it definately was stated that there are no new ONLINE modes/features and that they were concentrating on improving what modes they had. No idea what the new feature could be. Dynamic weather would be cool but this has been denied already. Gameface may be but dont think that is such a big deal as its been in Tiger for a while now. Who knows?
There's still going to be a pause between throw-in's though I'm sure I've read? Everything else will be seamless?
There has not been confirmation that there will be no new online features, only that there are no new online MODES. Big difference. As I understand it, one new big feature is going to be revealed the 15th (could be to an existing online mode), and then in august they will reveal a new mode (offline).
There has not been confirmation that there will be no new online features, only that there are no new online MODES. Big difference. As I understand it, one new big feature is going to be revealed the 15th (could be to an existing online mode), and then in august they will reveal a new mode (offline).

i hope your right :APPLAUD:
What about the cut scene when there is a substitution, it just shows some random part of the stand, that is the most annoying cut scene ever created.
I wanna see managers and subs on the touch lines, wont make gameplay any better i know but it would look ace.
I think online clubs would be better if you could create a player with a set amount of points to assign instead of using a real life player, would make you feel part of the team more
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It'd be nice but the kids would just do what they do now and cram all the sats on the important ones like shooting, dribbling, pace and strength for attackers and all the relevant ones for defenders etc and have none on the rest which would make the mode worthless.
EA (and Konami) really needs to sit down and think about the speed issue in their games. Both games take the arcade way of saying that top teams will have quick (and strong, hard shooting etc.) players and worse teams will have slower players. Personally I think they are totally missing the point here.

There are plenty of quick players in lower leagues, but the difference is the control of the ball while sprinting. In both PES and FIFA everyone basically has the exact same control of the ball while sprinting, and THIS is why a players speed makes such a big difference. In real life a player like Ronaldo can sprint pretty fast with good control of the ball, keeping it close to the body, but sometimes having a bad touch. A lower league player that have similar speed in real life have more bad touches, making the ball go further away from the body and sometimes too close to the body, making him having to slow down or "stumble" a little. If FIFA implemented this, they would solve the speed issue imho and take a step towards simulation and not having an arcade solution like they have now. Also take in the fact that the longer you constantly sprint in real life, the higher the risk of a bad touch (because of stamina related issues).

There are plenty of areas in which this same logic can be applied. Take shooting for example. Anyone that have played with lower ranked teams in FIFA will notice that pretty much everyone have really weak shots, as in no power in them. This is again not the case in real life, this is a solution for an arcade game. There are plenty of lower league players around the world that have hard shots, it's not really that big of a difference between clubs. So what makes these hard hitting lower league players worse than the top hard hitting ones? Accuracy and fail rate of the shots. FIFA doesn't reflect this in the game at all, like I said their current solution is what you would come up with if you wanted to make an arcade game, where stats gradually gets higher for more well known players.

Skills/tricks is another one. It really bugs me that every player can't try to do a trick. So when I run around with someone I have no idea if he's going to do the trick I'm telling him to do, or if he is going to ignore it and just run straight ahead. Any player should be able to try doing a trick, but the fail rate should be the difference. If I try to be Ronaldinho with Mellberg I should fail 99% of the time, but I should still be able to try doing it. And at the same time, if a player can do a trick, it doesn't mean he should be able to do it correctly 100% of the times like it is now.

The speed issue is obviously the biggest one, because this is what people moan about in every new version of FIFA and PES. Anyone agrees with my take on that or does anyone have another realistic solution to the speed issue?
It'd be nice but the kids would just do what they do now and cram all the sats on the important ones like shooting, dribbling, pace and strength for attackers and all the relevant ones for defenders etc and have none on the rest which would make the mode worthless.

they could put a cap on it, for example max shooting stat can only be set to 88 or so if you know what i mean mate
I've always thought that voile, it's ridiculous how in lower league games you will almost never, ever see a powerful shot. Long range efforts are also much less prevalent in lower league games, when in real life they occur more often, if anything, due to the lower quality goalkeepers. It's something that needs to be changed and would add so much more diversity to the game.
The FIFA camp has gone strangely quiet. Very little in the way of new screens or info at the moment.
I think it's the calm before the storm, i.e. the latest NDAs are expiring on Wednesday so people are busy typing and proofreading their previews and new feature analysis.

Here's a bit of news in the meantime, nothing special but it's a nice read for those of us who play online.

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I think it's the eye before the storm, i.e. the latest NDAs are expiring on Wednesday so people are busy typing and proofreading their previews and new feature analysis.

Here's a bit of news in the meantime, nothing special but it's a nice read for those of us who play online.


"# No more ‘any’ setting that imposes settings on you. This was a bug, and ‘any’ now means what it should have meant in the first place: ‘I don’t care for that setting’."

What's this all about?
EA (and Konami) really needs to sit down and think about the speed issue in their games. Both games take the arcade way of saying that top teams will have quick (and strong, hard shooting etc.) players and worse teams will have slower players. Personally I think they are totally missing the point here.

There are plenty of quick players in lower leagues, but the difference is the control of the ball while sprinting. In both PES and FIFA everyone basically has the exact same control of the ball while sprinting, and THIS is why a players speed makes such a big difference. In real life a player like Ronaldo can sprint pretty fast with good control of the ball, keeping it close to the body, but sometimes having a bad touch. A lower league player that have similar speed in real life have more bad touches, making the ball go further away from the body and sometimes too close to the body, making him having to slow down or "stumble" a little. If FIFA implemented this, they would solve the speed issue imho and take a step towards simulation and not having an arcade solution like they have now. Also take in the fact that the longer you constantly sprint in real life, the higher the risk of a bad touch (because of stamina related issues).

There are plenty of areas in which this same logic can be applied. Take shooting for example. Anyone that have played with lower ranked teams in FIFA will notice that pretty much everyone have really weak shots, as in no power in them. This is again not the case in real life, this is a solution for an arcade game. There are plenty of lower league players around the world that have hard shots, it's not really that big of a difference between clubs. So what makes these hard hitting lower league players worse than the top hard hitting ones? Accuracy and fail rate of the shots. FIFA doesn't reflect this in the game at all, like I said their current solution is what you would come up with if you wanted to make an arcade game, where stats gradually gets higher for more well known players.

Skills/tricks is another one. It really bugs me that every player can't try to do a trick. So when I run around with someone I have no idea if he's going to do the trick I'm telling him to do, or if he is going to ignore it and just run straight ahead. Any player should be able to try doing a trick, but the fail rate should be the difference. If I try to be Ronaldinho with Mellberg I should fail 99% of the time, but I should still be able to try doing it. And at the same time, if a player can do a trick, it doesn't mean he should be able to do it correctly 100% of the times like it is now.

The speed issue is obviously the biggest one, because this is what people moan about in every new version of FIFA and PES. Anyone agrees with my take on that or does anyone have another realistic solution to the speed issue?

Great post.
EA (and Konami) really needs to sit down and think about the speed issue in their games. Both games take the arcade way of saying that top teams will have quick (and strong, hard shooting etc.) players and worse teams will have slower players. Personally I think they are totally missing the point here.

There are plenty of quick players in lower leagues, but the difference is the control of the ball while sprinting. In both PES and FIFA everyone basically has the exact same control of the ball while sprinting, and THIS is why a players speed makes such a big difference. In real life a player like Ronaldo can sprint pretty fast with good control of the ball, keeping it close to the body, but sometimes having a bad touch. A lower league player that have similar speed in real life have more bad touches, making the ball go further away from the body and sometimes too close to the body, making him having to slow down or "stumble" a little. If FIFA implemented this, they would solve the speed issue imho and take a step towards simulation and not having an arcade solution like they have now. Also take in the fact that the longer you constantly sprint in real life, the higher the risk of a bad touch (because of stamina related issues).

There are plenty of areas in which this same logic can be applied. Take shooting for example. Anyone that have played with lower ranked teams in FIFA will notice that pretty much everyone have really weak shots, as in no power in them. This is again not the case in real life, this is a solution for an arcade game. There are plenty of lower league players around the world that have hard shots, it's not really that big of a difference between clubs. So what makes these hard hitting lower league players worse than the top hard hitting ones? Accuracy and fail rate of the shots. FIFA doesn't reflect this in the game at all, like I said their current solution is what you would come up with if you wanted to make an arcade game, where stats gradually gets higher for more well known players.

Skills/tricks is another one. It really bugs me that every player can't try to do a trick. So when I run around with someone I have no idea if he's going to do the trick I'm telling him to do, or if he is going to ignore it and just run straight ahead. Any player should be able to try doing a trick, but the fail rate should be the difference. If I try to be Ronaldinho with Mellberg I should fail 99% of the time, but I should still be able to try doing it. And at the same time, if a player can do a trick, it doesn't mean he should be able to do it correctly 100% of the times like it is now.

The speed issue is obviously the biggest one, because this is what people moan about in every new version of FIFA and PES. Anyone agrees with my take on that or does anyone have another realistic solution to the speed issue?

You just showed that a little bit of logic in videogaming could deliver some outstandingly realistic games, it's a shame companies like EA or Konami won't even use a little bit of it.
Very good post
"# No more ‘any’ setting that imposes settings on you. This was a bug, and ‘any’ now means what it should have meant in the first place: ‘I don’t care for that setting’."

What's this all about?

Lol, was looking across three different forums to see if anyone else brought this up.

Back when FIFA 09 was playing REALLY poorly online Rutter came up with the idea that the reason why passes always went astray, died out before making it to the intended player on a pass, the reason why your defenders never covered the right spaces, basically all the BS that we'd been experiencing online during the winter months, was maybe due in large part to people....ACCIDENTALLY CHANGING THEIR CONTROL SCHEME TO 'ANY' WHEN LOOKING FOR A QUICK MATCH..

By default it's set to 'no restrictions' and it doesn't make much sense that everyone just accidentally set their control scheme to 'Any'and suddenly got matched up with people who play with only 'Manual,' for instance (not to mention that it asks them if they want to save these settings once they change it). I would know because I tried to set up and search for all manual ranked matches and never found ONE.

What I would like to know about though is whether or not we'll be able to actually select the exact number of players that we want on each side. They mention going back to doing 5v5 again if we want, but is it now ONLY 10v10 or 5v5, or can we maybe (like with choosing the precise number of players per side in practice mode) choose any number for our squad.

Oh, and I really hope they actually add extra time to the Team Play matches now. Noticed that they said the voting system wasn't feasible but if the games end in a draw again that's gonna be quite annoying.
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Nothing special??

"You can search for matches by team level, with multiple ranges available."

That means if you want to play against a four star team, you can!! FINALLY! No more Barcelona, Manchester United, France or Real Madrid every game!

"And we are improving the search logic for control assistance settings."

Isn't this what everyone wanted?? No more assisted cunts if you play semi or manual!

"No more game exploits. Halfway goals are gone, goalkeeper 6-sec exploit is gone. No more custom teams in ranked games. "

Bye cheaters...

"As a minor but nice new safeguard, we now disconnect players who idle for too long in 10-vs-10. No more AFK’s getting control of the ball as the last defender!"

(Scorp is now doing a little dance, not suitable for public)
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goalkeeper 6-sec exploit is gone

What is this?
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