My guess is it's something to do with online, potentially playing into the hands of people that don't play the game "properly". Either that or something to do with the control system.

Bit annoyed at the midnight release though as I'm up at ten to seven, I kept checking Evo-Web at work today and I'm sure my boss must have walked past about four times whilst I was on here.

If you could provide a transcript or brief outline along with the posting it would be great.
ten to 7, count yourself lucky. Im starting work at 6am. Now i dont know what to do. Try and go to sleep or wait for the video. Mmmm! I doubt if i would get to sleep now as my brain is working overtime.

I bet that its to do with online manual/semi/assisted search filter and that semi is still not an option. This could really be a game killer for me (online). Have simply stopped 1v1 online with fifa09 now. Its been totally ruined.

Also, the search filter that allows you to search for a certain star rated team. I can see a flaw in this. A big problem with 09 is that everybody picked Man Ronaldo who are a 5 star team. If i choose a 4 star search that means i wont get to play against teams like Arsenal, AC Milan etc. But i have no problem playing versus these teams as they were not over exagerated like United and France. Instead of stars determining the filter why not have an actual team filter. So i could choose not to play against Man United instead of all 5 star rated teams.
Okay, tell you what. I feel bad now, and I've practically finished the edit, there's no point in holding it off any longer.

I'll release it an hour ahead of schedule, check the site at 11pm (UK time).
Like Tim I had to turn off the FSB podcast after 5 minutes, it was too much for me. How these guys can claim to represent the "community" is beyond me. Let's hope Chris is back on the podcast soon and more importantly gets to test the game soon as his viewpoints would be of interest to the community.

Adam is a grade A twit. What little credibility he had has gone over the last 24 hours.

Looking forward to FIFA 10!
What a legend :] I think it makes sense though as there will be more people around.

I've watched the first bit of footage from that video about 20 times now, I just love the way that pass is made, it's so true to life and I always hoped for a game where you could just caress the ball around with gay abandon. I just can't wait to start playing now, it's going to be tough to wait.
Like Tim I had to turn off the FSB podcast after 5 minutes, it was too much for me. How these guys can claim to represent the "community" is beyond me. Let's hope Chris is back on the podcast soon and more importantly gets to test the game soon as his viewpoints would be of interest to the community.

Adam is a grade A twit. What little credibility he had has gone over the last 24 hours.

Looking forward to FIFA 10!

Can you explain why you hate Suff and Adam so much. Suff's opinion is one that ive got to trust since the first news of Fifa09 was released last year. Adam is a bit more biased, by his own words, but still i think it was a good poddy and you should listen to it . But everyone has a right to their opinion
I don't want to divert this thread to a wenb discussion.

I do not hate them and of course they are entitled to their opinion. Having been involved with them when WENB initially started I have a lot of respect for Suff. However Adam does not come across well, he takes no criticism and his viewpoints come across as biased, no good skills for someone who claims to represent the community.

Anyhow back on topic, looking forward to the FSB interview with David Rutter.
Listening to the podcast now and I dont find him massively bias towards PES, he actually seems quite complimentry tbh. Certianly not to level of bias the PESFan mods seem to have, where they actually believe 360 dribbling movement is a bad idea :CONFUSE:

I'll be really interested now to see the reaction to the first answer, I think David may be as well...

It's weird though, in the video we saw an action that we thought was a bit difficult to do in real life (the one when the player is in under pressure and then suddenly makes a perfect pass in the opposite direction).So response times depend on situations, it's weird really.I don't see why it would take longer to shoot on the weaker foot than the stronger.I would have thought precision would be the big difference and not how quickly player would respond
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However Adam does not come across well, he takes no criticism and his viewpoints come across as biased, no good skills for someone who claims to represent the community.

He bans any critics. He should change his name to Stalin.
My thoughts entirely I'm worried now after hearing that
The way that he talks about it, he makes it sound like it isn't a problem - the only thing I can think of is that if they've shortened the animations considerably then perhaps it isn't an issue. But I really want to get hold of it now to be honest because the way that he gave a specific percentage that the response times have been purposefully reduced since the first playtest (15%) concerns me.

I run into players all the time on FIFA 09 as it is (especially with lower league teams). And online obviously it's exacerbated, so...
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Nice one Chris, your questions were bang on the money.

Personally, it makes complete sense to me. Think about it, the players are smaller, pitch bigger, the game is slower, everything is moving towards a more true to life game style - so the response times have to be modified to fit into this new model. 15% slower seems quite excessive, but no-one has even mentioned it so far. Even if it was immediately noticeable, I see it as a good thing.

Everything Dave said in that video I found myself nodding to. It does raise the question of why were there a couple of "impossible" passes in the gameplay footage. The answer to that could be that the code is still being refined or perhaps it was just an aberration and not an indicator of something that happens on a regular basis.

A more moderately paced game with slower response times is absolutely great news in my view, we are moving even more into the realm of simulation which suits people who play the game in a realistic way.

You also have to understand what he means by animation cycles, simply put, if you press shoot whilst the ball is not in the correct position to shoot, or your player still has an "active" running or movement animation, the engine won't instantly terminate that animation and begin shooting/passing animation as we see in PES, but it will allow each animation to complete and blend seamlessly into the next. This will result in a fluid feel to the game and players that abide by the laws of physics, to the detriment of "response times" as we like to call it. So it really comes down to which you prefer, instant response in place of realism, or realism in place of a button mashing arcade game.

The other great bit of information there was about the momentum shift of goalkeepers, something that Trance was talking about just a few pages back I believe. This is absolutely key in terms of realism, in FIFA 09 the goalkeepers were ridiculous at times and hopefully the work they've done on the keeper physics will redress the balance somewhat.
I don't think that video is very representative due to the compression quality. Action scenes look very quick like frame data has been lost. If you watch the very first bit where the guy moves his leg out of the way - it's a very measured, realistic pace where the defender has to wait for the ball to travel across the pitch, control, turn and then pass the ball. I time the interval between the full back passing the ball and the center back releasing the ball........

Now that to me is hilarious. You are defending the FIFA video for being due to the quality of the video and possible frame data being lost, yet you openly condemn a PES gameplay video that was zoomed in and cropped from it's original source? Can you see the hypocrisy in that?

Sorry but you've lost all credibility :BYE:.
Really good questions Chris, this is why you're the man. It does sound a little bit weird about the response times. I mean I understand they slow it down in a way if you're trying to make an impossible pass, but it doesn't make any sense to me right now that they would slow it down generally.

I think if I do miss time a button press for a pass, it shouldn't wait an animation cycle and then hit a perfect pass, the player should try to pass as quick as possible even if it results in a worse pass because of the timing (as in ball to close or having to stretch out for the ball).

Still a little confused though. Didn't think they would slow down response times even if it doesn't brake the animation. I'm thinking maybe they do cheat a little with cutting animations, and that they slowed it down a little more to make sure it doesn't cut them to much as previous builds? I don't know...
[In response to Vitalic making a lot of sense above]

See, reading that calms me down - but I've still got this nagging voice in the back of my head saying "if you run into players in FIFA 09 imagine how many players you're going to run into, as Tranmere, in FIFA 10"...

Perhaps the 360 dribbling helps but I can't see how if I press shoot and then suddenly he's on a straight path while the shot is being "processed", walking/running straight into a player. We'll have to see, I'm calmer now but I'm still concerned.
Nice one Chris, your questions were bang on the money.

Personally, it makes complete sense to me. Think about it, the players are smaller, pitch bigger, the game is slower, everything is moving towards a more true to life game style - so the response times have to be modified to fit into this new model. 15% slower seems quite excessive, but no-one has even mentioned it so far. Even if it was immediately noticeable, I see it as a good thing.

Everything Dave said in that video I found myself nodding to. It does raise the question of why were there a couple of "impossible" passes in the gameplay footage. The answer to that could be that the code is still being refined or perhaps it was just an aberration and not an indicator of something that happens on a regular basis.

A more moderately paced game with slower response times is absolutely great news in my view, we are moving even more into the realm of simulation which suits people who play the game in a realistic way.

You also have to understand what he means by animation cycles, simply put, if you press shoot whilst the ball is not in the correct position to shoot, or your player still has an "active" running or movement animation, the engine won't instantly terminate that animation and begin shooting/passing animation as we see in PES, but it will allow each animation to complete and blend seamlessly into the next. This will result in a fluid feel to the game and players that abide by the laws of physics, to the detriment of "response times" as we like to call it. So it really comes down to which you prefer, instant response in place of realism, or realism in place of a button mashing arcade game.

The other great bit of information there was about the momentum shift of goalkeepers, something that Trance was talking about just a few pages back I believe. This is absolutely key in terms of realism, in FIFA 09 the goalkeepers were ridiculous at times and hopefully the work they've done on the keeper physics will redress the balance somewhat.

If by any chance this was true, it would be very good.I always hate to see a running animation happening and just when you press a pass/shot button it gets cut for the other animation to take place.It feels wrong and impossible to do in real life, if he meant that response times are slower because of that then I'll be happy.
Thinking about it , it does make sense that response times would differ from a situation to another
i am with you on that, i am liking the sound of this, and i think we must of seen an early build of that passing that was mentioned before, as surely the openeing question was answered to over come that problem with the reduced response time for passing, as if it is all down to animation cycles then more thought will have to go into passing

if you can still pass like that and they have reduced the passing response by 15% then it makes no sense at all

it is sounding more like a simulation to me, which is what i want

Nice one Chris, your questions were bang on the money.

Personally, it makes complete sense to me. Think about it, the players are smaller, pitch bigger, the game is slower, everything is moving towards a more true to life game style - so the response times have to be modified to fit into this new model. 15% slower seems quite excessive, but no-one has even mentioned it so far. Even if it was immediately noticeable, I see it as a good thing.

Everything Dave said in that video I found myself nodding to. It does raise the question of why were there a couple of "impossible" passes in the gameplay footage. The answer to that could be that the code is still being refined or perhaps it was just an aberration and not an indicator of something that happens on a regular basis.

A more moderately paced game with slower response times is absolutely great news in my view, we are moving even more into the realm of simulation which suits people who play the game in a realistic way.

You also have to understand what he means by animation cycles, simply put, if you press shoot whilst the ball is not in the correct position to shoot, or your player still has an "active" running or movement animation, the engine won't instantly terminate that animation and begin shooting/passing animation as we see in PES, but it will allow each animation to complete and blend seamlessly into the next. This will result in a fluid feel to the game and players that abide by the laws of physics, to the detriment of "response times" as we like to call it. So it really comes down to which you prefer, instant response in place of realism, or realism in place of a button mashing arcade game.

The other great bit of information there was about the momentum shift of goalkeepers, something that Trance was talking about just a few pages back I believe. This is absolutely key in terms of realism, in FIFA 09 the goalkeepers were ridiculous at times and hopefully the work they've done on the keeper physics will redress the balance somewhat.
Why the hell would they do that? They were still shit in 09.

It depends on if they did increase the response times FIFA 10 in comparison to FIFA 09 for the first playtest and then slow it down.
It could still be faster than in 09
By "running into people" I presume you mean where you are moving towards a player, press pass but the player reacts too slowly so you lose the ball. If so then I sort of see what you mean, I did notice that on occasions. My hope is that the response is quicker if you lightly tap the pass button, so if you want to nick it away from the defender at the last second you can do so, possibly at the expense of accuracy.

The worry is that the change to game speed stifles variation in tempo, real games go from hyper speed one minute to slow and cagey the next - so it could end up with matches lacking tempo and excitement. I do think if they made the tweak it was for a reason, the excessive reaction speed must have been fairly prominent in the first build if they felt compelled to change it by that margin.

I guess it's hard to predict how it will play out for lower league games, I do get the feeling they neglect that aspect of the game to a degree. What voile was saying about speed being accurately reflected is relevant here, hopefully they've improved that slightly so lower league games can be entertaining despite the changes to gameplay speed.
why don't we just wait till the demo comes out and make our own minds up instead of listening to other peoples views and watching short videos?
Finished the podcast and I'm actually bemused with the criticism people have for Adam. He's actually massively positive about the animations amongst other things. And all the flaws he points out seem fairly accurate as well, there isn't player individualism. Players like Del Piero and slower technical players really suffer since speed and power are ridiculous more important when gaging the effectiveness of a player.
why don't we just wait till the demo comes out and make our own minds up instead of listening to other peoples views and watching short videos?

Because feedback is still important, if we see stuff that might be shit we have actually a chance of having the FIFA team change their minds about it.
in that interview (-5:30 to -5:00 mins) rutter says he has reduced the time on the passing animation by 15% from the earlier to stop that 180 degree turn pass to that video must of been from the earlier build

so that's a good thing imo
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Because feedback is still important, if we see stuff that might be shit we have actually a chance of having the FIFA team change their minds about it.

You would like to think that but in reality its not gonna happen

what 1 person dislikes another likes so its all down to them at the end of the day
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