They do look good, maybe a little worked on...

lol go check the old ballack. this has deinitely been worked on. as well as theo and essien. essien looked the worst in the old fifa. it was almost racist :lol:


Of course you notice boots when playing. I certainly do anyway, but that might be because I'm a bit of a boots freak.

Rad, I may have to sue you. You have broken the NDA I placed regarding the Exclusive ScoreBox news! :DD
Because there are so many teams in Fifa i suppose its just to time consuming detailing the kits when the game annually released and new kit designs are released at different times of the year. At least put sponsers on the keepers kits.
Hopefully EA are sensible and leave all the graphical elements till last because its the gameplay that matters
I was just wondering why there isn't more tech sharing at EA as there are some really nice touches in their other sports games that haven't made it to Fifa yet.
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