This is why I get pissed off, just got Fightnight4

Got a KO, paused - instant replay

What do I see?


This is an EASPORTS game, why doesn't fifa have this feature?

Get someone from the fightnight team to teach you or copy and paste the code, whatever get it done but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Well I think we can safely say that PES 2010 wins on the faces front. FIFA continues the weird plastic caricature look, pretty disturbing. Luckily for FIFA the game plays better than the faces look.
Dude, I've been playing football games on console/PC for more than 25 years, that's before there was an ISS or a WE or a PES or even a Fifa, before EA Sports even existed, if I'm a fanboy of any football game developer it's Anco as Kick Off 2 and Player Manager 2 are IMO the finest examples of the footballing game in its purest form.
25 years? jesus:CONFUSE:
i think the pictures of xavi look fine to be honest...
it looks good... the faces in fifa are looking better
that does look great but theres still something about the fifa kit models thats not quite right, like the material is too thick and made of plasticine or something!
that does look great but theres still something about the fifa kit models thats not quite right, like the material is too thick and made of plasticine or something!

I agree.

Is it me or do they look like the creases on socks, shorts and tops have actually reduced by about 50%????

It looks just a bit.....well....wrong. PES is far superior in respect of the models but then EA would arguse its waht you see from a distance that matters, however thats no excuse for those zombie eyes, which EA have always struggled with.

Looks ok, but certainly not an improvement in my eyes.
Dude, I've been playing football games on console/PC for more than 25 years, that's before there was an ISS or a WE or a PES or even a Fifa, before EA Sports even existed, if I'm a fanboy of any football game developer it's Anco as Kick Off 2 and Player Manager 2 are IMO the finest examples of the footballing game in its purest form.

well done you
the thing is ea try to recreate the whole face, the eyes etc look to be seperately modeled, although they clearly havent got it right yet, for me they look more like people than konamis picture stretched over the models face
Not that bothered about the eyes, its more his shoulders, or lack of, that I find odd looking. Especially in the close up pic. Either way I can't say I care what they look like close up, I skip the cutscenes after a couple of matches anyway.
PES face looks flabby, Fifa face looks stoned. Neither is particularly great IMO, but the 3rd pic and 4th pic are closer in comparison than the 1st and 2nd.
I find the fifa arms/skin better then pes's but I think pes' faces are better just because the eyes are far less pronounced. Shoulders look slouched in both models :(
PES face looks flabby, Fifa face looks stoned. Neither is particularly great IMO, but the 3rd pic and 4th pic are closer in comparison than the 1st and 2nd.

I agree that PES face looks flabby but I can tell that it was supposed to be Xavi, not so much with the FIFA face.

The PES lighting is immense whilst the FIFA skin colour is more acurate.

Neither strips are particularly immpressive

Overall I would say the FIFA player looks more cartoon like and the PES player more realistic (mainly due to the lighting)
They both look ok but im not arsed about faces to be honest..saying that though the arm on the PES model looks like its made from wax/plastic..or Xavi has doused himself in baby oil before kick off
In comparison to this sort of work both games are so behind

Basketball has far less players, is viewed much closer up, of course they have the resources available to be able to use lots of polys and high quality shaders, to think that a Football game could or should compete with that is fanciful TBH.
99% of the game is played zoomed out so not bothered by the close ups too much. Nice to have (again) but not a biggy for me.

PES faces look tidy in those shots but the overall look on the pitch (looking back), FIFA looks better to me.

Anyway, it's the gameplay that matters as most would agree.
Basketball has far less players, is viewed much closer up, of course they have the resources available to be able to use lots of polys and high quality shaders, to think that a Football game could or should compete with that is fanciful TBH.

I didn't mean they should do a work of that level on every player of the game as you said it yourself there are too many of them but at least on the cover players or famous ones in general should be much much better
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