I was talking about the Euro 2008 demo in here and how much more I was enjoying it thanks to the reaction times, but on the Xbox 360 Marketplace FIFA 08 and earlier have been taken off, which is annoying.

BUT... On the PS3, if you have the FIFA 08 demo in your download history, you can still get it there.

So I downloaded that and again I'm shocked at the difference. You can hit really hard shots in FIFA 08 without them floating away with the breeze - and yeah the reaction times are poor but they don't feel that much worse after playing as Tranmere in FIFA 09 for so long. AND you can beat a man, even with the poorer response times (the CPU seems to suffer from them as well whereas in 09 they seem to glide past you). The only major bad point is the goalkeepers, who save everything.

Strange though how some things (i.e. response times, dribbling, shot power) have seemingly taken a step backwards, but perhaps it's just me. Definitely going to pick up FIFA 08 if I see it dirt cheap, because I was really enjoying the demo.
I'd say the reason why you enjoy it's different from FIFA 09 and not becuase it's better. FIFA09 would seem much better as well if you hadn't played it for a two years.
I was talking about the Euro 2008 demo in here and how much more I was enjoying it thanks to the reaction times, but on the Xbox 360 Marketplace FIFA 08 and earlier have been taken off, which is annoying.

BUT... On the PS3, if you have the FIFA 08 demo in your download history, you can still get it there.

So I downloaded that and again I'm shocked at the difference. You can hit really hard shots in FIFA 08 without them floating away with the breeze - and yeah the reaction times are poor but they don't feel that much worse after playing as Tranmere in FIFA 09 for so long. AND you can beat a man, even with the poorer response times (the CPU seems to suffer from them as well whereas in 09 they seem to glide past you). The only major bad point is the goalkeepers, who save everything.

Strange though how some things (i.e. response times, dribbling, shot power) have seemingly taken a step backwards, but perhaps it's just me. Definitely going to pick up FIFA 08 if I see it dirt cheap, because I was really enjoying the demo.

More than 09 with it's world class wonder saves game in game out...
I was talking about the Euro 2008 demo in here and how much more I was enjoying it thanks to the reaction times, but on the Xbox 360 Marketplace FIFA 08 and earlier have been taken off, which is annoying.

BUT... On the PS3, if you have the FIFA 08 demo in your download history, you can still get it there.

So I downloaded that and again I'm shocked at the difference. You can hit really hard shots in FIFA 08 without them floating away with the breeze - and yeah the reaction times are poor but they don't feel that much worse after playing as Tranmere in FIFA 09 for so long. AND you can beat a man, even with the poorer response times (the CPU seems to suffer from them as well whereas in 09 they seem to glide past you). The only major bad point is the goalkeepers, who save everything.

Strange though how some things (i.e. response times, dribbling, shot power) have seemingly taken a step backwards, but perhaps it's just me. Definitely going to pick up FIFA 08 if I see it dirt cheap, because I was really enjoying the demo.

It's not just you Chris, I enjoyed Fifa 08 more than 09 (which I've stopped playing months ago). Fifa08 kept me going for the whole 12 months which I guess is testament to how much I enjoyed it. As you said shooting and taking on defenders was better. My personal fave is still Euro 2008, though.
It's not just you Chris, I enjoyed Fifa 08 more than 09 (which I've stopped playing months ago). Fifa08 kept me going for the whole 12 months which I guess is testament to how much I enjoyed it. As you said shooting and taking on defenders was better. My personal fave is still Euro 2008, though.

You kept playing FIFA 08 for 12 monts..but Euro 2008 is your favourite? You played both at the same time?:BLINK:
I'd say the reason you enjoyed FIFA08 is becuase you got the variation with Euro.
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Christ, I'm sure I remember the same people saying how much better 09 was compared to 08 and that they wouldn't go back to 08 after playing 09 lol!

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Just makes me laugh though :)
Christ, I'm sure I remember the same people saying how much better 09 was compared to 08 and that they wouldn't go back to 08 after playing 09 lol!

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Just makes me laugh though :)
No, you're right. It's certain faults with the game that make it so fucking frustrating, and if going back to an older version or switching to a different game removes those faults then it's going to seem a lot better. But then when you notice more faults than you were suffering previously after a month of playing, you'll realise you were better off with the new game. Can't argue with you.
Im pretty sure nobody would have a crack at you T_A, you would just come back and "dis" them with a 4000 word post :D

Never thought a big wordcount would be that intimidating. ;)

For those of you who are annoyed with the faults in FIFA09, I strongly suggest you find PES5/WE9 on any console or for the PC. I identify with basically all points being brought up for FIFA09, and PES5 is THE game to take care of them all. The only real fault in PES5 is a bit shoddy AI at times, and some slight feel of scripting sometimes (not worse than later PES games though...).

And besides, PES5 is one of the only games where it is actually fun to play as China vs. Brazil on the hardest difficulty level. Poor teams are poor in the proper way, they lack some speed and responsiveness as you'd expect, but the main thing holding them back is poor first touch and general technique, aswell as agility, turning in certain situations, generally not as extremely athletic, and such.

PES6 ruined passing (slooooow), shooting (shots flying over if you were doing anything but running straight at goal) and freekicks (i'll just post these clips): YouTube - WEPES2007 - Goalie FK Response 1

YouTube - PES6 - Juninho's FK Style and Goalie Move Early Feature

Crap goalkeeper programming.
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You kept playing FIFA 08 for 12 monts..but Euro 2008 is your favourite? You played both at the same time?:BLINK:

Yes I played both at the same time. Is it that odd? Euro 2008 was the better game in my opinion but it lacked the depth of Fifa08 due to it being only national teams. Hence why I went back to Fifa08.

I'd say the reason you enjoyed FIFA08 is becuase you got the variation with Euro.

No, I'd say it was because the shooting was better, the pace of the game was better and it felt more tactical than Fifa09.
Strange though how some things (i.e. response times, dribbling, shot power) have seemingly taken a step backwards, but perhaps it's just me. Definitely going to pick up FIFA 08 if I see it dirt cheap, because I was really enjoying the demo.

It's DEFINITELY not just you. I've been saying this for awhile but I guess most of the time it was done on EA's official forums and was usually met with silence.

For some reason I feel like those that go back and then say that they've realized that for all the shit they give it, 09 is the better game, it kind of feels like that's due mostly to updated kits, rosters, added teams and leagues, maybe some slicker looking animations. Basically, the freshness of the most recent title. That's sometimes how I feel at least.

That and the fact that I only really play online thanks to the lackluster MM. Regardless of how frustrating it can be (and usually is) there's something about firing up a ranked match only to yell (into a muted mic of course) about all the cheesy bullshit goals that get scored on me. There's always that odd moment where a nice run of manual passes culminates in a beautiful goal, and maybe even a win if I'm extremely lucky, but they're usually cancelled out by a string of 3 bullshit defeats. I can't stop though, lol.

FIFA 09 was definitley a step backwards though.

Case in point, the freekicks. I won't go into too much detail because the few time I've brought this up on various forums, nobody seems to respond, prompting me to believe that they don't see a problem. But maybe they do. I'm not the only one that noticed that freekicks are on something of a rail and seem to travel in a straight line only to be sucked into a vortex at the last second?

And the developers seriously said that they didn't think there was that much to do with FKs this year? They fucking ruined them and now it looks like they're here to stay. I find it odd that on this specific issue more people don't see the difference between the two game's FKs. I'll stop ranting though.
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Since I'm lazy I'll just quote myself. :)

Case in point, the freekicks. I won't go into too much detail because the few time I've brought this up on various forums, nobody seems to respond, prompting me to believe that they don't see a problem. But maybe they do. I'm not the only one that noticed that freekicks are on something of a rail and seem to travel in a straight line only to be sucked into a vortex at the last second?

... And, like mentioned, the ballphysics in FIFA09 are weird since the ball doesn't rise and fall in a normal trajectory, but rather reach a certain height or plateau, and then hang there for a while before dropping down. Which isn't how a normal trajectory looks.

From the testing I've done it seems to be related to the bad programming of curling in FIFA09. As most have noticed when striking for example a freekick, once the ball goes faster than a certain speed, the ball won't curl in any direction, despite the ball spinning.
So when you strike a freekick, if it is hard enough the ball will fly absolutely straight for a while, before suddenly veering of at the end. This is also why powered freekicks don't curl almost at all. They rarely dropp below the threshold before they are out of bounds.

So what happens is that Benzemas shot in the video, for the first half or so, it moves like a shot without any curl at all. It rises to a certain height, and then as gravity pulls on it, it starts to level out. But once it is supposed to start decending after reaching the maximum height, it drops below the curl threshold. Since almost all shots in FIFA09 are backcurlers, at that moment the ball starts to get more lift from the backspin. This causes the ball to hover in the air for much longer than the previous, non-curling section of the trajectory would have suggested.
FIFA 09 has a big bag of problems but It's hard to keep playing 08 over it as that had just as big bag of problems too, I hope as EA have had our list of these problems that at least some of the bag has been addressed...

The Free kicks in FIFA have never been great for me as the ball physics have never been right.
One of EA's main game balances has been the super keepers and the shooting which has always taken some of the gloss off...
FIFA 09 has a big bag of problems but It's hard to keep playing 08 over it as that had just as big bag of problems too, I hope as EA have had our list of these problems that at least some of the bag has been addressed...

The Free kicks in FIFA have never been great for me as the ball physics have never been right.
One of EA's main game balances has been the super keepers and the shooting which has always taken some of the gloss off...

FIFA is riddled with so many niggles it just makes for a completely frustrating game. the smooth animation and life like actions mask the huge underlying issues.

This is why i think game sites etc call it a true simulation because some of the animation is so true to life that its almost frightening. However, the most fundemental aspect of a simulation is concentrating on what is the most important part on the pitch.....................the ball!!

Everything seems slow because the movement of the ball is so sluggish and does not replicate spin and movement at all well, causing a sense of floatiness, exacerbated by the shooting and powerful shots that resemblr passes with pace rather than screamers that fly into the net.

Response times are still average but acceptable if you practice hard enough, but most of the time adding to the frustrations.

I hope, when I see the Gamescom footage that we see real weight and power in passing and shooting, it all sound positive so far but the ball physics have always been a problem with FIFA's game.
As I've always said, if someone can make the ball a truly separate entity or at least feel like it is, so it's not always ending up at a players feet and runs free, so it rebounds as it should and some times just pops out of a tackle or clash and goes into space.
That for me would be a massive leap into the next gen...
As I've always said, if someone can make the ball a truly separate entity or at least feel like it is, so it's not always ending up at a players feet and runs free, so it rebounds as it should and some times just pops out of a tackle or clash and goes into space.
That for me would be a massive leap into the next gen...

For sure ;)
As I've always said, if someone can make the ball a truly separate entity or at least feel like it is, so it's not always ending up at a players feet and runs free, so it rebounds as it should and some times just pops out of a tackle or clash and goes into space.
That for me would be a massive leap into the next gen...

It is possible now Nick but would quash future income.

It is obvious that we only get small improvements to maintain the profitability of the franchise. if you think about what can be done in todays, fast paced, technological world, then programming a ball to be free can't be too fucking hard.
But in fifa 09 the ball IS a separate entity. The noly thing is the all the players are too good controling it, but when I play (I play all manual except passing at semi) I really feel it's a separate entity. I've witnessed all kinds of rebounds, clashes and strange and great things in the area. For me the crucial point was mastering manual shooting.

Now I can score in so many ways it's incredible. And if you try full manual against a friend who knows what he's doing, then you're for the most advanced football simulation ever. It has its flaws , of course, my main gripes are tactical issues (counterattacking being the main way to score, the teams split in half and always let too much space between lines, it's bloody easy to tackle and sometimes midfield turns into tekken 7... you know all of them...).

But, specifically about the ball, I only miss a little less floatiness in shooting and crossing, but I feel it as an independent object all the way. No the same for PES, where the ball is ALWAYS assigned to a target.
I've tried manual controls in 09 on and off and always find myself drifting back to semi when the AI just rips me apart time after time. If I hadn't started playing 09 on semi and then gone to manual I might have been okay so I think with Fifa 2010 I will start on manual and stay with it forever and just force myself to think that that's the only way to play the game.
I agree with the shooting, mind you double tapping shoot whilst holding L2/LT and directing it helps A LOT. With the crossing, hold R1/RB whilst you cross and you'll have a lot better control.

Try those Jumbo, it made quite a difference once I discovered them.
But in fifa 09 the ball IS a separate entity. The noly thing is the all the players are too good controling it, but when I play (I play all manual except passing at semi) I really feel it's a separate entity. I've witnessed all kinds of rebounds, clashes and strange and great things in the area. For me the crucial point was mastering manual shooting.

Now I can score in so many ways it's incredible. And if you try full manual against a friend who knows what he's doing, then you're for the most advanced football simulation ever. It has its flaws , of course, my main gripes are tactical issues (counterattacking being the main way to score, the teams split in half and always let too much space between lines, it's bloody easy to tackle and sometimes midfield turns into tekken 7... you know all of them...).

But, specifically about the ball, I only miss a little less floatiness in shooting and crossing, but I feel it as an independent object all the way. No the same for PES, where the ball is ALWAYS assigned to a target.

Totally agree. Soon as you play FIFA 09...with a friend..on fully're witnessing what seems like a whole new game. If you are on xbox live would love to have a few games with you
To try and squeeze some extra life out of FIFA 09 I'm going to play all-manual against friends and the CPU for a few days, see if that makes it feel any different. I'd like to score some different goals. I just don't think I can master it, especially not the shooting. It's corner flag every time...
I've heard a lot of tips for manual shooting - hold shoot then aim, double tap, hold LT, don't use finesse shot and more yet whenever I use manual shooting I fuck every single shot up, probably a habit gained from all the years of games where the shots are aimed for you.
Same with passing, i've gotten better at it since I first tried it but I still can't create many chances with it.
Long balls on manual are very important and I don't think I could go back to PES as long as it doesn't have it. I'd see players in the distance in space, want to play a long ball to them but hit it behind them/out of play because of the 8 direction bullshit.

Manual crossing is the only thing I can use well, which is weird as it's the one most people seem to not use.
The only problem is that what would be a 90%+ goal chance on semi crossing can easily be wasted with a very slight misjudged aim (which I think is realistic though) so on Clubs I don't use it.
For the crosses which are normally rubbish on semi (from the byline or level with the box) manual crossing seems more effective than semi because you can avoid those crap crosses which end up going to the edge of the box for a header (which will never go in) and the double/triple tap crosses can be aimed.
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To try and squeeze some extra life out of FIFA 09 I'm going to play all-manual against friends and the CPU for a few days, see if that makes it feel any different. I'd like to score some different goals. I just don't think I can master it, especially not the shooting. It's corner flag every time...

:LOL: I had to go back to semi tonight after wasting so many shots...
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