Lampards hand looks like ET's. Also the big screen in the Adebayor shot. What is it showing???

Alonso's right ankle looks malnourished if were being over-critical.

Surely that should be easy to fix?...................SURELY?

They don't have long to correct though.

Stop worrying about superficial details. I'd be more worried about the fact Konami don't have long to switch to motion capture, something that EA took years to get right.

It seems you've been indoctrinated by the PES fanboy mentality which forces you to focus on close up shots and insiginifigant details. That's because 90% of the material Konami releases during the build up to a game is close up shots of players, with the background blurred out and every other player removed from the pitch, almost always focused on the cover star.

You need to look at the bigger picture, who is innovating the most, who is driving the genre forward, who is taking risks to take the game to higher levels. Who is putting all their efforts into refining and improving gameplay based on community feedback.

Now who is worrying about close up shots, faces and arm hair?
Stop worrying about superficial details. I'd be more worried about the fact Konami don't have long to switch to motion capture, something that EA took years to get right.

It seems you've been indoctrinated by the PES fanboy mentality which forces you to focus on close up shots and insiginifigant details. That's because 90% of the material Konami releases during the build up to a game is close up shots of players, with the background blurred out and every other player removed from the pitch, almost always focused on the cover star.

You need to look at the bigger picture, who is innovating the most, who is driving the genre forward, who is taking risks to take the game to higher levels. Who is putting all their efforts into refining and improving gameplay based on community feedback.

Now who is worrying about close up shots, faces and arm hair?

You're so overcritical towards some people, wanting to have decent graphics on powerful consoles like PS3/XBOX 360 for a game like FIFA shouldn't assumed as being indoctrinated by PES fanboys.
Just because one would want better graphics doesn't mean he wouldn't prefer a better gameplay.For some it's one or the better but can't it be both at the same time ?
When you have close-up pictures, if you don't talk about the details on them then what's the point ?

:APPLAUD: Apart from replays and maybe subs for bench shots of players getting ready to come on...

Replays of course (I wouldn't even consider them as cut-scenes but as an integral part of a football match) but about players getting ready to come on.I think it could be done while playing the match and without any cut-scene.
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They've already said a million times over the last few months that their main focus is on gameplay. So if people don't think gameplay is important (which is an oxymoron in it's self - how can the GAMEPLAY of a -GAME-, not be the most important thing) then they are probably playing the wrong title. I despair every time I hear David Rutter asked about trophy celebrations, if you are so worried about imaginary players celebrating winning imaginary game tournaments why not imagine that the players are celebrating your self and let the developers concentrate on what matters, which is gameplay.
I agree with that 100% Vitalic but I have to be totally honest and admit that since mjsmith2k pointed out that Lampard's hand is bigger than his head, I can't look at that picture now without thinking about it.

Of course it doesn't matter if the game is good but it's something you would think someone at EA would have noticed, and it's a little annoyance. Not enough to make me play what I believe will be a poorer game, but enough to make me go :ANX: every time I see it.
They've already said a million times over the last few months that their main focus is on gameplay. So if people don't think gameplay is important (which is an oxymoron in it's self - how can the GAMEPLAY of a -GAME-, not be the most important thing) then they are probably playing the wrong title. I despair every time I hear David Rutter asked about trophy celebrations, if you are so worried about imaginary players celebrating winning imaginary game tournaments why not imagine that the players are celebrating your self and let the developers concentrate on what matters, which is gameplay.

I mean the guy just commented on pictures and then you come with "know it all" attitude telling him what he shouldn't worry about superficial details and that it's a trademark of PES fanboys and like I said just because one mentions graphics it doesn't mean it's his only priority in the game
I agree with that 100% Vitalic but I have to be totally honest and admit that since mjsmith2k pointed out that Lampard's hand is bigger than his head, I can't look at that picture now without thinking about it.

Of course it doesn't matter if the game is good but it's something you would think someone at EA would have noticed, and it's a little annoyance. Not enough to make me play what I believe will be a poorer game, but enough to make me go every time I see it.

Don't get me wrong, it looks awful, a lot of the FIFA close up shots do have glaring errors not to mention the ridiculously squashed numbers on the back of shirts which actually does have more of an impact on the game because you can see it all the time, even from distance. I am slightly surprised no-one ever mentions that on the community days.

Still, just because there are errors in somescreenshots doesn't mean they won't be fixed before the final game. It may well have been reported, added to the bug list and given a lower priority, to be fixed during the final stages of development where they concentrate on the graphical side - which David Rutter has already explained is how they approach things and in my view it's an excellent approach.
They've already said a million times over the last few months that their main focus is on gameplay. So if people don't think gameplay is important (which is an oxymoron in it's self - how can the GAMEPLAY of a -GAME-, not be the most important thing) then they are probably playing the wrong title. I despair every time I hear David Rutter asked about trophy celebrations, if you are so worried about imaginary players celebrating winning imaginary game tournaments why not imagine that the players are celebrating your self and let the developers concentrate on what matters, which is gameplay.

I agree, gameplay is the be all and end all, but such things as trophy celebrations and having a build up to the final of the tournament all adds to the experience. If I've slogged away at manager mode for a month it's rewarding to be able to lift that coveted league trophy whether it's digital or not. Even changing the finals to Wembley in 09 made a huge difference. It felt like you'd really achieved something.
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I also agree with your premise Vitalic but you have to understand that for the gameplay to succeed and be fun and realistic to play, the visuals need to be as close to realism as possible - both to enable us to observe the gameplay and enjoy it fully, and to keep the immersion. I agree that gameplay is far more important -
(why else would we all have joined Evo-web in the old days, when PES was regarded as the gameplay king despite its less glamorous graphics than FIFA)
- I simply think that the point Urban and mjsmith2k were making is that you cant have enjoyable gameplay without appealing graphics, or vice versa - for the game to be immersive and realistic to the full, both need to be above par. And for those with the eye for detail, oversize hands or disproportionate body shapes can make the difference.

I too feel angry when Rutter is questioned over trophy celebrations or kit # editing, but hey, that's the industry. We, the gamers, understand and agree that the gameplay should be right before adding details, but we ask for the details nonetheless, if only to make up for the shortfalls in gameplay and extend our play a little longer.

In short, both the gameplay and the details need to be considered. Sometimes they won't be balanced equally in developmental effort, but that's just got to be something we accept. There will never be the perfect game.
They've already said a million times over the last few months that their main focus is on gameplay. So if people don't think gameplay is important (which is an oxymoron in it's self - how can the GAMEPLAY of a -GAME-, not be the most important thing) then they are probably playing the wrong title. I despair every time I hear David Rutter asked about trophy celebrations, if you are so worried about imaginary players celebrating winning imaginary game tournaments why not imagine that the players are celebrating your self and let the developers concentrate on what matters, which is gameplay.
I mean the guy just commented on pictures and then you come with "know it all" attitude telling him what he shouldn't worry about superficial details and that it's a trademark of PES fanboys and like I said just because one mentions graphics it doesn't mean it's his only priority in the game

He just gets a bee in his bonnet if anybody disses Dave Rutter's "masterpiece".

His reactions seem that of a "fanboy" or puppy eagerly defending his master at all costs and shall not hear a bad word about him.

His tries to bark the loudest with his long winded soap box patronising posts but in the end he can't see past the FIFA tinted glasses.

I'll be eager to compare both games but i'm sure i'll know the outcome of that.
I'll be eager to compare both games but i'm sure i'll know the outcome of that.

No need, the mags have already compared them and it's fairly obvious what the outcome will be. Just check my sig.
No need, the mags have already compared them and it's fairly obvious what the outcome will be. Just check my sig.

One magazines opinion! you are naive. I'll wait abit more before throwing £40 away. Thanks
IGN, Gamespot and others all alluded to the same thing. An overwhelming consensus among professional journalists. The only site contradicting that is the amateur Konami affiliate blog.

It's a no brainer anyway really, FIFA went so far ahead with FIFA 09 yet that was a fundamentally flawed game, would you believe - so imagine that base with new innovations and months and months of refinements based on community feedback and it's fairly self-evident what the "outcome", as you put it, is going to be.
They've already said a million times over the last few months that their main focus is on gameplay. So if people don't think gameplay is important (which is an oxymoron in it's self - how can the GAMEPLAY of a -GAME-, not be the most important thing) then they are probably playing the wrong title. I despair every time I hear David Rutter asked about trophy celebrations, if you are so worried about imaginary players celebrating winning imaginary game tournaments why not imagine that the players are celebrating your self and let the developers concentrate on what matters, which is gameplay.

I do not agree with that. Of course how the game plays is the be all and end all otherwise i'll get my Binatone matchstick sysytem from the loft and be happy with that.

the thing is I am paying for a package, something that has all the bells and whistles added into the gameplay and which sits alongside the additional features that make it a better experience. I expect, for my £40, 4 odd years into this gen to have something that resembles complete value for money. Why should I have to imagine lifting a trophy when it should be in the game. Should I also imagine authentic crowd noises, commentary, goal nets, etc.

I think you are isolating the gameplay too much (which is the core of the game) and not accepting what makes an attractive package.

if its pure gamplay you want without the need for the authentic side of atmospheric, Tv presentation type football, then go for subbuteo and try not to dismiss what is important to an awful lot of fans.

FIFA is years ahead of PES on the bells and whistles front, and that is what makes it very attractive along side the improved not underestimate the little touches, and the value it brings to an overall authentic, realistic experience.
Professional journalists in the Daily Sport told me a WW2 plane had landed on the moon.

Am i to believe that?
I do not agree with that. Of course how the game plays is the be all and end all otherwise i'll get my Binatone matchstick sysytem from the loft and be happy with that.

the thing is I am paying for a package, something that has all the bells and whistles added into the gameplay and which sits alongside the additional features that make it a better experience. I expect, for my £40, 4 odd years into this gen to have something that resembles complete value for money. Why should I have to imagine lifting a trophy when it should be in the game. Should I also imagine authentic crowd noises, commentary, goal nets, etc.

I think you are isolating the gameplay too much (which is the core of the game) and not accepting what makes an attractive package.

if its pure gamplay you want without the need for the authentic side of atmospheric, Tv presentation type football, then go for subbuteo and try not to dismiss what is important to an awful lot of fans.

FIFA is years ahead of PES on the bells and whistles front, and that is what makes it very attractive along side the improved not underestimate the little touches, and the value it brings to an overall authentic, realistic experience.

He won't listen to any con forPES. He'll beat you down with impunity!

I'll happily test both games for myself before throwing money at either EA or Konami.
I think the fact you read papers like the "Daily Sport" speaks volumes. I imagine you to be more of a Daily Mail/Sun reader but there you go.
The one thing that gives me hope for FIFA is Mr Rutter and the way he keeps talking about a football Sim.
This is just what I want to here, if he can keep on with that ethic and deliver on his promise of making the off field nearer FM manager in terms of depth and innovation year in year out I'll be a happy bunny...
I think what you will find is that currently the game takes some control over manual passes so that they go in the area you wanted them to and so the game is playable.

When we were at EAC they were discussing with us about the the ball goinbg exactly where you place it and the game assists in no way what so ever so you get exactly Fully Manual Controls.

This comes from the Sweetpatch guy on the official forums. He is one of the people that is playtesting just like Suff, he represent the community.

All I can say about this is what a fucking cunt he is. Seriously, he is going to ruin what manual controls is all about. If they do this every player pass the same, shoots the same, same crosses, say goodbye to the small individuality we manual players had in FIFA 09.

What do you other manual players think about this? I would think this guy is the only one of the community people that plays fully manual so I'm afraid EA will listen to this asshole.
He just gets a bee in his bonnet if anybody disses Dave Rutter's "masterpiece".

His reactions seem that of a "fanboy" or puppy eagerly defending his master at all costs and shall not hear a bad word about him.

His tries to bark the loudest with his long winded soap box patronising posts but in the end he can't see past the FIFA tinted glasses.

I'll be eager to compare both games but i'm sure i'll know the outcome of that.
My point is that just because I would point out the errors in FIFA 09's graphics doesn't mean I'm a graphic whore nor I'm a PES fanboy.
Of course gameplay is the most important aspect but just because you mention another one your opinion shouldn't be neglected.
I remember a PES/ISS game had the team doing a lap of honour with a trophy,even some players had their shirts off with vests on.Do anyone recall this?
Surely what he's saying is a good thing though Gab? He's saying we want the ball to go exactly where we point on the analogue stick.
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