FIFA 11 Demo Impressions XBOX360/PS3

im starting to really like this and notice some of the differences..some really nice touches, goal keepers are very good, animations are spot on with some nice new additions. Im liking the increase in miss kicks if you time it wrong and some of the miss shots..only scored twice in about 10 games two headers and Drogba is awesome in the air..Hating the demo length though just leaves you wanting more
im starting to really like this and notice some of the differences..some really nice touches, goal keepers are very good, animations are spot on with some nice new additions. Im liking the increase in miss kicks if you time it wrong and some of the miss shots..only scored twice in about 10 games two headers and Drogba is awesome in the air..Hating the demo length though just leaves you wanting more

Aha... EA : Genius.

See, how do people say PES has bad animations? Look at the first five seconds of that video and look at the sudden change in angles that the player makes, he snaps into angles without any transition at all.
Have you actually played PES 2011 then? I assume not after that comment.

I'm not saying it as a fanboy attack and expecting kiddie insults back and forth, but that is blatantly shit animation and transitions are non-existant however much you want to "defend" FIFA. Why is it that someone can't critisise FIFA/PES without some childish remark being thrown back in "defence"? Ridiculous.
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Can see Dags' point, however I think the big difference is that the ball is actually getting moved at each step and ofcourse the overal speed.

But there really is very little point arguing about animations IMO, FIFA can look crap up-close, but atleast it isn't obvious from the wide cam.
Nobody has mentioned that finally we have "swap wings" back as a D-Pad shortcut? So happy about that! Finally we can tell our wingers to swap over when we want to change things around :) Up then Left on Dpad I believe.
well i tried on game of pes and thought it was quite good and then i spent an hour on it and its not very good at all. There are some really soft fouls and there is a big collision problem on fouls where the players dont make any contact (6 inch gap) yet still fall over as though theyve been tripped. Game breaker for me that. On top of that the visuals stil look ps2 to me.

I'm having similar experiences with PES. Played about 20 matches now and still there's so much more depth to the game I've yet to even touch, however there still are many issues, like those you mentioned, that trouble me. Fouls and referring are terrible, and I -HATE- the amount of assistance you get from the computer, especially after playing manual, or even semi, in FIFA - sometimes I score goals without even meaning to! You can really pull off some gorgeous football in PES but it severely lessens the satisfaction when you didn't mean to do it.

I haven't gone so far as to consider PES shortcomings gamebreakers for me because what PES does well, it does really really well, and it has so much of the realism and football fundamentals I crave for FIFA to have. I'm less excited for PES than I was before but I still plan on buying it.

FIFA looks nice but sometimes it feels like a wrestling match in midfeild. I think the demo is way too short to get a proper feel which is a shame. Not sure its much better that WC game to be honest

Exactly! Football is referred to as "the beautiful game" not "the brutal game!"

Funny, neither PES nor FIFA quite get the mix right between skill and physicality. PES rewards the skill players - even with FIFA's improved dribbling this year, you still can't control Messi like you can in PES - but it totally fails in physical interaction, both from the perspectives of animations and fouling. FIFA meanwhile has done wonders with bringing physical freedom and interaction to football games, but it's come at a huge cost - way less beauty, way more clumsy!

If given a choice between beauty or the beast I choose beauty, which I think is one of the reasons why I'm still drawn to PES, despite its plethora of shortcomings.

Thought this was quite interesting regarding analogue sprinting

Yeah, people are loving the analog sprint but I still suck at it. To me there's such little difference between jogging and sprint speeds this year, it's kinda hard for me to tell the difference between medium-sprinting and max speed.

Gotta say that Lopez is such a tricky player to tackle on this, the number of times I've fouled him is ridiculous. I need to learn to jockey!

He is a freaking beast in this game but here's my problem - he's so much more of a beast for the CPU than for me!

Is it me or is the CPU much better at retaining possession without actually having to shield the ball? Lopez regularly keeps my defenders at bay whilst dribbling but for me I still get shoved off the ball all too easily.

Come to think of it, how often do you see the AI shield the ball, as in using its own shield button? I have to use it all the damn time to keep possession!

It takes some getting used to but eventually it gets much easier to evade AI pressure. I can do stuff like this on a regular basis now, and with most players as well:

Improvements in close quarters dribbling and evasion are nice but it's kinda sad to me seeing all the vids posted (mostly on the official forums) showing examples like yours, when doing stuff like that is nothing compared to dribbling in PES. I really wish EA would learn from Konami about how much of a joy dribbling can be - it's as if PES is being designed by Messi while FIFA is being designed by Lucio!
He is a freaking beast in this game but here's my problem - he's so much more of a beast for the CPU than for me!

Is it me or is the CPU much better at retaining possession without actually having to shield the ball? Lopez regularly keeps my defenders at bay whilst dribbling but for me I still get shoved off the ball all too easily.

Come to think of it, how often do you see the AI shield the ball, as in using its own shield button? I have to use it all the damn time to keep possession!
I think one of the keys to dribbling and keeping the ball is just moving with the left stick, no sprinting at all. Just change direction on it quickly and with a skilled dribbler like Messi or whoever you will be able to make sharp movements as they do irl to maintain possession.

I'm glad that it really takes skill to keep the ball though, would be boring if we didn't have to think wouldn't it?
Nobody has mentioned that finally we have "swap wings" back as a D-Pad shortcut? So happy about that! Finally we can tell our wingers to swap over when we want to change things around :) Up then Left on Dpad I believe.

Really! Sweet, gonna check that out later.

One thing I have noticed, at least when playing with Barca, is that Messi will pop-up in all three positions along the front three - at first I was like what the hell is he doing there before realizing he wasn't out of position but had swapped places with David Villa!

I still have mixed feelings about player movement though. On one hand at times I'm really impressed by the improvements, like what I mentioned above or Alves' over-lapping runs. However, on the other hand I still see way too much stupid stuff, like players just standing around or cutting-off runs too early, and there's still problems with the right player going after manual passes into space.

Overall it seems like FIFA has taken a step forward with individual AI but no so much with team AI.
I think one of the keys to dribbling and keeping the ball is just moving with the left stick, no sprinting at all. Just change direction on it quickly and with a skilled dribbler like Messi or whoever you will be able to make sharp movements as they do irl to maintain possession.

I'm glad that it really takes skill to keep the ball though, would be boring if we didn't have to think wouldn't it?

You're absolutely right about only using the left stick - you gotta be extra careful when you choose to use sprint. I think why PES has the hand-up over FIFA in this department is you can make sharper turns with your more skilled players just using the left stick - the way Xavi stops on a dime, pulls the ball back, and goes in a different direction in PES, just using the left stick, looks EXACTLY like what we see him do dozens of times in a real life match.

Of course it would be boring if dribbling is overpowered and you can dribble by an entire defense any time you wanted, but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty of room for FIFA's dribbling mechanics to improve before you hit that point.

In fact, IMO, defending is the real boring part and is way overpowered, and if anything it's easier than in the WC game. Teammate pressing/tackling is again far too effective while pressing A to tackle is so simple it's a joke. You should need to get close to the player before pressing the tackle button becomes effective, whereas now I hold down the tackle button and my guy rushes in from three yards away and takes the ball with regularity.

Also, make defending a bit more difficult, i.e. so it's not overpowered, and you also make dribbling more effective!
See, how do people say PES has bad animations? Look at the first five seconds of that video and look at the sudden change in angles that the player makes, he snaps into angles without any transition at all.
The Orbit camera makes everything look weird. Look at the way the camera moves when the ball bounces. My guess is you wouldn't blink if you saw the same replay in the normal Tele cam.

PES Fabregas would be hunched over his zimmerframe :FISH: :P
Nobody has mentioned that finally we have "swap wings" back as a D-Pad shortcut? So happy about that! Finally we can tell our wingers to swap over when we want to change things around :) Up then Left on Dpad I believe.

It's just a shame that for the 4th game running!!!! they have still managed to f*ck up tactics with the stick. For some reason it's far too sensative so you either have the top option, or if you are really quick the bottom option. There's no need to even try left or right as the combination is too "slow" for the game to recognise.
That's really good news Placebo!

Thanks for letting us know. Little things like this make a difference. :)
It's just a shame that for the 4th game running!!!! they have still managed to f*ck up tactics with the stick. For some reason it's far too sensative so you either have the top option, or if you are really quick the bottom option. There's no need to even try left or right as the combination is too "slow" for the game to recognise.

Could you explain please? Dunno what you're talking about.

In regards to switching wings, do we know whether it has any other impact, like confusing defenders, or is it simply the players switch sides? Also, how long do they switch for?
If you use the d-pad for player control and the stick for tactics it doesn't work properly. It's too sensitive ( I think using analog means you are hitting up multiple times (because it's analog and therefor you have different degrees of "up") so you can never access the tactics easily as you need to press UP to access it and then choose your setting. But pressing up with the analog means the menu is constantly "opening". Very annoying, although it's not like tactics have a huge impact on the game so not a big loss. Just ridiculous that it has been like this since 09 (when they introduced d-pad player control).

Played another 6-7 matches and am starting to see more and more differences. Also I changed a setting which means it plays a lot crisper and better imo. It's controversial so I'll give it 3 dots before saying it ... I turned the ProPassing powerbar Off! Without it passes have far more zip to them with the right players, but if you use a poor passer and he is not balanced properly you get a slow pass. So player individuality is still intact, and maybe stronger as the response to a pass is pure stats and doesn't have a grey area with your own powerrange timing. Passing error is still in, tried to just ping pong to test it and at the 4th pass the ball was so slow and bouncy it broke play up totally. I would prefer to have the powerbar on as I like the principle of getting your button presses correct, however they have screwed up the range in the demo as even passing with a full powerbar gives less zip and range then having it turned off. I would say short passes are slightly too fast with it turned off but it's a better balance imo. Starting to like it more now, it's a bit old school PES in that regard. Although I will need to edit the custom tactics again as pressure is generally too high, I find my midfielders near the HW line being hounded/barged by two players most of the time. Halfway into the opponents half is fine, but not in the centre circle.

I do find that they have "too many" animations in midfield battles. The ball just seems to come loose under players with them trying to step correctly but missing. FIFA10 had this a lot but the WC was far more solid imo. Now it's between the pair of them. Combined with all the arms moving about for the 360 collision stuff and it usually being 3 players together (me with 2 cpu's) it tends to get a bit messy. However shielding works well and could keep possesion pretty well in a pact midfield with Xavi and Iniesta.
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If you use the d-pad for player control and the stick for tactics it doesn't work properly. It's too sensative ( I think using analog means you are hitting up multiple times (because it's analog and therefor you have different degrees of "up") so you can never access the tactics easily.

Played anoth 6-7 matches and am starting to see more and more differences. Also I changed a setting which means it plays a lot crisper and better imo. It's controversial so I'll give it 3 dots beore saying it ... I turned the ProPassing powerbar Off! Without it passes have far more zip to them with the right players, but if you use a poor passer and he is not balanced properly you get a slow pass. Passing error is still in, so tried to just ping pong to test and at the 4th pass the ball was so slow and bouncy it broke play up totally. I would prefer to have the powerbar on as I like the principle of getting your button presses correct, however they have screwed up the range in the demo as even passing with a full powerbar gives less zip then having it turned off. I would say short passes are slightly too fast with it turned off but it's a better balance imo. Starting to like it more now, it's a bit old school PES in that regard. Although I will need to edit the custom tactics again as pressure is generally to high.

Wait wait wait wait... you control player movement with the d-pad? Not the stick? If so, well, I'm speechless. And that actually works? Am I in the right thread - this is for FIFA 11 right, not FIFA 01?!
I finally managed to score! Not only 1, but 4!

On Amateur :JAY:

I'm just trying to get to grips with this game. I'm trying to dribble past players using the analogue stick only, none of that R3/RS stuff. Don't want to run past players, I want to wrong foot them and make them feel rather silly. I'd love it if they stand still for once when receiving a pass though. Don't like how they keep moving and sometimes turning the other way all by themselves. Realized that if I flick the R3/RS then press shoot early and maximize the power bar, the player hits it with power and dips greatly, and it never balloons.

Also Assisted shooting has error here. Anyone tried it? The ball doesn't always end up on target. I've missed so many and that never happened for me in 10 and 09.

EDIT: Forgot to add, I've tried various things to see if attributes actually meant anything this time but unfortunately it still doesn't. I've went through the Arsenal team to pick one of the players with the weakest shot, Song on 46, and doesn't have that power shot or distance shot trait even. Tried shooting from 25+ yards out and he belted it right on target.

Tbh I think EA should just drop all attributes and stick to their newly promoted Personality+. At least it works.
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