that is possible in real life, just looks like they speeded the animation up to achieve that on this, instead of having to take a couple of touches to turn the players body or go in slower motion (plus it's probably assisted)

but you can turn your body like that in real life and produce power?
He was running as fast as he could with the ball, with a player pushing him in the back, turned his body and hit the ball in the opposite direction straight into the path of a teammate he cannot see, with no almost backswing.
It's hardly realistic - even if it could be done then it would be very rare, yet it's what happens all the time in FIFA 09, and now having it in that video I assume it will be the same in 10.

There's no punishment for attempting those impossible sorts of passes, they still have pace on them, they still go perfectly to the target, the player doesn't fall over etc. so people just sprint around everywhere knowing it will not affect their passing.

If that's how assisted passing still is then online play is fucked yet again because I doubt you will be able to avoid it in Clubs mode and in 1v1 nobody will use semi or manual (when you searched for a manual game in 09 it found fuck all).
He was running as fast as he could with the ball, with a player pushing him in the back, turned his body and hit the ball in the opposite direction straight into the path of a teammate he cannot see, with no almost backswing.
It's hardly realistic - even if it could be done then it would be very rare, yet it's what happens all the time in FIFA 09, and now having it in that video I assume it will be the same in 10.

There's no punishment for attempting those impossible sorts of passes, they still have pace on them, they still go perfectly to the target, the player doesn't fall over etc. so people just sprint around everywhere knowing it will not affect their passing.

If that's how assisted passing still is then online play is fucked yet again because I doubt you will be able to avoid it in Clubs mode and in 1v1 nobody will use semi or manual (when you searched for a manual game in 09 it found fuck all).

So avoid the cocks online by playing those that want to play properly on manual or semi assisted (thats if I have the fact that you can now set it up that way online)
He was running as fast as he could with the ball, with a player pushing him in the back, turned his body and hit the ball in the opposite direction straight into the path of a teammate he cannot see, with no almost back swing

maybe he heard the player shout for the ball, and had great positional awareness, ;) but yea i agree about the back swing, those types of movements should make him unbalanced ( but i would also like this eradicated instead the player has to look for a pass the way he is facing or hold onto the ball under pressure and lay it off, rather than this quick assisted passing)

There's no punishment for attempting those impossible sorts of passes, they still have pace on them, they still go perfectly to the target, the player doesn't fall over etc. so people just sprint around everywhere knowing it will not affect their passing

in the podcast adam had a gripe about the game being to punishing and more of a sim than any football game, even made fifa 09 not like a sim in comparison,plus the game is slow than 09 which is a good thing but in that video it looks fast

If that's how assisted passing still is then online play is fucked yet again because I doubt you will be able to avoid it in Clubs mode and in 1v1 nobody will use semi or manual (when you searched for a manual game in 09 it found fuck all).

you have got a point there, i hope this wont affect clubs as in 09 we had no control over what shite you came up against

they say online you can filter control settings etc, but not sure what they can do about clubs, clubs in 09 is ruined atm

end of the day, i will just play my mates how footy should be played if the game is still exploited
So avoid the cocks online by playing those that want to play properly on manual or semi assisted (thats if I have the fact that you can now set it up that way online)
That option was in FIFA 09 though, where you can create and search for manual games, but nobody used it - when you created a manual game nobody joined it and when you searched for one there was none. Why would people suddenly switch over from assisted for FIFA 10?

That just leaves you to play people on your friends list and unless you know a lot of people who play the game properly then you will be waiting around for a long time to get a game.

The answer to having good online play shouldn't be to "avoid the cocks", the game should be fixed so that the "cocks" can't use their cheap tactics.
That option was in FIFA 09 though, where you can create and search for manual games, but nobody used it - when you created a manual game nobody joined it and when you searched for one there was none. Why would people suddenly switch over from assisted for FIFA 10?

That just leaves you to play people on your friends list and unless you know a lot of people who play the game properly then you will be waiting around for a long time to get a game.

The answer to having good online play shouldn't be to "avoid the cocks", the game should be fixed so that the "cocks" can't use their cheap tactics.


This is why I have set up a seperate GT with 50+ AVF & EVOWEB players just for the footy.

I reckon I can get around 100 footy players that I know are not going to ruin the game.
Adam was probably on fully assisted and seemed to have problem pinging the ball around, so it sounds like they have worked on it.
I don't think that video is very representative due to the compression quality. Action scenes look very quick like frame data has been lost. If you watch the very first bit where the guy moves his leg out of the way - it's a very measured, realistic pace where the defender has to wait for the ball to travel across the pitch, control, turn and then pass the ball. I time the interval between the full back passing the ball and the center back releasing the ball to the opposite full back approximately 4 seconds, which I think is very reasonable. The physics on the cross field pass were PHENOMENAL, I can't believe nobody has mentioned it thus far, the way it bobbles, the way it decelerates as it moves across the turf, the slight curvature on the pass. It really does look so much better than FIFA 09 and when you compare that to the PES bowling ball physics it's light and day.

It wasn't all positive though. As has been mentioned there were a couple of physically impossible reverse passes which instantly ruin any sense of immersion. I would hope that occurs far less often though, especially on semi/manual settings. As for the control assistance settings, the main reason there was never anyone playing manual was because the option was so hidden away under a myriad of different menus, we'll have to hope that the new settings are more accessible and with greater scope for customisation.

The other negative I saw was the over elaborate dive from Cech on the free kick, he would never move like that in real life.

The physics on the free kick goal were immense, the slight dip is not a figment of the imagination. Neither are the new nets, even though it's hardly noticeable I can see they have been changed quite a bit. They hang a bit less rigidly and although there was very little net animation on the goal there were a few ripples which makes me think when you smash one in it's going to react in a big way, I hope so anyway.
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vitalic - re. the nets, i was just about to post that. They look bang on. At the bottom tight and at the middle top hopefully they will explode with a rocket goal.

Alls good though, the gfx look very sharp and the set piece creator looks the business, will love creating some crazy stuff against the AI and see what they do.
Fuck me. Had to turn off the podcast after 4mins 58seconds. Adam & Suff - what a couple of wankers.
They do tend to say the same things over and over again, it was a couple of times I couldn't help myself saying "get on with it already!". Still I appreciate what they're doing, even if I think Chris is a million times better for this stuff. He got the voice of an angel, a manly angel.
They sound like total nobs. Chris Davies is the podcast king. I refuse to listen to anyone else doing an FSB podcast :SHAKE:. Also they were talking complete shit.
I'm not even going to listen to that podcast, it sickens me that they let people like that try the game before anyone else. I mean how has the *community* benefited from this chaps wisdom and insight? Oh it doesn't "feel right", I wonder if he said that to David Rutter's face.

Still, no point getting worked up about it - we can all make our own minds up and so far the evidence is looking good.
I can't fit my head through the door now chaps, careful now.

In other news, the Rutter interview Suff managed to get (although they're my questions I have to add :P) is ready and will be available on FSB at midnight.

I've got to say, I'm really looking forward to the debate it brings, in-fact I'll probably stay up for an hour afterwards to see how it goes down; it's going to be interesting...
At the end of the day it's just another persons view. Te world is full of different ones and that has to be respected.

To call them wankers is ridiculous. There is just no need no matter how much you agree/disagree
Can you not just tell us the controversial bit please?
Where's the fun in that? :P

Perhaps I'm making a meal of it but I know of at least one or two people on the EA forums who will start making angry threads about it... And it's something I care about as well...
Fair enough mate I understand where your comin from but tone it down a bit eh just because it's on computer doesn't mean the boys don't have feelings.
Well Chris I will stay up for it now, you got me. Unless you can hint if it is MM related, then I won't bother staying up.
Well Chris I will stay up for it now, you got me. Unless you can hint if it is MM related, then I won't bother staying up.
:LOL: No, it's not MM related.

I feel awful making people stay up but I want to make sure the edit is right etc. - don't do it if it's going to make you late for work in the morning. I couldn't live with that. :(

All four questions of mine that got asked are gameplay questions, because we'd got Manager Mode questions answered by Marcel Kuhn a week or two before the interview. It's only seven minutes long because there was a queue of people, but I'm happy that I got my questions answered.

(Suff asked about saving replays at the end but we all know the answer to that already; never mind eh...)
Hi Chris (guess who's back lol)

Tim I have to strongly disagree that Adam & Suff are wankers. Only Suff "What's Up I'm a wannabe gangster" is a wanker, and a harmless one at that ;)

Surely a phrase like "Konami arse-licking shill with ego issues" can only REALLY apply to Adam "PES2009 is like PES5" Bhatti Boy?

Seems Adam is rightly getting it in the neck arcoss the web tonight after his piss-poor efforts on the FSB pod - he is a "grade A" cunt in my view
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:LOL: No, it's not MM related.

I feel awful making people stay up but I want to make sure the edit is right etc. - don't do it if it's going to make you late for work in the morning. I couldn't live with that. :(

All four questions of mine that got asked are gameplay questions, because we'd got Manager Mode questions answered by Marcel Kuhn a week or two before the interview. It's only seven minutes long because there was a queue of people, but I'm happy that I got my questions answered.

(Suff asked about saving replays at the end but we all know the answer to that already; never mind eh...)

Yay not MM related, great news Nick!
Now I'm a little confused, was the replay question the controversial one or was that just another one that you kindly revealed to us because you're such a sweetheart?
Im in the minority then that thought Adam gave a suprisingly un biased view. He seemed to really enjoy the game and by his own admission he said that he had only 4 hours on the game and that 360 dribbling and Fifa10 in general will need a lot of play time to get to grips with. He said that ball physics and animations were the best he has ever seen in a footie game. He gave EA a lot of credit for taking risks and setting new boundarys.
Not sure if you Manager Mode people knew this but if you didn't I am here with disappointing news for you:

Q3: Will teams be in the ECC/EFA in the first season?
[MK] Lot's of people asking for this one, unfortunately not as we have to ensure that the participants get determined by our sim engine.
Yeah, just read that. Really disappointing. I'll just have to start as a lower-league team before taking charge of a team that plays in Europe currently - but I do that anyway so it's not so much of a bad thing for me. Still disappointing though.
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