Has the shooting been improved to allow for long, low driven, venom laced power shots? In FIFA 09 it was nearly impossible to score like that. The ball would balloon up and float back down.

I have no problem with low driven shots, hold LT and tap shoot and you hit nice powerful low shots, the fundamental flaw in Fifa09's shooting absolutely has to be the lack of top spin on shots so you almost never, ever see any shot dipping under the bar as you see so commonly in real life, the only ball movement to take the ball from missing to being a goal is sideways.
Thanks for clarifying.

I'm not concerned by their statements, they don't have a track record which warrants respect in my opinion.

Eurogamer and IGN didn't raise any concerns about 360 degree dribbling, other than the fact it results in a higher learning curve, which in my view is a positive thing.
I tend to ignore Adam from WENB, he's the kind of ridiculous immature fanboy I tend to ignore aswell in real life.

So, I would like to know those who listened to the podcast, what was the impression of Suff about 360 dribbling as everyone that tried it says it feels so right.
Everyone has so far said positive things concerning the 360° dribbling and the only one who shot it down is a known PES hardcore-to-the-bone fan.Maybe he was on a WUM
Everyone has so far said positive things concerning the 360° dribbling and the only one who shot it down is a known PES hardcore-to-the-bone fan.Maybe he was on a WUM
TBh the only thing I'm worried about on the 360°, is the sticks on the PS3 pads, a few weeks of FIFA and a brand new pads sticks are quite loose...
I think I may have issues just running straight... :BRMM:
I love the sticks for the PS3 personally, I can dribble quite well on 09 except online where theirs more button lag and constant pressure while offline its a joy.

Overall im happy with what im hearing from 10. :))
TBh the only thing I'm worried about on the 360°, is the sticks on the PS3 pads, a few weeks of FIFA and a brand new pads sticks are quite loose...
I think I may have issues just running straight... :BRMM:
Come on Nick, it's all about getting used to it.4 years ago when I owned a playstation I was struggling at first with it but then after a few days I couldn't use the D-Pad anymore.
I wouldn't worry about it, they will have tested this to a ridiculous level. You can tell that just by looking at the state of Dave Rutter at the moment, he will probably commit suicide if 360 degree dribbling gets a bad reception.

It's annoying to hear people making unsubstantiated negative comments without giving proper reasoning. That's a general problem with the die-hard PES camp, they can never quantify their views aside from vague statements about "feeling" and "individuality" and other cliches that have long since ceased to be valid.
It's annoying to hear people making unsubstantiated negative comments without giving proper reasoning. That's a general problem with the die-hard PES camp, they can never quantify their views aside from vague statements about "feeling" and "individuality" and other cliches that have long since ceased to be valid.
It's funny you should say that, I said in the PES a while ago that I get the feeling some people think the PES disc is compressed fairy dust, it's strange...

Don't get me wrong, there is more of a difference between the players - you feel like Gerrard can score a screamer whereas Mascherano couldn't score with a blind penniless prostitute - but from the way some people talk about PES you'd think every single player is programmed differently.

I like the sound of some of the new PES additions, I think the new tactics system sounds great (even though it's a copy of FIFA's, but then both games have copied from eachother numerous times). It sounds like it's implemented to extremes whereas in FIFA I'd say it isn't extreme enough.

And I think the "player cards" (i.e. ability stars) sound great as well. FIFA's players have hidden traits (i.e. Drogba will go down more easily and win free-kicks) but again, they sound more extreme in PES - which is what makes the individuality what it is IMO.
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I have no problem with low driven shots, hold LT and tap shoot and you hit nice powerful low shots, the fundamental flaw in Fifa09's shooting absolutely has to be the lack of top spin on shots so you almost never, ever see any shot dipping under the bar as you see so commonly in real life, the only ball movement to take the ball from missing to being a goal is sideways.

Paul, in my config LT is the finness shot button, is that what u use?
If he is using the default control configuration, LT is pace-control, which slows the player down to walking pace.

Surely you should be able to hit low, powerful shots, on the run, whether they are first time shots or not?
Gameplay footage can be seen in this video:

YouTube - FIFA 10 Producer David Rutter

(Starts around 1:48 and continues throughout the video with free-kick clips, dribbling clips etc.)

It looks fast, which is weird because apparently it doesn't play fast - must be an effect of recording it from a TV using a video camera I presume? Or am I the only one who thinks it looks fast? Dribbling looks superb, as do the custom set pieces (which I wasn't expecting to like)!
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Love the talk about that shooting has perfect physics. I'm a bit sceptical because I know people say PES or FIFA 08 had perfect physics so it could mean anything. However it should mean no more super floaty feeling which is great news and hopefully more shots with top spin like Euro 08 had.

Anyone that has eagle eyes, is that a top spin shot at 7:24 or is it just wishful thinking from me?
Voile, I think so. I just watched that bit and thought "hmmm looks slightly floaty" (at the start) but then I watched it again and you can see it dip (DIP! :D) half-way towards goal.

first bit of game play, i noticed the way the player moved his leg out of the way of the ball so it reached his other team mate, in 09 player switching would of caused the man to be drawn to the ball and it bounce off him

i like that...
They wanted to include wall-moving but didn't have time ... so the guys went away scratching their head and a few days later it was done ... but they didn't have time originally? A few days? :LOL:
Hope you're right Chris!

Still looks like the shoot bar fills up super quick. Personally I liked it more as it used to be in PES (don't know about the new ones) where you held it down a bit for harder/higher shots, so you could press really hard making it "feel" that you were going to belt it. Now in FIFA you literally have to press it just for a couple of milliseconds otherwise it will fly over the bar.
Look at the pass at 3:17 - there's a player right on his back, he's sprinting and he hits it perectly to the player behind him with pace :ROLL:.
Paul, in my config LT is the finness shot button, is that what u use?

If he is using the default control configuration, LT is pace-control, which slows the player down to walking pace.

Surely you should be able to hit low, powerful shots, on the run, whether they are first time shots or not?

What are you playing on, that's the control/skill button for me...

cant remember exactly but i think its new alternate...
but yeh, i think placebo meant the pace control button ill try.

LT for me = Pace control, which when shooting is a "laces" shot :)

L1= Lob shot.
Look at the pass at 3:17 - there's a player right on his back, he's sprinting and he hits it perectly to the player behind him with pace :ROLL:.

that is possible in real life, just looks like they speeded the animation up to achieve that on this, instead of having to take a couple of touches to turn the players body or go in slower motion (plus it's probably assisted)

but you can turn your body like that in real life and produce power?
Look at the pass at 3:17 - there's a player right on his back, he's sprinting and he hits it perectly to the player behind him with pace :ROLL:.

Yeah, noticed that too.

Like the physical stuff at about 3.15...

Too be honest, and I don't wanna sound negative, but the player trying to disposess him look like he was trying to barge down a door (which I'll admit it sometimes looks like that in real life) but it just looked like a new animation for player battles. Like in FIFA 09 when you're leaning against a guy with your arm out and he keeps the ball, now it just looks like the same thing with more movement. It's work alot better and be a lot more realistic if the ball didn't seem to still be connected to the guy's foot. If you actually had to be mindful of the player on your back and trying to make sure to keep the ball under control.

Beyond that, which ended in a ridiculous pass, there wasn't any other dribbling in the game to speak of. The guy moving out of the way was a nice touch though, but I'd put something like that on the same level as players waving their hands and pointing to the spot where they wanted the ball in FIFA 09.

I really can't wait to see some full on gameplay.
Yeah I noticed that Rob, still can do stupid unrealistic passes then!

The other stuff does look good, the goal on the custom set piece looks really good, especially the little flick and the finish.

And how awkward was that bit where 'Steve' rang?! Christ, I was cringing.
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