Good article and I enjoyed how he explained the match moments. Goalies sound a bit crap but still time to fix those, good disclaimer on the end and fair play for disclosing that as well.
I think someone else mentioned the keeper thing, I just hope they're not Mr Tickle keepers again saving top corner strikes and great shots one after the other, and you feel a difference between better keepers and lower league keepers...
The shooting is still my biggest worry, no one has said they have hit a low hard shot, I still fear power=height as no one has said otherwise....
i'm sure it has been mentioned somewhere (i can't remember where) that the power bar will be split in half, with the first half being for low shots and then once you've passed the middle point it will start to put height on the shot.

can someone confirm this? or i could be imagining things!

i admit alot of shots from outside the box do go high and floaty, but i don't seem to have a problem hitting low hard shots if the player is set up correctly and i time the shot right, it is rare that it ends up in a goal though, but it has happened a few times.
The shooting is still my biggest worry, no one has said they have hit a low hard shot, I still fear power=height as no one has said otherwise....
Shooting is another area where I noticed some cool subtle things. Besides watching the AI-controlled Kaka score a goal on a wicked low laser beam from outside the box, which ended up in the corner of the goal, pressure situations really stood out to me as well when shooting. SOURCE
Shooting is another area where I noticed some cool subtle things. Besides watching the AI-controlled Kaka score a goal on a wicked low laser beam from outside the box, which ended up in the corner of the goal, pressure situations really stood out to me as well when shooting. SOURCE

AI though, I have some great AI goals smacked in against me now but not when I try it, they come down with ice on them...:P
i'm sure it has been mentioned somewhere (i can't remember where) that the power bar will be split in half, with the first half being for low shots and then once you've passed the middle point it will start to put height on the shot.

can someone confirm this? or i could be imagining things!

i admit alot of shots from outside the box do go high and floaty, but i don't seem to have a problem hitting low hard shots if the player is set up correctly and i time the shot right, it is rare that it ends up in a goal though, but it has happened a few times.
I'm waiting for this too, these days I've had problems remembering between the confirmed elements of gameplay and the things I imagine
The shooting is still my biggest worry, no one has said they have hit a low hard shot, I still fear power=height as no one has said otherwise....
Tbh in real life football, it's not really something weird.The stronger you hit the ball, the more chances it has to take to elevate than stay on the ground but anyway I get you.I happen to score on rare occasion some powerful low shots but not enough for my liking in comparison to the real thing.
I remember 09 had an advert where the real Rooney was stood next to the FIFA Rooney and they were obviously supposed to look identical but they really didnt. :LOL:

Yeah. The virtual one is an improvement cos he is one ugly motherfucker!
I gotta quote these:
"AI-controlled Kaka score a goal on a wicked low laser beam from outside the box"
"you need to worry more about long strikes in FIFA 10. "

Exactly what i needed to hear! :D
Yeah good news.

However, since I've been learning manual shooting I've scored some crackers from outside the box.
Manual is funny that way. It makes shooting outside the box so much easier but shooting inside the box so much harder...
Yeah I've seen some very unrealistic saves and they still occur on manual. However, since I've switched to manual it's a been totally different experience, shots have gone under the keepers, through their legs, over their heads (with pace) etc. It's a completely different experience shooting on manual, they literally can go in from any angle. So, it seems that my experience has been largely due to scripted shooting on semi/assisted as the keepers can telegraph where shots normally go.

Manual is definitely the way forward, it's damned hard at times but it's a completely different game. If FIFA 10 sorts out all those niggling pains with gameplay, etc GKs, unrealistic pace it really will be incredible.
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Yeah I've seen some very unrealistic saves. However, since I've switched to manual it's a been totally different experience, shots have gone under the keepers, through their legs, over their heads (with pace) etc. It's a completely different experience shooting on manual, they literally can go in from any angle. So, it seems that my experience has been largely due to scripted shooting on semi/assisted as the keepers can telegraph where shots normally go.
I'd love to give manual another run but you need six chances to hit the target once per game...

Well I do... ;)
Yeh sounds good apart from the keepers. Im pretty happy with the gameplay elements at the moment but still hoping to see some more stuff on MM and Online Clubs.
I'd love to give manual another run but you need six chances to hit the target once per game...

Well I do... ;)

Yeah it can be ridiculously hard at times. Yesterday I strung together about 10 passes, the crosses were perfect, the through balls really tore apart their defence, took the ball in the box, did everything right but then missed the goal from about 7 yards out :CONFUSE:.

And then the next match I'll score goals like this
Been there man, been there... Last night I was playing Blake and I made this amazing play. Balls sprayed across the park, one-twos, little runs made from my players. It was all perfect. Then I played a ball into the box my striker got to the by-line, powered a ball across the keeper with a manual pass. My other striker got on the end of it and rifled a shot at goal but only for it to bounce off the bar, from about 6 yards. Am I just shit on manual or what? ;)
Xbox 360 version of Fifa 10 gets exclusive feature

Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) today revealed that a unique, downloadable mode named Scorebox will arrive exclusively on the Xbox 360[R] on October the 28th. This mode will deliver a new online experience to the award-winning EA SPORTS[TM] FIFA Soccer 10 by providing gamers with a second news ticker bar highlighting all of Tim7's online and manager mode results. The mode will also offer gamers a chance to view his manager mode league tables to see if he really did win that league. The most exciting new feature is the ability to view his online matches in real time via the 'Supporters' menu. Here you will be able to shout abuse down his ear while seated in the virtual areas with the other fans from his friends list.

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Xbox 360 version of Fifa 10 gets exclusive feature

Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) today revealed that a unique, downloadable mode named Scorebox will arrive exclusively on the Xbox 360[R] on October the 28th. This mode will deliver a new online experience to the award-winning EA SPORTS[TM] FIFA Soccer 10 by providing gamers with a second news ticker bar highlighting all of Tim7's online and manager mode results. The mode will also offer gamers a chance to view his manager mode league tables to see if he really did win that league. The most exciting new feature is the ability to view his online matches in real time via the 'Supporters' menu. Here you will be able to shout abuse down his ear while seated in the virtual areas with the other fans from his friends list.

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Thank fuck I have a PS3... :PRAY:
Was having a think about that "controversial news" last week, about reaction times being slowed a tad. I have to say that after getting back into playing FIFA for the past two days solid, that news REALLY worries me. The reaction times in 09 are at times unbearable, e.g. I'm hammering pass and the player just stands there, doesn't do anything or 'floats' about before attempting to pass. When running the game is equally unresponsive, I even press supercancel to stop my run and it takes him a good second before he actually stops. Passing/crossing long balls also takes a good few seconds before the ball is released from the players foot, by which time it is intercepted if opposing players are near.

I suppose if they remove those floaty animations I can live with it, but the reaction times SERIOUSLY needed addressing, and I think we all hoped the would be quicker and more responsive. Frankly, if the reaction times are as bad as 08 it would be a step back, and I can see it really becoming a major issue.

This isn't the only thing though, the delayed presses are also equally as annoying, e.g. running back to header a ball, I press header early and he waits a few seconds before taking a ridiculous swipe at the ball. He doesn't even header it. Surely, the game should twig that I pressed header by mistake about 5 seconds ago, so why does it still continue to do it? I've even tried pressing supercancel to 'cancel' the move, but nothing. Also, after playing a lot of matches, I've noticed players catching my heels a lot, which often go unnoticed. There are also times when the opposition have gone in for the ball, completely missed it, took my player out and that has gone unnoticed. Keepers, we know they do this a lot in the box and get away with it, but outfield players aswell?

(p.s. this is all offline play, so times reaction times by 1.5-2 at least for online, taking account of the input lag/game lag often experienced.)
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Was having a think about that "controversial news" last week, about reaction times being slowed a tad. I have to say that after getting back into playing FIFA for the past two days solid, that news really pisses me off. The reaction times in 09 at times are unbearable, e.g. I'm hammering pass and the player just stands there 'floating' about. When running it is equally unresponsive, I even press supercancel and it takes him a good second before he actually stops. Passing/crossing long balls also takes a good few seconds before the ball is released. I suppose if they remove those floaty animations I can live with it, but the reaction times SERIOUSLY needed addressing, and frankly if the reaction times are as bad as 08, which is even worse than 09, I can see it really becoming a major issue.

This isn't the only thing though, the delayed presses are also equally as annoying, e.g. running back to header a ball, I press header early and he waits a few seconds before taking a ridiculous swipe at the ball. He doesn't even header it. Surely, the game should twig that I pressed header by mistake about 5 seconds ago, so why does it still continue to do it? I've even tried pressing supercancel to 'cancel' the move, but nothing.

(p.s. this is all offline play, times it by 2 at least for online, taking account of the input lag/game lag often experienced.)

so the reaction times in fifa 10 will be the same as fifa08? that could potentially be a deal breaker for me im afraid.
I have no problem with reaction times, in 08 or 09. What I hate is sometimes I press through ball and it simply doesn't register at all, my forward goes off on a great run and the player I want to pass with simply doesn't pass at all, no idea if it's just my old man fingers or other people experience it from time to time?
reaction times in 08 were shit to say the least. 09 is a lot better and fine. They never said that the reaction times are worse than 09 by the way, they reduced them from the earlier build of 10' which might have become to arcadey.
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