that is what i originally thought, thanks for clarifying

they have also clarified in the link i gave, so that's a good thing

Chris they mention about being able to do 5v5 again, i hope they have allowed us to set it to 2v2,3v3,4v4 and 5v5 or is it just going to be flat out 10v10 or 5v5 option

I read in an article thats it's any number, so 4 vs 2 or 8 vs 1. Was from either Eurogamer, IGN or write-up on one of the PES forum.
don't spam the thread with useless trashing of adam and suff, no matter what they've done or how cockey their attitude is. seriously!

Agree with OPM. Get back to the game.

Thought this thread was for discussing Fifa10, the news, previews, media for Fifa10, as well as journalists and "other" tester's opinions of Fifa10, is it not? And thus discussing someone's opinions, how they form those opinions, why they form those opinions are completely relevant to the thread, or has this now become a "post links without discussion" topic?

If the opinions of PES fanboys are banned from this thread, then perhaps you'll stop seeing those opinions being discussed in this thread, personally I'd be more than happy to never, ever read another opinion or comment from Adam regarding Fifa, make that happen by all means.
Which mags/sites are the most reliable for reviews do you think? The critics never seem to pan a football game regardless of how it plays, in the early days when FIFA was shite it was still getting respectable scores, and even PES 2009 got 97% (!) in one review last year.
In that videogamer interview he says

"For online, the number one complaint was the use of custom squads in matches. We’ve fixed that in our single-player mode. I’ve just discovered that there’s an exploit in clubs at the moment where you can still do it. I doubt we’ll manage to fix that before we launch 10."


OMG That is fucking unacceptable. That is beyond a joke ffs.
Can I point something out please? I can't believe this went on for all of yesterday without anyone contesting it..

If you reduce the response time, it takes LESS time to respond. If it takes LESS time to respond, it's QUICKER to respond. Therefore, the response rates of the passing are 15% QUICKER, not slower as everyone seemed to think.

I only wish I popped in yesterday..
OMG That is fucking unacceptable. That is beyond a joke ffs.
Tim, see the last post on page 61.

Can I point something out please? I can't believe this went on for all of yesterday without anyone contesting it..

If you reduce the response time, it takes LESS time to respond. If it takes LESS time to respond, it's QUICKER to respond. Therefore, the response rates of the passing are 15% QUICKER, not slower as everyone seemed to think.

I only wish I popped in yesterday..
I see what you're saying but in general English, if response times are said to be faster (in uses other than games as well), then they will be quicker, otherwise it would get too confusing.
Which mags/sites are the most reliable for reviews do you think? The critics never seem to pan a football game regardless of how it plays, in the early days when FIFA was shite it was still getting respectable scores, and even PES 2009 got 97% (!) in one review last year.

Just give the demo(when its released) a go and decide yerself m8. ;)
I personally only look upon the mags for info on features and sceenshots and such.
Tim, see the last post on page 61.

I see what you're saying but it's generally meant that if response times are faster, then they will be quicker, otherwise it would get too confusing.

I'm going by other people's posts as I'm on a train and am posting with my iPhone. The post I read said that response times were reduced; if so then they are quicker. If he said they were reducing response RATES (the shift button on my screen is cracking now) then it is slower to respond.

Can someone quote him word for word on this, no paraphrasing and no recalling from memory but actually replaying the vd around the 5 min mark?
This thread has only 47 pages???
Sorry Tim, here you go.

"What I think he means is they won't fix it in FIFA 09 before FIFA 10 is released, but the bug will be gone in FIFA 10.

It's only a bug-fix, they've got months left before the game is out..."

I'm going by other people's posts as I'm on a train and am posting with my iPhone. The post I read said that response times were reduced; if so then they are quicker. If he said they were reducing response RATES (the shift button on my screen is cracking now) then it is slower to respond.

Can someone quote him word for word on this, no paraphrasing and no recalling from memory but actually replaying the vd around the 5 min mark?
"That said, from the build that you played last time you were out, to this build, there's actually a 15% decrease in the response time for passing, where we've tuned the passing animations to allow that to happen."

Reading that back in black and white, I think you're right!

But you wouldn't know for sure, it's very confusing...
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"That said, from the build that you played last time you were out, to this build, there's actually a 15% decrease in the response time for passing, where we've tuned the passing animations to allow that to happen."

Reading that back in black and white, I think you're right!

But you wouldn't know for sure, it's very confusing...
Well if the players have been made smaller in comparison to the pitch, CPU players have been affected by this change, and gameplay in general is slower, then the game should balance itself out with this change, right?
It doesn't make sense when you put the sentence in the context of what he was saying about animation cycles and not wanting to break the laws of physics or allow you to do something that is technically impossible.

Semantically romagnoli is correct but I'm not entirely sure. Surely the best bet will be to ask Suff and get him to clarify.
It doesn't make sense when you put the sentence in the context of what he was saying about animation cycles and not wanting to break the laws of physics or allow you to do something that is technically impossible.

Semantically romagnoli is correct but I'm not entirely sure. Surely the best bet will be to ask Suff and get him to clarify.

If the game is going to make you wait until the end of the animation cycle, there's no way that that's FASTER than it currently is in 09. I'm with you on that one, it can't be 15% quicker response times. To be honest that would be even worse as I know EA won't implement it correctly and with the ball moving faster in 09, that makes it sound like the ping pong passing will be even easier and more effective.

I don't know if anyone mentioned it earlier, but in that 1-on-1 with Rutter did he REALLY say that 100 aggression and pressure wasn't more of an exploit than the chipped assisted throughball? The fact that FIFA 09 has no fatigue and allows people to this online literally RUINS the game. I don't even get beat that often with the chipped throughball to be honest.
My bad I suppose, I'm the one who supposedly started the confusion then

Nobody's blamin' you. The way he worded it was weird as fuck and I can see how someone could interpret it that way but just the fact that he said they tweaked the response times to stamp out ping pong passing and passing to guys that your player can't see makes me think that it could only mean decreasing the response times (which is still a pretty bad move in my opinion).

That and the fact that the response times in this game seem pretty much 1:1 almost. I mean, if you wanna stop ping ponging the ball (which is all to prevalent in this game) you certainly wouldn't makes the response time shorter now.

The issue isn't even response times anyway it's the fact that on assisted the game will make your players freeze up and not go after passes that are literally right at their feet. If assisted passing simply put the pass on a line to the player that you point at and did nothing else I guess it'd be alright. I still think it should be done away with but the way the game is you can just pass, pass, pass and if there is a defender in the way sometimes he'll do that dumb shit where he lifts his leg up and just steps over the ball, jumps out of the way for some reason like he evading a shot, or just simply watches it roll by and never sticks a leg out. If they changed that then at least assisted users would still have to make sure that there was the proper amount of space between him and the player to make the pass.

Like someone said earlier, with both shooting and passing, there's no need to handicap us with the response times. Shoot and pass quickly and in bad positions all you want, just make it less accurate. Either way they take it, decreasing or increasing, it's a bad idea.
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