It's not confusing. :LOL:

Also, at 1:46, have we finally seen the end of the 'outside of the boot shot'? Looks great imo. Hope they release a manual clip.
lol yes it is at first glance. their is like 100 different modes all scattered all over the place in fifa09 and this looks like they are using the same UI.

to go to clubs you have to go to online game modes > online game modes> clubs> dressing room :SHOCK:

to create your own private BAP game you gotta do the following.

Online game modes > online game modes> custom match > lobbies > scroll to the left > create a private team play room .

Yea your right, its not confusing and very user friendly:APPLAUD:
I'm quite impressed with that, the dribbling looks better, there's more physicality to the game and the ball looks less floaty in the air, which is a major plus point. However, the pace of the game is still a little fast, and players still stand off the ball (1:36) as in 09 rather than getting stuck in either shielding the ball or battling for it.

As Placebo points out though, it's not out until October 2nd so there's plenty of time to refine the menus/speed etc.

EDIT: It looks like an outside of the boot pass at 1:22, so we might not be so lucky with the outside of the boot shot.
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I'm quite impressed with that, the dribbling looks better, there's more physicality to the game and the ball looks less floaty in the air, which is a major plus point. However, the pace of the game is still a little fast, and players still stand off the ball (1:36) as in 09 rather than getting stuck in either shielding the ball or battling for it.

As Placebo points out though, it's not out until October 2nd so there's plenty of time to refine the menus/speed etc.

Plus I'm pretty sure it's on assisted, so it'll look quicker.
Dude, it's not October 2nd.

Dude, it's not October 2nd.

I'm quite impressed with that, the dribbling looks better, there's more physicality to the game and the ball looks less floaty in the air, which is a major plus point. However, the pace of the game is still a little fast, and players still stand off the ball (1:36) as in 09 rather than getting stuck in either shielding the ball or battling for it.

As Placebo points out though, it's not out until October 2nd so there's plenty of time to refine the menus/speed etc.
im fully aware that it can change. all i said was it looks as if they are still using the same UI. personaly i dont see them changing it this late on unless that build is very very old. i can imagine that all their doing now is testing it and ironing out bugs. this game has to be ready a month before october for them to begin to distribute and make copies of the game itself. Thats why most if not all games go "Gold" a month or so before the release date. Gold meaning that the game is complete and ready to ship.

IMO i couldnt see much difference compared to fifa09. i will need to play it myself to see the difference. so far it looks ok.

i think the pace of the game is fine but i am anxious to see if they improved the button lag just a tad bit and made long shots more easier to score.
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If it was taken at the Germany event three weeks ago, as it seems to have been with Rutter wearing his England shirt (and we have pictures of him at the German event wearing it), it will be closer to 70%.
Quick note for the guys unhappy that you can only have one "any" in Clubs now... A thread has been created on the EA forums. Get posting in there and keep it alive for as long as you can if you want the thread to be noticed! CLICK HERE

We don't need more than 1 'any'. If every one is limited to 1 'any' role and the ai is improved and the exploits are gone like they claim then we should be fine. Like EA say; they want to urge us all to play 10 vs 10 rather than 3 vs 3 with 'any' roles.

Maybe this is a step towards giving us a better online clubs down the line in a few years where we play as 1 player only and can form some kind of career online signing for different teams and playing in actual league fixtures with stat tracking.
We don't need more than 1 'any'. If every one is limited to 1 'any' role and the ai is improved and the exploits are gone like they claim then we should be fine. Like EA say; they want to urge us all to play 10 vs 10 rather than 3 vs 3 with 'any' roles.

Maybe this is a step towards giving us a better online clubs down the line in a few years where we play as 1 player only and can form some kind of career online signing for different teams and playing in actual league fixtures with stat tracking.
well said
The ball seems a lot free-er and more of it's own entity, not just glued to players feet in that video. Looks good I must say! Shame we didn't see any nets action.
We don't need more than 1 'any'. If every one is limited to 1 'any' role and the ai is improved and the exploits are gone like they claim then we should be fine. Like EA say; they want to urge us all to play 10 vs 10 rather than 3 vs 3 with 'any' roles.

Maybe this is a step towards giving us a better online clubs down the line in a few years where we play as 1 player only and can form some kind of career online signing for different teams and playing in actual league fixtures with stat tracking.

Bad said.
I for one agree with johnney, it's some fucked up menus they have.
I have question for you folks since it's maybe an info I missed out on. Will we be allowed to have more seasons in the BAP mode since it was only 4 IIRC
on FIFA 09 ?
I can see that the main reason is to promote individual roles, but realistically most teams don't have more than 5 on at a time. It's just so difficult to coordinate 10 people into meeting up. Therefore, if you have less than 5 playing that leaves the person with the 'any' role with a lot of responsibility. Not only that, but that one person can only control one player at a time, whilst the other players finding space, running onto passes are controlled solely by the AI. If you had two 'any' roles it will at least afford better control over the whole team.

I think you are putting a lot of faith in EA having good enough AI. After all people will get used to how the CPU plays, and will inevitably find those weaknesses and exploit them.
About the video I like a lot the free aspect of the ball. It's great how players knock the ball far and near depending on the situation, let's hope 360º has a great impact on everything.

I'm still sceptic about crosses and headers, though there's a quite good header in the video that bounces in the floor realistically.

About the menus, I think the art direction is very good, it's the contents organization what makes them confusing. But art direction has been VERY good lately, except when accesing a player stats, where I think the information should be more compact and easy to read (more visual differentiation between stats, like old pes did with the colour guides yellow, green, orange, red...).
I can see that the main reason is to promote individual roles, but realistically most teams don't have more than 5 on at a time. It's just so difficult to coordinate 10 people into meeting up. Therefore, if you have less than 5 playing that leaves the person with the 'any' role with a lot of responsibility. Not only that, but that one person can only control one player at a time, whilst the other players finding space, running onto passes are controlled solely by the AI. If you had two 'any' roles it will at least afford better control over the whole team.

I think you are putting a lot of faith in EA having good enough AI. After all people will get used to how the CPU plays, and will inevitably find those weaknesses and exploit them.

^I agree with that. I'm spanish and find it hard to play online in a club with english people, sometimes it's hard to communicate. And I play almost all on manual, so it's even harder to play people with. I end up playing only with 2 friends, so the option to play 3 anys should still be in the game in my opinion, even if it's to play only unranked games, as it seems it will be.
This better get fixed

@1:09, Berba's run is just stupid and pointless. How will Carrick get the ball to him, he wasn't positioned for a cut back or cross. Totally useless run.

And he pulls back so late, if he wasn't going central then his run should have slowed down much earlier.
I can see that the main reason is to promote individual roles, but realistically most teams don't have more than 5 on at a time. It's just so difficult to coordinate 10 people into meeting up. Therefore, if you have less than 5 playing that leaves the person with the 'any' role with a lot of responsibility. Not only that, but that one person can only control one player at a time, whilst the other players finding space, running onto passes are controlled solely by the AI. If you had two 'any' roles it will at least afford better control over the whole team.

I think you are putting a lot of faith in EA having good enough AI. After all people will get used to how the CPU plays, and will inevitably find those weaknesses and exploit them.

well you do have a point but it works both ways as well. how many times have we played againts a 3-4 man team with all of them as any and us having 7-8 players online? alot mate and would you agree its a disadvantage on us?

I think that most clubs only play with 3-4 players at a time because its easier to play that way especialy againts a club who actually tried to play clubs the way its intended ie a near full side squad with most people sticking to one position.

i say, on ranked club games, make it a minimum of 5v5 with one ANY to try and persuade and force people to play clubs in its intended way.

At the end of the day, if you have a big enough club like us, its easy to arrange a near full size squad in club games. dont you remember the games we use to organise with Real AVF? we always had at least 7 of us playing.

With AVF real apparently being dead and gone, we should have more BAP players for fifa10 and more of a chance of playing with 10+ players. Their were times a few months back when we had MORE THAN 10 of us on BAP :)
This better get fixed

@1:09, Berba's run is just stupid and pointless. How will Carrick get the ball to him, he wasn't positioned for a cut back or cross. Totally useless run.

And he pulls back so late, if he wasn't going central then his run should have slowed down much earlier.

Yeah, becuase every run you make on the football pitch is to get the ball.
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