FIFA 11 Demo Impressions XBOX360/PS3

Max said:
Funny that even though EA have said they want to make a realistic football game, when someone points out something that is unrealistic in the game, you and others make outlandish arguments rather than attempt to engage the discussion intelligently.


Erik said:
Not everyone can play every single MM game for 15 seasons

I think you'll find no one can plan for 15 whole seasons due to the bugs. That's just a ridiculous comment from someone who knows nothing about the game :P
I unlocked Arsenal yesterday, I think I must have won 4 penalty shoot-outs then as I hardly scored during the matches and only won one or two matches. So should be no need to waste your time on facebook.
You can unlock Arsenal even if you dont have connected the facebook account, or you must connect it to the facebook account at least?
I don't know why people are finding dribbling difficult. Protecting the ball is easier than ever, I think. Use LT dribble and also sometimes LT+RT dribble.

On the other hand, however, I agree that tackling the CPU is a little bit too easy, as has been mentioned.

In terms of P+, I'm definitely noticing the work rate. I swapped Dani Alves round with Abidal to check that it wasn't the formation settings, and Alves was still getting forwards much more. I think you can also see the difference in the way that Amauri runs the channels compared to Ibra.

First-touch is damaging, though. I don't know how they can claim that Personality+ pervades every attribute when even goalkeepers can kill the ball so easily. It's strange. With all the testbed stuff that Gary Paterson did, I can't fathom how he wouldn't have subsequently looked at it in-game and not recognised how unfortunately subtle it is.
Only played about 4 matches so far, but I am quite shocked at how much i like this right now. There is alot of differences even compared to the World Cup game, for me most notably how slow the game is and the locomotion of players is not nearly as good, players can not turn as tight while retaining the same amount of speed, playing with Barca the overall moves and passing etc is slower than with a 2-star team in World Cup (on Normal game speed).

Also the passing inaccuracy is very noticeable, not with slow or mild powers, but power up a longpass or hard throughball with a defender and watch the ball fly miles from your aim. I played basically only manual on the World cup game, and the balls don't go nearly where i expect them when using lots of power, but keeping powers low it becomes managable again.

So far haven't scored a goal, and when running down the wing with a player, even a barca player, I am actually weary of trying a manually aimed pass inwards the pitch to try to find a player behind some opponents, because it really feels like the pass could end up anywhere, obviously not miles wide with mild power but that super-consistent aim you had in the WC game is pretty much gone it feels. Also it will take a while to adjust to the pass powers being slower.

Overall so far the first impressions are very positive. The best thing is that running with Kaka in the arena, he is literally as slow, or slower in the movements, time it takes to animate the powerup of a shot, etc, than even defenders in 3.5-4 star teams in WC. It doesn't feel like you have a hyperactive ADD-footballer at your fingertips, they feel heavier, needing more time to start moving.

EDIT: A tip, try using the new low-lob (RB plus lob button) to score, awesome backspinning trajectories and shot animations.

EDIT 2: Player acceleration really is miles slower, playing with Lyon, still a very good team, the players really struggle, swinging their arms, go get speed up when you use Sprint, and there is a noticeable curve to the gradual speed gain, whereas in WC/FIFA10 80% of the speed seemed to be injected within the first second with just very little added speed after that.
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I really hope they sort the pass speed out, there is no reason why a fully charged pass can only cover 3/4 the width of the pitch. Really really poor.
If you disagree, then disagree and say why. But don't put words in other people's mouths and act like you know how I play, or what will or will not please me.

Do you have proof that me or anyone else who's posted doesn't take their finger off the sprint button and work the ball around?

Can you back up your claim that I/we want a football "sim"?

Do you have evidence to support your idea that I/we are never pleased?

Funny that even though EA have said they want to make a realistic football game, when someone points out something that is unrealistic in the game, you and others make outlandish arguments rather than attempt to engage the discussion intelligently. Funny too how many of us have professed our appreciation to past FIFA games, like 08, and past PES games, like 5 and 6, and yet when we're not happy with the current FIFA, all of the sudden we'll never be pleased.

Please keep your ridiculous claims where they belong: either to yourself or on the EA forums.

Really? Are you that serious about a football game that you have to answer something in the manner you have? Like a complete tool? As if I care two craps about how you play and what makes you happy. In fact, EA doesn't care what makes you happy either as they have a mass market to appeal to...

Did you not read where I wrote that FIFA 10 was the worst football game I'd played in 10 years? Or that once I took my finger off the sprint button in the demo that defenders backed off of my controlled player? I wrote what I saw when I played the game and liked what I played.

I know a little about development as well and you can't snap your fingers and make a perfect football game just because sim fanboys want it so. These forums are littered with SIM nuts (I personally would like one as well) but it's not completely possible to do in a video game, yet. Do you know it takes hours sometimes just to change the color of a button on a website because you have to dig in the code to find it?

The demo is a huge step up from FIFA 10 and while there are still faults with the game, it's a massive improvement and should be fun to play.

Bye now.

I think you'll find no one can plan for 15 whole seasons due to the bugs. That's just a ridiculous comment from someone who knows nothing about the game :P

I'll give you that Tik as last years bugs were a disaster. I never got past 1.5 seasons before I traded the junk in. I know plenty about the FIFA franchse so that in and of itself is a ridiculous comment from someone who does know about the game yet knows nothing about me. :P
Use the new long passing, R1+:square:. Works like a charm for me.

Yeah, maybe that's what I'm missing, maybe it's so much different to 10, which is confuzzling me.

My only beef with the new driven long passing is that even on full manual, it always seems to gravitate to a teammate. Haven't misplaced one yet.
First thing I noticed is they changed the visuals and audio from the WC 2010 game for the WORSE ! Nooo ... Why ? :(

Pitch textures are not as detailed as in WC2010. Compare the Bernabeu turf in that game to the one in the Demo.

They have upped the colour & contrast so much that it makes the pitches and kits look too colourful and cartoony, whilst making the edges of the players in wide came look blurry and colour bleeding compared to WC ...

This is why people say PES2011 has more natural lighting as it's not as saturated as FIFA's pallette. You can remedy this somewhat by going into options and taking Contrast down a notch in the Brightness option but then it all looks a little flat and washed out, not a happy medium.

The player models are not as good in my opinion too many models of player have a wide and a thick torso - most footballers are very Lean in real life even skinny at times, a LOT of these player models don't reflect that. Shirts should also be tighter this would help with the look also.

Shoulders of players are sloped, when they should be more square and athletic. The first example of this I noticed was looking at John Terry in replay, who also appears not to have enough of a neck either as do a lot of the player models.

The ball hitting the post now sounds ridiculous and out of place.

Probably the biggest one for me is that they have also removed the beautiful metal "chink" noise of the ball hitting the net that was done to perfection in WC2010 when you scored a goal that was anything stronger than a tap in.

Why didn't they just copy most of the visuals and audio from WC over and then IMPROVE on it not go backwards which is what they have done.

I'm not totally surprised as it is still fresh in my mind last year when I got FIFA 10 home and shockingly discovered that the game largely looked less detailed and not as sharp as FIFA 09 did, again especially apparent in the turf textures and player graphics.

I hope they have/can sort some of this stuff out before the retail version, as it's a shame as they have done some great strides with other things visually this year like player faces (some of the Arsenal Squad is scarily photo realistic)
Anyone else think that ping pong passing was a consequence of the exaggerated physicality?

I bet that they implemented the collision system a few years back and thought it was cool and all. Then they realised you couldn't do jack shit, because you're always being barged off the ball, and since it was a cool new feature, and cost a lot to develop, they made passing really easy to balance things out. Two wrongs that don't make a right.
First thing I noticed is they changed the visuals and audio from the WC 2010 game for the WORSE ! Nooo ... Why ? :(

Pitch textures are not as detailed as in WC2010. Compare the Bernabeu turf in that game to the one in the Demo.

They have upped the colour & contrast so much that it makes the pitches and kits look too colourful and cartoony, whilst making the edges of the players in wide came look blurry and colour bleeding compared to WC ...

This is why people say PES2011 has more natural lighting as it's not as saturated as FIFA's pallette. You can remedy this somewhat by going into options and taking Contrast down a notch in the Brightness option but then it all looks a little flat and washed out, not a happy medium.

The player models are not as good in my opinion too many models of player have a wide and a thick torso - most footballers are very Lean in real life even skinny at times, a LOT of these player models don't reflect that. Shirts should also be tighter this would help with the look also.

Shoulders of players are sloped, when they should be more square and athletic. The first example of this I noticed was looking at John Terry in replay, who also appears not to have enough of a neck either as do a lot of the player models.

The ball hitting the post now sounds ridiculous and out of place.

Probably the biggest one for me is that they have also removed the beautiful metal "chink" noise of the ball hitting the net that was done to perfection in WC2010 when you scored a goal that was anything stronger than a tap in.

Why didn't they just copy most of the visuals and audio from WC over and then IMPROVE on it not go backwards which is what they have done.

I'm not totally surprised as it is still fresh in my mind last year when I got FIFA 10 home and shockingly discovered that the game largely looked less detailed and not as sharp as FIFA 09 did, again especially apparent in the turf textures and player graphics.

I hope they have/can sort some of this stuff out before the retail version, as it's a shame as they have done some great strides with other things visually this year like player faces (some of the Arsenal Squad is scarily photo realistic)

Regarding the metal clang sound when scoring, it is still there, but not for all goals. Usually the ball needs to hit the metal bar to make the sound. I heard some videos where you only had the net sound from FIFA10 which I somewhat loath, but the immensely satisfying metal clang is still there in quite alot of goals, but not all. :)
Regarding the metal clang sound when scoring, it is still there, but not for all goals. Usually the ball needs to hit the metal bar to make the sound. I heard some videos where you only had the net sound from FIFA10 which I somewhat loath, but the immensely satisfying metal clang is still there in quite alot of goals, but not all. :)

Cheers will have another go - didnt realise it was now only if you hit that specific area, fair enough. ;-)
Yeah, maybe that's what I'm missing, maybe it's so much different to 10, which is confuzzling me.

My only beef with the new driven long passing is that even on full manual, it always seems to gravitate to a teammate. Haven't misplaced one yet.

Manual in itself seems a bit different compared to 10, it feels slightly easier to me.
My main gripe at the minute with the demo is the level of the AI. As has already been mentioned, they're just not lethal enough in front of goal and tend to do the same trick a number of times in each game.

I'm HOPING though, that this is intentional to make it easier for casual players on the demo, thus meaning they'll enjoy it more and that the full game will have much better AI. Could this be the case?
Only played about 4 matches so far, but I am quite shocked at how much i like this right now. There is alot of differences even compared to the World Cup game, for me most notably how slow the game is and the locomotion of players is not nearly as good, players can not turn as tight while retaining the same amount of speed, playing with Barca the overall moves and passing etc is slower than with a 2-star team in World Cup (on Normal game speed).

Also the passing inaccuracy is very noticeable, not with slow or mild powers, but power up a longpass or hard throughball with a defender and watch the ball fly miles from your aim. I played basically only manual on the World cup game, and the balls don't go nearly where i expect them when using lots of power, but keeping powers low it becomes managable again.

So far haven't scored a goal, and when running down the wing with a player, even a barca player, I am actually weary of trying a manually aimed pass inwards the pitch to try to find a player behind some opponents, because it really feels like the pass could end up anywhere, obviously not miles wide with mild power but that super-consistent aim you had in the WC game is pretty much gone it feels. Also it will take a while to adjust to the pass powers being slower.

Overall so far the first impressions are very positive. The best thing is that running with Kaka in the arena, he is literally as slow, or slower in the movements, time it takes to animate the powerup of a shot, etc, than even defenders in 3.5-4 star teams in WC. It doesn't feel like you have a hyperactive ADD-footballer at your fingertips, they feel heavier, needing more time to start moving.

EDIT: A tip, try using the new low-lob (RB plus lob button) to score, awesome backspinning trajectories and shot animations.

EDIT 2: Player acceleration really is miles slower, playing with Lyon, still a very good team, the players really struggle, swinging their arms, go get speed up when you use Sprint, and there is a noticeable curve to the gradual speed gain, whereas in WC/FIFA10 80% of the speed seemed to be injected within the first second with just very little added speed after that.

I'm of a very similar opinion man.

Here's my clip on dribbling under pressure. I used LT/L2 with dashes of RT/R2 to try and get away from these maurauding beasts lol:

YouTube - FIFA 11 Demo - Arshavin dribbling under pressure

I think the issue is different people have different ideas of what makes a realistic football game. A lot of elements in the demo are great imo. You can actually hit spce now. Go ahead and deliberatly overhit a pass and the near guy will let it go. You can hit other runners. Also noticed that Fabregas is everywhere for you. Watch his movement when you have the ball.
First thing I noticed is they changed the visuals and audio from the WC 2010 game for the WORSE ! Nooo ... Why ? :(

Pitch textures are not as detailed as in WC2010. Compare the Bernabeu turf in that game to the one in the Demo.

They have upped the colour & contrast so much that it makes the pitches and kits look too colourful and cartoony, whilst making the edges of the players in wide came look blurry and colour bleeding compared to WC ...

This is why people say PES2011 has more natural lighting as it's not as saturated as FIFA's pallette. You can remedy this somewhat by going into options and taking Contrast down a notch in the Brightness option but then it all looks a little flat and washed out, not a happy medium.

The kits are ridiculous cartoony in the WC 2010 game, i think if anything they're a bit less colourful and cartoony in Fifa 11 although the Chelsea shirts look weird bright blue especially closer up. I don't know if that's down to the static lighting Fifa uses or because the colour pallete is to bright.

I prefer Fifa 11's pitch texture as it looks more pristine than WC 2010 pitch textures and not so 'bitty'. When you watch a match on TV, the grass doesn't usually look as dark green as it does in WC 2010, it has a lighter colour tone which Fifa 11 seems to produce more accurately.

My main gripe at the minute with the demo is the level of the AI. As has already been mentioned, they're just not lethal enough in front of goal and tend to do the same trick a number of times in each game.

I'm HOPING though, that this is intentional to make it easier for casual players on the demo, thus meaning they'll enjoy it more and that the full game will have much better AI. Could this be the case?

I think it's unlikely it's intentional as casual gamers could just change the difficulty setting for an easier game so i don't see why EA would need to dumb down the AI for the demo.

The AI is very disappointing. They have no cutting edge or potency in front of goal even on Legendary. Now the game speed is slower, it seems even easier defending against the CPU than WC 2010 despite the skill moves the CPU use.

Someone said the demo build is from June so hopefully EA will improve on the AI for the final build.

EA need to tone down the pressure. On the lower difficulty levels, you have time to breath and work openings but when you play on WC or Legendary you just get barged off the ball even before you get in the final third. The CPU should contain the attack not just lunge in at every opportunity.
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6 weeks old code, according to DR lots has changed and been fixed.

Really? That's great to hear - any examples of what's been fixed/changed you know of?

Honestly I feel like I must be playing a totally different game than some of you guys and if there weren't so many others feeling the same way as me, I'd think I'm going crazy. Weird how there seems to be two fairly well defined groups with contrasting opinions - there's those like yourself and Anthony who're really liking the demo, while there's those like myself that are finding passing to be poor, way too much physical/aggressive play, poor responsiveness and dribbling, and way too easy defending.

I keep finding myself turning off the demo, getting more frustrated with it the more I play, but then I read some of the more positive impressions and decide to give it another go. Meanwhile, though i didn't like it at first and the learning curve is a pain after FIFA, I'm now really getting into the PES demo and, I don't know, I may even be addicted.

Great to hear this is old code though, that's a relief. I thought I'd heard it was going to be 95% final and current, so again, good to hear.
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