Nothing special??
They're all good pieces of news but the way they say "improving the search logic" rather than actually giving you the choice of NO assisted players etc... That worries me.

But I'm being pessimistic, it is great news. :D
goalkeeper 6-sec exploit is gone

What is this?
There was an exploit where if you tried to substitute a goalkeeper at a certain point - within that six seconds of them having to kick the ball I believe - they could then hold the ball for 45 minutes and stop the game dead, basically.
Wow that's amazing, why would you want to sub a goalkeeper and how do people find this stuff out?!

I hope the goalkeepers are more aware of their surroundings in this game, in 09 they are several instances where the GK gets needlessly chipped. If they were clever enough they could simply take a couple steps back and catch the ball. Instead of doing that annoying standing dive.
I agree with CD, until they explicitly say "you can definitely avoid all assisted players online", or I see it for myself, I won't get excited.
EA (and Konami) really needs to sit down and think about the speed issue in their games. Both games take the arcade way of saying that top teams will have quick (and strong, hard shooting etc.) players and worse teams will have slower players. Personally I think they are totally missing the point here.

There are plenty of quick players in lower leagues, but the difference is the control of the ball while sprinting. In both PES and FIFA everyone basically has the exact same control of the ball while sprinting, and THIS is why a players speed makes such a big difference. In real life a player like Ronaldo can sprint pretty fast with good control of the ball, keeping it close to the body, but sometimes having a bad touch. A lower league player that have similar speed in real life have more bad touches, making the ball go further away from the body and sometimes too close to the body, making him having to slow down or "stumble" a little. If FIFA implemented this, they would solve the speed issue imho and take a step towards simulation and not having an arcade solution like they have now. Also take in the fact that the longer you constantly sprint in real life, the higher the risk of a bad touch (because of stamina related issues).

There are plenty of areas in which this same logic can be applied. Take shooting for example. Anyone that have played with lower ranked teams in FIFA will notice that pretty much everyone have really weak shots, as in no power in them. This is again not the case in real life, this is a solution for an arcade game. There are plenty of lower league players around the world that have hard shots, it's not really that big of a difference between clubs. So what makes these hard hitting lower league players worse than the top hard hitting ones? Accuracy and fail rate of the shots. FIFA doesn't reflect this in the game at all, like I said their current solution is what you would come up with if you wanted to make an arcade game, where stats gradually gets higher for more well known players.

Skills/tricks is another one. It really bugs me that every player can't try to do a trick. So when I run around with someone I have no idea if he's going to do the trick I'm telling him to do, or if he is going to ignore it and just run straight ahead. Any player should be able to try doing a trick, but the fail rate should be the difference. If I try to be Ronaldinho with Mellberg I should fail 99% of the time, but I should still be able to try doing it. And at the same time, if a player can do a trick, it doesn't mean he should be able to do it correctly 100% of the times like it is now.

The speed issue is obviously the biggest one, because this is what people moan about in every new version of FIFA and PES. Anyone agrees with my take on that or does anyone have another realistic solution to the speed issue?

Excellent post.

You sort of feel that whoever first created the football simulation - they did it this way for simplicity and most likely to make it easy for processing on old machines. Time moves forward and graphics and processing are revolutionised, but the logic stays the same and can't take advantage!

Send your post to EA and pray that someone listens - though even if they did, I'm sure they would never implement those changes until ANOTHER engine change when they can start again.
Wow that's amazing, why would you want to sub a goalkeeper and how do people find this stuff out?!

I hope the goalkeepers are more aware of their surroundings in this game, in 09 they are several instances where the GK gets needlessly chipped. If they were clever enough they could simply take a couple steps back and catch the ball. Instead of doing that annoying standing dive.

To cheat.

The ball would be glued to the keeper's gloves, it's amazing

This is it
YouTube - Fifa09: 6 Seconds Keeper, Sub glitch
Guys, can a few of you do me a favour just to see if I'm going mad?

I was downloading a few demos the other day and I noticed the Euro 2008 demo. I downloaded it for a laugh and - even though the game speed is too fast - I find myself really enjoying it. Response times are 10x better, and you can hit nice hard shots (playing it with a mate I'm even seeing some hard low deflected shots hitting the net off the goalkeeper). I'm pretty stunned, to the point where I'm considering buying the game again just to play with mates. I'm sure I could pick it up for a few quid.

So if you've got a lot of spare time, try downloading the Euro 2008 demo and tell me... Is it just me? Am I just going mental because I'm so desperate for the response times to be improved to PES levels?
Captain your Country best mode EVER!!

My mates and I were hooked on that, playing with mates by your side>>>>>> BAP Club online
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The demo don't represent at all the final product. In the final product, reaction times were slower and long shots a bit more difficult to do. So I don't think it's a good idea, as placebo says AI was weird: you could easily beat Germany 4-0 and was almost impossible to break Albanian defenders.
Now that you mention it I remember how different the demo was to the final game - what a bloody shame... I remember the AI being weird as well, beating France 2-0 and then getting murdered by Albania, but I was thinking we could just play friendlies.

Weird though how the demo was better than the final game. I've resorted to playing FIFA on "fast" now to stop players running into defenders after you've pressed a button. But I still find it ridiculously hard to beat a man, whereas in that Euro demo I can do that a lot more easily.

I hope the reaction times in FIFA 10 are a lot better, heard nothing about them yet but I get a funny feeling...
"And we are improving the search logic for control assistance settings."

Isn't this what everyone wanted?? No more assisted cunts if you play semi or manual!

I was speaking to David Rutter about this a few weeks back on the EA forum, he actually had no idea you couldn't choose different levels of control assistance (other than assisted/manual) so this is the best news so far for me personally, I'm not sure if me mentioning it made any difference but it will be immense if you can choose exactly how you want to play online. :))
Now that you mention it I remember how different the demo was to the final game - what a bloody shame... I remember the AI being weird as well, beating France 2-0 and then getting murdered by Albania, but I was thinking we could just play friendlies.

Weird though how the demo was better than the final game. I've resorted to playing FIFA on "fast" now to stop players running into defenders after you've pressed a button. But I still find it ridiculously hard to beat a man, whereas in that Euro demo I can do that a lot more easily.

I hope the reaction times in FIFA 10 are a lot better, heard nothing about them yet but I get a funny feeling...
TBH that's still in 09, you can batter Man Utd in the league away, then try and score past Morecambe in the League Cup at home with the same team next game... :ROLL:
i think, in theory anyway, it's because Man Utd will offer up more space because they are an attacking side where as Morecambe are more defensive and will get behind the ball. However, it is still far too hard to beat a man.
jack bauer, you are correct euro 2008 semmend the best of both worlds, fifa and pro evo.. palcebo is correct that AI sucked, but so does 09's so not sure how valid of a complaint is that. 2 v 2 euro was pretty damn good, but speed needed to be brought down a notch
jack bauer, you are correct euro 2008 semmend the best of both worlds, fifa and pro evo.. palcebo is correct that AI sucked, but so does 09's so not sure how valid of a complaint is that. 2 v 2 euro was pretty damn good, but speed needed to be brought down a notch

The gks in euro were an absolute disgrace imo..u couldnt score from outside the box for ur life(unless it was a perfect top corner torpedo)...fifa09 got it a little better..but im still hoping for less superhuman goalies on fifa10
I've always thought Euro 2008 was the best of EA's next-gen football games. I really enjoyed it and now wish I hadn't traded it. But then again it is a smaller game than Fifa as it's only national teams so that's probably why it looked more detailed and the players more individual. The night lighting was spot on, too - something that hasn't worked it's way into Fifa yet.
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