FIFA 11 Demo Impressions XBOX360/PS3

Really? That's great to hear - any examples of what's been fixed/changed you know of?

Honestly I feel like I must be playing a totally different game than some of you guys and if there weren't so many others feeling the same way as me, I'd think I'm going crazy. Weird how there seems to be two fairly well defined groups with contrasting opinions - there's those like yourself and Anthony who're really liking the demo, while there's those like myself that are finding passing to be poor, way too much physical/aggressive play, poor responsiveness and dribbling, and way too easy defending.

I keep finding myself turning off the demo, getting more frustrated with it the more I play, but then I read some of the more positive impressions and decide to give it another go. Meanwhile, though i didn't like it at first and the learning curve is a pain after FIFA, I'm now really getting into the PES demo and, I don't know, I may even be addicted.

Great to hear this is old code though, that's a relief. I thought I'd heard it was going to be 95% final and current, so again, good to hear.

No, there a plenty of others who feel the same, like i do, fifa always starts off well remember! I just hope they sort of this passing debacle. No! not the error pro passing whatever! That's fine, i mean how slow they are.

This slow passing crap, anyone noticed on Manual passes are stupidly slow! Same with assisted/semi. I just get over how it's such a cheap way of making the game harder!


Hardly noticed any weird bugs! Infact no bugs at all. Maybe at times Cristiano's animation look really alien like (they have failed in his running style animation, I'm sorry! Looks so strange!)


Also kit's look absolutely stunning. I will show you the texture for real Madrid home kit, it's unbelievable!

Rabona's are a lot easier! Less random, you just shirt the ball to the weak foot then press L1 and :square:

trying to think of other positives apart from it being FAR better than FIFA 10..

I'll come back to you on that


EA need to tone down the pressure. On the lower difficulty levels, you have time to breath and work openings but when you play on WC or Legendary you just get barged off the ball even before you get in the final third. The CPU should contain the attack not just lunge in at every opportunity.


That my problem!

So i need to play on professional! (i've noticed people enjoying the game are all playing on this level as well!

I have actually did to test out the new tricks, it's a lot nicer yes. It's good how you can score better goals and actually play some build up but ultimately it's stupidly easy on Professional! :TTTH:

So basically this game is about fancy stuff, it's all about the animations. This is eye candy football! Hmm I don't know, I'm thinking that the positivity is people just loving testing out all the new stuff. Hmm i read all the reviews here which keeps bringing me back to this game in hope of finding enjoyment, i have in small quantities but the novelty wears off so quickly.

I actually feel good now, there's elements to enjoy in this game finally!
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Played with mate tonight and its much better than Fifa11 . More balanced gameplay and is slower , physical fight between players is much better and more realistic , many new good animations , less unbeaten goalkeepers , bigger difference between strong and technically trained players , less pingpong and less superpass by Alex or other strong Defenders.
Overall this is very good game to play with friends.
After struggling with it for a few matches tonight, I might have to revise my opinion on dribbling a bit; it is damn tricky. Up for the challenge though.

And Manual/Slow/Legendary is quite the challenge...'s not easy to create chances, I have to be patient and wait for the opening. Looking forward to when I can be patient without running out of such short match time :(

They seem to have fixed that bug where you'd stand in front of a player near a CPU free-kick, and the CPU would still try to pass to him anyway. Hasn't happened yet, at least.
After struggling with it for a few matches tonight, I might have to revise my opinion on dribbling a bit; it is damn tricky. Up for the challenge though.

And Manual/Slow/Legendary is quite the challenge...'s not easy to create chances, I have to be patient and wait for the opening. Looking forward to when I can be patient without running out of such short match time :(

From my experience you attack as fast as you can on legendary really!

Not every pass will be perfect obviously but make sure you don't use the :x: button, only :triangle: !

the :x: button seems to be 16 directional and broken.
The :triangle: it's pretty nice, you will feel comfortable using it :) but most passes are so dam under weighted though so you need to keep things tight and close!
After struggling with it for a few matches tonight, I might have to revise my opinion on dribbling a bit; it is damn tricky. Up for the challenge though.

And Manual/Slow/Legendary is quite the challenge...'s not easy to create chances, I have to be patient and wait for the opening. Looking forward to when I can be patient without running out of such short match time :(

They seem to have fixed that bug where you'd stand in front of a player near a CPU free-kick, and the CPU would still try to pass to him anyway. Hasn't happened yet, at least.

I was really struggling with it earlier today, and actually kinda hating it to be honest, but after playing some of the PES demo, believe it or not, I had a really good experience with the FIFA demo. I think whereas PES forces you to play more realistically, FIFA does reward more patient play but because it has less restrictions, and because of the physicality and high success rate of tackling, FIFA tends to make you want to sprint around and play like you're in a rush to score. Coming from the PES demo I was already in the mode of playing patient buildup and it worked well in FIFA, and I actually had some of my better scoring plays, though still too frequently I got barged off the ball.

IMO, slow setting doesn't work so well because of how little velocity ground passes have on them, especially when playing manual. Also, Legendary is too physical for my tastes, although the CPU still struggles to score against me on anything less than Legendary, so it's a bit of conundrum. Loving that new bouncing lob pass!

Dribbling is better in FIFA 11 than the WC game but not nearly as nice as in PES. In PES I can really play like Messi, whereas because of the overly physical nature of FIFA, I never know whether I'll be getting barged off the ball or not. Dribbling is a joy in PES with the more skillful players, as it should be. FIFA 11 certainly is an improvement but I want to be able to replicate the magic of Messi, using my own skill and not luck of the draw with 360 Physicality.

Shield is definitely your friend in FIFA 11, but I'm not sure that's such a good thing. It's a nice asset but having to use it so frequently only highlights the overly aggressive nature of FIFA.

I'm more excited for FIFA 11 than I was earlier today, and I can't wait to hear what improvements they've made between the demo and the final release, considering the code is 6 weeks old according to Placebo.

From my experience you attack as fast as you can on legendary really!

Not every pass will be perfect obviously but make sure you don't use the :x: button, only :triangle: !

the :x: button seems to be 16 directional and broken.
The :triangle: it's pretty nice, you will feel comfortable using it :) but most passes are so dam under weighted though so you need to keep things tight and close!

Klash, you crack me up man. I don't know what the hell to make of your impressions of FIFA - I only wish I could score at will on Legendary playing full manual!
Really? That's great to hear - any examples of what's been fixed/changed you know of?

Just quoting DR's twitter:

@GregCharlie The demo is about 6 - 8 weeks older than the finished game. I think. My memory is going =) about 11 hours ago via web in reply to GregCharlie

@gluecks Correct - the demo has lots of bugs. It's about 6 weeks older than the game you can buy. Its the same as the Cologne version. 15 September 2010 20:33:13 via web in reply to gluecks

@ruttski Any last-minute changes done to actual gameplay stuff? Or is it just 'the right players are injured and you can save replays now'? 12:37 AM Sep 16th via web in reply to ruttski

@gluecks Quite a lot of last minute stuff - but seems like a lifetime ago...I'll try to get a list together. 16 September 2010 00:49:12 via web in reply to gluecks
Manual in itself seems a bit different compared to 10, it feels slightly easier to me.

Agreed. I always play manual, and wouldn't say I'm a good player by any stretch. On FIFA 10, I usually hit about 60-70% of passes, but on this demo it's been as high as 95%!
Could be down to the very short halves I guess, but it's a worry.
Manual being easier would be a plus. I just couldn't do it on 10, the enjoyment wasn't there simply because i was rubbish at it. I'd have about 20% possesion and lose about 3 - 0 every game.

I'd usually have shooting and passing on Semi, then the rest on Manual.
Could someone quickly run through the skill levels and challenge with?

I mean, a lot of folk are saying they play professional and World Class is too difficult to score, but then claim that notching it to Legendary makes it easier. I can't actually recall the level ranking system, either. Is Legendary the top class, or World Class?
Regarding the metal clang sound when scoring, it is still there, but not for all goals. Usually the ball needs to hit the metal bar to make the sound. I heard some videos where you only had the net sound from FIFA10 which I somewhat loath, but the immensely satisfying metal clang is still there in quite alot of goals, but not all. :)

Cheers will have another go - didnt realise it was now only if you hit that specific area, fair enough. ;-)

I think it's net shape dependant too, the sound comes from the tension bar at the bottom of the net, or so I thought. So net shapes without one wont have that sound!..

Needs checking though and I'm still to play the demo at home yet...:P
Good question. I'm hoping it's down to the attributes, but as Edit Formation is unavailable in the demo I cannot check. Maybe tonight I should swap Abidal and Alves around and see what happens!

Oh it's not available? I didn't even know... I haven't gotten the demo yet.

So did you try swapping them?

I think it probably DOES have to do with tactical instructions, nerf. Or at least a large portion of that massive overlapping and desire to get forward is probably because Alves does have a forward arrow or 'high attacking' instruction in tactics in Barcelona's default settings that game comes with. Hopefully I'm wrong tho and I suppose we'll find out soon anyway when game is released.
Shield is definitely your friend in FIFA 11, but I'm not sure that's such a good thing. It's a nice asset but having to use it so frequently only highlights the overly aggressive nature of FIFA.
Yes, fair point. On the other hand I am sort of liking the challenge of having to really work to protect the ball. It makes me want to turn back and play the simple sideways/backwards pass more often because the fear of losing possession becomes more prominent.

You can still carry the ball, but like you say it's often more about shielding and making sure the ball is away from the defender than actually skipping through defences. In my recent experience, anyway. Such as this (unspectacular) Messi dribble, where I was just trying to turn away and find some space and time for a pass:

YouTube - FIFA 11 Demo - Messi dribble

Mind you, if you replaced Diego (the Juve player on the halfway line) with a good tackler like Chiellini, I probably would have been wiped out! Bit of P+ for you there ;)

I very much had the 'one more game' syndrome with this last night.

Oh it's not available? I didn't even know... I haven't gotten the demo yet.

So did you try swapping them?

I think it probably DOES have to do with tactical instructions, nerf. Or at least a large portion of that massive overlapping and desire to get forward is probably because Alves does have a forward arrow or 'high attacking' instruction in tactics in Barcelona's default settings that game comes with. Hopefully I'm wrong tho and I suppose we'll find out soon anyway when game is released.
I did try swapping them, and Alves still got forward far more than Abidal. Their natural tendency makes a difference. Quite how much any subsequent tactical instructions modifies that (by empowering or restricting them), it's hard to say at this stage. But I'm definitely seeing work rate doing its thing in various positions.
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Yeah went back on this last night and couldnt get into it. maybe i was tired but i couldnt score for love nor money and i couldnt beat a man. i couldnt do anything.

But i guess thats good really. You should have your good days and bad days its the sign of a good game. When your confidence is flowing you can pull of moves and goals when its not you cant work openings and you fluff chances.

I still think this is a winner and cant wait for Oct 1st.

However i really really hope i dont have to fix custom tactics again. Im still worried that the a.i is the same as last year not shooting when well placed.
well i tried on game of pes and thought it was quite good and then i spent an hour on it and its not very good at all. There are some really soft fouls and there is a big collision problem on fouls where the players dont make any contact (6 inch gap) yet still fall over as though theyve been tripped. Game breaker for me that. On top of that the visuals stil look ps2 to me.

FIFA looks nice but sometimes it feels like a wrestling match in midfeild. I think the demo is way too short to get a proper feel which is a shame. Not sure its much better that WC game to be honest
The post noise is horrendous.

Can we put our own "post noise" in on my chants? I'd have the noise set to the 'doink' from Craig David's 'Rewind'...

That would be alot better than this shit thud that I haven't heard on a goalpost since Primary school playing in proper metal goals.
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Yeah, I agree. It's also worth noting that a comment in that thread relates to using it against newbie's online, so I guess it could be in. No idea, but I will give it a blast later, as it's obviously defaulted to being switched off.
The only thing that annoys me about that is that I always change my sprint button to RB to match PES controls that I've been used to for so many years, and that doesnt have analog control. :(
Why heavy closing down constantly against the AI is sometimes a bad thing:

YouTube - Standing Tackle penalty

Penalty given. Penalty scored.

Gotta say that Lopez is such a tricky player to tackle on this, the number of times I've fouled him is ridiculous. I need to learn to jockey! :P

Ok the link to the video is being gay but yeah it's just a standing tackle mistimed.
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