- 13 July 2009
Lampards hand looks like ET's. Also the big screen in the Adebayor shot. What is it showing???
Alonso's right ankle looks malnourished if were being over-critical.
Surely that should be easy to fix?...................SURELY?
They don't have long to correct though.
Stop worrying about superficial details. I'd be more worried about the fact Konami don't have long to switch to motion capture, something that EA took years to get right.
It seems you've been indoctrinated by the PES fanboy mentality which forces you to focus on close up shots and insiginifigant details. That's because 90% of the material Konami releases during the build up to a game is close up shots of players, with the background blurred out and every other player removed from the pitch, almost always focused on the cover star.
You need to look at the bigger picture, who is innovating the most, who is driving the genre forward, who is taking risks to take the game to higher levels. Who is putting all their efforts into refining and improving gameplay based on community feedback.
Now who is worrying about close up shots, faces and arm hair?