FIFA 11 Demo Impressions XBOX360/PS3

The dummy works much better in this version - i use it often when passing to a winger and seeing a wingback come to tackle me, you can actually let it run through your legs and then run onto it leaving him flumoxed :)

The players react to it now, whereas last time, on many occasions, they would dummy it then fuck off and leave the ball!!
Yeah we found this in the demo at the Emirates you can let the ball run past you too, it's much better...
I cant seem to round a corner on a beaten defender though. Even if theyre mostly behind me theyll get me. I really am liking the game though. Chamakh is ridiculous in the air. Ive been whipping the ball all over the field with that new pass.

There is a new pass in? How do you do it?

And what button is it on the new alternative method for this first time control and turn thing that you lot are talking about?

I only do it without holding a button to knock it far ahead, i didn't realise you could do it keeping the ball in close control
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The handball feature doesn't work very well. I've just conceded two penalties in the same match where my player automatically threw himself to block a shot. RvP's shot deflected up off Abidal's knee onto the underside of his elbow, and Chamakh's shot bounced down off Pique's thigh before barely brushing his fingertips as he sprawled. Neither would be penalties in reality.

Might try the "except penalties" option if they are going to be given so cheaply.

David Villa just got injured in my game. Play resumed and he came back on, but while Arsenal had the ball he was stood there wincing and holding his hamstring. Then he had a completely off-the-ball collision with Song, who flattened him, and as soon as Villa tried to get up off the floor he just collapsed again and started rolling about. It made it look like he over-stretched his existing injury trying to spring back up.
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@ Lami. Sorry but some manual users are deluded. I will speak about FIFA 10 since I can't recall details of FIFA 09 as much. Shooting always had attribute based error in it, it was very common to miss easy 1-on-1s with the keeper from an open angle with no defenders around by shooting wide. Not to mention also the high ratio shots hitting the goalposts/bar.

Can't remember myself hitting too many shots off target on assisted whenever I tried it before. Also wrong foot shots can be weak and go completely wrong. I'm not saying all, but some, and surely more than I ever recall that happening in 09 and 10.
RT. Be careful though - since it's the sprint button you need to make sure you're not moving when you hold it down!

If you're dribbling at normal speed, RT is also quick stop, so the best way to use it, unless you're already standing still, is tap RT to come to quick stop, then hold it down to shield. If you're sprinting, you need to let go of the trigger, tap it to come to quick stop, then hold trigger to shield. I really don't recommend sprinting except when you have loads of space in front of you, and you better have decent separation already because defenders are really good at catching up and tackling from behind (*cough* cheaters *cough*).

Because of how physical FIFA has become I'm finding it's absolutely critical to master shielding. Good luck!

Yep , i get it. I dont know how shielding is works against AI but when i play with friend it makes big difference ,especially against Chelsea :))
Can't remember myself hitting too many shots off target on assisted whenever I tried it before. Also wrong foot shots can be weak and go completely wrong. I'm not saying all, but some, and surely more than I ever recall that happening in 09 and 10.

Me neither...
Another highlight, is that it seems the ridiculous amount of shoots at the post are gone now... At least in the demo im seen a lot less than in FIFA10 and WC, theyre come now in a realistic amount.
Some of the new tackling animations in this now are brilliant

Just lower the level a little and just use slide tackle and you will be surprised at which angles you can get the ball from now

When side by side pressing slide does a very nice tackle indeed, i can see me getting alot of bookings now from mistiming these new tackles :LOL:
The more I play this, the more it's reminding me of the old skool pes, where you have to learn the subtle differences, before you start stringing some class moves together.

Played my first 2 player with a mate lastnight and it was so much fun.

For the first time in Fifa i'm actually excited for the final product; And if they have ironed out many of the niggles with the demo then i'll be happy.
The more I play this, the more it's reminding me of the old skool pes, where you have to learn the subtle differences, before you start stringing some class moves together.

Played my first 2 player with a mate lastnight and it was so much fun.

For the first time in Fifa i'm actually excited for the final product; And if they have ironed out many of the niggles with the demo then i'll be happy.

Im with u on the old school PES feeling, what im loving the most is that u actually get the feeling u can score from anywhere, anyhow... 1st time i have this in FIFA... FIFA10 got me almost there, but felt short with so many shoots at the post and too week shoots when running at bad angles, but this one is difernte, goal variaty is imense.
Im with u on the old school PES feeling, what im loving the most is that u actually get the feeling u can score from anywhere, anyhow... 1st time i have this in FIFA... FIFA10 got me almost there, but felt short with so many shoots at the post and too week shoots when running at bad angles, but this one is difernte, goal variaty is imense.

Old school Pes feeling in FIFA?:SHOCK:
Old school Pes feeling in FIFA?:SHOCK:

lons please come on stop trolling man!

I think people are also forgetting how ridiculous these 2 minute half's are!

After 2-3 attacks it's over! no wonder everyone taking a while to adjust to the game! (I haven't) I still finding it easy, i just don't have think hard at all playing this game!

I now very, VERY unhappy with Juventus being so much better than Arsenal! I don't mean you have to play differently with either i mean Juventus are better at passing, defending and creating chances than Arsenal :CONFUSE: ! Anyone played with Juventus! That's personalty plus right out of the window! :RANT:

It just a breeze playing them. Just hold :x: and R2 down and Chellini tackles anyone with ease! This tackling will be a nightmare online so i say good luck to everyone! Amari just barges all before him!
Personally, the team i like to use the most in the demo is Lyon, love to keep swapping the wings and confusing the oposition defense... like i said before, when Bastos is at the RW he is a beast, his shooting is amazing.
Personally, the team i like to use the most in the demo is Lyon, love to keep swapping the wings and confusing the oposition defense... like i said before, when Bastos is at the RW he is a beast, his shooting is amazing.

Well i have two favorite players from Lyon in Pjanic and Lisandro! I do like Bastos aswell.

Problem with Lyon is they all just seem to play the same, or more so, just you don't then to play with any players differently or use them to their strengths. I said before this game gives many payers 'gimmicks' you can use if you choose to do so which is good, a vast improvement over FIFA 10 and world cup but unlike PES, the premise isn't half as realistic! PES forces you to play to your teams strengths, just like real football.

I know fifa isn't the same which I'm not too bothered bout, FIFA isn't about that! I'm unsure if this game will last, nobodys played any proper games yet (2 minutes is NOT a match!). But there are lots of tools in this game to be enjoyed and it's a much easier, quicker, almost 'light' version of football. Whats making me laugh is these people over at FIFA 11 forums saying. (I have to really think about playing this game) :CONFUSE: :LOL: No 'ping ping' is apparently thinking now eh?
Played with some friends. When people realize how cheap is tackling and how messy strength and all the 360 barging, then they will discover how flat the game becomes then.

Then we tried semi-assisted, and it was like playing fifa 10 again, no difference at all in the passing.

Oh, and by the way, I've scored more than 10 headers now in manual. And some very good looking ones. Shooting and heading is just great. What a shame the midfield in this game is Tekken again and tactics don't mean a thing.

Of all the big problems of the game, strength/tackling and slowliness of passes by no reason are the 2 that makes me stay away from the demo. This game can only be played properly (as it happened with 10) when 2 manual and FAIR players meet and try to play it "realistically". But people should see that the game is not designed for that and it's us who, by forcing the game to play different, make it quite better than it really is.

Oh, and by the way, what have they done to manual settings? What a farce! It's not manual at all. I had 3 consecutive posts in the same play. What a bloody joke, it's practically impossible to do this in real manual aiming, so I guess the game does the same they do with semi for shooting, driving the ball to the corners automatically and hit the posts as much as it can. Not liking it.
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I've had matches where the cpu has ended up with passing accuracy of 100%. There is virtually no cpu error at all.

Every cpu player appears to be near identical, has instant reactions, has no acceleration - just go from standing to top speed in an instant, has immacualte passing, immaculate dribbling, immaculate first touch, wins every tackle, wins every header, always barges you off the ball. Every cpu player in every team seems to be near identical, and every cpu team appears to be near identical.

I've been saying the same thing and bringing it up like crazy on the official forums 'cause it's ruining the demo for me - it's bad enough PP seems to have little impact on my performance but the CPU's passing is immaculate! I've hardly finished a match without the CPU team having team accuracy in mid or high 90s! Dunno if this is made worse by shorter halves?

And the CPU is amazing at defending, and I'm not talking about AI - their tackling is awesome, or rather their barging off the ball moves are awesome. Defending in general is terrible - it's become so simple and easy, no challenge at all to stop attacking play. Some of the changes are fantastic but it's playing a real ugly game of football.

The dummy works much better in this version - i use it often when passing to a winger and seeing a wingback come to tackle me, you can actually let it run through your legs and then run onto it leaving him flumoxed :)

The players react to it now, whereas last time, on many occasions, they would dummy it then fuck off and leave the ball!!

Great to hear. I stopped using dummy entirely because I always tried to dummy to myself but the player would just give up on the ball after the dummy!

You guys often dummy passes intended for another teammate? I've always wanted to add it to my game but I just never remember to do it, guess I'm just not reacting/thinking fast enough! Maybe I need to make a concerted effort to practice it, even if it means constantly losing - these short halves aren't great for practicing new stuff imo.

Of all the big problems of the game, strength/tackling and slowliness of passes by no reason are the 2 that makes me stay away from the demo.

If nothing but those two things get tweaked I think I could come to love FIFA 11's gameplay (how good CM turns out will decide the rest!).

Not sure if this has been posted yet, if so I apologise:

It really works too.

STFU! Can anyone confirm? This'd be massive (god that's sad - October can't arrive sooner!).
i have a important question...

someone here know if theres a possibility of the game be different in 360 from PS3, except for the graphics?

i ask this because i pretend to buy the game for the 360, because of the more sharper graphics, online (my friends are in live) and mostly because of the gamepad...
but i download both demos and i am thinking that in the PS3 demo, player move much more freely around the pitch... changing positions with much more variety than in the XBOX demo...

i am player with barça and player like pedro, xavi and iniesta are changing position all the time... very realistc and in the 360 demo this don´t seems to happen so many times...

it is possible that?
the game can be different programing in this consoles??

i like to know the opinion from people that try this 2 versions...

sorry for my bad english and thanks!!
I really love this game, funny how small changes can actually change a game that much. I'll buy the two games this year!

Btw, glad to see the Co-op camera is in! :D
i have a important question...

someone here know if theres a possibility of the game be different in 360 from PS3, except for the graphics?

In the past there's been no difference in gameplay and I don't see why that'd change. I have the WC game for both systems and find no difference whatsoever in gameplay. Like you, I tend to buy for the 360 because of the controller.
In the past there's been no difference in gameplay and I don't see why that'd change. I have the WC game for both systems and find no difference whatsoever in gameplay. Like you, I tend to buy for the 360 because of the controller.

I thought in 10 there were speed differences? I think Brunnoce can answer that best as he played both?
I thought in 10 there were speed differences? I think Brunnoce can answer that best as he played both?

In WC i see no diferences gameplay wise between 360 and ps3... but on fifa10 i surely do, and im not alone... had quite a few friends switching to the 360 because the ball feels heavier and the general feeling of physcis felt tighter...

Also to mention in all versions that i had both consoles since fifa08, the 360 version aways looked crispier and with better textures.

About the demos extender glich, definatly works i chronometer it, 3.58sec was my 1st half.
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