Does the Emirates even really have that gun logo on it in real life?

Genuine question more than a critisism as I'm not sure myself.

You do realize that's Arsenal's logo right? They're called Gunners for a reason. Shoud be though yes. From the 1st shot you can see that it's all over the stadium, not sure if the Emirates got it like that but it's a nice addition regardless.

Awesome shots.
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I did it very quickly and there will obviously be spelling mistakes

Before purists go and search for more advanced infos concerning the graphical improvements , let’s be clear : EA hasn’t focused at all on the visual aspect of the game. The gfx engine which proved alright in previous games will be maintained while bringing some optimizations to it.
The #1 priority was too reach another level in terms of gameplay.FIFA 10 is then following 3 major ideas : improve the fundamentals, answer to feedback and offer a new experience
Concretely, here are the 3 majors improvements : the goalkeeper improvements, a totally revamped advantage rule (at last) and a renewal of the shooting system. The keeper , more convincing when he goes out to collect high balls, punches the ball less. He’s out of his lines more quickly and responds more accurately to the gamer (I suppose pressing triangle/Y will be responsive not that I thought there was a major problem there anyway). When going far high balls, keepers will be more spectacular than previously, however it also has its drawbacks (maybe shit keepers will fluffle the ball more when they try to catch it in the air ?). During some games we couldn’t play, numerous actions were finished off by some fantastic lobs cause to a very bad timed rush from keepers (this worries me a little bit). Moreover during the matches we played we noticed the woodwork being struck 2 or 3 times which is a very good news compared to FIFA 09

360 good reasons to dribble

Good news, defenders won’t press/hurry on the players with the ball : a teammate will cover for the space left for instance by a CB (better AI defensively apparently) .There are of course still a few bugs
, let’s hope they’ll be taken care of. The cut-backs in the penalty area will be more difficult than before, the full backs are more aware defensively. No big surprises in midfield just that the battles will be more fierce than before and will require more focus (which IMO is good, it was a nice aspect of FIFA 09 already). It won’t be rare than the outcome of a duel between 2 players will be unexpected which increases the intensity (I like this)
In attack , one of the elements that EA Canada are proud of is the improvements of shot feints (yay) which will be as efficient as in PES5. The David Rutter demo was impressive as a good feint left one keeper throwing himself in the wrong direction and leaving the open net for the attacker (yes !!)
However keepers won’t just give up at the first dribble, they’ll try to stop you by any means necessary and precise dribbling will be needed when going in 1V1s.Timing is more than crucial
Dribbling was also revamped (sorry I use this word too much )with the inclusion of 360° dribbling.You clearly that the player has more freedom and isn’t stuck on a certain direction.The use of the analogue gives a feeling of freedom when carrying the ball. By pressing L1/LB the player slows down his pace which the possibilities of moving the ball more comfortably and efficiently whereas before even you pressed that button, a « stubborn » pressing would have been sufficient from the defender to make you lose the ball (very good news this).The defending has gotten new too, 1v1s against defenders will be more decisive than ever

Free Kicks will be decisive once more

A particular focus was given to set-pieces.By touching R1/RB, it is now possible to change to set piece taker (without going through the shitty menus) like it’s been down on PES. The big thing is now the possibility your own proper set pieces. During CKs or FKs, you can drawn even choose which direction each player will run to (as in drawing curves like it's showed in one of the pictures)thus creating more spaces in a certain area (like one player runs to the near post, makes a deflection to the far where you’ll have 2 players waiting.I’m excited by this) and therefore giving set-pieces their authentic importance in relation to real football
Once the right pattern is found, you can save it on the D-pad in order to use in the match.The video example we saw was just amazingly realistic, the idea is to give players possibilities of recreating historical goals like the one from Brolin in 94 against Romania, we'll have unlimited set-pieces
If Rutter didn’t want to answer directly concerning rumors of certain new modes, one thing is sure : the training will be back much to the delight of fans. In the menus , 11v11 are in store with keepers (of course ^^ !) and some set-pieces training. To conclude, the game was around 75% of completion and it appeared more elating than FIFA 09, more captivating and far more realistic.Next step is the GamesCom in Cologn in August
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You do realize that's Arsenal's logo right? They're called Gunners for a reason. Shoud be though yes.

Awesome shots.

Give me a break.. of course I knew that. I just have my doubts whether it's on the actual stadium.

Pretty large so won't post the shot itself but seems to show above the tunnel (where the logo appears in-game) that no such thing exists.

I just don't understand why EA would put in something to take away from the authenticity of a stadium on purpose?
Give me a break.. of course I knew that. I just have my doubts whether it's on the actual stadium.

Pretty large so won't post the shot itself but seems to show above the tunnel (where the logo appears in-game) that no such thing exists.

I just don't understand why EA would put in something to take away from the authenticity of a stadium on purpose?
Does it really take it away ?
If it's not there in reality then yes, I have to agree with Beattie. It's believable, at least it doesn't say "CELERY! CELERY!" but if it's not there in reality it shouldn't be there in the game. Perhaps it is there but only on certain occasions? I can't see them putting it there for no reason...??
Admittedly it's not THAT big a deal.. I just don't see where it came from. I struggle to imagine a guy in the graphics design team saying: 'I know the logo isn't there in real life but I'll pop it on anyway'.. it doesn't bother me at all to be honest it's just a bit of a worrying principle to see things being thrown in that don't exist.
Give me a break.. of course I knew that. I just have my doubts whether it's on the actual stadium.

Pretty large so won't post the shot itself but seems to show above the tunnel (where the logo appears in-game) that no such thing exists.

I just don't understand why EA would put in something to take away from the authenticity of a stadium on purpose?
That pic was taken ages ago

Look at this video,

YouTube - FIFA10 exclusiv PART1
I don't know whether to be excited about this game or not.
A lot of the stuff they've added won't really matter if they havn't fixed most of what was already wrong with the game.

360 degree dribbling - Could be ruined by extreme ease and effectiveness of sprint closing down and double pressuring.

Set piece editing - Could be ruined by the shitty headers (no downward headers), wrong players "locking-on" and players not throwing themselves at the ball enough, plus the 2 player limit for aerial battles needs to go.

Practicing free kicks in the arena with a wall - The ridiculous ball physics (like you're hitting one of those really cheap plastic footballs).

Manager Mode improvements - The mode will still be worthless if the AI is as boring to play against, no matter what they do to the off-pitch stuff. This goes for all offline game modes.

Any online modes - Assisted wankers will no doubt fuck it up, as well as the inevitable glitches people will find.


It probably won't be much better than 09.
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We heard all this bigging up before release for FIFA 09 though, and Euro 2008 before that, and a few months after release (weeks or even days with Euro) everyone was bored with it...

It's a good article and I hope the stuff works as well as it says it will, I just have my doubts...
He's got a fair point, I won't bullshit you, although I have to say the "it gets boring playing the AI" and "online the exploiters arrive quickly" bits apply to all football games (and pretty much all games full-stop) that I know of.

EA have pledged in that online article I posted a few days ago that they will be stamping out the cheats - to the point where they haven't even decided if they'll be allowing you to use custom set-pieces online yet, in-case weeks down the line all the kids are using an "11 men in the box" exploit or something stupid - so I have confidence in them. I've played FIFA 09 more regularly than any other football game for years so I'm positive.
Why do you bother checking on informations then ?
To see what will be in FIFA 10... I still want to know the features of the game.

Of course I want it to be a great game just as much as anyone else, but if you expect something awesome and you get something average you will be more disappointed than if you set realistic expectations in the first place.

What we have heard from EA and FSB has been promising, but EA have a track record (especially in FIFA games) of making games which give you great first impressions, but once they wear off the game won't last much longer (for me anyway).

Of course these things on FSB are written on first impressions as you can't get hours and hours of gameplay to start to see the repetition of things you would if you owned the game, so i'm not saying that they are bullshitting us, just that some features might not have the effect people are hoping they will have.
For example the collisions system in FIFA 09 seemed brilliant when we first got the game, but now it's just a few more animations for players falling over.
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what does it mean to "create a set piece"?
can you choose the position and movements of your players?
To see what will be in FIFA 10... I still want to know the features of the game.

Of course I want it to be a great game just as much as anyone else, but if you expect something awesome and you get something average you will be more disappointed than if you set realistic expectations in the first place.

What we have heard from EA and FSB has been promising, but EA have a track record (especially in FIFA games) of making games which give you great first impressions, but once they wear off the game won't last much longer (for me anyway).

Of course these things on FSB are written on first impressions as you can't get hours and hours of gameplay to start to see the repetition of things you would if you owned the game, so i'm not saying that they are bullshitting us, just that some features might not have the effect people are hoping they will have.
For example the collisions system in FIFA 09 seemed brilliant when we first got the game, but now it's just a few more animations for players falling over.
That's the logic of videogames in general.
Ruttski's Twitter

# New Feature:Custom set pieces.From Practice arena record off the ball player movements in 8 different areas,and play them back at dead balls

# Custom Set Pieces:8 zones around the area from corner to corner. You can record 4 set pieces per area - so 32 in total per profile...
To see what will be in FIFA 10... I still want to know the features of the game.

Of course I want it to be a great game just as much as anyone else, but if you expect something awesome and you get something average you will be more disappointed than if you set realistic expectations in the first place.

What we have heard from EA and FSB has been promising, but EA have a track record (especially in FIFA games) of making games which give you great first impressions, but once they wear off the game won't last much longer (for me anyway).

Of course these things on FSB are written on first impressions as you can't get hours and hours of gameplay to start to see the repetition of things you would if you owned the game, so i'm not saying that they are bullshitting us, just that some features might not have the effect people are hoping they will have.
For example the collisions system in FIFA 09 seemed brilliant when we first got the game, but now it's just a few more animations for players falling over.

I'm gonna have to agree with this guy. I know I've sounded more than a little pessimistic about FIFA 10 as well but until I see some gameplay, those reservations are gonna be there. I used to be the guy that read the new feature list and went nuts but with each successive gameplay failure I'm at the point where none of that matters anymore.

All of the features and mode additions won't mean anything if the gameplay is still shit and until we get at least ONE gameplay video, I'll still be of the mindset that nothing's changed. I sincerely hope that the game actually represents a real footy match this year but how the hell are we supposed to know when the devs just keep jerking off this new 360-degree dribbling innovation but never letting us see it in action. They will certainly show us still shots though of a new set piece creator and Peter Cech getting entirely too high off the ground and tipping a chip that no human being (unless he plays in the NBA) should be able to get to.

I don't know if the mods over at FSB and sites like that actually think that the game is headed in the right direction or if they just wanna keep the relationship with EA in good standing because by all accounts most people seem to think that what EA's done from 08 to 09 was good and that 10 will be even better. Again, not sure if it'll happen one way or the other but it would really help if they could actually let us take a look at these new improvements at some point before August. They're what, 3 builds in now? Practically done with the game.

And now that the NDA is gone, are we gonna see a flood of new info or was this big reveal as anti-climactic as it's feeling right now?
Just wanted to poke my head in and say how awesome the set piece creator is going to be, and I don't think this news is anti-climactic, as someone said. Anyone who loves footy and takes a look at these features in a video game would be thoroughly impressed; the set piece creator is just icing on the cake for what we've all been waiting for.
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