Jonney, I'm just saying IF they are slowed down to similar speeds as FIFA 08 that would be a huge issue. I guess we'll find out for sure once we see some footage/play the demo (which seems like it's aaaaaages away).

What news about the reaction times beeing slowed down? You mean the news about the reaction time being reduced?

Reduced? In that interview posted a few pages back I thought he said they may be slowed down a touch to cater for the new 360 control/movement system?

I have no problem with reaction times, in 08 or 09. What I hate is sometimes I press through ball and it simply doesn't register at all, my forward goes off on a great run and the player I want to pass with simply doesn't pass at all, no idea if it's just my old man fingers or other people experience it from time to time?

Yeah I've experienced that also, and it is generally when I'm on a huge break, clear through on goal. I sit there thinking, I did press that button... I must have!?. Hmmm maybe the controller needs charging. Then it happens again, and you know it's not you.

Here's another example; say I'm on a break, pass the ball to the wing and cut inside with the intention of laying the ball off to another player. He'll 'float' his body weight completely to the other side putting him off balance. He'll then have to right himself before he passes, by which time the opposing player has completely battering rammed into me and taken the ball away. With the crossing he'll also shuffle his feet a few times before hitting it if it's a long cross. These are examples of how my play has been limited. I can't seriously use these tactics anymore like I used to back in the day of PES 5.
reaction times in 08 were shit to say the least. 09 is a lot better and fine. They never said that the reaction times are worse than 09 by the way, they reduced them from the earlier build of 10' which might have become to arcadey.

Oh OK my bad, sorry Dusse, you were right.
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When they wanted to slow the reaction times, they weren't necessarily talking about slowing them down from FIFA 09 speed level, most fans base their worries on that.Who knows, maybe at first on earlier FIFA 10 builds they felt that response times weren't adequate and too fast and then they chose to slow them.
Well I just realized YoungGun_UK pointed that out perfectly
Xbox 360 version of Fifa 10 gets exclusive feature

Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) today revealed that a unique, downloadable mode named Scorebox will arrive exclusively on the Xbox 360[R] on October the 28th. This mode will deliver a new online experience to the award-winning EA SPORTS[TM] FIFA Soccer 10 by providing gamers with a second news ticker bar highlighting all of Tim7's online and manager mode results. The mode will also offer gamers a chance to view his manager mode league tables to see if he really did win that league. The most exciting new feature is the ability to view his online matches in real time via the 'Supporters' menu. Here you will be able to shout abuse down his ear while seated in the virtual areas with the other fans from his friends list.

Read more


Brilliant :D
Goddammit. I've been so frustrated playing FIFA 09 again. I use semi-shooting and I hit the post at least once in EVERY single matches. Even when I tap the shoot button twice I end up hitting the woodwork 50% of the time.

It pisses me off so much that I sometimes think about putting it back on assisted (haven't done it yet though). I hope they'll fix this in FIFA 10 because I feel it's too big of a disadvantage when playing opponents using assisted settings.
Goddammit. I've been so frustrated playing FIFA 09 again. I use semi-shooting and I hit the post at least once in EVERY single matches. Even when I tap the shoot button twice I end up hitting the woodwork 50% of the time.

It pisses me off so much that I sometimes think about putting it back on assisted (haven't done it yet though). I hope they'll fix this in FIFA 10 because I feel it's too big of a disadvantage when playing opponents using assisted settings.

Go manual. Learn it, master it and boom you'll love it.
Goddammit. I've been so frustrated playing FIFA 09 again. I use semi-shooting and I hit the post at least once in EVERY single matches. Even when I tap the shoot button twice I end up hitting the woodwork 50% of the time.

It pisses me off so much that I sometimes think about putting it back on assisted (haven't done it yet though). I hope they'll fix this in FIFA 10 because I feel it's too big of a disadvantage when playing opponents using assisted settings.

This drove me nuts.........the woodwork was a bloody magnet in 09
This drove me nuts.........the woodwork was a bloody magnet in 09

This is so true! Why does this happen? It feels like a bug or some kind of horrible scripted sequence. And im using Semi too! I hope this is fixed for FIFA 10.
Yeah I've experienced that also, and it is generally when I'm on a huge break, clear through on goal. I sit there thinking, I did press that button... I must have!?. Hmmm maybe the controller needs charging. Then it happens again, and you know it's not you.

I use a wired controller as experience has taught me wireless ones are less accurate (especially in Tiger Woods).

Goddammit. I've been so frustrated playing FIFA 09 again. I use semi-shooting and I hit the post at least once in EVERY single matches. Even when I tap the shoot button twice I end up hitting the woodwork 50% of the time.

It pisses me off so much that I sometimes think about putting it back on assisted (haven't done it yet though). I hope they'll fix this in FIFA 10 because I feel it's too big of a disadvantage when playing opponents using assisted settings.

I almost never hit the post on manual shooting, certainly no more than would be normal.....
FIFA 10: Responding To The Community

One such frustration that I wanted to make sure we addressed this year is how easy it is in FIFA 09 to play through-balls for your fast striker to run onto and get a one-one-one with the goalkeeper. Lots of people on the forums were complaining that there was no need for midfield build-up play and that teams with strong and fast strikers had too big an advantage - a problem that made online games very one-dimensional, as there seems to be no way of defending against the through balls. I am South American, so I’m all about midfield build-up! (Remember Carlos Valderrama? Oh, how I miss him…)

"Bang" Say hello to auto catch up big style...
Fewer ‘cut scenes’ replaced by on-the-field player reactions

So they are not all gone...

Not comparable I would think, it is actually a very good news a bit like in NBA2K9 when you see your players celebrate when they score some nice points.It happens all ingame and it makes it feel much more lively
One such frustration that I wanted to make sure we addressed this year is how easy it is in FIFA 09 to play through-balls for your fast striker to run onto and get a one-one-one with the goalkeeper. Lots of people on the forums were complaining that there was no need for midfield build-up play and that teams with strong and fast strikers had too big an advantage - a problem that made online games very one-dimensional, as there seems to be no way of defending against the through balls. I am South American, so I’m all about midfield build-up! (Remember Carlos Valderrama? Oh, how I miss him…)

"Bang" Say hello to auto catch up big style...
All they the to do is take the defenders off the rails and also make their reaction quickier with a better turn animation.

Unnecessary Player switching by the CPU, making me waste vital seconds switching back to the best positioned player.

Fuck now I feeling playing FIFA
All they the to do is take the defenders off the rails and also make their reaction quickier with a better turn animation.

Yup, can't stress enough how much this annoys me. It's not what the game allows the offensive player to do as much as it's what the game doesn't allow your defensive player to do in order to simulate this amazing throughball.

Your defender ROUTINELY just fucks around and side steps or simply cannot run at full speed UNTIL the attacking player receives the through pass some 5-6 yards in front of you.

Besides, when playing online now I don't use assisted anything (bar shooting and that's on semi) and other players can still run me down from behind with no problem. I can play a perfect manual through pass in to someone and suddenly my attacker can't run fast enough to break away even though I'm already a few yards ahead of a completely flat-footed defender. I guess it the pressure and aggression but now it sound like I'll never be able to get behind the defense now.
It makes me sick to see comments like after the article is finished"please enable handballs, so if the ball hits the hand of a player he gets a card, this is so important!"
Seriously wtf ?
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