Haha OK I will try when I calm down and mash a cup of tea :) - can't believe a game has got me this worked up.

The last time I posted a thread about corner kicks in FIFA 08/Euro 2008, when the goal keeper would punch the ball out and you tried to switch players with L1/LB and it wouldn't let you - the thread got seriously trolled. "Errrr press L1 dickhead", "yeah press L1 idiot" etc etc. That was my point though, L1 didn't work in that situation. It got that bad wepeeler had to shut the thread down.
well its not forcing, we can still play clubs but just unranked. Clubs needed a unranked mode and finaly we get it. no more practising in ranked club games lol, we can finaly do some proper practise sessions againts other random clubs.

Plus MJ, Half of the time we easily get over 5 of us playing at once. their was a time that for nearly a month, we had 7-8 players playing nearly every night. If you look at our club members, nearly half of us could be classed as regulars. its just now recently that none of us play clubs that much anymore but i imagine when fifa10 comes out, we will easily get 10 of us online within the first month or two after fifa10 is released.

i am just happy of the news because it forces a fair game of football when you have a near full squad playing "clubs"

Think fifa09 is dropping overall due to the cheaters ruining the game and EA not acting on it sooner.
very rarely do our Club use more than one ANY as well.

When we have a small number of players, (obviously it depends on who those players are) but we usually have at least two any. The main reason why we have more than one is because the AI of the other players is shit, limiting it to one is silly and unnecessary.
I used to think they were easy, especially on assisted/semi shooting. All you had to do was slot it either side of the keeper or lob them if they came out to you.

I'm finding them impossible now though on manual shooting. I do everything right, skin the keeper or open up my angle on the goal. However, 9/10 I hoof the ball into the sky or hit it straight at them :LOL:.
When we have a small number of players, (obviously it depends on who those players are) but we usually have at least two any. The main reason why we have more than one is because the AI of the other players is shit, limiting it to one is silly and unnecessary.
But according to the Q&A, having less then 6 players is unranked matches only so it shouldnt effect our record when we have a low player count.

Question: how do you force more clubs to play with more players in Club mode considering that the main idea is to play 10v10 with no AI involved?
It's a shame, now we can't pwn teams that use more than one any. sad

Is there now slide tackle freedom, because a lot of times I press square and my player doesn't slide. Why the CPU interferes with my choice...I don't know.

If I want to slide let me slide gaddamn it, even in BAP online you can't slide on less you are close to the ball.

When you eventually get to slide, it's often very ineffective.

If the Keeper's rush out early wouldn't they just get chipped?

Another thing auto clearance, please no let me fail by myself. Sometime I would just like to turn around and pass. But the CPU decides before I can even hit the button.

Another thing if O is for clearance and it's for shooting. All shots are forced towards the opposing goal, why are my clearances force towards the my end for a corner or throw irrespective of where I direct it.

I hate forced reality, I want to clear the ball to the halfway line let me do it.
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Shame they completely ignored the GK magic hands comment, would have liked it to be addressed.

yep, thats something i noticed he didnt answer...theres still hope theyll fix that though..

about the one-on-ones i aways found it too easy to score, BUT TOO HARD TO DRIBLE PAST THE GK...this is something that did not feel organic to me.... it should be easier to do imo
Anyone looking to pre-order, Amazon are charging £31 for the game at the minute! CLICK HERE

(On Xbox 360, the console of proper men)
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Mentioned yesterday as still being too easy in the Operationsports preview posted here.
But Rutter said something like they haven't touched the AI for the goalkeepers on chip shots and if you chip the keeper during the play test it was cheating.
Yeah but we have also heard that in that version the goalkeepers were "broken". *got there before me*

Think the 1-on-1 news is good. If you time your shooting movement correct its too easy to score, but at the same time its near impossible to round the goalie. Now it with the goalies being more aggressive it should be harder to time the shooting but easier to round them. Seeing as they are still working on them they will hopefully get a good balance.

One comment and something I havent heard anywhere, atleast I can't remember, is that they will now REALLY fix the advantage rule.


@ruttski previews of FIFA 10 mentioned the goalkeepers being to aggressive, and easy to chip. Are you aware of it and working on it ?

Rutters reply:

@mongolourk Nearly all sorted out - we were well aware yes. It was considered cheating in the office for a while :)

So I wouldn't worry about that..
Can someone make a sticky (Im looking at your Chris), ala TommyGoal, so we can have all these comments and questions in one overview? Can't remember half of what's been said.
Thanks, what advantage with offsides? They've always seemed spot on to me, althought maybe a bit too spot on. They should really build an error margin in to them for the really close calls.
They should really build an error margin in to them for the really close calls.
Agreed - I vaguely remember them saying they can't let the refs make incorrect decisions (excluding bugs obviously) because of the FIFA license? But I remember reading that a long time ago.
Chris do u know if the USA(NTSC) release will be the same as the european one? or will it be almost a month later like the past couple of years?
We posted an article on the release date a few weeks ago, the UK release date is October 2nd, the US release is October 20th.
Thanks, what advantage with offsides? They've always seemed spot on to me, althought maybe a bit too spot on. They should really build an error margin in to them for the really close calls.

As in the AI ref always blows for an offside, even if the defence gets the ball anyway, instead advantage should be played so the game can continue.
Damn, £39.99 on the PS3 though.

Matt - get on Argos. Don't know if it's still the same but I pre-ordered through there for just under £28 inc. delivery. 20% off on pre-orders.

Haven't read through rest of thread so maybe it's been posted since anyway???
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Thanks mate, but I can't seem to find anywhere on the site for the PS3. Maybe they've twigged about the 20% off pre-orders code.
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