defenders are really good at catching up and tackling from behind (*cough* cheaters *cough*).

Because of how physical FIFA has become I'm finding it's absolutely critical to master shielding. Good luck!
Turned on analog sprinting and things seem a little better. I havent had problems with barging except when i sprint. If i take my time and 'walk' and knock the ball around defenders dont crash around into my players.

I cant seem to round a corner on a beaten defender though. Even if theyre mostly behind me theyll get me. I really am liking the game though. Chamakh is ridiculous in the air. Ive been whipping the ball all over the field with that new pass.

It also feels like im able to play balls into space now, ive created some really nice chances because of it.

Actually looking forward to playing midfield in clubs online now, or whatever the fuck its called.

Is there a list or is anyone making a list of live user names to play with, or leaguea to join where fair play is promoted, assisted or not?

If this reads like shit its because im on my iphone!
Honestly though, has there ever been a video game without its animation hiccups? Yeah these are poor but I certainly haven't noticed enough animation errors to pull me away from the experience. Maybe you just have a keener eye for these things but maybe you're being a tad picky?

The one with Fabregas though, well that's just what we've got to deal with until EA really work on getting first touch more accurate. I do think it's been slightly improved - I notice more poor first touches than before, it just rarely occurs that your more skilled players won't control it perfectly.

I have to say whats interesting me the most is how both games display the almost exact same hiccups in animations! Seen loads of this recently happen in PES 2011 and like i've shown in FIFA! I don't mind this too much since it's clear we have hit the ceiling in terms of revolutionary development for xbox/PS3 (Remember this is 2004/05 tech consoles man :) I mean this Xbox 720 can't be that far away!! (no more than 2 years (2012/13)

Issue is, with PES it only tends to spoil aesthetic stuff and rarely if ever comprises the gameplay. The bugs never make much of a significant difference. with FIFA what i hate it's always in aid of making players turn and move instantly and fluidly which kills matches! I threw my controller at the wall wen i saw Higuain closing me down like that. Whats the fucking point trying to get past him when he's closing me down like a alien!

You're going to need to post some vids with Almunia dribbling like Arshavin because that hasn't been my experience at all - I really notice the difference between, say, dribbling with Pique versus with Messi. Their turning radiuses (what the hell is plural for radius!?) are quite different, if I'm not mistaken, while I don't think Pique has the same skilled dribbling animations that Messi would. I'm not your best dribbler though, so others may be better able to respond.

gameklip/anthony kept going on about it and how Arshaivin was so special so i decided to try it, it's a very good addition and does help you loads versus the CPU who barge and charge at you as if it's WWE! But, it's when i tried it with Song and Sanga, i had basically the same turning speeds and control as i did with Arshavin, i think there is a slight difference but I'm probably being harsh since it's nowhere near as sensitive and as diverse as PES 2011! Where every player has their own unique feel!
I will say, though dribbling is an improvement in FIFA 11, it still isn't what it should be and still lags behind PES.

No, i think it's good enough, I'm being way too harsh and i need to remember some of what Konami has done is outstanding! EA shouldn't be given so much stuck for not having the same amount of control as PES.

Problem is it's still too generic for me. The individuality, isn't quite there! It's more like 30-40 players all have a gimmick they play up to. Again maybe i;m being too harsh as it's outstanding how Konami have made every single player feel different!
I cant seem to round a corner on a beaten defender though. Even if theyre mostly behind me theyll get me.

I've been able to stay ahead and not get caught up by running with flicking the right stick forward to knock the ball ahead... not exactly sure why the sprint speed and the knock ball ahead speeds are different.. but..
Fairly obviously because you have to take less controlling touches. Still, i'd like to see the penalty for having the ball on speed decreased.
I've been able to stay ahead and not get caught up by running with flicking the right stick forward to knock the ball ahead... not exactly sure why the sprint speed and the knock ball ahead speeds are different.. but..

I have a problem flicking it at angles that arent 45/90 for some reason. I can stay ahead in a straight line, but as soon as I want to start turning towards goal it just seems like i lose it. Maybe i need more practice, i have done it once or twice.

Aside from that Im having a lot of fun. Cant wait for the full release.
Fairly obviously because you have to take less controlling touches. Still, i'd like to see the penalty for having the ball on speed decreased.

You know, I wonder if the problems people are having (including myself) is from EA changing the mechanics and relationship between the knock-on and sprinting to be more realistic.

Consider: IRL when you want to transition from either full stop or jogging to max speed asap, what is the first action you do? You knock the ball ahead, then burst after it and transition into max speed whilst doing your best to keep the ball under control.

But in the past, in FIFA you could just hold down the sprint button and transition to max speed whilst dribbling without needing to knock-on first. In the demo, however, this no longer seems to be effective - to get ahead and stay ahead, you really need to take advantage of the knock-on.

I don't know if that makes any sense at all. Is anyone having success beating a man *and staying ahead of him* whilst sprinting with the ball without using the knock-on as well?

I have a problem flicking it at angles that arent 45/90 for some reason. I can stay ahead in a straight line, but as soon as I want to start turning towards goal it just seems like i lose it. Maybe i need more practice, i have done it once or twice.

Aside from that Im having a lot of fun. Cant wait for the full release.

I'm struggling with this too. Maybe because flicking the ball is limited to fewer angles when not standing still? Maybe it's simply more difficult to accurately place the knock-on when dribbling, especially at speed, and like you said we just need to get better?
No, i think it's good enough, I'm being way too harsh and i need to remember some of what Konami has done is outstanding! EA shouldn't be given so much stuck for not having the same amount of control as PES.

Problem is it's still too generic for me. The individuality, isn't quite there! It's more like 30-40 players all have a gimmick they play up to. Again maybe i;m being too harsh as it's outstanding how Konami have made every single player feel different!

I know what you mean Klash and it's really easy to be harsh on each game's faults, especially when the other game does that thing so much better.

Individuality is definitely improved in FIFA 11, but after spending a good amount of time with the PES demo I can understand how FIFA's improvements in player individuality may seem hard to notice in comparison. The same for passing, first touch, and dribbling.

Conversely, I think many of the PES diehards don't appreciate how jarring some aspects of PES can be when coming from FIFA. PES is a much smoother ride than last year but it still can feel a bit too rough around the edges after FIFA. I loved PES back in the day, so I stuck with the demo beyond just the first couple games, but I understand how someone who's played primarily FIFA and only gave PES a cursory go will come away with mostly negative impressions.

I don't think you're necessarily wrong with your criticisms (yeah, maybe a little harsh!) but I think the fact of the matter is that both games have their areas of shortcomings and whether you enjoy each game, or both, will depend upon how much and what you're willing to overlook. What ever floats your boat, you know?
I finally managed to score! Not only 1, but 4!

On Amateur :JAY:

I'm just trying to get to grips with this game. I'm trying to dribble past players using the analogue stick only, none of that R3/RS stuff. Don't want to run past players, I want to wrong foot them and make them feel rather silly. I'd love it if they stand still for once when receiving a pass though. Don't like how they keep moving and sometimes turning the other way all by themselves. Realized that if I flick the R3/RS then press shoot early and maximize the power bar, the player hits it with power and dips greatly, and it never balloons.

Also Assisted shooting has error here. Anyone tried it? The ball doesn't always end up on target. I've missed so many and that never happened for me in 10 and 09.

EDIT: Forgot to add, I've tried various things to see if attributes actually meant anything this time but unfortunately it still doesn't. I've went through the Arsenal team to pick one of the players with the weakest shot, Song on 46, and doesn't have that power shot or distance shot trait even. Tried shooting from 25+ yards out and he belted it right on target.

Tbh I think EA should just drop all attributes and stick to their newly promoted Personality+. At least it works.

mate you seem to be enjoying fifa? i am too! havent even installed pes yet, have downloaded the demo though. and this comes from someone who's played pes all the way up till pes6 but never touched fifa after 2001/2002.

i know i have to make a decision soon on which to get but damn this fifa is addictive. like you, i'm finding it really hard to create chances and score goals! on amateur! lol.

this is gna be a good year for soccer gaming i guess. pes seems to have good reviews on the demo thread and i have a feeling once i load up the pes demo, it spells the end of fifa for me. but this fifa is really impressing me. the freedom, 360, manual passing, the movement, fluidity. amazing, really.
You know, I wonder if the problems people are having (including myself) is from EA changing the mechanics and relationship between the knock-on and sprinting to be more realistic.

Consider: IRL when you want to transition from either full stop or jogging to max speed asap, what is the first action you do? You knock the ball ahead, then burst after it and transition into max speed whilst doing your best to keep the ball under control.

But in the past, in FIFA you could just hold down the sprint button and transition to max speed whilst dribbling without needing to knock-on first. In the demo, however, this no longer seems to be effective - to get ahead and stay ahead, you really need to take advantage of the knock-on.

I'm struggling with this too. Maybe because flicking the ball is limited to fewer angles when not standing still? Maybe it's simply more difficult to accurately place the knock-on when dribbling, especially at speed, and like you said we just need to get better?

I'd like to think that's the reason. I'm just noy use to it yet since R3 wasn't needed before and just sprinting is punished.
It really does feel like the flick on is limited, because sometimes it just doesn't go where I put it, even if I take my time to make sure the angle matches my direction with the left stick (to get a clean flick in the same direction and not slow my speed).

Need longer halves to get more practice in!
I've had matches where the cpu has ended up with passing accuracy of 100%. There is virtually no cpu error at all.

Every cpu player appears to be near identical, has instant reactions, has no acceleration - just go from standing to top speed in an instant, has immacualte passing, immaculate dribbling, immaculate first touch, wins every tackle, wins every header, always barges you off the ball. Every cpu player in every team seems to be near identical, and every cpu team appears to be near identical.

It's a high-speed, arcade nightmare.

PES is definitely ahead in terms of player stats meaning something, tactics meaning something, more realistic pace, cpu is far more error prone, finally has a decent full manual passing system with LT, just generally feels more like football, yet its obvious flaws mean it's not really any better than FIFA. Two rather dissapointing games.
Hey guys, just noticed something you can do now.

If anyone played PES5/6 and those games, one of the best features was if you held R2 + direction when receiving a pass, the player would trap the ball standing still, and turn in the direction you held. In FIFA09/10 there wasn't really any such feature, apart from holding LB when receiving a pass, which would make the player stop and face the goal.

But now, holding LT and feathering the stick in a direction (ie only slightly tilting the stick) when recieving a pass, as long as it is moving more or less at the player, you really can trap the ball and simultaneously turn in a direction on the spot. This can be a huge advantage in tight midfield as you don't need to commit to instantly moving in a direction when you receive the pass, which you normally would when holding the stick in a direction to move immediately. Plus the player is more quickly ready to fire off a pass when you trap + turn on the spot, whereas when you just receive the pass and move in a direction, the player might have to get his feet in order before being able to pass.

Subtle thing, but this really is one of the the most useful things in the game, as the PES5/6 stop/trap/turn feature was.
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Aha nice :) I might have accidentally done the same thing just now or something similar, the ball arrived at Amauri? with his back to goal, he dummied it through his legs and turned straight away to control the ball facing goal, it definitely wasn't the dummy of old as this was way more subtle and looked really good.
Aha nice :) I might have accidentally done the same thing just now or something similar, the ball arrived at Amauri? with his back to goal, he dummied it through his legs and turned straight away to control the ball facing goal, it definitely wasn't the dummy of old as this was way more subtle and looked really good.

Speaking of dummies, you can't force a dummy now, can you? I used to hold the finesse shot button when receiving a pass and the player would let it run between his legs. That doesn't work now.
@ Lami. Sorry but some manual users are deluded. I will speak about FIFA 10 since I can't recall details of FIFA 09 as much. Shooting always had attribute based error in it, it was very common to miss easy 1-on-1s with the keeper from an open angle with no defenders around by shooting wide. Not to mention also the high ratio shots hitting the goalposts/bar.
Aha nice :) I might have accidentally done the same thing just now or something similar, the ball arrived at Amauri? with his back to goal, he dummied it through his legs and turned straight away to control the ball facing goal, it definitely wasn't the dummy of old as this was way more subtle and looked really good.

I may be a D-pad Dino but I've been using that skill since 09! You analog innovators need to try and keep up! :P

I use trap and turn and use a combination of slow dribble + a feather of the stick to control the ball whilst turning where I want to. Hardly ever control the ball without one of the modifyers tbh.

But you guys missed the more serious aspect of my post, firstly the lack of testing at EA. Not a surprise, but also that without the passing powerbar you can actually pass the ball about at a normal speed (with the gamespeed set to slow). You should try it out!
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Conversely, I think many of the PES diehards don't appreciate how jarring some aspects of PES can be when coming from FIFA. PES is a much smoother ride than last year but it still can feel a bit too rough around the edges after FIFA. I loved PES back in the day, so I stuck with the demo beyond just the first couple games, but I understand how someone who's played primarily FIFA and only gave PES a cursory go will come away with mostly negative impressions.
It's not necessarily just those people, though. I played PES solidly for eight years, then FIFA for the last two. I also found the PES2011 demo jarring, even after persevering with it (I've posted thoughts in the PC Demo thread).

Speaking of dummies, you can't force a dummy now, can you? I used to hold the finesse shot button when receiving a pass and the player would let it run between his legs. That doesn't work now.
Hmm, fairly sure I did exactly that yesterday. I'll have another go today to check.
Yeah it does. Have it happen to me when I wanted to do something else, might now be a different button. Seems to be more responsive imo.
The dummy works much better in this version - i use it often when passing to a winger and seeing a wingback come to tackle me, you can actually let it run through your legs and then run onto it leaving him flumoxed :)

The players react to it now, whereas last time, on many occasions, they would dummy it then fuck off and leave the ball!!
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