Just wear a big Rasta hat and some fake dreads then hide your camcorder in there...

15GA900.jpg win bald!
I reckon after the event just as we're about to walk out they'll get out the MIB style memory flashers and we won't remember a thing!
You lucky lucky b@8"#£&s :)

Enjoy, will be nice to hear feedback from folk that I know wont have a biased view on the game :)

Yep, Good to see there's going to be 4-5 Evo-Webers their all who can see the game and have their thoughts on it. I hope you all try out the bugs from 09, Will Rutter be their? I hope you all tell him to sort out assisted :))
To be honest I find detailed opinion just as helpful as footage - especially footage taken with a handy-cam. As long as you're permitted to talk about the event, I'm not that fussed. We know what FIFA looks like, there isn't going to be any large change there.
Yep, Good to see there's going to be 4-5 Evo-Webers their all who can see the game and have their thoughts on it. I hope you all try out the bugs from 09, Will Rutter be their? I hope you all tell him to sort out assisted :))
Yeah I fucking will sort him out. I'm gonna ask if it's possible to search for a game online with non assisted settings. And I'm gonna quote him when he said "The most annoying thing for a gamer is to be online and search for a game and not find one" and I will correct him and say "The most annoying thing for a gamer is to be online and get a game with some nobhead blindly pressing pass and shoot for 90 minutes, and beating you".

And I'll also show him this formation we came across on Clubs the other day and tell him it better be completely pointless in FIFA10 as they wouldn't be able to attack:

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Well when defending they had 7 men behind the ball and no midfield whatsoever, so you couldn't get near the goal. But when they were attacking they still had about 5 players in our half. It's ridiculous.
All you need to do is a chipped through ball up to Drogba, the defenders round him will fall over or be unable to tackle him, a couple of lucky bounces and he's through on goal... and obviously there's very little chance of scoring when long range shooting is so shit and they have at least 3 defenders in their box at most times...
Is he taking the piss by acting like he has no idea?

Either that or he's never actually sat and played a season or two on Fifa to experience the roller coaster difficulty when going from team to team. There's no way this is the first time they've heard complaints about the AI difficulty - despite him brushing it off by saying 'I've never heard that term before'. Who gives a fuck about the 'term' when it's the underlining problem we want addressed.

If he's claiming there is no problems with the AI and there is no 'boost' given to lower league teams then that must means their game is screwed up. Just because Man United play attacking doesn't mean they should be easier to defeat than a team who sits back. Especially when that 'defending' team don't just draw with you by keeping you from scoring the entire game but beat you comfortably 2 or 3-0.

Also for someone who is working on the game you'd think he would know how to spell defence and tactical as he'd run into those words daily.

Just my two cents - but when playing against the lower teams after beating a Man - U per se, don't you rotate your squad? If so, that squad doesn't play as well together as your first 11 which I think is in the FIFA coding somewhere.

Also, in the FA Cup or Carling Cup, aren't there sometimes upsets because the "little team" throws everything at the bigger teams while the bigger teams don't care as much? It happens all the time in real life, so maybe it SHOULD happen in Fifa...
Just my two cents - but when playing against the lower teams after beating a Man - U per se, don't you rotate your squad? If so, that squad doesn't play as well together as your first 11 which I think is in the FIFA coding somewhere.

Well I'm usually Newcastle United who have a small squad to start with. So the only rotation I'd probably do if anything at all is take Owen out for someone else to rest him. In real life the team usually would struggle without Owen starting so in that instance the smaller team gaining an advantage and then going on to win is believable. Especially against Newcastle.

However I've also picked up one of the richer clubs in a separate manager mode game and bought all of the best of the best. I've had the squad set up exactly how I want it so I no longer need to sign players or mess around trying to find a good balance, possibly unbalancing some hidden 'team chemistry' stat. I'll win the league, win cups season after season and never feel that the game was cheating me out of wins but then still somehow run into lower league teams who beat me comfortably.

Also, in the FA Cup or Carling Cup, aren't there sometimes upsets because the "little team" throws everything at the bigger teams while the bigger teams don't care as much? It happens all the time in real life, so maybe it SHOULD happen in Fifa...

They do happen but not as often as to say 'it happens all of the time'. Yeah small teams do pull off upsets so they should be in the game but in Fifa 09 it's more than just a one off random event where you are on the attack and the opposing team counter you and score or get a corner and score and then sit back and defend the lead. If the lower league teams sat back, defended and scored from lucky deflected shot or corner or penalty and then defended like mad and held onto the lead you'd accept that. At the moment they all just attack attack attack with no fear.

The small teams also start tacking better than the Chelsea's and Man United's you played the weeks before - they start scoring super goals from all kinds of angles, knocking your defenders over with ease regardless of their size and playing perfect through balls and crosses that drag your goal keepers off his line leaving the goals wide open.

It's almost as if when they put in the % for small teams getting an upset and big teams winning against small teams they accidentally got them the wrong way around.
So did anyone who isn't already connected to FIFA in some way get in? Like a regular old person who likes the play the game?

yes mate, me for one. Im 35 yrs old so i probably be the oldest one there.

I didnt think we would be allowed to take video to be honest as Gamescom round the corner. Thats ok, im just grateful to get the chance to play the game. I dont care if its the 50% build i just wanna play it.

I want to personally thank those at EA for giving us the chance to do this, i mean they didnt have to did they.
not really my forearms lie in the same line as my thigh if i were to stand like that.

Remember its from close and at an angle. The rest look perfectly in proportion.
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