Chris, any latest on your play date with fifa10? At this rate you may as well wait for Gamescom yourself.
Play date! :LOL:


I have actually been sorted out for a playtest now, I'll be going to London to take it for a spin within the next two weeks. Scary stuff.

While I'm here:

"new nets" may not meant different style of nets to the regret of many

I don't except 4-5 styles of nets. Like Dr Force said, the physics are more important now. I hope we get some like Football Kingdom :) and in a later game (FIFA 11, 12) We do except different styles!

Okey, I'm shutting up now about the nets. I tell you guys more after Gamescom!
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The gut on the left is Schweinsteiger, isn't it? (with a name like that, don't expect me to spell it right).

About Rooney, for a cover boy reality has done a poor job with his face. :COAT:
Why LOLcott? : /

The ONE thing that I hope FIFA10 gets right is Anfield. They've always managed to mess it up. When I'm playing PES it really feels like playing at Anfield. On FIFA the stands are always too far away from the pitch and the 'red' track around the pitch is missing. Stamford Bridge has a similar problem. The crowd should be really close to the pitch, especially behind the goals.
the problem there is that footy games use standarized pitch sizes where anfield and stamford bridge are clearly off norm.

that's why they would have to change proportions of the whole ground, making it probably even less accurate.

a really fucked problem imo. i hate it aswell
The ONE thing that I hope FIFA10 gets right is Anfield. They've always managed to mess it up. When I'm playing PES it really feels like playing at Anfield. On FIFA the stands are always too far away from the pitch and the 'red' track around the pitch is missing. Stamford Bridge has a similar problem. The crowd should be really close to the pitch, especially behind the goals.

I've defo read Rutter saying either [a] "we didn't have time to do that" or "we haven't had time to do this so we'll see if we can fix it before release".

Eitherway, I immediately translated his answer to "not going to happen".

It is annoying - especially as when playing at Old Toilet, it's very clear you're playing at a good representation of the place itself.

On a similar, Liverpool-themed, topic, I really hope they make Torres look more like him cause he just looks plain stupid in 09.

NB - Legal disclaimer - I care first and foremost about the gameplay, so these things above are not *that* important before someone flames me as a fanboy or something!
EA could do with changing the cover style once in a while. It's the same thing every year with different players.

^^ I agree, and I rembmer old games where the cover was a ball in the grass or something more simbolic/evocative, I liked that covers. My favourite one is PES 3 with Colina in the middle and its signing. That was different, unexpected and was funny.

But I understand that if they throw some stars in the cover, they automatically sell 3 million more copies to kids, so I won't blame them as long as they keep adult gamers in mind when touching the gameplay.

PS: I would buy a special edition if they had Robson on the cover. That said, they could really milk the cow and make some special editions of the box for some of the big clubs. I would pay an extra 5 pounds if they had a Barcelona spetial edition with some extra thing in it and a nice cover. Maybe the legal procedures are just so dull to do it.
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