I'm actually really impressed with EA and specially Rutter concerning his willingness to really respond to the fans.It all seemed fake before to me but gotta admit now I'm impressed
I'm actually really impressed with EA and specially Rutter concerning his willingness to really respond to the fans.It all seemed fake before to me but gotta admit now I'm impressed

100% agree.

Not completely FIFA related, but I think it fits in the context:

from me at another forum said:
For myself, I am just quite hyped because of what I see EA is doing.
It seems that starting with last year (representitive the development cycle for the '09 games in 2008), EA decided to listen more to the communities or at least communicate more.

I mean NHL has now it's third descent season (from my point of view...08 was quite ok, 09 was really good) and FIFA was boosted in front of its yearly competitor from Konami.

Then the level of transpecy Ian and the Madden Team showed....for me, EA finally started to give quality some value (surely for profit reasons, but who cares if the games getting better?).

Concerning Live, I still remember one of Belugas first interviews, where he stated that Live had a technical good basis...and I think thats a key for the EA Sports products. Good and talented developers with good engines (and infrastructure)...and now finally with some real good lead designers/producers who has a (more or less) strong passion for the sport....either if it's hockey,football,soccer or basketball.

Its a good step in the right direction by this big and often blamed company, that makes my personal hype.

Nevertheless, I will judge the games simply and only by playing them, but the news on all games at least can make kind of optimistic that we will have a good sportsgaming year. I don't expect all games to be perfect, but 1 or 2 definatly will be great fun.
At 1:49-ish you can see how early the goalie now comes out, looked far better. The 360movement looks decent aswell, far less angled. Pleased enough for a 65% build.
Hmm well, good news and bad news :(

First the good:
Were you able to get an answer on this one please? Just played another MM match against Wigan and again they subbed Scharner out to be replaced by the striker Rodallega to play at CB :(

...they assured me that the subsitution logic has definitely been improved on, things like your opponents bringing on more strikers (into the right position) when they're down have been addressed.

And now the bad:

...I noticed I have not answered many scheduling questions so far and wanted to clear this up quickly. We defintely know about the problems we are having with scheduling, but we also knew from the start of FIFA 10 that re-writing the scheduling system will eat up a massive amount of time. We would have barely been able to do anything else if we would have gone down that road.

Therefore we compared the impact of the re-writing the scheduling system vs. all the other changes we had planned (i.e. results sim, transfer system, player growth and so on) and it was fairly obvious that the biggest impact for FIFA 10 is not to be found in re-writing the scheduling system.

Now that we've been able to address a lot of the fundamentals in FIFA 10, we can focus on working on the scheduling system (and all issues that are related to it) for coming FIFA's.

Ok, the bigger news are out of the way and you can imagine my reply regarding your specific MLS scheduling question. The MLS schedule will be compareable to what we've had in FIFA 09, as we've not made any major changes to the scheduling system.

So by the sound of that we will still see cup and league matches played on the same day, or on consecutive days :(

I asked the question for him to confirm specifically:

Does this mean we're still going to have the same problems of having to play a cup match and a league match on the same day, or even on consecutive days? I believe the real life rule is minimum 72 hours between matches and even that is quite rare.

Maybe a minor thing to some people but considering it dates back to at least Fifa06 on PS2 it's quite a pisser IMO.
Nice update Placebo cheers for that, I'm quite disappointed I was hoping they would've redone the system. I hope to see more videos though, especially on the shooting physics.
We have redone the Top 20 screens and you get better and more relevant information on these screens now, i.e. Top 20 Scorers list shows you the Goals, Assists and Total scorer points - Top 20 Discplipline shows Red Cards, Yellow Cards and Total Discipline points. Also the commentary will relate more to scoring streaks or droughts and similar statistical tidbids, but we don't track player stats over more than the current season.

For the Friendly question, we've not addressed the "amount of subs during pre season matches" and it seems we will run out of time on this one as there are more pressing issues at the moment. As a result you can only do 3 subs per friendly match, not unlimited subs. :-(

(About the leaked video)

...are you sorry for that :-). Thanks and I definintely agree, the amount of change in the animations as a whole will be quite stunning when you get to see the full extend of it.

I've just played a match and I still can't believe the amount of clearance animations we've added, diving headers, bycicle kicks, stretch's really cool and I am pretty sure we will be able to release some "official" videos soon ;-).
There was also a mention of the better commentary, that goal streaks etc. will now be referred to by the commentators. Very cool!

He also refused to confirm the commentators so I'm thinking (although it's 99% likely to be wishful thinking) that perhaps they'll involve people other than Tyler/Gray...

Limited subs in friendlies though which is a bugger, it's another one of those things people will think takes five minutes to implement but obviously it doesn't...

[In response to all the stat-tracking questions asked so far] Also the commentary will relate more to scoring streaks or droughts and similar statistical titbits, but we don't track player stats over more than the current season.

[In response to those asking who the commentators are] For now Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Fin are fine, I am not sure we've annouced this yet.

For the friendly question, we've not addressed the "amount of subs during pre season matches" and it seems we will run out of time on this one as there are more pressing issues at the moment. As a result you can only do 3 subs per friendly match, not unlimited subs.
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Tnx Placebo, the scheduling is a bit ridiculous. Finally noticed it myself yesterday, have got a Spanish Cup Semi on the wednesday and a CL quarter on the Thursday. And seeing as I havent upgraded my fitnessstaff I'll have to make do with a B team for one of them and probably have to use a C team for the weekend league match.

But saying that, I would much rather have the new features instead of a scheduling fix. Although how much effort it would take seeing as they only do one league anyway is debatable in the context of all the other improvements. I guess we shuld start a FIFA11 improvements thread early.
I know we've said it many many times, but it's just great to have this level of feedback with the developers. You can clearly see they have to take decisions along the road and they are trying to put all they can. The game may be better or worse, but the marketing and public relationship of Fifa are top-notch.

Edit: I guess the complication on doing scheduling right is that they cover over 30 leagues, and you can potentailly play any of them, and each country has its tournaments and different rules can apply, not to mention continental fixtures. Any "quick fix" to the scheduling would be against realism. For example, they could put all the cup matches at the end of the continental torunaments, but that wouldn't be realistic. Having an engine that creates schedules for over 30 leagues considering local and continental competitions is really a big app, something that would take some weeks (I would say 2 months) of development to code and test it properly. There's just a lot of possible scenarios you have to control and take into account.

You can argue they have the code already developed in Fifa manager, but these things are always complicated and the time to adapt it to Fifa could take almost the same time as if they rewrite it (considering different Data Models they can have). I would prefer a non-cheating-stats AI instead, though we won't have it anyway (we're still far away from having a processor beating a human without stat boosting or cheats of any kind).
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They've definitely shaken off the "evil empire" tag of recent years in my eyes, not sure if it's like this across the whole EA spectrum but at least for Fifa/FN there's dev interaction.
yea seems like it. when money is on the line then they gotta start listening to the comsumer. after all, their salary is coming from our wallets
Yeh its fantastic how quickly they responded to that gameplay video and then (not for the first time) were answering questions on the boards. Good stuff from EA :))
I didn't find the scheduling that bad, If you had the Fitness level at 5 or 6 It would be pretty realistic.
But 5 or 6 isn't realistic either as Maldini at 40 can play 2 matches per week for a while season like that (for example), I leave mine at default (think it's 3 for Sheff Weds), first 5 or 6 matches are tough as there's actual "match fit" simulated in there so it takes a few matches for the players to be match fit.
Are the AI going to be affected by fatigue this year?

I'm just wondering with a unrealistic schedule will the AI start to act up when it has 3 or 4 games within days of each other?
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