That was a long time ago, nowadays you'd get sued because everyone would know exactly who you were referring to.

Even the SWOS re-release on Xbox 360 had to scramble the names a bit more than usual, two or three letters per name swapped around rather than one (although their system was better than completely fake names granted).

Perhaps someone at EA thinks it looks better to have real names that actually exist, than names that don't exist in their native language (i.e. Beckmah, Cruoch, Reenoy).
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Well if it had to be a completely fake England I'd still want them in the game, there's no harm in them being there for the people who would rather their country be there than not (as long as the players don't appear in Manager Mode)...
Well if it had to be a completely fake England I'd still want them in the game, there's no harm in them being there for the people who would rather their country be there than not (as long as the players don't appear in Manager Mode)...
Whats the point?

You can't play with Rooney anything that looks like Rooney, the players won't be wearing the England kit.

The only thing you get in the England flag.

They should just let us create our own teams, like in Fight night where you can create any unlicensed boxer.

Why can Van Persie play for Holland in BAP season?
FIFA 09 vs FIFA 10 screenshot comparisons HERE.

From a distance most of them look worse, Drogba especially, but I think it's the lighting hiding their face. If you view the HD versions of each picture I think you can see a definite difference, I love the new lighting...
To me there isn't that much difference to 09 save the new lighting system which looks nice. The faces have had a tidy up, e.g. Rooney, but nothing major. They're definitely better than last year though

The bodies still look a little disproportionate, look at how big Lampard's hand is compared to his head. Similarly, Rooney's head is like a pea compared to his hulk-like body and look at the length of his arm. Adebeyor also looks like Crouch in that photo. I may seem like I'm being over-critical, but there's something a little odd-looking which is quite unnerving. It might just be the evil, lifeless eyes.

To be fair, when are we gonna get close up shots like that in Fifa 10? Bar cutscenes, which I'm sure most people skip anyway.
As long as the players look and feel realistic from a distance, I couldn't give a monkeys about close up shots. That's for PES fanboys to worry about. Realistic 2d faces (which are much easier to accomplish) and imaginary hairs on arms do not impress me.
As long as the players look and feel realistic from a distance, I couldn't give a monkeys about close up shots. That's for PES fanboys to worry about. Realistic 2d faces (which are much easier to accomplish) and imaginary hairs on arms do not impress me.

PES having better faces means everyone who plays PES is a fanboy who only cares about faces, is that what you mean?
I'm sure a physchologist could tell us the real reason Vitalic seems so offended by PES having better faces.
It'd be the same reason A PES fan might say the only reason people play FIFA is because it has the official names and strips.
As long as the players look and feel realistic from a distance, I couldn't give a monkeys about close up shots. That's for PES fanboys to worry about. Realistic 2d faces (which are much easier to accomplish) and imaginary hairs on arms do not impress me.

They should get rid of cutscenes altogether tbh. A game without any cutscenes, I would be happy with that.
Just listened to the David Rutter interview on fifainformer.

Bit disappointed that he said they are not reducing the overall game speed and that it will be the same as last year. He also said the passing was way to fast and they had to reduce it. Having said that, the passes that were visible in the gameplay footage looked spot on.
Just listened to the David Rutter interview on fifainformer.

Bit disappointed that he said they are not reducing the overall game speed and that it will be the same as last year. He also said the passing was way to fast and they had to reduce it. Having said that, the passes that were visible in the gameplay footage looked spot on.

yea i am not to thrilled to hear the game speed will remain the same as 09, he did say you could chose a team or adjust custom tactics to play at a slow pace, this is all well and good until you play online where everyone plays or mostly plays in a certain way (i call it 100mph football)then the tempo of the game is hard to maintain a slow pace

you have to go lower star teams in fifa 09 to get the slower pace but then who is going to match you with a lower team online, not many

it is all about online and clubs for me, as i have never enjoyed playing the cpu

also there is still the option to adjust the speed of the game slow or fast from the option menu, i am sure the default speed for online clubs was fast, hope they sort that this year, i am pretty sure it won't be
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I dont see the point in complaining about online to be honest - you have to accept that when you open the game to people worldwide and negate any CPU/AI influence, people will ALWAYS play the game differently to what was intended or find ways to be most successful. Every game, even the most successful online ones, have problems in this area. Its why online will NEVER be a proper competitive form of gaming and why LAN always will - rules can be set and people can be told face to face how to play the game and be punished if they don't comply.

Im sure this will piss a few people off, but it's just how I feel. This is coming from someone that has played online games competitively (and seriously, for $) and enjoyed it. Even at the highest level though, there will always be someone doing something that people disapprove of. It's simply the nature of online games, forums, and everything else - people's opinions are different.
yea i get that, i really do

but there are many ways to help with this problem, for example clubs online feels faster than offline, much faster as if the speed setting is faster for clubs than the default fifa speed (so why not slow it) then add the way people play and there tactics, this makes it even faster

so in fifa 10 it seems they have tried to help this with the possibility of not having custom tactics online, and reduce fatigue

but they can go steps further to help, such as force manual or semi controls as they will force people to play slower especially manual

the way that would work would be to have different sections for the different peoples preferences

have an open pool for assisted, semi or manual (generally for people with your attitude, people will always play how they want)

this goes for clubs, i would rather join in clubs with a league of people with manual or semi settings as this would be a more fair environment and not only that would suit the way i like to play the game, slower!

this can all be done, so yea it is worth moaning about imo
They should get rid of cutscenes altogether tbh. A game without any cutscenes, I would be happy with that.

Aren't they supposed to be getting rid of the cutscenes?

It will do my nut after a few months playing and watching the same cutscenes over and over again.
To me there isn't that much difference to 09 save the new lighting system which looks nice. The faces have had a tidy up, e.g. Rooney, but nothing major. They're definitely better than last year though

The bodies still look a little disproportionate, look at how big Lampard's hand is compared to his head. Similarly, Rooney's head is like a pea compared to his hulk-like body and look at the length of his arm. Adebeyor also looks like Crouch in that photo. I may seem like I'm being over-critical, but there's something a little odd-looking which is quite unnerving. It might just be the evil, lifeless eyes.

Lampards hand looks like ET's. Also the big screen in the Adebayor shot. What is it showing???

Alonso's right ankle looks malnourished if were being over-critical.

Surely that should be easy to fix?...................SURELY?

They don't have long to correct though.
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Lampards hand looks like ET's. Also the big screen in the Adebayor shot. What is it showing???

Alonso's right ankle looks malnourished if were being over-critical.

Surely that should be easy to fix?...................SURELY?

They don't have long to correct though.

I'm not buying it now.
Lampards hand looks like ET's. Also the big screen in the Adebayor shot. What is it showing???

Alonso's right ankle looks malnourished if were being over-critical.

Surely that should be easy to fix?...................SURELY?

They don't have long to correct though.

Is that Alonso? I couldn't tell :)).

I don't think they will fix them IMHO. All in all I believe we won't see much of the players up close in the gameplay, particularly if they leave the cutscenes in, so it doesn't make that much of a difference.
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